blob: 81efb4f57f220a200ee2f02ac39d2d56af2da021 [file] [log] [blame]
.. default-domain:: cpp
.. highlight:: sh
.. _chapter-pw-rpc:
The ``pw_rpc`` module provides a system for defining and invoking remote
procedure calls (RPCs) on a device.
.. attention::
Under construction.
Protocol description
Pigweed RPC servers and clients communicate using ``pw_rpc`` packets. These
packets are used to send requests and responses, control streams, cancel ongoing
RPCs, and report errors.
Packet format
Pigweed RPC packets consist of a type and a set of fields. The packets are
encoded as protocol buffers. The full packet format is described in
.. literalinclude:: pw_rpc_protos/packet.proto
:language: protobuf
:lines: 14-
The packet type and RPC type determine which fields are present in a Pigweed RPC
packet. This table describes the meaning of and fields included with each packet
type when sent from client to server and server to client.
| packet type | client-to-server | server-to-client |
| RPC | RPC request | RPC response |
| | | |
| | .. code-block:: text | .. code-block:: text |
| | | |
| | - channel_id | - channel_id |
| | - service_id | - service_id |
| | - method_id | - method_id |
| | - payload | - payload |
| | (unless first client stream) | - status |
| | | (unless in server stream) |
| | | |
| STREAM_END | Client stream finished | Server stream and RPC finished |
| | | |
| | .. code-block:: text | .. code-block:: text |
| | | |
| | - channel_id | - channel_id |
| | - service_id | - service_id |
| | - method_id | - method_id |
| | | - status |
| | | |
| CANCEL | Cancel server stream | (not used) |
| | | |
| | .. code-block:: text | |
| | | |
| | - channel_id | |
| | - service_id | |
| | - method_id | |
| | | |
| ERROR | (not used) | Unexpected or malformed packet |
| | | |
| | | .. code-block:: text |
| | | |
| | | - channel_id |
| | | - service_id (if relevant) |
| | | - method_id (if relevant) |
| | | - status |
| | | |
Error packets
The server sends ``ERROR`` packets when it receives a packet it cannot process.
The status field indicates the type of error.
* ``DATA_LOSS`` -- Failed to decode a packet.
* ``NOT_FOUND`` -- The requested service or method does not exist. In the
``ERROR`` packet, the service ID is always set, but the method ID is only set
if the requested service exists.
* ``FAILED_PRECONDITION`` -- Attempted to cancel an RPC that is not pending.
* ``RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`` -- The request came on a new channel, but a channel
could not be allocated for it.
* ``INTERNAL`` -- The server was unable to respond to an RPC due to an
unrecoverable internal error.
Inovking a service method
Calling an RPC requires a specific sequence of packets. This section describes
the protocol for calling service methods of each type: unary, server streaming,
client streaming, and bidirectional streaming.
Unary RPC
In a unary RPC, the client sends a single request and the server sends a single
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "request",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <- server [
label = "response",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload\nstatus"
Server streaming RPC
In a server streaming RPC, the client sends a single request and the server
sends any number of responses followed by a ``STREAM_END`` packet.
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "request",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <-- server [
label = "responses (zero or more)",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <- server [
label = "done",
rightnote = "PacketType.STREAM_END\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\nstatus"
Server streaming RPCs may be cancelled by the client. The client sends a
``CANCEL`` packet to terminate the RPC.
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "request",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <-- server [
label = "responses (zero or more)",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client -> server [
label = "cancel",
leftnote = "PacketType.CANCEL\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client <- server [
label = "done",
rightnote = "PacketType.STREAM_END\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\nstatus"
Client streaming RPC
In a client streaming RPC, the client sends any number of RPC requests followed
by a ``STREAM_END`` packet. The server then sends a single response.
The first client-to-server RPC packet does not include a payload.
.. attention::
``pw_rpc`` does not yet support client streaming RPCs.
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "start",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client --> server [
label = "requests (zero or more)",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client -> server [
label = "done",
leftnote = "PacketType.STREAM_END\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client <- server [
label = "response",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload\nstatus"
The server may terminate a client streaming RPC at any time by sending its
response packet.
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "start",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client --> server [
label = "requests (zero or more)",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <- server [
label = "response",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload\nstatus"
Bidirectional streaming RPC
In a bidirectional streaming RPC, the client sends any number of requests and
the server sends any number of responses. The client sends a ``STREAM_END``
packet when it has finished sending requests. The server sends a ``STREAM_END``
packet after it receives the client's ``STREAM_END`` and finished sending its
The first client-to-server RPC packet does not include a payload.
.. attention::
``pw_rpc`` does not yet support bidirectional streaming RPCs.
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "start",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client --> server [
label = "requests (zero or more)",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
... (messages in any order) ...
client <-- server [
label = "responses (zero or more)",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client -> server [
label = "done",
leftnote = "PacketType.STREAM_END\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client <-- server [
label = "responses (zero or more)",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <- server [
label = "done",
rightnote = "PacketType.STREAM_END\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\nstatus"
The server may terminate the RPC at any time by sending a ``STREAM_END`` packet
with the status, even if the client has not sent its ``STREAM_END``. The client
may cancel the RPC at any time by sending a ``CANCEL`` packet.
.. seqdiag::
:scale: 110
seqdiag {
default_note_color = aliceblue;
client -> server [
label = "start",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client --> server [
label = "requests (zero or more)",
leftnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client <-- server [
label = "responses (zero or more)",
rightnote = "PacketType.RPC\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\npayload"
client -> server [
label = "cancel",
leftnote = "PacketType.CANCEL\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID"
client <- server [
label = "done",
rightnote = "PacketType.STREAM_END\nchannel ID\nservice ID\nmethod ID\nstatus"
RPC server
Declare an instance of ``rpc::Server`` and register services with it.
.. admonition:: TODO
Document the public interface
RPC server implementation
The Method class
The RPC Server depends on the ``pw::rpc::internal::Method`` class. ``Method``
serves as the bridge between the ``pw_rpc`` server library and the user-defined
RPC functions. ``Method`` takes an RPC packet, decodes it using a protobuf
library (if applicable), and calls the RPC function. Since ``Method`` interacts
directly with the protobuf library, it must be implemented separately for each
protobuf library.
``pw::rpc::internal::Method`` is not implemented as a facade with different
backends. Instead, there is a separate instance of the ``pw_rpc`` server library
for each ``Method`` implementation. There are a few reasons for this.
* ``Method`` is entirely internal to ``pw_rpc``. Users will never implement a
custom backend. Exposing a facade would unnecessarily expose implementation
details and make ``pw_rpc`` more difficult to use.
* There is no common interface between ``pw_rpc`` / ``Method`` implementations.
It's not possible to swap between e.g. a Nanopb and a ``pw_protobuf`` RPC
server because the interface for the user-implemented RPCs changes completely.
This nullifies the primary benefit of facades.
* The different ``Method`` implementations can be built easily alongside one
another in a cross-platform way. This makes testing simpler, since the tests
build with any backend configuration. Users can select which ``Method``
implementation to use simply by depending on the corresponding server library.
Packet flow
.. blockdiag::
blockdiag {
packets [shape = beginpoint];
group {
label = "pw_rpc library";
server [label = "Server"];
service [label = "internal::Service"];
method [label = "internal::Method"];
stubs [label = "generated services", shape = ellipse];
user [label = "user-defined RPCs", shape = roundedbox];
packets -> server -> service -> method -> stubs -> user;
packets -> server [folded];
method -> stubs [folded];
.. blockdiag::
blockdiag {
user -> stubs [folded];
group {
label = "pw_rpc library";
server [label = "Server"];
method [label = "internal::Method"];
channel [label = "Channel"];
stubs [label = "generated services", shape = ellipse];
user [label = "user-defined RPCs", shape = roundedbox];
packets [shape = beginpoint];
user -> stubs -> method [folded];
method -> server -> channel;
channel -> packets [folded];