blob: 86201d769bb073dc8904f9f7e0d9c574ef12bc10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_protobuf/stream_decoder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/encoder.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/internal/codegen.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/wire_format.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
#include "pw_status/try.h"
#include "pw_varint/stream.h"
#include "pw_varint/varint.h"
namespace pw::protobuf {
Status StreamDecoder::BytesReader::DoSeek(ptrdiff_t offset, Whence origin) {
if (!decoder_.reader_.seekable()) {
return Status::Unimplemented();
ptrdiff_t absolute_position = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>::min();
// Convert from the position within the bytes field to the position within the
// proto stream.
switch (origin) {
case Whence::kBeginning:
absolute_position = start_offset_ + offset;
case Whence::kCurrent:
absolute_position = decoder_.position_ + offset;
case Whence::kEnd:
absolute_position = end_offset_ + offset;
if (absolute_position < 0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument();
if (static_cast<size_t>(absolute_position) < start_offset_ ||
static_cast<size_t>(absolute_position) >= end_offset_) {
return Status::OutOfRange();
PW_TRY(decoder_.reader_.Seek(absolute_position, Whence::kBeginning));
decoder_.position_ = absolute_position;
return OkStatus();
StatusWithSize StreamDecoder::BytesReader::DoRead(ByteSpan destination) {
if (!status_.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(status_, 0);
// Bound the read buffer to the size of the bytes field.
size_t max_length = end_offset_ - decoder_.position_;
if (destination.size() > max_length) {
destination = destination.first(max_length);
Result<ByteSpan> result = decoder_.reader_.Read(destination);
if (!result.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(result.status(), 0);
decoder_.position_ += result.value().size();
return StatusWithSize(result.value().size());
StreamDecoder::~StreamDecoder() {
if (parent_ != nullptr) {
} else if (stream_bounds_.high < std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
if (status_.ok()) {
// Advance the stream to the end of the bounds.
Status StreamDecoder::Next() {
"Cannot use parent decoder while a nested one is open");
if (!field_consumed_) {
if (position_ >= stream_bounds_.high) {
return Status::OutOfRange();
status_ = ReadFieldKey();
return status_;
StreamDecoder::BytesReader StreamDecoder::GetBytesReader() {
Status status = CheckOkToRead(WireType::kDelimited);
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < delimited_field_size_) {
nested_reader_open_ = true;
if (!status.ok()) {
return BytesReader(*this, status);
size_t low = position_;
size_t high = low + delimited_field_size_;
return BytesReader(*this, low, high);
StreamDecoder StreamDecoder::GetNestedDecoder() {
Status status = CheckOkToRead(WireType::kDelimited);
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < delimited_field_size_) {
nested_reader_open_ = true;
if (!status.ok()) {
return StreamDecoder(reader_, this, status);
size_t low = position_;
size_t high = low + delimited_field_size_;
return StreamDecoder(reader_, this, low, high);
Status StreamDecoder::Advance(size_t end_position) {
if (reader_.seekable()) {
PW_TRY(reader_.Seek(end_position - position_, stream::Stream::kCurrent));
position_ = end_position;
return OkStatus();
while (position_ < end_position) {
std::byte b;
PW_TRY(reader_.Read(std::span(&b, 1)));
return OkStatus();
void StreamDecoder::CloseBytesReader(BytesReader& reader) {
status_ = reader.status_;
if (status_.ok()) {
// Advance the stream to the end of the bytes field.
// The BytesReader already updated our position_ field as bytes were read.
field_consumed_ = true;
nested_reader_open_ = false;
void StreamDecoder::CloseNestedDecoder(StreamDecoder& nested) {
PW_CHECK_PTR_EQ(nested.parent_, this);
nested.nested_reader_open_ = true;
nested.parent_ = nullptr;
status_ = nested.status_;
position_ = nested.position_;
if (status_.ok()) {
// Advance the stream to the end of the nested message field.
field_consumed_ = true;
nested_reader_open_ = false;
Status StreamDecoder::ReadFieldKey() {
uint64_t varint = 0;
PW_TRY_ASSIGN(size_t bytes_read,
varint::Read(reader_, &varint, RemainingBytes()));
position_ += bytes_read;
if (!FieldKey::IsValidKey(varint)) {
return Status::DataLoss();
current_field_ = FieldKey(varint);
if (current_field_.wire_type() == WireType::kDelimited) {
// Read the length varint of length-delimited fields immediately to simplify
// later processing of the field.
StatusWithSize sws = varint::Read(reader_, &varint, RemainingBytes());
if (sws.IsOutOfRange()) {
// Out of range indicates the end of the stream. As a value is expected
// here, report it as a data loss and terminate the decode operation.
return Status::DataLoss();
if (!sws.ok()) {
return sws.status();
position_ += sws.size();
if (varint > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return Status::DataLoss();
delimited_field_size_ = varint;
delimited_field_offset_ = position_;
field_consumed_ = false;
return OkStatus();
Result<StreamDecoder::Bounds> StreamDecoder::GetLengthDelimitedPayloadBounds() {
return StreamDecoder::Bounds{delimited_field_offset_,
delimited_field_size_ + delimited_field_offset_};
// Consumes the current protobuf field, advancing the stream to the key of the
// next field (if one exists).
Status StreamDecoder::SkipField() {
size_t bytes_to_skip = 0;
uint64_t value = 0;
switch (current_field_.wire_type()) {
case WireType::kVarint: {
// Consume the varint field; nothing more to skip afterward.
PW_TRY_ASSIGN(size_t bytes_read,
varint::Read(reader_, &value, RemainingBytes()));
position_ += bytes_read;
case WireType::kDelimited:
bytes_to_skip = delimited_field_size_;
case WireType::kFixed32:
bytes_to_skip = sizeof(uint32_t);
case WireType::kFixed64:
bytes_to_skip = sizeof(uint64_t);
if (bytes_to_skip > 0) {
// Check if the stream has the field available. If not, report it as a
// DATA_LOSS since the proto is invalid (as opposed to OUT_OF_BOUNDS if we
// just tried to seek beyond the end).
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < bytes_to_skip) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return status_;
if (RemainingBytes() < bytes_to_skip) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return status_;
PW_TRY(Advance(position_ + bytes_to_skip));
field_consumed_ = true;
return OkStatus();
Status StreamDecoder::ReadVarintField(std::span<std::byte> out,
VarintType decode_type) {
PW_CHECK(out.size() == sizeof(bool) || out.size() == sizeof(uint32_t) ||
out.size() == sizeof(uint64_t),
"Protobuf varints must only be used with bool, int32_t, uint32_t, "
"int64_t, or uint64_t");
const StatusWithSize sws = ReadOneVarint(out, decode_type);
if (sws.status() != Status::DataLoss())
field_consumed_ = true;
return sws.status();
StatusWithSize StreamDecoder::ReadOneVarint(std::span<std::byte> out,
VarintType decode_type) {
uint64_t value;
StatusWithSize sws = varint::Read(reader_, &value, RemainingBytes());
if (sws.IsOutOfRange()) {
// Out of range indicates the end of the stream. As a value is expected
// here, report it as a data loss and terminate the decode operation.
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return StatusWithSize(status_, sws.size());
if (!sws.ok()) {
return sws;
position_ += sws.size();
if (out.size() == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
if (decode_type == VarintType::kUnsigned) {
std::memcpy(, &value, out.size());
} else {
const int64_t signed_value = decode_type == VarintType::kZigZag
? varint::ZigZagDecode(value)
: static_cast<int64_t>(value);
std::memcpy(, &signed_value, out.size());
} else if (out.size() == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
if (decode_type == VarintType::kUnsigned) {
if (value > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return StatusWithSize(Status::FailedPrecondition(), sws.size());
std::memcpy(, &value, out.size());
} else {
const int64_t signed_value = decode_type == VarintType::kZigZag
? varint::ZigZagDecode(value)
: static_cast<int64_t>(value);
if (signed_value > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() ||
signed_value < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) {
return StatusWithSize(Status::FailedPrecondition(), sws.size());
std::memcpy(, &signed_value, out.size());
} else if (out.size() == sizeof(bool)) {
PW_CHECK(decode_type == VarintType::kUnsigned,
"Protobuf bool can never be signed");
std::memcpy(, &value, out.size());
return sws;
Status StreamDecoder::ReadFixedField(std::span<std::byte> out) {
WireType expected_wire_type =
out.size() == sizeof(uint32_t) ? WireType::kFixed32 : WireType::kFixed64;
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < out.size()) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return status_;
if (RemainingBytes() < out.size()) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return status_;
position_ += out.size();
field_consumed_ = true;
if (std::endian::native != std::endian::little) {
std::reverse(out.begin(), out.end());
return OkStatus();
StatusWithSize StreamDecoder::ReadDelimitedField(std::span<std::byte> out) {
if (Status status = CheckOkToRead(WireType::kDelimited); !status.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(status, 0);
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < delimited_field_size_) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return StatusWithSize(status_, 0);
if (out.size() < delimited_field_size_) {
// Value can't fit into the provided buffer. Don't advance the cursor so
// that the field can be re-read with a larger buffer or through the stream
// API.
return StatusWithSize::ResourceExhausted();
Result<ByteSpan> result = reader_.Read(out.first(delimited_field_size_));
if (!result.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(result.status(), 0);
position_ += result.value().size();
field_consumed_ = true;
return StatusWithSize(result.value().size());
StatusWithSize StreamDecoder::ReadPackedFixedField(std::span<std::byte> out,
size_t elem_size) {
if (Status status = CheckOkToRead(WireType::kDelimited); !status.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(status, 0);
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < delimited_field_size_) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return StatusWithSize(status_, 0);
if (out.size() < delimited_field_size_) {
// Value can't fit into the provided buffer. Don't advance the cursor so
// that the field can be re-read with a larger buffer or through the stream
// API.
return StatusWithSize::ResourceExhausted();
Result<ByteSpan> result = reader_.Read(out.first(delimited_field_size_));
if (!result.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(result.status(), 0);
position_ += result.value().size();
field_consumed_ = true;
// Decode little-endian serialized packed fields.
if (std::endian::native != std::endian::little) {
for (auto out_start = out.begin(); out_start != out.end();
out_start += elem_size) {
std::reverse(out_start, out_start + elem_size);
return StatusWithSize(result.value().size() / elem_size);
StatusWithSize StreamDecoder::ReadPackedVarintField(std::span<std::byte> out,
size_t elem_size,
VarintType decode_type) {
PW_CHECK(elem_size == sizeof(bool) || elem_size == sizeof(uint32_t) ||
elem_size == sizeof(uint64_t),
"Protobuf varints must only be used with bool, int32_t, uint32_t, "
"int64_t, or uint64_t");
if (Status status = CheckOkToRead(WireType::kDelimited); !status.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(status, 0);
if (reader_.ConservativeReadLimit() < delimited_field_size_) {
status_ = Status::DataLoss();
return StatusWithSize(status_, 0);
size_t bytes_read = 0;
size_t number_out = 0;
while (bytes_read < delimited_field_size_ && !out.empty()) {
const StatusWithSize sws = ReadOneVarint(out.first(elem_size), decode_type);
if (!sws.ok()) {
return StatusWithSize(sws.status(), number_out);
bytes_read += sws.size();
out = out.subspan(elem_size);
if (bytes_read < delimited_field_size_) {
return StatusWithSize(Status::ResourceExhausted(), number_out);
field_consumed_ = true;
return StatusWithSize(OkStatus(), number_out);
Status StreamDecoder::CheckOkToRead(WireType type) {
"Cannot read from a decoder while a nested decoder is open");
"Attempting to read from protobuf decoder without first calling "
// Attempting to read the wrong type is typically a programmer error;
// however, it could also occur due to data corruption. As we don't want to
// crash on bad data, return NOT_FOUND here to distinguish it from other
// corruption cases.
if (current_field_.wire_type() != type) {
status_ = Status::NotFound();
return status_;
Status StreamDecoder::Read(std::span<std::byte> message,
std::span<const MessageField> table) {
while (Next().ok()) {
// Find the field in the table,
// TODO(pwbug/650): Finding the field can be made more efficient.
const auto field =
std::find(table.begin(), table.end(), current_field_.field_number());
if (field == table.end()) {
// If the field is not found, skip to the next one.
// TODO(pwbug/659): Provide a way to allow the caller to inspect unknown
// fields, and serialize them back out later.
// Calculate the span of bytes corresponding to the structure field to
// output into.
const auto out =
message.subspan(field->field_offset(), field->field_size());
PW_CHECK(out.begin() >= message.begin() && out.end() <= message.end());
// If the field is using callbacks, interpret the output field accordingly
// and allow the caller to provide custom handling.
if (field->use_callback()) {
const Callback<StreamEncoder, StreamDecoder>* callback =
reinterpret_cast<const Callback<StreamEncoder, StreamDecoder>*>(;
// Switch on the expected wire type of the field, not the actual, to ensure
// the remote encoder doesn't influence our decoding unexpectedly.
switch (field->wire_type()) {
case WireType::kFixed64:
case WireType::kFixed32: {
// Fixed fields call ReadFixedField() for singular case, and either
// ReadPackedFixedField() or ReadRepeatedFixedField() for repeated
// fields.
PW_CHECK(field->elem_size() == (field->wire_type() == WireType::kFixed32
? sizeof(uint32_t)
: sizeof(uint64_t)),
"Mismatched message field type and size");
if (field->is_fixed_size()) {
PW_CHECK(field->is_repeated(), "Non-repeated fixed size field");
PW_TRY(ReadPackedFixedField(out, field->elem_size()));
} else if (field->is_repeated()) {
// The struct member for this field is a vector of a type
// corresponding to the field element size. Cast to the correct
// vector type so we're not performing type aliasing (except for
// unsigned vs signed which is explicitly allowed).
if (field->elem_size() == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
auto* vector = reinterpret_cast<pw::Vector<uint64_t>*>(;
} else if (field->elem_size() == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
auto* vector = reinterpret_cast<pw::Vector<uint32_t>*>(;
} else {
PW_CHECK(out.size() == field->elem_size(),
"Mismatched message field type and size");
case WireType::kVarint: {
// Varint fields call ReadVarintField() for singular case, and either
// ReadPackedVarintField() or ReadRepeatedVarintField() for repeated
// fields.
PW_CHECK(field->elem_size() == sizeof(uint64_t) ||
field->elem_size() == sizeof(uint32_t) ||
field->elem_size() == sizeof(bool),
"Mismatched message field type and size");
if (field->is_fixed_size()) {
PW_CHECK(field->is_repeated(), "Non-repeated fixed size field");
out, field->elem_size(), field->varint_type()));
} else if (field->is_repeated()) {
// The struct member for this field is a vector of a type
// corresponding to the field element size. Cast to the correct
// vector type so we're not performing type aliasing (except for
// unsigned vs signed which is explicitly allowed).
if (field->elem_size() == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
auto* vector = reinterpret_cast<pw::Vector<uint64_t>*>(;
PW_TRY(ReadRepeatedVarintField(*vector, field->varint_type()));
} else if (field->elem_size() == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
auto* vector = reinterpret_cast<pw::Vector<uint32_t>*>(;
PW_TRY(ReadRepeatedVarintField(*vector, field->varint_type()));
} else if (field->elem_size() == sizeof(bool)) {
auto* vector = reinterpret_cast<pw::Vector<bool>*>(;
PW_TRY(ReadRepeatedVarintField(*vector, field->varint_type()));
} else {
PW_CHECK(out.size() == field->elem_size(),
"Mismatched message field type and size");
PW_TRY(ReadVarintField(out, field->varint_type()));
case WireType::kDelimited: {
// Delimited fields are always a singular case because of the inability
// to cast to a generic vector with an element of a certain size (we
// always need a type).
"Repeated delimited messages always require a callback");
if (field->nested_message_fields()) {
// Nested Message. Struct member is an embedded struct for the
// nested field. Obtain a nested decoder and recursively call Read()
// using the fields table pointer from this field.
auto nested_decoder = GetNestedDecoder();
PW_TRY(nested_decoder.Read(out, *field->nested_message_fields()));
} else if (field->is_fixed_size()) {
// Fixed-length bytes field. Struct member is a std::array<std::byte>.
// Call ReadDelimitedField() to populate it from the stream.
PW_CHECK(field->elem_size() == sizeof(std::byte),
"Mismatched message field type and size");
} else {
// bytes or string field with a maximum size. Struct member is a
// pw::Vector<std::byte>. There's no vector equivalent of
// ReadDelimitedField() to call, so just implement what that would
// look like here (since it wouldn't be used anywhere else).
PW_CHECK(field->elem_size() == sizeof(std::byte),
"Mismatched message field type and size");
auto* vector = reinterpret_cast<pw::Vector<std::byte>*>(;
if (vector->capacity() < delimited_field_size_) {
return Status::ResourceExhausted();
const auto sws =
ReadDelimitedField(std::span(vector->data(), vector->size()));
// Reaching the end of the encoded protobuf is not an error.
if (status_ == Status::OutOfRange()) {
return OkStatus();
return status_;
} // namespace pw::protobuf