pw_presubmit: Don't start new steps if out of time

Don't start new steps if there likely won't be enough time for them to
complete. Occasionally a presubmit step hangs, is killed with a minute
or so left before the builder timeout, and then a bunch of steps trigger
in quick succession, each being killed a few seconds later because they
weren't given enough time to complete. Sometimes, one is killed by
buildbucket and the build is marked as an infra failure. Change that so
the build bails when there's not enough time left to do anything. It may
still extract logs, but it won't start new pw_presubmit steps.

Change-Id: If6ca27b1c457b5180697195994d63432829d5997
Commit-Queue: Rob Mohr <>
Presubmit-Verified: CQ Bot Account <>
Reviewed-by: Ted Pudlik <>
6 files changed
tree: 05b372c4892ec8e1d5cbdb828cb6e2ff9eed317b
  1. infra/
  2. recipe_modules/
  3. recipes/
  4. scripts/
  5. .editorconfig
  6. .gitignore
  7. .style.yapf
  9. cipd.ensure
  11. OWNERS
  13. pyproject.toml

Pigweed Recipes

This repository contains recipes for Pigweed.

A recipe is a Python script that runs a series of commands, using the recipe engine framework from the LUCI project. We use recipes to automatically check out, build, and test Pigweed and downstream projects using Pigweed in continuous integration jobs. The commands the recipes use are very similar to the ones you would use as a developer to check out, build, and test Pigweed in your local environment.

See go/pigweed-recipe-docs for complete documentation and a guide for getting started with writing recipes.

Getting the Code

The recommended way to get the source code is with git.

git clone

In most cases you will need a Chromium depot_tools checkout in your PATH as well.

git clone ~/depot_tools
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/depot_tools"' >> ~/.bashrc

Running Tests

./ runs three different sets of tests:

  • Recipe expectation tests (./ test train)
  • Formatting (./black --diff --check .)
  • Dependencies (.recipe_deps/fuchsia/scripts/ --check)

The formatting check will tell you what‘s wrong but not fix it. For that you need to run ./black .. Similarly, the dependencies check will tell you what’s wrong but you'll need to edit the files to fix issues.

If not using ./ you'll need to run ./scripts/ before ./black is present.