blob: 39ecd46a137330e7dff56eafba060dfd6f5fc077 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _target-stm32f429i-disc1-stm32cube:
stm32f429i-disc1: STM32Cube
.. warning::
This target is in a very preliminary state and is under active development.
This demo gives a preview of the direction we are heading with
:ref:`pw_system<module-pw_system>`, but it is not yet ready for production
The STMicroelectronics STM32F429I-DISC1 development board is currently Pigweed's
primary target for on-device testing and development. This target configuration
uses :ref:`pw_system<module-pw_system>` on top of FreeRTOS and the STM32Cube HAL
rather than a from-the-ground-up baremetal approach.
To use this target, Pigweed must be set up to use FreeRTOS and the STM32Cube HAL
for the STM32F4 series. The supported repositories can be downloaded via
``pw package``, and then the build must be manually configured to point to the
locations the repositories were downloaded to.
.. code:: sh
pw package install freertos
pw package install stm32cube_f4
pw package install nanopb
gn args out
# Add these lines.
dir_pw_third_party_freertos = pw_env_setup_PACKAGE_ROOT + "/freertos"
dir_pw_third_party_stm32cube_f4 = pw_env_setup_PACKAGE_ROOT + "/stm32cube_f4"
dir_pw_third_party_nanopb = pw_env_setup_PACKAGE_ROOT + "/nanopb"
Building and running the demo
This target has an associated demo application that can be built and then
flashed to a device with the following commands:
.. code:: sh
ninja -C out pw_system_demo
openocd -f targets/stm32f429i_disc1/py/stm32f429i_disc1_utils/openocd_stm32f4xx.cfg -c "program out/stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube.size_optimized/obj/pw_system/bin/system_example.elf reset exit"
Once the board has been flashed, you can connect to it and send RPC commands
via the Pigweed console:
.. code:: sh
pw-system-console -d /dev/{ttyX} -b 115200 --proto-globs pw_rpc/echo.proto --token-databases out/stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube.size_optimized/obj/pw_system/bin/system_example.elf
Replace ``{ttyX}`` with the appropriate device on your machine. On Linux this
may look like ``ttyACM0``, and on a Mac it may look like ``cu.usbmodem***``.
When the console opens, try sending an Echo RPC request. You should get back
the same message you sent to the device.
.. code:: sh
>>>"Hello, Pigweed!")
(Status.OK, pw.rpc.EchoMessage(msg='Hello, Pigweed!'))
You can also try out our thread snapshot RPC service, which should return a
stack usage overview of all running threads on the device in Host Logs.
.. code:: sh
>>> device.snapshot_peak_stack_usage()
Example output:
.. code:: sh
20220826 09:47:22 INF PendingRpc(channel=1, method=pw.thread.ThreadSnapshotService.GetPeakStackUsage) completed: Status.OK
20220826 09:47:22 INF Thread State
20220826 09:47:22 INF 5 threads running.
20220826 09:47:22 INF
20220826 09:47:22 INF Thread (UNKNOWN): IDLE
20220826 09:47:22 INF Est CPU usage: unknown
20220826 09:47:22 INF Stack info
20220826 09:47:22 INF Current usage: 0x20002da0 - 0x???????? (size unknown)
20220826 09:47:22 INF Est peak usage: 390 bytes, 76.77%
20220826 09:47:22 INF Stack limits: 0x20002da0 - 0x20002ba4 (508 bytes)
20220826 09:47:22 INF
20220826 09:47:22 INF ...
You are now up and running!