
Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://pigweed.googlesource.com/pigweed/gonk
  2. Source bootstrap.sh to download all compilers and tooling into the environment directory:

    . ./bootstrap.sh

    This should init all git submodules for you.

  3. From here on the Pigweed environment is activated. You can activate the environment in a new shell without re-running bootstrap by sourcing activate.sh

    . ./activate.sh


Build for the host and device by running:

pw build

This is mostly a shortcut with nice output for running gn gen out/gn and ninja -C out/gn.

The build commands are defined in: //tools/gonk_tools/build_project.py.

Gonk Verilog:

The Verilog build requires the following to be installed on Linux:

sudo apt install fpga-icestorm nextpnr-ice40 yosys

Run this to compile the Gonk Verilog:

pw build
ninja -C out/gn fpga

The bitstream files will be written with the .bin extenson under ./out/gn/obj/fpga/*/*.bin.

Gonk fpga_config Example

Flash the stm32f7 and launch the write_fpga.py script on a bitstream file.

Flash with dfu-util

  1. Create a bin file from the elf. This will be automated later.

    arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary \
     ./out/gn/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/fpga_config/bin/fpga_config.elf  \
  2. Unplug gonk from USB and replug with MODE button held down.

  3. Run dfu-util to flash.

    dfu-util -d 0483:df11 -s 0x08000000:leave \
      --serial STM32FxSTM32 -a 0 \
      -D ./out/gn/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/fpga_config/bin/fpga_config.bin

Write the FPGA bitstream

  1. Write an FPGA bitstream with the write_fpga.py script:

    python ./tools/gonk_tools/write_fpga.py ./applications/fpga_config/fpga_blinky.bin

Gonk spi_flash_test Example

Flash with dfu-util

  1. Create a bin file from the elf. This will be automated later.

    arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary \
      ./out/gn/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/spi_flash_test/bin/spi_flash_test.elf \
  2. Unplug gonk from USB and replug with MODE button held down.

  3. Run dfu-util to flash.

    dfu-util -d 0483:df11 -s 0x08000000:leave \
      --serial STM32FxSTM32 -a 0 \
      -D ./out/gn/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/spi_flash_test/bin/spi_flash_test.bin
  4. Unplug Gonk from USB and replug to reset the hardware. SPI bus issues have been observed without this step.

  5. Connect over serial.

    python -m serial.tools.miniterm --raw /dev/ttyGonk 1000000

    You should see output matching:

    --- Miniterm on /dev/ttyGonk  1000000,8,N,1 ---
    --- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
    INF  Device id: 1f 84 1
    INF  Device id: 1f 84 1
    INF  Device id: 1f 84 1
    INF  Device id: 1f 84 1

Flash with BlackMagic Probe:

./scripts/flash-with-blackmagic-probe.sh ./out/gn/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/spi_flash_test/bin/spi_flash_test.elf

pw_system Example

Run on Host

Run the host app and connect to it via pw-system-console:

./out/gn/host_device_simulator.speed_optimized/obj/applications/system_example/bin/system_example & \
  pw-system-console --socket-addr default \
    --proto-globs third_party/pigweed/pw_rpc/echo.proto ; \
  killall system_example

Run on Device


openocd -s $PW_PIGWEED_CIPD_INSTALL_DIR/share/openocd/scripts \
  -f $GONK_ROOT/targets/stm32f769i_disc0_stm32cube/openocd_stm32f7xx.cfg \
  -c "program out/gn/stm32f769i_disc0_stm32cube.size_optimized/obj/applications/system_example/bin/system_example.elf reset exit"

Updating STM32Cube

Checkout the desired commits in each of these submodules:


Then run from Gonk root:

python -m pw_stm32cube_build gen_file_list third_party/stm32cube_f7

Pin Map


| Net | STM32 Pin | STM32 Function | Function | |--------+-----------+----------------+----------| | STATUS | PB13 | GPIO_Output | STAT LED |

SPI Flash Connection

NetSTM32 PinSTM32 FunctionFlash Pin

FPGA Connection

NetFunctionFPGA IO#STM32 PinSTM32 FunctionNotes
FPGA_IO_SPARE_0_2rst_i135PA0GPIO_OutputActive high
FPGA_IO_SPARE_0_0mode_i137PB11GPIO_OutputFPGA operation mode
FPGA_IO_SPARE_0_1valid_o136PB10GPIO_OutputData/Transfer Valid