blob: 8a9d355009f6f1c6cf18be1db58e462eea283b65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package pw.transfer;
// The transfer RPC service is used to send data between the client and server.
service Transfer {
// Transfer data from the server to the client; a "download" from the client's
// perspective.
rpc Read(stream Chunk) returns (stream Chunk);
// Transfer data from the client to the server; an "upload" from the client's
// perspective.
rpc Write(stream Chunk) returns (stream Chunk);
// Represents a chunk of data sent by the transfer service. Includes fields for
// configuring the transfer parameters.
// Notation: (Read|Write) (→|←)
// X → Means client sending data to the server.
// X ← Means server sending data to the client.
message Chunk {
// Represents the source or destination of the data. May be ephemeral or
// stable depending on the implementation. Sent in every request to identify
// the transfer target.
// Read → ID of transfer
// Read ← ID of transfer
// Write → ID of transfer
// Write ← ID of transfer
uint32 transfer_id = 1;
// Used by the receiver to indicate how many bytes it can accept. The
// transmitter sends this much data, divided into chunks no larger than
// max_chunk_size_bytes. The receiver then starts another window by sending
// request_bytes again with a new offset.
// Read → The client requests this many bytes to be sent.
// Read ← N/A
// Write → N/A
// Write ← The server requests this many bytes to be sent.
optional uint32 pending_bytes = 2;
// Maximum size of an individual chunk. The transmitter may send smaller
// chunks if required.
// Read → Set maximum size for subsequent chunks.
// Read ← N/A
// Write → N/A
// Write ← Set maximum size for subsequent chunks.
optional uint32 max_chunk_size_bytes = 3;
// Minimum required delay between chunks. The transmitter may delay longer if
// desired.
// Read → Set minimum delay for subsequent chunks.
// Read ← N/A
// Write → N/A
// Write ← Set minimum delay for subsequent chunks.
optional uint32 min_delay_microseconds = 4;
// On writes, the offset of the data. On reads, the offset at which to read.
// Read → Read data starting at this offset.
// Read ← Offset of the data.
// Write → Offset of the data.
// Write ← Write data starting at this offset.
uint64 offset = 5;
// The data that was read or the data to write.
// Read → N/A
// Read ← Data read
// Write → Data to write
// Write ← N/A
bytes data = 6;
// Estimated bytes remaining to read/write. Optional except for the last data
// chunk, for which remaining_bytes must be set to 0.
// The sender can set remaining_bytes at the beginning of a read/write so that
// the receiver can track progress or cancel the transaction if the value is
// too large.
// Read → N/A
// Read ← Remaining bytes to read, excluding any data in this chunk. Set to
// 0 for the last chunk.
// Write → Remaining bytes to write, excluding any data in is chunk. Set to
// 0 for the last chunk.
// Write ← N/A
optional uint64 remaining_bytes = 7;
// Pigweed status code indicating the completion of a transfer. This is only
// present in the final packet sent by either the transmitter or receiver.
// The possible status codes and their meanings are listed below:
// OK: Transfer completed successfully.
// DATA_LOSS: Transfer data could not be read/written (e.g. corruption).
// INVALID_ARGUMENT: Received malformed chunk.
// NOT_FOUND: The requested transfer ID is not registered (read/write).
// OUT_OF_RANGE: The requested offset is larger than the data (read/write).
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Concurrent transfer limit reached.
// UNIMPLEMENTED: Transfer ID does not support requested operation (e.g.
// trying to write to a read-only transfer).
// Read → Transfer complete.
// Read ← Transfer complete.
// Write → Transfer complete.
// Write ← Transfer complete.
optional uint32 status = 8;
// The offset up to which the transmitter can send data before waiting for the
// receiver to acknowledge.
// Read → Offset up to which the server can send without blocking.
// Read ← N/A
// Write → N/A
// Write ← Offset up to which the client can send without blocking.
// TODO(frolv): This will replace the pending_bytes field. Once all uses of
// transfer are migrated, that field should be removed.
uint32 window_end_offset = 9;
enum Type {
// Chunk containing transfer data.
// First chunk of a transfer (only sent by the client). Currently unused.
// Transfer parameters indicating that the sender should retransmit from the
// specified offset.
// Transfer parameters telling the sender to continue sending up to index
// `offset + pending_bytes` of data. If the sender is already beyond offset,
// it does not have to rewind.
// The type of this chunk. This field should only be processed when present.
// TODO(frolv): Update all users of pw_transfer and remove the optional
// semantics from this field.
// Read → Chunk type (start/parameters).
// Read ← Chunk type (data).
// Write → Chunk type (data).
// Write ← Chunk type (start/parameters).
optional Type type = 10;