blob: e2f2adbb3fc1c6ace72a18788c5143e79942a9b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include "pw_containers/intrusive_list.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
namespace pw {
namespace ring_buffer {
// A circular ring buffer for arbitrary length data entries. Each PushBack()
// produces a buffer entry. Each entry consists of a preamble followed by an
// arbitrary length data chunk. The preamble is comprised of an optional user
// preamble byte and an always present varint. The varint encodes the number of
// bytes in the data chunk. This is a FIFO queue, with the oldest entries at
// the 'front' (to be processed by readers) and the newest entries at the 'back'
// (where the writer pushes to).
// The ring buffer supports multiple readers, which can be attached/detached
// from the buffer. Each reader has its own read pointer and can peek and pop
// the entry at the head. Entries are not bumped out from the buffer until all
// readers have moved past that entry, or if the buffer is at capacity and space
// is needed to push a new entry. When making space, the buffer will push slow
// readers forward to the new oldest entry. Entries are internally wrapped
// around as needed.
class PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti {
typedef Status (*ReadOutput)(span<const std::byte>);
// A reader that provides a single-reader interface into the multi-reader ring
// buffer it has been attached to via AttachReader(). Readers maintain their
// read position in the ring buffer as well as the remaining count of entries
// from that position.
// If no readers are currently attached, the reader starts at the current
// write head. If readers are currently attached, the reader is set to the
// location and entry count of the slowest reader in the set.
// Readers can peek and pop entries similar to the single-reader interface.
// When popping entries, although the reader moves forward and drops the
// entry, the entry is not removed from the ring buffer until all other
// attached readers have moved past that entry.
// When the attached ring buffer needs to make space, it may push the reader
// index forward. Users of this class should consider the possibility of data
// loss if they read slower than the writer.
class Reader : public IntrusiveList<Reader>::Item {
constexpr Reader() : buffer_(nullptr), read_idx_(0), entry_count_(0) {}
// TODO(b/235351035): Add locking to the internal functions. Who owns the
// lock? This class? Does this class need a lock if it's not a multi-reader?
// (One doesn't exist today but presumably nothing prevents push + pop
// operations from happening on two different threads).
// Read the oldest stored data chunk of data from the ring buffer to
// the provided destination span. The number of bytes read is written
// to bytes_read
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
// Return values:
// OK - Data successfully read from the ring buffer.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - No entries in ring buffer to read.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - Destination data span was smaller number of
// bytes than the data size of the data chunk being read. Available
// destination bytes were filled, remaining bytes of the data chunk were
// ignored.
Status PeekFront(span<std::byte> data, size_t* bytes_read_out) const {
return buffer_->InternalPeekFront(*this, data, bytes_read_out);
Status PeekFront(ReadOutput output) const {
return buffer_->InternalPeekFront(*this, output);
// Peek the front entry's preamble only to avoid copying data unnecessarily.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
Status PeekFrontPreamble(uint32_t& user_preamble_out) const {
return buffer_->InternalPeekFrontPreamble(*this, user_preamble_out);
// Same as PeekFront but includes the entry's preamble of optional user
// value and the varint of the data size.
// TODO(b/235351847): Move all other APIs to passing bytes_read by
// reference, as it is required to determine the length populated in the
// span.
Status PeekFrontWithPreamble(span<std::byte> data,
uint32_t& user_preamble_out,
size_t& entry_bytes_read_out) const;
Status PeekFrontWithPreamble(span<std::byte> data,
size_t* bytes_read_out) const {
return buffer_->InternalPeekFrontWithPreamble(
*this, data, bytes_read_out);
Status PeekFrontWithPreamble(ReadOutput output) const {
return buffer_->InternalPeekFrontWithPreamble(*this, output);
// Pop and discard the oldest stored data chunk of data from the ring
// buffer.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
// Return values:
// OK - Data successfully read from the ring buffer.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - No entries in ring buffer to pop.
Status PopFront() { return buffer_->InternalPopFront(*this); }
// Get the size in bytes of the next chunk, not including preamble, to be
// read.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
size_t FrontEntryDataSizeBytes() const {
return buffer_->InternalFrontEntryDataSizeBytes(*this);
// Get the size in bytes of the next chunk, including preamble and data
// chunk, to be read.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
size_t FrontEntryTotalSizeBytes() const {
return buffer_->InternalFrontEntryTotalSizeBytes(*this);
// Get the number of variable-length entries currently in the ring buffer.
// Return value:
// Entry count.
size_t EntryCount() const { return entry_count_; }
friend PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti;
// Internal constructors for the iterator class to create Reader instances
// at specific positions. Readers constructed through this interface cannot
// be attached/detached from the multisink.
constexpr Reader(Reader& reader)
: Reader(reader.buffer_, reader.read_idx_, reader.entry_count_) {}
constexpr Reader(PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti* buffer,
size_t read_idx,
size_t entry_count)
: buffer_(buffer), read_idx_(read_idx), entry_count_(entry_count) {}
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti* buffer_;
size_t read_idx_;
size_t entry_count_;
// An entry returned by the iterator containing the byte span of the entry
// and preamble data (if the ring buffer was configured with a preamble).
struct Entry {
span<const std::byte> buffer;
uint32_t preamble;
// An iterator that can be used to walk through all entries from a given
// Reader position, without mutating the underlying buffer. This is useful in
// crash contexts where all available entries in the buffer must be acquired,
// even those that have already been consumed by all attached readers.
class iterator {
iterator() : ring_buffer_(nullptr), read_idx_(0), entry_count_(0) {}
iterator(Reader& reader)
: ring_buffer_(reader.buffer_),
entry_count_(reader.entry_count_) {
Status dering_result = ring_buffer_->InternalDering(reader);
iterator& operator++();
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator original = *this;
return original;
// Returns entry at current position.
const Entry& operator*() const;
const Entry* operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const {
return entry_count_ == rhs.entry_count_;
constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const {
return entry_count_ != rhs.entry_count_;
// Returns the status of the last iteration operation. If the iterator
// fails to read an entry, it will move to iterator::end() and indicate
// the failure reason here.
Status status() const { return iteration_status_; }
static constexpr Entry kEndEntry = {
.buffer = span<const std::byte>(),
.preamble = 0,
void SkipToEnd(Status status) {
iteration_status_ = status;
entry_ = kEndEntry;
entry_count_ = 0;
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti* ring_buffer_;
size_t read_idx_;
size_t entry_count_;
mutable Entry entry_;
Status iteration_status_;
using element_type = const Entry;
using value_type = std::remove_cv_t<const Entry>;
using pointer = const Entry;
using reference = const Entry&;
using const_iterator = iterator; // Standard alias for iterable types.
iterator begin() { return iterator(GetSlowestReaderWritable()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(); }
const_iterator cbegin() { return begin(); }
const_iterator cend() { return end(); }
// TODO(b/235351861): Consider changing bool to an enum, to explicitly
// enumerate what this variable means in clients.
PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti(bool user_preamble = false)
: buffer_(nullptr),
user_preamble_(user_preamble) {}
// Set the raw buffer to be used by the ring buffer.
// Return values:
// OK - successfully set the raw buffer.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - Argument was nullptr, size zero, or too large.
Status SetBuffer(span<std::byte> buffer);
// Determines if the ring buffer has corrupted entries.
// Precondition: At least one reader must be attached to the ring buffer.
// Return values:
// OK - No corruption was detected.
// DATA_LOSS - Corruption was detected.
Status CheckForCorruption() {
iterator it = begin();
for (; it != end(); ++it) {
return it.status();
// Attach reader to the ring buffer. Readers can only be attached to one
// ring buffer at a time.
// Return values:
// OK - Successfully configured reader for ring buffer.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - Argument was already attached to another ring buffer.
Status AttachReader(Reader& reader);
// Detach reader from the ring buffer. Readers can only be detached if they
// were previously attached.
// Return values:
// OK - Successfully removed reader for ring buffer.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - Argument was not previously attached to this ring
// buffer.
Status DetachReader(Reader& reader);
// Removes all data from the ring buffer.
void Clear();
// Write a chunk of data to the ring buffer. If available space is less than
// size of data chunk to be written then silently pop and discard oldest
// stored data chunks until space is available.
// Preamble argument is a caller-provided value prepended to the front of the
// entry. It is only used if user_preamble was set at class construction
// time. It is varint-encoded before insertion into the buffer.
// Return values:
// OK - Data successfully written to the ring buffer.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - Size of data is greater than buffer size.
Status PushBack(span<const std::byte> data, uint32_t user_preamble_data = 0) {
return InternalPushBack(data, user_preamble_data, true);
// [Deprecated] An implementation of PushBack that accepts a single-byte as
// preamble data. Clients should migrate to passing uint32_t preamble data.
Status PushBack(span<const std::byte> data, std::byte user_preamble_data) {
return PushBack(data, static_cast<uint32_t>(user_preamble_data));
// Write a chunk of data to the ring buffer if there is space available.
// Preamble argument is a caller-provided value prepended to the front of the
// entry. It is only used if user_preamble was set at class construction
// time. It is varint-encoded before insertion into the buffer.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
// Return values:
// OK - Data successfully written to the ring buffer.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT - Size of data to write is zero bytes
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - Size of data is greater than buffer size.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - The ring buffer doesn't have space for the data
// without popping off existing elements.
Status TryPushBack(span<const std::byte> data,
uint32_t user_preamble_data = 0) {
return InternalPushBack(data, user_preamble_data, false);
// [Deprecated] An implementation of TryPushBack that accepts a single-byte as
// preamble data. Clients should migrate to passing uint32_t preamble data.
Status TryPushBack(span<const std::byte> data, std::byte user_preamble_data) {
return TryPushBack(data, static_cast<uint32_t>(user_preamble_data));
// Get the size in bytes of all the current entries in the ring buffer,
// including preamble and data chunk.
size_t TotalUsedBytes() const { return buffer_bytes_ - RawAvailableBytes(); }
// Dering the buffer by reordering entries internally in the buffer by
// rotating to have the oldest entry is at the lowest address/index with
// newest entry at the highest address. If no readers are attached, the buffer
// is deringed at the current write index.
// Return values:
// OK - Buffer data successfully deringed.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
Status Dering();
// Read the oldest stored data chunk of data from the ring buffer to
// the provided destination span. The number of bytes read is written to
// `bytes_read_out`.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
// Return values:
// OK - Data successfully read from the ring buffer.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - No entries in ring buffer to read.
// RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - Destination data span was smaller number of bytes
// than the data size of the data chunk being read. Available destination
// bytes were filled, remaining bytes of the data chunk were ignored.
Status InternalPeekFront(const Reader& reader,
span<std::byte> data,
size_t* bytes_read_out) const;
Status InternalPeekFront(const Reader& reader, ReadOutput output) const;
Status InternalPeekFrontPreamble(const Reader& reader,
uint32_t& user_preamble_out) const;
// Same as Read but includes the entry's preamble of optional user value and
// the varint of the data size
Status InternalPeekFrontWithPreamble(const Reader& reader,
span<std::byte> data,
size_t* bytes_read_out) const;
Status InternalPeekFrontWithPreamble(const Reader& reader,
ReadOutput output) const;
// Pop and discard the oldest stored data chunk of data from the ring buffer.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
// Return values:
// OK - Data successfully read from the ring buffer.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
// OUT_OF_RANGE - No entries in ring buffer to pop.
Status InternalPopFront(Reader& reader);
// Get the size in bytes of the next chunk, not including preamble, to be
// read.
size_t InternalFrontEntryDataSizeBytes(const Reader& reader) const;
// Get the size in bytes of the next chunk, including preamble and data
// chunk, to be read.
size_t InternalFrontEntryTotalSizeBytes(const Reader& reader) const;
// Internal version of Read used by all the public interface versions. T
// should be of type ReadOutput.
template <typename T>
Status InternalRead(const Reader& reader,
T read_output,
bool include_preamble_in_output,
uint32_t* user_preamble_out = nullptr) const;
// Dering the buffer by reordering entries internally in the buffer by
// rotating to have the oldest entry is at the lowest address/index with
// newest entry at the highest address. If no readers are attached, the buffer
// is deringed at the current write index.
// Return values:
// OK - Buffer data successfully deringed.
// FAILED_PRECONDITION - Buffer not initialized.
Status InternalDering(Reader& reader);
struct EntryInfo {
size_t preamble_bytes;
uint32_t user_preamble;
size_t data_bytes;
// Push back implementation, which optionally discards front elements to fit
// the incoming element.
Status InternalPushBack(span<const std::byte> data,
uint32_t user_preamble_data,
bool pop_front_if_needed);
// Internal function to pop all of the slowest readers. This function may pop
// multiple readers if multiple are slow.
// Precondition: This function requires that at least one reader is attached
// and has at least one entry to pop. There will be a crash if data is
// corrupted.
void InternalPopFrontAll();
// Returns a the slowest reader in the list.
// Precondition: This function requires that at least one reader is attached.
const Reader& GetSlowestReader() const;
Reader& GetSlowestReaderWritable() {
return const_cast<Reader&>(GetSlowestReader());
// Get info struct with the size of the preamble and data chunk for the next
// entry to be read. Calls RawFrontEntryInfo and asserts on failure.
// Precondition: the buffer data must not be corrupt, otherwise there will
// be a crash.
EntryInfo FrontEntryInfo(const Reader& reader) const;
// Get info struct with the size of the preamble and data chunk for the next
// entry to be read.
// Returns:
// OK - EntryInfo containing the next entry metadata.
// DATA_LOSS - Failed to read the metadata at this location.
Result<EntryInfo> RawFrontEntryInfo(size_t source_idx) const;
// Get the raw number of available bytes free in the ring buffer. This is
// not available bytes for data, since there is a variable size preamble for
// each entry.
size_t RawAvailableBytes() const;
// Do the basic write of the specified number of bytes starting at the last
// write index of the ring buffer to the destination, handing any wrap-around
// of the ring buffer. This is basic, raw operation with no safety checks.
void RawWrite(span<const std::byte> source);
// Do the basic read of the specified number of bytes starting at the given
// index of the ring buffer to the destination, handing any wrap-around of
// the ring buffer. This is basic, raw operation with no safety checks.
void RawRead(std::byte* destination,
size_t source_idx,
size_t length_bytes) const;
size_t IncrementIndex(size_t index, size_t count) const;
std::byte* buffer_;
size_t buffer_bytes_;
size_t write_idx_;
const bool user_preamble_;
// List of attached readers.
IntrusiveList<Reader> readers_;
// Maximum bufer size allowed. Restricted to this to allow index aliasing to
// not overflow.
static constexpr size_t kMaxBufferBytes =
std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2;
class PrefixedEntryRingBuffer : public PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti,
public PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti::Reader {
PrefixedEntryRingBuffer(bool user_preamble = false)
: PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti(user_preamble) {
.IgnoreError(); // TODO(b/242598609): Handle Status properly
} // namespace ring_buffer
} // namespace pw