blob: ba8516b01e361052023689d2b4fd2e9544283f15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_digital_io/internal/conversions.h"
#include "pw_function/function.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_status/try.h"
namespace pw::digital_io {
// The logical state of a digital line.
enum class State : bool {
kActive = true,
kInactive = false,
// The triggering configuration for an interrupt handler.
enum class InterruptTrigger : int {
// Trigger on transition from kInactive to kActive.
// Trigger on transition from kActive to kInactive.
// Trigger on any state transition between kActive and kInactive.
// Interrupt handling function. The argument contains the latest known state of
// the line. It is backend-specific if, when, and how this state is updated.
using InterruptHandler = ::pw::Function<void(State sampled_state)>;
// A digital I/O line that may support input, output, and interrupts, but makes
// no guarantees about whether any operations are supported. You must check the
// various provides_* flags before calling optional methods. Unsupported methods
// invoke PW_CRASH.
// All methods are potentially blocking. Unless otherwise specified, access from
// multiple threads to a single line must be externally synchronized - for
// example using pw::Borrowable. Unless otherwise specified, none of the methods
// are safe to call from an interrupt handler. Therefore, this abstraction may
// not be suitable for bitbanging and other low-level uses of GPIO.
// Note that the initial state of a line is not guaranteed to be consistent with
// either the "enabled" or "disabled" state. Users of the API who need to ensure
// the line is disabled (ex. output not driving the line) should call Disable.
// This class should almost never be used in APIs directly. Instead, use one of
// the derived classes that explicitly supports the functionality that your
// API needs.
// This class cannot be extended directly. Instead, extend one of the
// derived classes that explicitly support the functionality that you want to
// implement.
class DigitalIoOptional {
virtual ~DigitalIoOptional() = default;
// True if input (getting state) is supported.
constexpr bool provides_input() const { return config_.input; }
// True if output (setting state) is supported.
constexpr bool provides_output() const { return config_.output; }
// True if interrupt handlers can be registered.
constexpr bool provides_interrupt() const { return config_.interrupt; }
// Get the state of the line.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - an active or inactive state.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The line has not been enabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Result<State> GetState() { return DoGetState(); }
// Set the state of the line.
// Callers are responsible to wait for the voltage level to settle after this
// call returns.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - the state has been set.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The line has not been enabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status SetState(State state) { return DoSetState(state); }
// Check if the line is in the active state.
// The line is in the active state when GetState() returns State::kActive.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - true if the line is in the active state, otherwise false.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The line has not been enabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Result<bool> IsStateActive() {
PW_TRY_ASSIGN(const State state, GetState());
return state == State::kActive;
// Sets the line to the active state. Equivalent to SetState(State::kActive).
// Callers are responsible to wait for the voltage level to settle after this
// call returns.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - the state has been set.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The line has not been enabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status SetStateActive() { return SetState(State::kActive); }
// Sets the line to the inactive state. Equivalent to
// SetState(State::kInactive).
// Callers are responsible to wait for the voltage level to settle after this
// call returns.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - the state has been set.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The line has not been enabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status SetStateInactive() { return SetState(State::kInactive); }
// Set an interrupt handler to execute when an interrupt is triggered, and
// Configure the condition for triggering the interrupt.
// The handler is executed in a backend-specific context - this may be a
// system interrupt handler or a shared notification thread. Do not do any
// blocking or expensive work in the handler. The only universally safe
// operations are the IRQ-safe functions on pw_sync primitives.
// In particular, it is NOT safe to get the state of a DigitalIo line - either
// from this line or any other DigitalIoOptional instance - inside the
// handler.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Precondition: no handler is currently set.
// Returns:
// OK - the interrupt handler was configured.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - handler is empty.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status SetInterruptHandler(InterruptTrigger trigger,
InterruptHandler&& handler) {
if (handler == nullptr) {
return Status::InvalidArgument();
return DoSetInterruptHandler(trigger, std::move(handler));
// Clear the interrupt handler and disable interrupts if enabled.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - the itnerrupt handler was cleared.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status ClearInterruptHandler() {
return DoSetInterruptHandler(InterruptTrigger::kActivatingEdge, nullptr);
// Enable interrupts which will trigger the interrupt handler.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Precondition: a handler has been set using SetInterruptHandler.
// Returns:
// OK - the interrupt handler was configured.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - The line has not been enabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status EnableInterruptHandler() { return DoEnableInterruptHandler(true); }
// Disable the interrupt handler. This is a no-op if interrupts are disabled.
// This method can be called inside the interrupt handler for this line
// without any external synchronization. However, the exact behavior is
// backend-specific. There may be queued events that will trigger the handler
// again after this call returns.
// Returns:
// OK - the interrupt handler was configured.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status DisableInterruptHandler() { return DoEnableInterruptHandler(false); }
// Enable the line to initialize it into the default state as determined by
// the backend. This may enable pull-up/down resistors, drive the line high or
// low, etc. The line must be enabled before getting/setting the state
// or enabling interrupts.
// Callers are responsible to wait for the voltage level to settle after this
// call returns.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - the line is enabled and ready for use.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status Enable() { return DoEnable(true); }
// Disable the line to power down any pull-up/down resistors and disconnect
// from any voltage sources. This is usually done to save power. Interrupt
// handlers are automatically disabled.
// This method is not thread-safe and cannot be used in interrupt handlers.
// Returns:
// OK - the line is disabled.
// Other status codes as defined by the backend.
Status Disable() { return DoEnable(false); }
friend class DigitalInterrupt;
friend class DigitalIn;
friend class DigitalInInterrupt;
friend class DigitalOut;
friend class DigitalOutInterrupt;
friend class DigitalInOut;
friend class DigitalInOutInterrupt;
// Private constructor so that only friends can extend us.
constexpr DigitalIoOptional(internal::Provides config) : config_(config) {}
// Implemented by derived classes to provide different functionality.
// See the documentation of the public functions for requirements.
virtual Status DoEnable(bool enable) = 0;
virtual Result<State> DoGetState() = 0;
virtual Status DoSetState(State level) = 0;
virtual Status DoSetInterruptHandler(InterruptTrigger trigger,
InterruptHandler&& handler) = 0;
virtual Status DoEnableInterruptHandler(bool enable) = 0;
// The configuration of this line.
const internal::Provides config_;
// A digital I/O line that supports only interrupts.
// The input and output methods are hidden and must not be called.
// Use this class in APIs when only interrupt functionality is required.
// Extend this class to implement a line that only supports interrupts.
class DigitalInterrupt
: public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalInterrupt, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
constexpr DigitalInterrupt()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalInterrupt>()) {}
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
// These overrides invoke PW_CRASH.
Status DoSetState(State) final;
Result<State> DoGetState() final;
// A digital I/O line that supports only input (getting state).
// The output and interrupt methods are hidden and must not be called.
// Use this class in APIs when only input functionality is required.
// Extend this class to implement a line that only supports getting state.
class DigitalIn : public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalIn, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
constexpr DigitalIn()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalIn>()) {}
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
// These overrides invoke PW_CRASH.
Status DoSetState(State) final;
Status DoSetInterruptHandler(InterruptTrigger, InterruptHandler&&) final;
Status DoEnableInterruptHandler(bool) final;
// An input line that supports interrupts.
// The output methods are hidden and must not be called.
// Use in APIs when input and interrupt functionality is required.
// Extend this class to implement a line that supports input (getting state) and
// listening for interrupts at the same time.
class DigitalInInterrupt
: public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalInInterrupt, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
constexpr DigitalInInterrupt()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalInInterrupt>()) {}
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
// These overrides invoke PW_CRASH.
Status DoSetState(State) final;
// A digital I/O line that supports only output (setting state).
// Input and interrupt functions are hidden and must not be called.
// Use in APIs when only output functionality is required.
// Extend this class to implement a line that supports output only.
class DigitalOut : public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalOut, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
constexpr DigitalOut()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalOut>()) {}
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
// These overrides invoke PW_CRASH.
Result<State> DoGetState() final;
Status DoSetInterruptHandler(InterruptTrigger, InterruptHandler&&) final;
Status DoEnableInterruptHandler(bool) final;
// A digital I/O line that supports output and interrupts.
// Input methods are hidden and must not be called.
// Use in APIs when output and interrupt functionality is required. For
// example, to represent a two-way signalling line.
// Extend this class to implement a line that supports both output and
// listening for interrupts at the same time.
class DigitalOutInterrupt
: public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalOutInterrupt, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
constexpr DigitalOutInterrupt()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalOutInterrupt>()) {}
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
// These overrides invoke PW_CRASH.
Result<State> DoGetState() final;
// A digital I/O line that supports both input and output.
// Use in APIs when both input and output functionality is required. For
// example, to represent a line which is shared by multiple controllers.
// Extend this class to implement a line that supports both input and output at
// the same time.
class DigitalInOut
: public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalInOut, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
constexpr DigitalInOut()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalInOut>()) {}
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
// These overrides invoke PW_CRASH.
Status DoSetInterruptHandler(InterruptTrigger, InterruptHandler&&) final;
Status DoEnableInterruptHandler(bool) final;
// A line that supports input, output, and interrupts.
// Use in APIs when input, output, and interrupts are required. For example to
// represent a two-way shared line with state transition notifications.
// Extend this class to implement a line that supports all the functionality at
// the same time.
class DigitalInOutInterrupt
: public DigitalIoOptional,
public internal::Conversions<DigitalInOutInterrupt, DigitalIoOptional> {
// Available functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::ClearInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::DisableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::EnableInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::GetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::IsStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetInterruptHandler;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetState;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateActive;
using DigitalIoOptional::SetStateInactive;
constexpr DigitalInOutInterrupt()
: DigitalIoOptional(internal::AlwaysProvidedBy<DigitalInOutInterrupt>()) {
// Unavailable functionality
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_input;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_interrupt;
using DigitalIoOptional::provides_output;
} // namespace pw::digital_io