blob: fdf5e143fb418620934a805da2556aacd03b8acf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_kvs/key_value_store.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "pw_kvs_private/format.h"
#include "pw_kvs_private/macros.h"
#include "pw_log/log.h"
namespace pw::kvs {
using std::byte;
using std::string_view;
namespace {
using Address = FlashPartition::Address;
constexpr union {
byte bytes[4];
uint32_t value;
} kNoChecksum{};
// constexpr uint32_t SixFiveFiveNineNine(std::string_view string) {
constexpr uint32_t HashKey(std::string_view string) {
uint32_t hash = 0;
uint32_t coefficient = 65599u;
for (char ch : string) {
hash += coefficient * unsigned(ch);
coefficient *= 65599u;
return hash;
constexpr size_t EntrySize(string_view key, span<const byte> value) {
return sizeof(EntryHeader) + key.size() + value.size();
} // namespace
Status KeyValueStore::Init() {
// Reset the number of occupied key descriptors; we will fill them later.
key_descriptor_list_size_ = 0;
const size_t sector_size_bytes = partition_.sector_size_bytes();
const size_t sector_count = partition_.sector_count();
DBG("First pass: Read all entries from all sectors");
for (size_t sector_id = 0; sector_id < sector_count; ++sector_id) {
// Track writable bytes in this sector. Updated after reading each entry.
sector_map_[sector_id].tail_free_bytes = sector_size_bytes;
const Address sector_address = sector_id * sector_size_bytes;
Address entry_address = sector_address;
for (int num_entries_in_sector = 0;; num_entries_in_sector++) {
DBG("Load entry: sector=%zu, entry#=%d, address=%zu",
if (!AddressInSector(sector_map_[sector_id], entry_address)) {
DBG("Fell off end of sector; moving to the next sector");
Address next_entry_address;
Status status = LoadEntry(entry_address, &next_entry_address);
if (status == Status::NOT_FOUND) {
DBG("Hit un-written data in sector; moving to the next sector");
if (status == Status::DATA_LOSS) {
// It's not clear KVS can make a unilateral decision about what to do
// in corruption cases. It's an application decision, for which we
// should offer some configurability. For now, entirely bail out of
// loading and give up.
// Later, scan for remaining valid keys; since it's entirely possible
// that there is a duplicate of the key elsewhere and everything is
// fine. Later, we can wipe and maybe recover the sector.
// TODO: Implement rest-of-sector scanning for valid entries.
return Status::DATA_LOSS;
// Entry loaded successfully; so get ready to load the next one.
entry_address = next_entry_address;
// Update of the number of writable bytes in this sector.
sector_map_[sector_id].tail_free_bytes =
sector_size_bytes - (entry_address - sector_address);
DBG("Second pass: Count valid bytes in each sector");
// Initialize the sector sizes.
for (size_t sector_id = 0; sector_id < sector_count; ++sector_id) {
sector_map_[sector_id].valid_bytes = 0;
// For every valid key, increment the valid bytes for that sector.
for (size_t key_id = 0; key_id < key_descriptor_list_size_; ++key_id) {
uint32_t sector_id =
key_descriptor_list_[key_id].address / sector_size_bytes;
KeyDescriptor key_descriptor;
key_descriptor.address = key_descriptor_list_[key_id].address;
EntryHeader header;
TRY(ReadEntryHeader(key_descriptor, &header));
sector_map_[sector_id].valid_bytes += header.entry_size();
enabled_ = true;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::LoadEntry(Address entry_address,
Address* next_entry_address) {
const size_t alignment_bytes = partition_.alignment_bytes();
KeyDescriptor key_descriptor;
key_descriptor.address = entry_address;
EntryHeader header;
TRY(ReadEntryHeader(key_descriptor, &header));
// TODO: Should likely add a "LogHeader" method or similar.
DBG("Header: ");
DBG(" Address = 0x%zx", size_t(entry_address));
DBG(" Magic = 0x%zx", size_t(header.magic()));
DBG(" Checksum = 0x%zx", size_t(header.checksum_as_uint32()));
DBG(" Key length = 0x%zx", size_t(header.key_length()));
DBG(" Value length = 0x%zx", size_t(header.value_length()));
DBG(" Entry size = 0x%zx", size_t(header.entry_size()));
DBG(" Padded size = 0x%zx",
size_t(AlignUp(header.entry_size(), alignment_bytes)));
if (HeaderLooksLikeUnwrittenData(header)) {
return Status::NOT_FOUND;
key_descriptor.key_version = header.key_version();
// TODO: Handle multiple magics for formats that have changed.
if (header.magic() != entry_header_format_.magic) {
// TODO: It may be cleaner to have some logging helpers for these cases.
CRT("Found corrupt magic: %zx; expecting %zx; at address %zx",
return Status::DATA_LOSS;
// Read the key from flash & validate the entry (which reads the value).
KeyBuffer key_buffer;
TRY(ReadEntryKey(key_descriptor, header.key_length(),;
const string_view key(, header.key_length());
TRY(ValidateEntryChecksumInFlash(header, key, key_descriptor));
key_descriptor.key_hash = HashKey(key);
DBG("Key hash: %zx (%zu)",
// TODO: Extract this to something like "NextValidEntryAddress".
*next_entry_address =
AlignUp(key_descriptor.address + header.entry_size(), alignment_bytes);
return Status::OK;
// TODO: This method is the trigger of the O(valid_entries * all_entries) time
// complexity for reading. At some cost to memory, this could be optimized by
// using a hash table instead of scanning, but in practice this should be fine
// for a small number of keys
Status KeyValueStore::AppendNewOrOverwriteStaleExistingDescriptor(
const KeyDescriptor& key_descriptor) {
// With the new key descriptor, either add it to the descriptor table or
// overwrite an existing entry with an older version of the key.
KeyDescriptor* existing_descriptor = FindDescriptor(key_descriptor.key_hash);
if (existing_descriptor) {
if (existing_descriptor->key_version < key_descriptor.key_version) {
// Existing entry is old; replace the existing entry with the new one.
*existing_descriptor = key_descriptor;
} else {
// Otherwise, check for data integrity and leave the existing entry.
if (existing_descriptor->key_version == key_descriptor.key_version) {
ERR("Data loss: Duplicated old(=%zu) and new(=%zu) version",
return Status::DATA_LOSS;
DBG("Found stale entry when appending; ignoring");
return Status::OK;
// Write new entry.
KeyDescriptor* newly_allocated_key_descriptor;
*newly_allocated_key_descriptor = key_descriptor;
return Status::OK;
// TODO: Need a better name.
Status KeyValueStore::AppendEmptyDescriptor(KeyDescriptor** new_descriptor) {
if (KeyListFull()) {
// TODO: Is this the right return code?
*new_descriptor = &key_descriptor_list_[key_descriptor_list_size_++];
return Status::OK;
// TODO: Finish.
bool KeyValueStore::HeaderLooksLikeUnwrittenData(
const EntryHeader& header) const {
// TODO: This is not correct; it should call through to flash memory.
return header.magic() == 0xffffffff;
KeyValueStore::KeyDescriptor* KeyValueStore::FindDescriptor(uint32_t hash) {
for (size_t key_id = 0; key_id < key_descriptor_list_size_; key_id++) {
if (key_descriptor_list_[key_id].key_hash == hash) {
return &(key_descriptor_list_[key_id]);
return nullptr;
StatusWithSize KeyValueStore::Get(string_view key,
span<byte> value_buffer) const {
const KeyDescriptor* key_descriptor;
TRY(FindKeyDescriptor(key, &key_descriptor));
EntryHeader header;
TRY(ReadEntryHeader(*key_descriptor, &header));
StatusWithSize result = ReadEntryValue(*key_descriptor, header, value_buffer);
if (result.ok() && options_.verify_on_read) {
return ValidateEntryChecksum(header, key, value_buffer);
return result;
Status KeyValueStore::Put(string_view key, span<const byte> value) {
DBG("Writing key/value; key length=%zu, value length=%zu",
if (value.size() > (1 << 24)) {
// TODO: Reject sizes that are larger than the maximum?
KeyDescriptor* key_descriptor;
if (FindKeyDescriptor(key, &key_descriptor).ok()) {
DBG("Writing over existing entry");
return WriteEntryForExistingKey(key_descriptor, key, value);
DBG("Writing new entry");
return WriteEntryForNewKey(key, value);
Status KeyValueStore::Delete(string_view key) {
return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED;
const KeyValueStore::Entry& KeyValueStore::Iterator::operator*() {
const KeyDescriptor& descriptor = entry_.kvs_.key_descriptor_list_[index_];
std::memset(, 0, sizeof(entry_.key_buffer_));
EntryHeader header;
if (entry_.kvs_.ReadEntryHeader(descriptor, &header).ok()) {
descriptor, header.key_length(),;
return entry_;
StatusWithSize KeyValueStore::ValueSize(std::string_view key) const {
const KeyDescriptor* key_descriptor;
TRY(FindKeyDescriptor(key, &key_descriptor));
EntryHeader header;
TRY(ReadEntryHeader(*key_descriptor, &header));
return StatusWithSize(header.value_length());
Status KeyValueStore::ValidateEntryChecksumInFlash(
const EntryHeader& header,
const string_view key,
const KeyDescriptor& entry) const {
if (entry_header_format_.checksum == nullptr) {
return header.checksum_as_uint32() == 0 ? Status::OK : Status::DATA_LOSS;
auto& checksum = *entry_header_format_.checksum;
// Read the value piece-by-piece into a small buffer.
// TODO: This read may be unaligned. The partition can handle this, but
// consider creating a API that skips the intermediate buffering.
byte buffer[32];
size_t bytes_to_read = header.value_length();
Address address = entry.address + sizeof(header) + header.key_length();
while (bytes_to_read > 0u) {
const size_t read_size = std::min(sizeof(buffer), bytes_to_read);
TRY(partition_.Read(address, read_size, buffer));
address += read_size;
checksum.Update(buffer, read_size);
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::InvalidOperation(string_view key) const {
if (InvalidKey(key)) {
return Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
if (!enabled_) {
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::FindKeyDescriptor(string_view key,
const KeyDescriptor** result) const {
char key_buffer[kMaxKeyLength];
const uint32_t hash = HashKey(key);
for (auto& descriptor : key_descriptors()) {
if (descriptor.key_hash == hash) {
DBG("Found match! For hash: %zx", size_t(hash));
TRY(ReadEntryKey(descriptor, key.size(), key_buffer));
if (key == string_view(key_buffer, key.size())) {
DBG("Keys matched too");
*result = &descriptor;
return Status::OK;
return Status::NOT_FOUND;
Status KeyValueStore::ReadEntryHeader(const KeyDescriptor& descriptor,
EntryHeader* header) const {
return partition_.Read(descriptor.address, sizeof(*header), header).status();
Status KeyValueStore::ReadEntryKey(const KeyDescriptor& descriptor,
size_t key_length,
char* key) const {
// TODO: This check probably shouldn't be here; this is like
// checking that the Cortex M's RAM isn't corrupt. This should be
// done at boot time.
// ^^ This argument sometimes comes from EntryHeader::key_value_len,
// which is read directly from flash. If it's corrupted, we shouldn't try
// to read a bunch of extra data.
if (key_length == 0u || key_length > kMaxKeyLength) {
return Status::DATA_LOSS;
// The key is immediately after the entry header.
return partition_
.Read(descriptor.address + sizeof(EntryHeader), key_length, key)
StatusWithSize KeyValueStore::ReadEntryValue(
const KeyDescriptor& key_descriptor,
const EntryHeader& header,
span<byte> value) const {
const size_t read_size = std::min(header.value_length(), value.size());
StatusWithSize result = partition_.Read(
key_descriptor.address + sizeof(header) + header.key_length(),
value.subspan(0, read_size));
if (read_size != header.value_length()) {
return StatusWithSize(Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, read_size);
return StatusWithSize(read_size);
Status KeyValueStore::ValidateEntryChecksum(const EntryHeader& header,
string_view key,
span<const byte> value) const {
if (entry_header_format_.checksum == nullptr) {
return header.checksum_as_uint32() == kNoChecksum.value ? Status::OK
: Status::DATA_LOSS;
CalculateEntryChecksum(header, key, value);
return entry_header_format_.checksum->Verify(header.checksum());
Status KeyValueStore::WriteEntryForExistingKey(KeyDescriptor* key_descriptor,
string_view key,
span<const byte> value) {
SectorDescriptor* sector;
TRY(FindOrRecoverSectorWithSpace(&sector, EntrySize(key, value)));
DBG("Writing existing entry; found sector: %d",
static_cast<int>(sector -;
return AppendEntry(sector, key_descriptor, key, value);
Status KeyValueStore::WriteEntryForNewKey(string_view key,
span<const byte> value) {
if (KeyListFull()) {
WRN("KVS full: trying to store a new entry, but can't. Have %zu entries",
// Modify the key descriptor at the end of the array, without bumping the map
// size so the key descriptor is prepared and written without committing
// first.
KeyDescriptor& key_descriptor =
key_descriptor.key_hash = HashKey(key);
key_descriptor.key_version = 0; // will be incremented by AppendEntry()
SectorDescriptor* sector;
TRY(FindOrRecoverSectorWithSpace(&sector, EntrySize(key, value)));
DBG("Writing new entry; found sector: %d",
static_cast<int>(sector -;
TRY(AppendEntry(sector, &key_descriptor, key, value));
// Only increment bump our size when we are certain the write succeeded.
key_descriptor_list_size_ += 1;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::RelocateEntry(KeyDescriptor& key_descriptor) {
// TODO: Implement this function!
return Status::OK;
return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED;
// Find either an existing sector with enough space that is not the sector to
// skip, or an empty sector. Maintains the invariant that there is always at
// least 1 empty sector unless set to bypass the rule.
KeyValueStore::SectorDescriptor* KeyValueStore::FindSectorWithSpace(
size_t size,
SectorDescriptor* sector_to_skip,
bool bypass_empty_sector_rule) {
const size_t sector_count = partition_.sector_count();
// TODO: Ignore last written sector for now and scan from the beginning.
last_written_sector_ = sector_count - 1;
size_t start = (last_written_sector_ + 1) % sector_count;
SectorDescriptor* first_empty_sector = nullptr;
bool at_least_two_empty_sectors = bypass_empty_sector_rule;
for (size_t i = start; i != last_written_sector_;
i = (i + 1) % sector_count) {
DBG("Examining sector %zu", i);
SectorDescriptor& sector = sector_map_[i];
if (sector_to_skip == &sector) {
DBG("Skipping the skip sector");
if (!SectorEmpty(sector) && sector.HasSpace(size)) {
DBG("Partially occupied sector with enough space; done!");
return &sector;
if (SectorEmpty(sector)) {
if (first_empty_sector == nullptr) {
first_empty_sector = &sector;
} else {
at_least_two_empty_sectors = true;
if (at_least_two_empty_sectors) {
DBG("Found a empty sector and a spare one; returning the first found (%d)",
static_cast<int>(first_empty_sector -;
return first_empty_sector;
return nullptr;
Status KeyValueStore::FindOrRecoverSectorWithSpace(SectorDescriptor** sector,
size_t size) {
*sector = FindSectorWithSpace(size);
if (*sector != nullptr) {
return Status::OK;
if (options_.partial_gc_on_write) {
return GarbageCollectOneSector(sector);
KeyValueStore::SectorDescriptor* KeyValueStore::FindSectorToGarbageCollect() {
SectorDescriptor* sector_candidate = nullptr;
size_t candidate_bytes = 0;
// Step 1: Try to find a sectors with stale keys and no valid keys (no
// relocation needed). If any such sectors are found, use the sector with the
// most reclaimable bytes.
for (auto& sector : sector_map_) {
if ((sector.valid_bytes == 0) &&
(RecoverableBytes(sector) > candidate_bytes)) {
sector_candidate = &sector;
candidate_bytes = RecoverableBytes(sector);
// Step 2: If step 1 yields no sectors, just find the sector with the most
// reclaimable bytes.
if (sector_candidate == nullptr) {
for (auto& sector : sector_map_) {
if (RecoverableBytes(sector) > candidate_bytes) {
sector_candidate = &sector;
candidate_bytes = RecoverableBytes(sector);
return sector_candidate;
Status KeyValueStore::GarbageCollectOneSector(SectorDescriptor** sector) {
// Step 1: Find the sector to garbage collect
SectorDescriptor* sector_to_gc = FindSectorToGarbageCollect();
if (sector_to_gc == nullptr) {
// Step 2: Move any valid entries in the GC sector to other sectors
if (sector_to_gc->valid_bytes != 0) {
for (auto& descriptor : key_descriptors()) {
if (AddressInSector(*sector_to_gc, descriptor.address)) {
if (sector_to_gc->valid_bytes != 0) {
return Status::INTERNAL;
// Step 3: Reinitialize the sector
sector_to_gc->tail_free_bytes = 0;
TRY(partition_.Erase(SectorBaseAddress(sector_to_gc), 1));
sector_to_gc->tail_free_bytes = partition_.sector_size_bytes();
*sector = sector_to_gc;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::AppendEntry(SectorDescriptor* sector,
KeyDescriptor* key_descriptor,
const string_view key,
span<const byte> value) {
// write header, key, and value
const EntryHeader header(entry_header_format_.magic,
CalculateEntryChecksum(header, key, value),
key_descriptor->key_version + 1);
DBG("Appending entry with key version: %zx", size_t(header.key_version()));
// Handles writing multiple concatenated buffers, while breaking up the writes
// into alignment-sized blocks.
Address address = NextWritableAddress(sector);
DBG("Appending to address: %zx", size_t(address));
size_t written,
address, {as_bytes(span(&header, 1)), as_bytes(span(key)), value}));
if (options_.verify_on_write) {
TRY(VerifyEntry(sector, key_descriptor));
// TODO: UPDATE last_written_sector_ appropriately
key_descriptor->address = address;
key_descriptor->key_version = header.key_version();
sector->valid_bytes += written;
sector->tail_free_bytes -= written;
return Status::OK;
Status KeyValueStore::VerifyEntry(SectorDescriptor* sector,
KeyDescriptor* key_descriptor) {
// TODO: Remove this once checksums are fully implemented.
return Status::OK;
if (entry_header_format_.checksum == nullptr) {
return Status::OK;
// TODO: Implement me!
return Status::UNIMPLEMENTED;
span<const byte> KeyValueStore::CalculateEntryChecksum(
const EntryHeader& header,
const string_view key,
span<const byte> value) const {
if (entry_header_format_.checksum == nullptr) {
return kNoChecksum.bytes;
auto& checksum = *entry_header_format_.checksum;
checksum.Update(, value.size_bytes());
return checksum.state();
void KeyValueStore::LogDebugInfo() {
const size_t sector_count = partition_.sector_count();
const size_t sector_size_bytes = partition_.sector_size_bytes();
DBG("====================== KEY VALUE STORE DUMP =========================");
DBG(" ");
DBG("Flash partition:");
DBG(" Sector count = %zu", sector_count);
DBG(" Sector max count = %zu", kUsableSectors);
DBG(" Sector size = %zu", sector_size_bytes);
DBG(" Total size = %zu", partition_.size_bytes());
DBG(" Alignment = %zu", partition_.alignment_bytes());
DBG(" ");
DBG("Key descriptors:");
DBG(" Entry count = %zu", key_descriptor_list_size_);
DBG(" Max entry count = %zu", kMaxEntries);
DBG(" ");
DBG(" # hash version address address (hex)");
for (size_t i = 0; i < key_descriptor_list_size_; ++i) {
const KeyDescriptor& kd = key_descriptor_list_[i];
DBG(" |%3zu: | %8zx |%8zu | %8zu | %8zx",
DBG(" ");
DBG("Sector descriptors:");
DBG(" # tail free valid has_space");
for (size_t sector_id = 0; sector_id < sector_count; ++sector_id) {
const SectorDescriptor& sd = sector_map_[sector_id];
DBG(" |%3zu: | %8zu |%8zu | %s",
sd.tail_free_bytes ? "YES" : "");
DBG(" ");
// TODO: This should stop logging after some threshold.
// size_t dumped_bytes = 0;
DBG("Sector raw data:");
for (size_t sector_id = 0; sector_id < sector_count; ++sector_id) {
// Read sector data. Yes, this will blow the stack on embedded.
std::array<byte, 500> raw_sector_data; // TODO
StatusWithSize sws =
partition_.Read(sector_id * sector_size_bytes, raw_sector_data);
DBG("Read: %zu bytes", sws.size());
DBG(" base addr offs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7");
for (size_t i = 0; i < sector_size_bytes; i += 8) {
DBG(" %3zu %8zx %5zu | %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
(sector_id * sector_size_bytes) + i,
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 0]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 1]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 2]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 3]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 4]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 5]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 6]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw_sector_data[i + 7]));
// TODO: Fix exit condition.
if (i > 128) {
DBG(" ");
DBG("////////////////////// KEY VALUE STORE DUMP END /////////////////////");
} // namespace pw::kvs