blob: 3616b60e2a33f2497138a98b5b64592a7155bbb2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Target configuration for the lm3s6965evb development board, run using QEMU.
# TODO(amontanez): This target configuration treats
# pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb as if it were a platform. This is for
# testing/development and should eventually point to something more
# sophisticated.
declare_args() {
# Specifies the toolchain to use for this build.
pw_target_toolchain = "$dir_pw_toolchain:arm_gcc_cortex_m3_og"
# Use the logging main.
pw_unit_test_main = "$dir_pw_unit_test:logging_main"
# Expose the tool to use for preprocessing linker scripts.
# TODO(pwbug/53): Temporary, will be removed when proper linker script support
# is added to GN.
pw_cc_command = "arm-none-eabi-gcc"
# Executable wrapper that includes some baremetal startup code.
template("lm3s6965evb_executable") {
target("executable", target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ dir_pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb ]
# Configuration options for Pigweed executable targets.
pw_executable_config.target_type = "lm3s6965evb_executable"
# Path to the bloaty config file for the output binaries.
pw_executable_config.bloaty_config_file =
# Facade backends
dir_pw_assert_backend = dir_pw_assert_basic
dir_pw_boot_backend = dir_pw_boot_armv7m
dir_pw_cpu_exception_backend = dir_pw_cpu_exception_armv7m
dir_pw_log_backend = dir_pw_log_basic
dir_pw_sys_io_backend = dir_pw_sys_io_baremetal_lm3s6965evb
# Tell QEMU to shut down after running a binary.
pw_boot_armv7m_qemu_shutdown = true
pw_boot_armv7m_config.defines += [