blob: 5ba65c43aca85afaccd99ea7ffc889b7fb14fb5c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Main build file for upstream Pigweed.
declare_args() {
# The default optimization level for building upstream Pigweed targets.
# Choices:
# debug
# size_optimized
# speed_optimized
pw_default_optimization_level = "debug"
# List of application image GN targets specific to the Pigweed target.
# Enumerate all of the different targets that upstream Pigweed will build by
# default. Downstream projects should not depend on this target; this target is
# exclusively to facilitate easy upstream development and testing.
group("default") {
deps = [
# Verify that this file is only used by Pigweed itself.
assert(get_path_info("//", "abspath") == get_path_info(".", "abspath"),
"Pigweed's top-level may only be used when building upstream " +
"Pigweed. To pull all Pigweed code into your build, import " +
"\$dir_pigweed/modules.gni and create a top-level pw_test_group " +
"that depends on the tests in pw_modules_tests. See " +
" for details.")
_update_or_check_modules_lists = {
script = "$dir_pw_build/py/pw_build/"
args = [
rebase_path(".", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("PIGWEED_MODULES", root_build_dir),
inputs = [
# Check that PIGWEED_MODULES is up-to-date and sorted.
action("check_modules") {
forward_variables_from(_update_or_check_modules_lists, "*")
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.passed" ]
args += [ "--warn-only" ] + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
# Run this command after adding an item to PIGWEED_MODULES to update the
# generated .gni with Pigweed modules lists.
action("update_modules") {
forward_variables_from(_update_or_check_modules_lists, "*")
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.ALWAYS_RERUN" ] # Never created
group("pw_system_demo") {
deps = [ "$dir_pw_system:system_examples" ]
group("pi_pico") {
if (PICO_SRC_DIR != "") {
deps = [ ":pw_module_tests(targets/rp2040)" ]
_internal_toolchains = "$dir_pigweed/targets/host/pigweed_internal"
# This template generates a group that builds pigweed_default with a particular
# toolchain.
template("_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels") {
_toolchain_prefix = invoker.toolchain_prefix
group(target_name) {
deps = [
]) {
group(target_name + "_$optimization") {
deps = [ ":pigweed_default($_toolchain_prefix$optimization)" ]
# Select a default toolchain based on host OS.
if (host_os == "linux") {
_default_toolchain_prefix = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_clang_"
} else if (host_os == "mac") {
_default_toolchain_prefix = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_clang_"
} else if (host_os == "win") {
_default_toolchain_prefix = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_gcc_"
} else {
assert(false, "Please define a host config for your system: $host_os")
# Below are a list of GN targets you can build to force Pigweed to build for a
# specific Pigweed target.
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("host") {
toolchain_prefix = _default_toolchain_prefix
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("host_clang") {
toolchain_prefix = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_clang_"
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("host_gcc") {
toolchain_prefix = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_gcc_"
if (pw_third_party_mcuxpresso_SDK != "") {
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("mimxrt595") {
toolchain_prefix = "$dir_pigweed/targets/mimxrt595_evk:mimxrt595_evk_"
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("stm32f429i") {
toolchain_prefix = "$dir_pigweed/targets/stm32f429i_disc1:stm32f429i_disc1_"
if (pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH != "") {
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("arduino") {
toolchain_prefix = "$dir_pigweed/targets/arduino:arduino_"
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("qemu_gcc") {
toolchain_prefix =
_build_pigweed_default_at_all_optimization_levels("qemu_clang") {
toolchain_prefix =
# Run clang-tidy on pigweed_default with pw_strict_host_clang_debug toolchain options.
# Make sure to invoke gn clean out when any relevant .clang-tidy
# file is updated.
group("static_analysis") {
# Static analysis is only supported on Linux and macOS using clang-tidy.
if (host_os != "win") {
_toolchain = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_clang_debug"
deps = [ ":pigweed_default($_toolchain.static_analysis)" ]
group("docs") {
deps = [ "$dir_pigweed/docs($dir_pigweed/targets/docs)" ]
# Tests larger than unit tests, typically run in a specific configuration.
group("integration_tests") {
_default_tc = _default_toolchain_prefix + pw_default_optimization_level
deps = [
# TODO(b/228463549): Re-enable these when they're not flaky on linux.
# "$dir_pw_transfer:cpp_client_integration_test($_default_tc)",
# "$dir_pw_transfer/py:python_cpp_transfer_test.action($_default_tc)",
# OSS-Fuzz uses this target to build fuzzers alone.
group("fuzzers") {
# Fuzzing is only supported on Linux and MacOS using clang.
if (host_os != "win") {
deps = [ ":pw_module_tests($dir_pigweed/targets/host:host_clang_fuzz)" ]
group("asan") {
if (host_os != "win") {
deps = [ "$dir_pigweed/targets/host:host_clang_asan)" ]
# TODO(b/234876100): msan will not work until the C++ standard library included
# in the sysroot has a variant built with msan.
group("msan") {
if (host_os != "win") {
deps = [ "$dir_pigweed/targets/host:host_clang_msan)" ]
group("tsan") {
if (host_os != "win") {
deps = [ "$dir_pigweed/targets/host:host_clang_tsan)" ]
group("ubsan") {
if (host_os != "win") {
deps =
[ "$dir_pigweed/targets/host:host_clang_ubsan)" ]
group("ubsan_heuristic") {
if (host_os != "win") {
deps = [ "$dir_pigweed/targets/host:host_clang_ubsan_heuristic)" ]
group("runtime_sanitizers") {
if (host_os != "win") {
deps = [
# TODO(b/234876100): msan will not work until the C++ standard library
# included in the sysroot has a variant built with msan.
# ":msan",
# No ubsan_heuristic, which may have false positives.
pw_python_group("python") {
python_deps = [
# Build host-only tooling.
group("host_tools") {
deps = [
deps += [
# By default, Pigweed will build this target when invoking ninja.
group("pigweed_default") {
deps = []
# Prevent the default toolchain from parsing any other files.
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
deps = [ ":apps" ]
if (pw_unit_test_AUTOMATIC_RUNNER == "") {
# Without a test runner defined, build the tests but don't run them.
deps += [ ":pw_module_tests" ]
} else {
# With a test runner, depend on the run targets so they run with the
# build.
deps += [ "" ]
# Trace examples currently only support running on non-windows host
if (defined(pw_toolchain_SCOPE.is_host_toolchain) &&
pw_toolchain_SCOPE.is_host_toolchain && host_os != "win") {
deps += [
group("cpp14_compatibility") {
_cpp14_toolchain = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_clang_debug_cpp14"
deps = [
# Build Pigweed with -std=c++20 to ensure compatibility. Compile with
# optimizations since the compiler tends to catch more errors with optimizations
# enabled than without.
group("cpp20_compatibility") {
_cpp20_tc = "$_internal_toolchains:pw_strict_host_clang_size_optimized_cpp20"
deps = [
# The default toolchain is not used for compiling C/C++ code.
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
group("apps") {
# Application images built for all targets.
deps = [ "$dir_pw_hdlc/rpc_example" ]
# Add target-specific images.
# Add the pw_tool target to be built on host.
if (defined(pw_toolchain_SCOPE.is_host_toolchain) &&
pw_toolchain_SCOPE.is_host_toolchain) {
deps += [ "$dir_pw_tool" ]
# All Pigweed modules that can be built using gn. Not built by default.
group("pw_modules") {
deps = pw_modules
# Targets for all module unit test groups.
pw_test_group("pw_module_tests") {
group_deps = pw_module_tests
# Modules that support C++14.
# TODO(hepler): pw_kvs is supposed to compile as C++14, but does not.
group("cpp14_modules") {
public_deps = [
# Tests that support C++14.
pw_test_group("cpp14_tests") {
group_deps = [
tests = [