blob: 41987efec38e802895c6a8132c8fb622f7edaeaf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_bytes/endian.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/wire_format.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
namespace pw::protobuf {
// A low-level, event-based protobuf wire format decoder that operates on a
// stream.
// The decoder processes an encoded message by iterating over its fields. The
// caller can extract the values of any fields it cares about.
// The decoder does not provide any in-memory data structures to represent a
// protobuf message's data. More sophisticated APIs can be built on top of the
// low-level decoder to provide additional functionality, if desired.
// **NOTE**
// This decoder is intended to be used for protobuf messages which are too large
// to fit in memory. For smaller messages, prefer the MemoryDecoder, which is
// much more efficient.
// Example usage:
// stream::SeekableReader& my_stream = GetProtoStream();
// StreamDecoder decoder(my_stream);
// while (decoder.Next().ok()) {
// // FieldNumber() will always be valid if Next() returns OK.
// switch (decoder.FieldNumber().value()) {
// case 1:
// Result<uint32_t> result = decoder.ReadUint32();
// if (result.ok()) {
// DoSomething(result.value());
// }
// break;
// // ... and other fields.
// }
// }
class StreamDecoder {
// stream::Reader for a bytes field in a streamed proto message.
// Shares the StreamDecoder's reader, limiting it to the bounds of a bytes
// field.
class BytesReader : public stream::SeekableReader {
~BytesReader() { decoder_.CloseBytesReader(*this); }
constexpr size_t field_size() const { return end_offset_ - start_offset_; }
friend class StreamDecoder;
constexpr BytesReader(StreamDecoder& decoder,
size_t start_offset,
size_t end_offset)
: decoder_(decoder),
status_(OkStatus()) {}
constexpr BytesReader(StreamDecoder& decoder, Status status)
: decoder_(decoder),
status_(status) {}
StatusWithSize DoRead(ByteSpan destination) final;
Status DoSeek(ssize_t offset, Whence origin) final;
StreamDecoder& decoder_;
size_t start_offset_;
size_t end_offset_;
Status status_;
constexpr StreamDecoder(stream::SeekableReader& reader)
: reader_(reader),
stream_bounds_({0, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()}),
status_(OkStatus()) {}
StreamDecoder(const StreamDecoder& other) = delete;
StreamDecoder& operator=(const StreamDecoder& other) = delete;
// Advances to the next field in the proto.
// If Next() returns OK, there is guaranteed to be a valid protobuf field at
// the current position, which can then be consumed through one of the Read*
// methods.
// Return values:
// OK: Advanced to a valid proto field.
// OUT_OF_RANGE: Reached the end of the proto message.
// DATA_LOSS: Invalid protobuf data.
Status Next();
// Returns the field number of the current field.
// Can only be called after a successful call to Next() and before any
// Read*() operation.
constexpr Result<uint32_t> FieldNumber() const {
if (field_consumed_) {
return Status::FailedPrecondition();
return status_.ok() ? current_field_.field_number()
: Result<uint32_t>(status_);
// TODO(frolv): Add Status Read*(T& value) APIs alongside the Result<T> ones.
// Reads a proto int32 value from the current position.
Result<int32_t> ReadInt32();
// Reads a proto uint32 value from the current position.
Result<uint32_t> ReadUint32();
// Reads a proto int64 value from the current position.
Result<int64_t> ReadInt64();
// Reads a proto uint64 value from the current position.
Result<uint64_t> ReadUint64() {
uint64_t varint;
if (Status status = ReadVarintField(&varint); !status.ok()) {
return status;
return varint;
// Reads a proto sint32 value from the current position.
Result<int32_t> ReadSint32();
// Reads a proto sint64 value from the current position.
Result<int64_t> ReadSint64();
// Reads a proto bool value from the current position.
Result<bool> ReadBool();
// Reads a proto fixed32 value from the current position.
Result<uint32_t> ReadFixed32() { return ReadFixedField<uint32_t>(); }
// Reads a proto fixed64 value from the current position.
Result<uint64_t> ReadFixed64() { return ReadFixedField<uint64_t>(); }
// Reads a proto sfixed32 value from the current position.
Result<int32_t> ReadSfixed32() {
Result<uint32_t> fixed32 = ReadFixed32();
if (!fixed32.ok()) {
return fixed32.status();
return fixed32.value();
// Reads a proto sfixed64 value from the current position.
Result<int64_t> ReadSfixed64() {
Result<uint64_t> fixed64 = ReadFixed64();
if (!fixed64.ok()) {
return fixed64.status();
return fixed64.value();
// Reads a proto float value from the current position.
Result<float> ReadFloat() {
static_assert(sizeof(float) == sizeof(uint32_t),
"Float and uint32_t must be the same size for protobufs");
float f;
if (Status status =
ReadFixedField(std::as_writable_bytes(std::span(&f, 1)));
!status.ok()) {
return status;
return f;
// Reads a proto double value from the current position.
Result<double> ReadDouble() {
static_assert(sizeof(double) == sizeof(uint64_t),
"Double and uint64_t must be the same size for protobufs");
double d;
if (Status status =
ReadFixedField(std::as_writable_bytes(std::span(&d, 1)));
!status.ok()) {
return status;
return d;
// Reads a proto string value from the current position. The string is copied
// into the provided buffer and the read size is returned. The copied string
// will NOT be null terminated; this should be done manually if desired.
// If the buffer is too small to fit the string value, RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED is
// returned and no data is read. The decoder's position remains on the string
// field.
StatusWithSize ReadString(std::span<char> out) {
return ReadBytes(std::as_writable_bytes(out));
// Reads a proto bytes value from the current position. The value is copied
// into the provided buffer and the read size is returned.
// If the buffer is too small to fit the bytes value, RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED is
// returned and no data is read. The decoder's position remains on the bytes
// field.
// For larger bytes values that won't fit into memory, use GetBytesReader()
// to acquire a stream::Reader to the bytes instead.
StatusWithSize ReadBytes(std::span<std::byte> out) {
return ReadDelimitedField(out);
// Returns a stream::SeekableReader to a bytes (or string) field at the
// current position in the protobuf.
// The BytesReader shares the same stream as the decoder, using RAII to manage
// ownership of the stream. The decoder cannot be used while the BytesStream
// is alive.
// StreamDecoder decoder(my_stream);
// while (decoder.Next().ok()) {
// switch (decoder.FieldNumber()) {
// // Bytes field.
// case 1: {
// // The BytesReader is created within a new C++ scope. While it is
// // alive, the decoder cannot be used.
// StreamDecoder::BytesReader reader = decoder.GetBytesReader();
// // Do stuff with the reader.
// reader.Read(&some_buffer);
// // At the end of the scope, the reader is destructed and the
// // decoder becomes usable again.
// break;
// }
// }
// }
BytesReader GetBytesReader();
// Returns a decoder to a nested protobuf message located at the current
// position.
// The nested decoder shares the same stream as its parent, using RAII to
// manage ownership of the stream. The parent decoder cannot be used while the
// nested one is alive.
// See the example in GetBytesReader() above for RAII semantics and usage.
StreamDecoder GetNestedDecoder();
struct Bounds {
size_t low;
size_t high;
// Get the interval of the payload part of a length-delimited field. That is,
// the interval exluding the field key and the length prefix. The bounds are
// relative to the given reader.
Result<Bounds> GetLengthDelimitedPayloadBounds();
friend class BytesReader;
// The FieldKey class can't store an invalid key, so pick a random large key
// to set as the initial value. This will be overwritten the first time Next()
// is called, and FieldKey() fails if Next() is not called first -- ensuring
// that users will never see this value.
static constexpr FieldKey kInitialFieldKey =
FieldKey(20000, WireType::kVarint);
constexpr StreamDecoder(stream::SeekableReader& reader,
StreamDecoder* parent,
size_t low,
size_t high)
: reader_(reader),
stream_bounds_({low, high}),
status_(OkStatus()) {}
// Creates an unusable decoder in an error state. This is required as
// GetNestedEncoder does not have a way to report an error in its API.
constexpr StreamDecoder(stream::SeekableReader& reader,
StreamDecoder* parent,
Status status)
: reader_(reader),
stream_bounds_({0, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()}),
status_(status) {
void CloseBytesReader(BytesReader& reader);
void CloseNestedDecoder(StreamDecoder& nested);
Status ReadFieldKey();
Status SkipField();
Status ReadVarintField(uint64_t* out);
Status ReadFixedField(std::span<std::byte> out);
template <typename T>
Result<T> ReadFixedField() {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, uint32_t> || std::is_same_v<T, uint64_t>,
"Protobuf fixed-size fields must be 32- or 64-bit");
std::array<std::byte, sizeof(T)> buffer;
if (Status status = ReadFixedField(std::span(buffer)); !status.ok()) {
return status;
return bytes::ReadInOrder<T>(std::endian::little, buffer);
StatusWithSize ReadDelimitedField(std::span<std::byte> out);
StatusWithSize ReadVarint(uint64_t* output);
Status CheckOkToRead(WireType type);
stream::SeekableReader& reader_;
Bounds stream_bounds_;
FieldKey current_field_;
size_t delimited_field_size_;
size_t delimited_field_offset_;
StreamDecoder* parent_;
bool field_consumed_;
bool nested_reader_open_;
Status status_;
friend class Message;
} // namespace pw::protobuf