blob: 4a208ccbb12d2dadc4a56163fc990bf106f80404 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <string_view>
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_software_update/manifest_accessor.h"
#include "pw_software_update/update_bundle_accessor.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_stream/interval_reader.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
namespace pw::software_update {
// TODO(b/235273688): update documentation for backend api contract
class BundledUpdateBackend {
virtual ~BundledUpdateBackend() = default;
// Perform optional, product-specific validations to the specified target
// file, using whatever metadata available in manifest.
// This is called for each target file after the standard verification has
// passed.
virtual Status VerifyTargetFile(
[[maybe_unused]] ManifestAccessor manifest,
[[maybe_unused]] std::string_view target_file_name) {
// TODO(backend): Perform any additional product-specific validations.
// It is safe to assume the target's payload has passed standard
// verification.
return OkStatus();
// Perform any product-specific tasks needed before starting update sequence.
virtual Status BeforeUpdateStart() { return OkStatus(); }
// Attempts to enable the transfer service transfer handler, returning the
// transfer_id if successful. This is invoked after BeforeUpdateStart();
virtual Result<uint32_t> EnableBundleTransferHandler(
std::string_view bundle_filename) = 0;
// Disables the transfer service transfer handler. This is invoked after
// either BeforeUpdateAbort() or BeforeBundleVerify().
virtual void DisableBundleTransferHandler() = 0;
// Perform any product-specific abort tasks before marking the update as
// aborted in bundled updater. This should set any downstream state to a
// default no-update-pending state.
// TODO: Revisit invariants; should this instead be "Abort()"? This is called
// for all error paths in the service and needs to reset. Furthermore, should
// this be async?
virtual Status BeforeUpdateAbort() { return OkStatus(); }
// Perform any product-specific tasks needed before starting verification.
virtual Status BeforeBundleVerify() { return OkStatus(); }
// Perform any product-specific bundle verification tasks (e.g. hw version
// match check), done after TUF bundle verification process.
virtual Status VerifyManifest(
[[maybe_unused]] ManifestAccessor manifest_accessor) {
return OkStatus();
// Perform product-specific tasks after all bundle verifications are complete.
virtual Status AfterBundleVerified() { return OkStatus(); }
// Perform any product-specific tasks before apply sequence started
virtual Status BeforeApply() { return OkStatus(); }
// Get status information from update backend. This will not be called when
// BundledUpdater is in a step where it has entire control with no operation
// handed over to update backend.
virtual int64_t GetStatus() { return 0; }
// Update the specific target file on the device.
virtual Status ApplyTargetFile(std::string_view target_file_name,
stream::Reader& target_payload,
size_t update_bundle_offset) = 0;
// Backend to probe the device manifest and prepare a ready-to-go reader
// for it. See the comments to `GetCurrentManfestReader()` for more context.
virtual Status BeforeManifestRead() {
// Todo(backend):
// 1. Probe device to see if a well-formed manifest already exists.
// 2. If not, return `Status::NotFound()`. Note this will cause
// anti-rollback to skip. So please don't always return
// `Status::NotFound()`!
// 3. If yes, instantiate and activate a reader for the manifest!
// 4. Return any unexpected condition as errors but note this will cause
// the current software update session to abort.
return OkStatus();
// Backend to provide a ready-to-go reader for the on-device manifest blob.
// This function is called after a successful `BeforeManifestRead()`,
// potentially more than once.
// This manifest blob is a serialized `message Manifest{...}` as defined in
// update_bundle.proto.
// This manifest blob is ALWAYS and EXCLUSIVELY persisted by a successful
// software update. Thus it may not available before the first software
// update, in which case `BeforeManifestRead()` should've returned
// `Status::NotFound()`.
// This manifest contains trusted metadata of all software currently running
// on the device and used for anti-rollback checks. It MUST NOT be tampered
// by factory resets, flashing, or any other means other than software
// updates.
virtual Result<stream::SeekableReader*> GetCurrentManifestReader() {
// Todo(backend):
// 1. Double check if a ready-to-go reader has been prepared by
// `BeforeManifestRead()`.
// 2. If yes (expected), return the reader.
// 3. If not (unexpected), return `Status::FailedPrecondition()`.
return Status::Unimplemented();
// TODO(alizhang): Deprecate GetCurrentManifestReader in favor of
// `GetManifestReader()`.
virtual Result<stream::SeekableReader*> GetManifestReader() {
return GetCurrentManifestReader();
// Backend to prepare for on-device manifest update, e.g. make necessary
// efforts to ready the manifest writer. The manifest writer is used to
// persist a new manifest on-device following a successful software update.
// Manifest writing is never mixed with reading (i.e. reader and writer are
// used sequentially).
virtual Status BeforeManifestWrite() {
// Todo(backend):
// 1. Instantiate and activate a manifest writer pointing at a persistent
// storage that at least could survive a factory data reset (FDR), if not
// tamper-resistant.
return OkStatus();
// Backend to provide a ready-to-go writer for the on-device manifest blob.
// This function is called after a successful `BeforeManifestWrite()`,
// potentially more than once.
// This manifest blob is a serialized `message Manifest{...}` as defined in
// update_bundle.proto.
// This manifest blob is ALWAYS and EXCLUSIVELY persisted by a successful
// software update.
// This manifest contains trusted metadata of all software currently running
// on the device and used for anti-rollback checks. It MUST NOT be tampered
// by factory resets, flashing, or any other means other than software
// updates.
virtual Result<stream::Writer*> GetManifestWriter() {
// Todo(backend):
// 1. Double check a writer is ready to go as result of
// `BeforeManifestWrite()`.
// 2. If yes (expected), simply return the writer.
// 3. If not (unexpected), return `Status::FailedPrecondition()`.
return Status::Unimplemented();
// Backend to finish up manifest writing.
virtual Status AfterManifestWrite() {
// Todo(backend):
// Protect the newly persisted manifest blob. This is to make manifest
// probing / reading easier and more reliable. This could involve taking
// a measurement (e.g. checksum) and storing that measurement in a
// FDR-safe tag, replicating the manifest in a backup location if the
// backing media is unreliable (e.g. raw NAND) etc.
// It is safe to assume the writing has been successful in this function.
return OkStatus();
// Do any work needed to finish the apply of the update and do a required
// reboot of the device!
// NOTE: If successful this method does not return and reboots the device, it
// only returns on failure to finalize.
// NOTE: ApplyReboot shall be configured such to allow pending RPC or logs to
// send out the reply before the device reboots.
virtual Status ApplyReboot() = 0;
// Do any work needed to finalize the update including optionally doing a
// reboot of the device! The software update state and breadcrumbs are not
// cleaned up until this method returns OK.
// This method is called after the reboot done as part of ApplyReboot().
// If this method does an optional reboot, it will be called again after the
// reboot.
// NOTE: PostRebootFinalize shall be configured such to allow pending RPC or
// logs to send out the reply before the device reboots.
virtual Status PostRebootFinalize() { return OkStatus(); }
// Get reader of the device's root metadata.
// This method MUST return a valid root metadata once verified OTA is enabled.
// An invalid or corrupted root metadata will result in permanent OTA
// failures.
virtual Result<stream::SeekableReader*> GetRootMetadataReader() {
return Status::Unimplemented();
// Write a given root metadata to persistent storage in a failsafe manner.
// The updating must be atomic/fail-safe. An invalid or corrupted root
// metadata will result in permanent OTA failures.
virtual Status SafelyPersistRootMetadata(
[[maybe_unused]] stream::IntervalReader root_metadata) {
return Status::Unimplemented();
} // namespace pw::software_update