blob: 190e8b53bdb9f06b2f104a833164e8ef6911b677 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package pw.software_update;
import "pw_software_update/tuf.proto";
message UpdateBundle {
// The timestamp role is used for freshness check of the snapshot. Any
// project-specific update metadata should go in the top-level
// targets_metadata or with the TargetFile information
optional SignedTimestampMetadata timestamp_metadata = 1;
// The snapshot role is used to ensure that the collection of targets_metadata
// files is securely consistent (no target metadata mix and match). Any
// project-specific update metadata should go in the top-level
// targets_metadata or with the TargetFile information
optional SignedSnapshotMetadata snapshot_metadata = 2;
// Map of target metadata name to target metadata.
// Target metadata name can be an arbitrary name or a path that describes
// where the file lives relative to the base directory of the repository, as
// described in the snapshot metadata. e.g. "path/to/target/0".
map<string, SignedTargetsMetadata> targets_metadata = 3;
// Map of target file name to target payload bytes.
// Target file name can be an arbitrary name or a path that describes where
// the file lives relative to the base directory of the repository, as
// described in the target metadata. e.g. "path/to/amber_tools/0".
map<string, bytes> target_payloads = 4;
// If present, a client will attempt to upgrade its on-device trusted root
// metadata to the root metadata included in the bundle, following the
// standard "Update the root role" flow specified in the TUF spec, but
// without "version climbing".
// The exact steps are:
// 1. Check if there is a root metadata in the bundle.
// 2. If the root metadata IS NOT included, assume on-device root metadata
// is up-to-date and continue with the rest of metadata verification.
// 3. If the root metadata IS included, verify the new root metadata using
// the on-device root metadata.
// 4. If the verification is successful, persist new root metadata and
// continue with the rest of metadata verification. Otherwise abort the
// update session.
// The key deviation from standard flow is the client assumes it can always
// directly upgrade to the single new root metadata in the update bundle,
// without any step-stone history root metadata. This works only because
// we are not supporting (more than 1) root key rotations.
optional SignedRootMetadata root_metadata = 5;
// Update bundle metadata
// Designed to inform the update server what the device currently has in-place.
// Also used to persist the TUF metadata for use in the verification process.
// Stored manifest is only written/erased by the update service. In all other
// contexts the stored manifest is considered read-only.
message Manifest {
map<string, TargetsMetadata> targets_metadata = 1;
// Insert user manifest target file content here
optional bytes user_manifest = 2;