blob: b834b414eba1d622b214f00afc2702d15cb09e15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_status/status_with_size.h"
namespace pw::stream {
// A generic stream that may support reading, writing, and seeking, but makes no
// guarantees about whether any operations are supported. Unsupported functions
// return Status::Unimplemented(). Stream serves as the base for the Reader,
// Writer, and ReaderWriter interfaces.
// Stream should NOT be used or extended directly. Instead, work with one of the
// derived classes that explicitly supports the required functionality.
class Stream {
// Positions from which to seek.
enum Whence : uint8_t {
// Seek from the beginning of the stream. The offset is a direct offset into
// the data.
kBeginning = 0b001,
// Seek from the current position in the stream. The offset is added to the
// current position. Use a negative offset to seek backwards.
// Implementations may only support seeking within a limited range from
// the current position.
kCurrent = 0b010,
// Seek from the end of the stream. The offset is added to the end
// position. Use a negative offset to seek backwards from the end.
kEnd = 0b100,
// Value returned from read/write limit if unlimited.
static constexpr size_t kUnlimited = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// Returned by Tell() if getting the position is not supported.
static constexpr size_t kUnknownPosition = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
virtual ~Stream() = default;
// True if reading is supported. If false, Read() returns UNIMPLEMENTED.
constexpr bool readable() const { return readable_; }
// True if writing is supported. If false, Write() returns UNIMPLEMENTED.
constexpr bool writable() const { return writable_; }
// True if the stream supports seeking.
constexpr bool seekable() const { return seekability_ != Seekability::kNone; }
// True if the stream supports seeking from the specified origin.
constexpr bool seekable(Whence origin) const {
return (static_cast<uint8_t>(seekability_) & origin) != 0u;
// Reads data from this stream. If any number of bytes are read returns OK
// with a span of the bytes read.
// If the reader has been exhausted and is and can no longer read additional
// bytes it will return OUT_OF_RANGE. This is similar to end-of-file (EOF).
// Read will only return OUT_OF_RANGE if ConservativeReadLimit() is and will
// remain zero. A Read operation that is successful and also exhausts the
// reader returns OK, with all following calls returning OUT_OF_RANGE.
// Derived classes should NOT try to override these public read methods.
// Instead, provide an implementation by overriding DoRead().
// Returns:
// OK - Between 1 and dest.size_bytes() were successfully read. Returns the
// span of read bytes.
// UNIMPLEMENTED - This stream does not support reading.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The Reader is not in state to read data.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - Unable to read any bytes at this time. No bytes
// read. Try again once bytes become available.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - Reader has been exhausted, similar to EOF. No bytes were
// read, no more will be read.
Result<ByteSpan> Read(ByteSpan dest) {
PW_DASSERT(dest.empty() || != nullptr);
StatusWithSize result = DoRead(dest);
if (result.ok()) {
return dest.first(result.size());
return result.status();
Result<ByteSpan> Read(void* dest, size_t size_bytes) {
return Read(span(static_cast<std::byte*>(dest), size_bytes));
// Writes data to this stream. Data is not guaranteed to be fully written out
// to final resting place on Write return.
// If the writer is unable to fully accept the input data size it will abort
// the write and return RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.
// If the writer has been exhausted and is and can no longer accept additional
// bytes it will return OUT_OF_RANGE. This is similar to end-of-file (EOF).
// Write will only return OUT_OF_RANGE if ConservativeWriteLimit() is and will
// remain zero. A Write operation that is successful and also exhausts the
// writer returns OK, with all following calls returning OUT_OF_RANGE. When
// ConservativeWriteLimit() is greater than zero, a Write that is a number of
// bytes beyond what will exhaust the Write will abort and return
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED rather than OUT_OF_RANGE because the writer is still
// able to write bytes.
// Derived classes should NOT try to override the public Write methods.
// Instead, provide an implementation by overriding DoWrite().
// Returns:
// OK - Data was successfully accepted by the stream.
// UNIMPLEMENTED - This stream does not support writing.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The writer is not in a state to accept data.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - The writer was unable to write all of requested data
// at this time. No data was written.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - The Writer has been exhausted, similar to EOF. No data was
// written; no more will be written.
Status Write(ConstByteSpan data) {
PW_DASSERT(data.empty() || != nullptr);
return DoWrite(data);
Status Write(const void* data, size_t size_bytes) {
return Write(span(static_cast<const std::byte*>(data), size_bytes));
Status Write(const std::byte b) { return Write(&b, 1); }
// Changes the current position in the stream for both reading and writing, if
// supported.
// Seeking to a negative offset is invalid. The behavior when seeking beyond
// the end of a stream is determined by the implementation. The implementation
// could fail with OUT_OF_RANGE or append bytes to the stream.
// Returns:
// OK - Successfully updated the position.
// UNIMPLEMENTED - Seeking is not supported for this stream.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - Attempted to seek beyond the bounds of the stream. The
// position is unchanged.
Status Seek(ptrdiff_t offset, Whence origin = kBeginning) {
return DoSeek(offset, origin);
// Returns the current position in the stream, if supported. The position is
// the offset from the beginning of the stream. Returns
// Stream::kUnknownPosition if the position is unknown.
// Streams that support seeking from the beginning always support Tell().
// Other streams may or may not support Tell().
size_t Tell() { return DoTell(); }
// Liklely (not guaranteed) minimum bytes available to read at this time.
// This number is advisory and not guaranteed to read full number of requested
// bytes or without a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED or OUT_OF_RANGE. As Reader
// processes/handles/receives enqueued data or other contexts read data this
// number can go up or down for some Readers.
// Returns zero if, in the current state, Read() would not return
// OkStatus().
// Returns kUnlimited if the implementation imposes no limits on read sizes.
size_t ConservativeReadLimit() const {
return ConservativeLimit(LimitType::kRead);
// Likely (not guaranteed) minimum bytes available to write at this time.
// This number is advisory and not guaranteed to write without a
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED or OUT_OF_RANGE. As Writer processes/handles enqueued of
// other contexts write data this number can go up or down for some Writers.
// Returns zero if, in the current state, Write() would not return
// OkStatus().
// Returns kUnlimited if the implementation has no limits on write sizes.
size_t ConservativeWriteLimit() const {
return ConservativeLimit(LimitType::kWrite);
// Used to indicate the type of limit being queried in ConservativeLimit.
enum class LimitType : bool { kRead, kWrite };
// The Stream class should not be extended directly, so its constructor is
// private. To implement a new Stream, extend one of its derived classes.
friend class Reader;
friend class RelativeSeekableReader;
friend class SeekableReader;
friend class NonSeekableReader;
friend class Writer;
friend class RelativeSeekableWriter;
friend class SeekableWriter;
friend class NonSeekableWriter;
friend class ReaderWriter;
friend class RelativeSeekableReaderWriter;
friend class SeekableReaderWriter;
friend class NonSeekableReaderWriter;
// Seekability expresses the origins from which the stream always supports
// seeking. Seeking from other origins may work, but is not guaranteed.
// Seekability is implemented as a bitfield of Whence values.
enum class Seekability : uint8_t {
// No type of seeking is supported.
kNone = 0,
// Seeking from the current position is supported, but the range may be
// limited. For example, a buffered stream might support seeking within the
// buffered data, but not before or after.
kRelative = kCurrent,
// The stream supports random access anywhere within the stream.
kAbsolute = kBeginning | kCurrent | kEnd,
constexpr Stream(bool readable, bool writable, Seekability seekability)
: readable_(readable), writable_(writable), seekability_(seekability) {}
// These are the virtual methods that are implemented by derived classes. The
// public API functions call these virtual functions.
virtual StatusWithSize DoRead(ByteSpan destination) = 0;
virtual Status DoWrite(ConstByteSpan data) = 0;
virtual Status DoSeek(ptrdiff_t offset, Whence origin) = 0;
virtual size_t DoTell() { return kUnknownPosition; }
virtual size_t ConservativeLimit(LimitType limit_type) const {
if (limit_type == LimitType::kRead) {
return readable() ? kUnlimited : 0;
return writable() ? kUnlimited : 0;
bool readable_;
bool writable_;
Seekability seekability_;
// A Stream that supports reading but not writing. The Write() method is hidden.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Must read from, but not write to, a stream.
// * May or may not need seeking. Use a SeekableReader& if seeking is
// required.
// Inherit from when:
// * Reader cannot be extended directly. Instead, extend SeekableReader,
// NonSeekableReader, or (rarely) RelativeSeekableReader, as appropriate.
// A Reader may or may not support seeking. Check seekable() or try calling
// Seek() to determine if the stream is seekable.
class Reader : public Stream {
friend class RelativeSeekableReader;
friend class NonSeekableReader;
constexpr Reader(Seekability seekability)
: Stream(true, false, seekability) {}
using Stream::Write;
Status DoWrite(ConstByteSpan) final { return Status::Unimplemented(); }
// A Reader that supports at least relative seeking within some range of the
// current position. Seeking beyond that or from other origins may or may not be
// supported. The extent to which seeking is possible is NOT exposed by this
// API.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Relative seeking is required. Usage in APIs should be rare; generally
// Reader should be used instead.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a Reader that can only support seeking near the current
// position.
// A buffered Reader that only supports seeking within its buffer is a good
// example of a RelativeSeekableReader.
class RelativeSeekableReader : public Reader {
constexpr RelativeSeekableReader()
: RelativeSeekableReader(Seekability::kRelative) {}
friend class SeekableReader;
constexpr RelativeSeekableReader(Seekability seekability)
: Reader(seekability) {}
// A Reader that fully supports seeking.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Absolute seeking is required. Use Reader& if seeking is not required or
// seek failures can be handled gracefully.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a reader that supports absolute seeking.
class SeekableReader : public RelativeSeekableReader {
constexpr SeekableReader() : RelativeSeekableReader(Seekability::kAbsolute) {}
// A Reader that does not support seeking. The Seek() method is hidden.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Do NOT use in APIs! If seeking is not required, use Reader& instead.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a Reader that does not support seeking.
class NonSeekableReader : public Reader {
constexpr NonSeekableReader() : Reader(Seekability::kNone) {}
using Reader::Seek;
Status DoSeek(ptrdiff_t, Whence) final { return Status::Unimplemented(); }
// A Stream that supports writing but not reading. The Read() method is hidden.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Must write to, but not read from, a stream.
// * May or may not need seeking. Use a SeekableWriter& if seeking is
// required.
// Inherit from when:
// * Writer cannot be extended directly. Instead, extend SeekableWriter,
// NonSeekableWriter, or (rarely) RelativeSeekableWriter, as appropriate.
// A Writer may or may not support seeking. Check seekable() or try calling
// Seek() to determine if the stream is seekable.
class Writer : public Stream {
friend class RelativeSeekableWriter;
friend class NonSeekableWriter;
constexpr Writer(Seekability seekability)
: Stream(false, true, seekability) {}
using Stream::Read;
StatusWithSize DoRead(ByteSpan) final {
return StatusWithSize::Unimplemented();
// A Writer that supports at least relative seeking within some range of the
// current position. Seeking beyond that or from other origins may or may not be
// supported. The extent to which seeking is possible is NOT exposed by this
// API.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Relative seeking is required. Usage in APIs should be rare; generally
// Writer should be used instead.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a Writer that can only support seeking near the current
// position.
// A buffered Writer that only supports seeking within its buffer is a good
// example of a RelativeSeekableWriter.
class RelativeSeekableWriter : public Writer {
constexpr RelativeSeekableWriter()
: RelativeSeekableWriter(Seekability::kRelative) {}
friend class SeekableWriter;
constexpr RelativeSeekableWriter(Seekability seekability)
: Writer(seekability) {}
// A Writer that fully supports seeking.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Absolute seeking is required. Use Writer& if seeking is not required or
// seek failures can be handled gracefully.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a writer that supports absolute seeking.
class SeekableWriter : public RelativeSeekableWriter {
constexpr SeekableWriter() : RelativeSeekableWriter(Seekability::kAbsolute) {}
// A Writer that does not support seeking. The Seek() method is hidden.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Do NOT use in APIs! If seeking is not required, use Writer& instead.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a Writer that does not support seeking.
class NonSeekableWriter : public Writer {
constexpr NonSeekableWriter() : Writer(Seekability::kNone) {}
using Writer::Seek;
Status DoSeek(ptrdiff_t, Whence) final { return Status::Unimplemented(); }
// A Stream that supports both reading and writing.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Must both read from and write to a stream.
// * May or may not need seeking. Use a SeekableReaderWriter& if seeking is
// required.
// Inherit from when:
// * Cannot extend ReaderWriter directly. Instead, extend
// SeekableReaderWriter, NonSeekableReaderWriter, or (rarely)
// RelativeSeekableReaderWriter, as appropriate.
// A ReaderWriter may or may not support seeking. Check seekable() or try
// calling Seek() to determine if the stream is seekable.
class ReaderWriter : public Stream {
// ReaderWriters may be used as Readers.
constexpr Reader& as_reader() {
return static_cast<Reader&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr const Reader& as_reader() const {
return static_cast<const Reader&>(static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator Reader&() { return as_reader(); }
constexpr operator const Reader&() const { return as_reader(); }
// ReaderWriters may be used as Writers.
constexpr Writer& as_writer() {
return static_cast<Writer&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr const Writer& as_writer() const {
return static_cast<const Writer&>(static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator Writer&() { return as_writer(); }
constexpr operator const Writer&() const { return as_writer(); }
friend class RelativeSeekableReaderWriter;
friend class NonSeekableReaderWriter;
constexpr ReaderWriter(Seekability seekability)
: Stream(true, true, seekability) {}
// A ReaderWriter that supports at least relative seeking within some range of
// the current position. Seeking beyond that or from other origins may or may
// not be supported. The extent to which seeking is possible is NOT exposed by
// this API.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Relative seeking is required. Usage in APIs should be rare; generally
// ReaderWriter should be used instead.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a ReaderWriter that can only support seeking near the
// current position.
// A buffered ReaderWriter that only supports seeking within its buffer is a
// good example of a RelativeSeekableReaderWriter.
class RelativeSeekableReaderWriter : public ReaderWriter {
// RelativeSeekableReaderWriters may be used as RelativeSeekableReaders or
// RelativeSeekableWriters.
constexpr operator RelativeSeekableReader&() {
return static_cast<RelativeSeekableReader&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator const RelativeSeekableReader&() const {
return static_cast<const RelativeSeekableReader&>(
static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator RelativeSeekableWriter&() {
return static_cast<RelativeSeekableWriter&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator const RelativeSeekableWriter&() const {
return static_cast<const RelativeSeekableWriter&>(
static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr RelativeSeekableReaderWriter()
: ReaderWriter(Seekability::kRelative) {}
friend class SeekableReaderWriter;
constexpr RelativeSeekableReaderWriter(Seekability seekability)
: ReaderWriter(seekability) {}
// A ReaderWriter that fully supports seeking.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Absolute seeking is required. Use ReaderWriter& if seeking is not
// required or seek failures can be handled gracefully.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a writer that supports absolute seeking.
class SeekableReaderWriter : public RelativeSeekableReaderWriter {
// SeekableReaderWriters may be used as SeekableReaders.
constexpr SeekableReader& as_seekable_reader() {
return static_cast<SeekableReader&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr const SeekableReader& as_seekable_reader() const {
return static_cast<const SeekableReader&>(
static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator SeekableReader&() { return as_seekable_reader(); }
constexpr operator const SeekableReader&() const {
return as_seekable_reader();
// SeekableReaderWriters may be used as SeekableWriters.
constexpr SeekableWriter& as_seekable_writer() {
return static_cast<SeekableWriter&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr const SeekableWriter& as_seekable_writer() const {
return static_cast<const SeekableWriter&>(
static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator SeekableWriter&() { return as_seekable_writer(); }
constexpr operator const SeekableWriter&() const {
return as_seekable_writer();
constexpr SeekableReaderWriter()
: RelativeSeekableReaderWriter(Seekability::kAbsolute) {}
// A ReaderWriter that does not support seeking. The Seek() method is hidden.
// Use in APIs when:
// * Do NOT use in APIs! If seeking is not required, use ReaderWriter&
// instead.
// Inherit from when:
// * Implementing a ReaderWriter that does not support seeking.
class NonSeekableReaderWriter : public ReaderWriter {
// NonSeekableReaderWriters may be used as either NonSeekableReaders or
// NonSeekableWriters. Note that NonSeekableReaderWriter& generally should not
// be used in APIs, which should accept ReaderWriter& instead.
constexpr operator NonSeekableReader&() {
return static_cast<NonSeekableReader&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator const NonSeekableReader&() const {
return static_cast<const NonSeekableReader&>(
static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator NonSeekableWriter&() {
return static_cast<NonSeekableWriter&>(static_cast<Stream&>(*this));
constexpr operator const NonSeekableWriter&() const {
return static_cast<const NonSeekableWriter&>(
static_cast<const Stream&>(*this));
constexpr NonSeekableReaderWriter() : ReaderWriter(Seekability::kNone) {}
using ReaderWriter::Seek;
Status DoSeek(ptrdiff_t, Whence) final { return Status::Unimplemented(); }
} // namespace pw::stream