blob: 136ca054336c77426235c7a68f80b7853df5f84b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "pw_preprocessor/util.h"
// The backend implements this header to provide the following SystemClock
// parameters, for more detail on the parameters see the SystemClock usage of
// them below:
// constexpr pw::chrono::Epoch pw::chrono::backend::kSystemClockEpoch;
// constexpr bool pw::chrono::backend::kSystemClockFreeRunning;
// constexpr bool pw::chrono::backend::kSystemClockNmiSafe;
#include "pw_chrono_backend/system_clock_config.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <chrono>
#include <ratio>
namespace pw::chrono {
namespace backend {
// The ARM AEBI does not permit the opaque 'time_point' to be passed via
// registers, ergo the underlying fundamental type is forward declared.
// A SystemCLock tick has the units of one SystemClock::period duration.
// This must be thread and IRQ safe and provided by the backend.
int64_t GetSystemClockTickCount();
} // namespace backend
// The SystemClock represents an unsteady, monotonic clock.
// The epoch of this clock is unspecified and may not be related to wall time
// (for example, it can be time since boot). The time between ticks of this
// clock may vary due to sleep modes and potential interrupt handling.
// SystemClock meets the requirements of C++'s TrivialClock and Pigweed's
// PigweedClock.
// SystemClock is compatible with C++'s Clock & TrivialClock including:
// SystemClock::rep
// SystemClock::period
// SystemClock::duration
// SystemClock::time_point
// SystemClock::is_steady
// SystemClock::now()
// Example:
// SystemClock::time_point before = SystemClock::now();
// TakesALongTime();
// SystemClock::duration time_taken = SystemClock::now() - before;
// bool took_way_too_long = false;
// if (time_taken > std::chrono::seconds(42)) {
// took_way_too_long = true;
// }
// This code is thread & IRQ safe, it may be NMI safe depending on is_nmi_safe.
struct SystemClock {
using rep = int64_t;
// The period must be provided by the backend.
using duration = std::chrono::duration<rep, period>;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<SystemClock>;
// The epoch must be provided by the backend.
static constexpr Epoch epoch = backend::kSystemClockEpoch;
// The time points of this clock cannot decrease, however the time between
// ticks of this clock may slightly vary due to sleep modes. The duration
// during sleep may be ignored or backfilled with another clock.
static constexpr bool is_monotonic = true;
static constexpr bool is_steady = false;
// The now() function may not move forward while in a critical section or
// interrupt. This must be provided by the backend.
static constexpr bool is_free_running = backend::kSystemClockFreeRunning;
// The clock must stop while in halting debug mode.
static constexpr bool is_stopped_in_halting_debug_mode = true;
// The now() function can be invoked at any time.
static constexpr bool is_always_enabled = true;
// The now() function may work in non-masking interrupts, depending on the
// backend. This must be provided by the backend.
static constexpr bool is_nmi_safe = backend::kSystemClockNmiSafe;
// This is thread and IRQ safe. This must be provided by the backend.
static time_point now() noexcept {
return time_point(duration(backend::GetSystemClockTickCount()));
// This is purely a helper, identical to directly using std::chrono::ceil, to
// convert a duration type which cannot be implicitly converted where the
// result is rounded up.
template <class Rep, class Period>
static constexpr duration for_at_least(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> d) {
return std::chrono::ceil<duration>(d);
// Computes the nearest time_point after the specified duration has elapsed.
// This is useful for translating delay or timeout durations into deadlines.
// The time_point is computed based on now() plus the specified duration
// where a singular clock tick is added to handle partial ticks. This ensures
// that a duration of at least 1 tick does not result in [0,1] ticks and
// instead in [1,2] ticks.
static time_point TimePointAfterAtLeast(duration after_at_least) {
return now() + after_at_least + duration(1);
// An abstract interface representing a SystemClock.
// This interface allows decoupling code that uses time from the code that
// creates a point in time. You can use this to your advantage by injecting
// Clocks into interfaces rather than having implementations call
// SystemClock::now() directly. However, this comes at a cost of a vtable per
// implementation and more importantly passing and maintaining references to the
// VirtualSystemCLock for all of the users.
// The VirtualSystemClock::RealClock() function returns a reference to the
// real global SystemClock.
// Example:
// void DoFoo(VirtualSystemClock& system_clock) {
// SystemClock::time_point now =;
// // ... Code which consumes now.
// }
// // Production code:
// DoFoo(VirtualSystemCLock::RealClock);
// // Test code:
// MockClock test_clock();
// DoFoo(test_clock);
// This interface is thread and IRQ safe.
class VirtualSystemClock {
// Returns a reference to the real system clock to aid instantiation.
static VirtualSystemClock& RealClock();
virtual ~VirtualSystemClock() = default;
virtual SystemClock::time_point now() = 0;
} // namespace pw::chrono
// The backend can opt to include an inlined implementation of the following:
// int64_t GetSystemClockTickCount();
#if __has_include("pw_chrono_backend/system_clock_inline.h")
#include "pw_chrono_backend/system_clock_inline.h"
#endif // __has_include("pw_chrono_backend/system_clock_inline.h")
#endif // __cplusplus
// C API Users should not create pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration's directly,
// instead it is strongly recommended to use macros which express the duration
// in time units, instead of non-portable ticks.
// The following macros round up just like std::chrono::ceil, this is the
// recommended rounding to maintain the "at least" contract of timeouts and
// deadlines (note the *_CEIL macros are the same only more explicit):
// PW_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MS(milliseconds)
// PW_SYSTEM_CLOCK_S(seconds)
// PW_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MS_CEIL(milliseconds)
// The following macros round down like std::chrono::{floor,duration_cast},
// these are discouraged but sometimes necessary:
// PW_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MS_FLOOR(milliseconds)
#include "pw_chrono/internal/system_clock_macros.h"
typedef struct {
int64_t ticks;
} pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration;
typedef struct {
pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration duration_since_epoch;
} pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint;
typedef int64_t pw_chrono_SystemClock_Nanoseconds;
// Returns the current time, see SystemClock::now() for more detail.
pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint pw_chrono_SystemClock_Now(void);
// Returns the change in time between the current_time - last_time.
pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimeElapsed(
pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint last_time,
pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint current_time);
// For lossless time unit conversion, the seconds per tick ratio that is
// numerator/denominator should be used:
// Warning, this may be lossy due to the use of std::chrono::floor,
// rounding towards zero.
pw_chrono_SystemClock_Nanoseconds pw_chrono_SystemClock_DurationToNsFloor(
pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration duration);