blob: c3b0e1066342c090c6e569d04d9dfeab47141a1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// The header provides a set of helper utils for protobuf related operations.
// The APIs may not be finalized yet.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <string_view>
#include "pw_assert/check.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/internal/proto_integer_base.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/stream_decoder.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_status/try.h"
#include "pw_stream/interval_reader.h"
#include "pw_stream/stream.h"
namespace pw::protobuf {
// The following defines classes that represent various parsed proto integer
// types or an error code to indicate parsing failure.
// For normal uses, the class should be created from `class Message`. See
// comment for `class Message` for usage.
class Uint32 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<uint32_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<uint32_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Int32 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<int32_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<int32_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Sint32 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<int32_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<int32_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Fixed32 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<uint32_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<uint32_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Sfixed32 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<int32_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<int32_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Uint64 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<uint64_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<uint64_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Int64 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<int64_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<int64_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Sint64 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<int64_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<int64_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Fixed64 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<uint64_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<uint64_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Sfixed64 : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<int64_t> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<int64_t>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Float : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<float> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<float>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Double : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<double> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<double>::ProtoIntegerBase;
class Bool : public internal::ProtoIntegerBase<bool> {
using ProtoIntegerBase<bool>::ProtoIntegerBase;
// An object that represents a parsed `bytes` field or an error code. The
// bytes are available via an stream::IntervalReader by GetBytesReader().
// For normal uses, the class should be created from `class Message`. See
// comment for `class Message` for usage.
class Bytes {
Bytes() = default;
Bytes(Status status) : reader_(status) {}
Bytes(stream::IntervalReader reader) : reader_(reader) {}
stream::IntervalReader GetBytesReader() { return reader_; }
bool ok() { return reader_.ok(); }
Status status() { return reader_.status(); }
// Check whether the bytes value equals the given `bytes`.
Result<bool> Equal(ConstByteSpan bytes);
stream::IntervalReader reader_;
// An object that represents a parsed `string` field or an error code. The
// string value is available via an stream::IntervalReader by
// GetBytesReader().
// For normal uses, the class should be created from `class Message`. See
// comment for `class Message` for usage.
class String : public Bytes {
using Bytes::Bytes;
// Check whether the string value equals the given `str`
Result<bool> Equal(std::string_view str);
// Forward declaration of parser classes.
template <typename FieldType>
class RepeatedFieldParser;
template <typename FieldType>
class StringMapEntryParser;
template <typename FieldType>
class StringMapParser;
class Message;
using RepeatedBytes = RepeatedFieldParser<Bytes>;
using RepeatedStrings = RepeatedFieldParser<String>;
using RepeatedMessages = RepeatedFieldParser<Message>;
using StringToBytesMapEntry = StringMapEntryParser<Bytes>;
using StringToStringMapEntry = StringMapEntryParser<String>;
using StringToMessageMapEntry = StringMapEntryParser<Message>;
using StringToBytesMap = StringMapParser<Bytes>;
using StringToStringMap = StringMapParser<String>;
using StringToMessageMap = StringMapParser<Message>;
// Message - A helper class for parsing a proto message.
// Examples:
// message Nested {
// string nested_str = 1;
// bytes nested_bytes = 2;
// }
// message {
// string str = 1;
// bytes bytes = 2;
// uint32 integer = 3
// repeated string rep_str = 4;
// map<string, bytes> str_to_bytes = 5;
// Nested nested = 6;
// }
// // Given a seekable `reader` that reads the top-level proto message, and
// // a <size> that gives the size of the proto message:
// Message message(reader, <size>);
// // Prase simple basic value fields
// String str = message.AsString(1); // string
// Bytes bytes = message.AsBytes(2); // bytes
// Uint32 integer = messasge_parser.AsUint32(3); // uint32 integer
// // Parse repeated field `repeated string rep_str = 4;`
// RepeatedStrings rep_str = message.AsRepeatedString(4);
// // Iterate through the entries. If proto is malformed when
// // iterating, the next element (`str` in this case) will be invalid
// // and loop will end in the iteration after.
// for (String str : rep_str) {
// // Check status
// if (!str.ok()) {
// // In the case of error, loop will end in the next iteration if
// // continues. This is the chance for code to catch the error.
// ...
// }
// ...
// }
// // Parse map field `map<string, bytes> str_to_bytes = 5;`
// StringToBytesMap str_to_bytes = message.AsStringToBytesMap(5);
// // Access the entry by a given key value
// Bytes bytes_for_key = str_to_bytes["key"];
// // Or iterate through map entries
// for (StringToBytesMapEntry entry : str_to_bytes) {
// if (!entry.ok()) {
// // In the case of error, loop will end in the next iteration if
// // continues. This is the chance for code to catch the error.
// ...
// }
// String key = entry.Key();
// Bytes value = entry.Value();
// ...
// }
// // Parse nested message `Nested nested = 6;`
// Message nested = message.AsMessage(6).
// String nested_str = nested.AsString(1);
// Bytes nested_bytes = nested.AsBytes(2);
// // The `AsXXX()` methods above internally traverse all the fields to find
// // the one with the give field number. This can be expensive if called
// // multiple times. Therefore, whenever possible, it is recommended to use
// // the following iteration to iterate and process each field directly.
// for (Message::Field field : message) {
// if (!field.ok()) {
// // In the case of error, loop will end in the next iteration if
// // continues. This is the chance for code to catch the error.
// ...
// }
// if (field.field_number() == 1) {
// String str = field.As<String>();
// ...
// } else if (field.field_number() == 2) {
// Bytes bytes = field.As<Bytes>();
// ...
// } else if (field.field_number() == 6) {
// Message nested = field.As<Message>();
// ...
// }
// }
// All parser objects created above internally hold the same reference
// to `reader`. Therefore it needs to maintain valid lifespan throughout the
// operations. The parser objects can work independently and without blocking
// each other. All method calls and for-iterations above are re-enterable.
class Message {
class Field {
uint32_t field_number() { return field_number_; }
const stream::IntervalReader& field_reader() { return field_reader_; }
bool ok() { return field_reader_.ok(); }
Status status() { return field_reader_.status(); }
// Create a helper parser type of `FieldType` for the field.
// The default implementation below assumes the field is a length-delimited
// field. Other cases such as primitive integer uint32 will be handled by
// template specialization.
template <typename FieldType>
FieldType As() {
if (!field_reader_.ok()) {
return FieldType(field_reader_.status());
StreamDecoder decoder(field_reader_.Reset());
Result<StreamDecoder::Bounds> payload_bounds =
// The bounds is relative to the given stream::IntervalReader. Convert
// it to the interval relative to the source_reader.
return FieldType(stream::IntervalReader(
payload_bounds.value().low + field_reader_.start(),
payload_bounds.value().high + field_reader_.start()));
Field() = default;
Field(Status status) : field_reader_(status), field_number_(0) {}
Field(stream::IntervalReader reader, uint32_t field_number)
: field_reader_(reader), field_number_(field_number) {}
stream::IntervalReader field_reader_;
uint32_t field_number_;
friend class Message;
class iterator {
iterator& operator++();
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator iter = *this;
return iter;
bool ok() { return status_.ok(); }
Status status() { return status_; }
Field operator*() { return current_; }
Field* operator->() { return &current_; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
return eof_ == other.eof_ && reader_ == other.reader_;
stream::IntervalReader reader_;
bool eof_ = false;
Field current_;
Status status_ = OkStatus();
iterator(stream::IntervalReader reader) : reader_(reader) {
friend class Message;
Message() = default;
Message(Status status) : reader_(status) {}
Message(stream::IntervalReader reader) : reader_(reader) {}
Message(stream::SeekableReader& proto_source, size_t size)
: reader_(proto_source, 0, size) {}
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as bytes.
Bytes AsBytes(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Bytes>(field_number); }
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as string.
String AsString(uint32_t field_number) { return As<String>(field_number); }
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as one of the
// proto integer type.
Int32 AsInt32(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Int32>(field_number); }
Sint32 AsSint32(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Sint32>(field_number); }
Uint32 AsUint32(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Uint32>(field_number); }
Fixed32 AsFixed32(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Fixed32>(field_number); }
Int64 AsInt64(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Int64>(field_number); }
Sint64 AsSint64(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Sint64>(field_number); }
Uint64 AsUint64(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Uint64>(field_number); }
Fixed64 AsFixed64(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Fixed64>(field_number); }
Sfixed32 AsSfixed32(uint32_t field_number) {
return As<Sfixed32>(field_number);
Sfixed64 AsSfixed64(uint32_t field_number) {
return As<Sfixed64>(field_number);
Float AsFloat(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Float>(field_number); }
Double AsDouble(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Double>(field_number); }
Bool AsBool(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Bool>(field_number); }
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as another
// message.
Message AsMessage(uint32_t field_number) { return As<Message>(field_number); }
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as `repeated
// string`.
RepeatedBytes AsRepeatedBytes(uint32_t field_number);
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as `repeated
// string`.
RepeatedStrings AsRepeatedStrings(uint32_t field_number);
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as `repeated
// message`.
RepeatedMessages AsRepeatedMessages(uint32_t field_number);
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as `map<string,
// message>`.
StringToMessageMap AsStringToMessageMap(uint32_t field_number);
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as
// `map<string, bytes>`.
StringToBytesMap AsStringToBytesMap(uint32_t field_number);
// Parse a sub-field in the message given by `field_number` as
// `map<string, string>`.
StringToStringMap AsStringToStringMap(uint32_t field_number);
// Convert the message to a Bytes that represents the raw bytes of this
// message. This can be used to obatained the serialized wire-format of the
// message.
Bytes ToBytes() { return Bytes(reader_.Reset()); }
bool ok() { return reader_.ok(); }
Status status() { return reader_.status(); }
iterator begin();
iterator end();
// Parse a field given by `field_number` as the target parser type
// `FieldType`.
// Note: This method assumes that the message has only 1 field with the given
// <field_number>. It returns the first matching it find. It does not perform
// value overridding or string concatenation for multiple fields with the same
// <field_number>.
// Since the method needs to traverse all fields, it can be inefficient if
// called multiple times exepcially on slow reader.
template <typename FieldType>
FieldType As(uint32_t field_number) {
for (Field field : *this) {
if (field.field_number() == field_number) {
return field.As<FieldType>();
return FieldType(Status::NotFound());
template <typename FieldType>
RepeatedFieldParser<FieldType> AsRepeated(uint32_t field_number) {
return RepeatedFieldParser<FieldType>(*this, field_number);
template <typename FieldParser>
StringMapParser<FieldParser> AsStringMap(uint32_t field_number) {
return StringMapParser<FieldParser>(*this, field_number);
stream::IntervalReader reader_;
// Consume the current field. If the field has already been processed, i.e.
// by calling one of the Read..() method, nothing is done. After calling this
// method, the reader will be pointing either to the start of the next
// field (i.e. the starting offset of the field key), or the end of the
// stream. The method is for use by Message for computing field interval.
static Status ConsumeCurrentField(StreamDecoder& decoder) {
return decoder.field_consumed_ ? OkStatus() : decoder.SkipField();
// The following are template specialization for proto integer types.
template <>
Uint32 Message::Field::As<Uint32>();
template <>
Int32 Message::Field::As<Int32>();
template <>
Sint32 Message::Field::As<Sint32>();
template <>
Fixed32 Message::Field::As<Fixed32>();
template <>
Sfixed32 Message::Field::As<Sfixed32>();
template <>
Uint64 Message::Field::As<Uint64>();
template <>
Int64 Message::Field::As<Int64>();
template <>
Sint64 Message::Field::As<Sint64>();
template <>
Fixed64 Message::Field::As<Fixed64>();
template <>
Sfixed64 Message::Field::As<Sfixed64>();
template <>
Float Message::Field::As<Float>();
template <>
Double Message::Field::As<Double>();
template <>
Bool Message::Field::As<Bool>();
// A helper for parsing `repeated` field. It implements an iterator interface
// that only iterates through the fields of a given `field_number`.
// For normal uses, the class should be created from `class Message`. See
// comment for `class Message` for usage.
template <typename FieldType>
class RepeatedFieldParser {
class iterator {
// Precondition: iter_ is not pointing to the end.
iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator iter = *this;
return iter;
bool ok() { return iter_.ok(); }
Status status() { return iter_.status(); }
FieldType operator*() { return current_; }
FieldType* operator->() { return &current_; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
return &host_ == &other.host_ && iter_ == other.iter_;
RepeatedFieldParser& host_;
Message::iterator iter_;
FieldType current_ = FieldType(Status::Unavailable());
iterator(RepeatedFieldParser& host, Message::iterator init_iter)
: host_(host), iter_(init_iter), current_(Status::Unavailable()) {
// Move to the first element of the target field number.
void MoveToNext() {
// Move the iterator to the next element with the target field number
for (; iter_ != host_.message_.end(); ++iter_) {
if (!iter_.ok() || iter_->field_number() == host_.field_number_) {
current_ = iter_->As<FieldType>();
friend class RepeatedFieldParser;
// `message` -- The containing message.
// `field_number` -- The field number of the repeated field.
RepeatedFieldParser(Message& message, uint32_t field_number)
: message_(message), field_number_(field_number) {}
RepeatedFieldParser(Status status) : message_(status) {}
bool ok() { return message_.ok(); }
Status status() { return message_.status(); }
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this, message_.begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, message_.end()); }
Message message_;
uint32_t field_number_ = 0;
// A helper for pasring the entry type of map<string, <value>>.
// An entry for a proto map is essentially a message of a key(k=1) and
// value(k=2) field, i.e.:
// message Entry {
// string key = 1;
// bytes value = 2;
// }
// For normal uses, the class should be created from `class Message`. See
// comment for `class Message` for usage.
template <typename ValueParser>
class StringMapEntryParser {
bool ok() { return entry_.ok(); }
Status status() { return entry_.status(); }
StringMapEntryParser(Status status) : entry_(status) {}
StringMapEntryParser(stream::IntervalReader reader) : entry_(reader) {}
String Key() { return entry_.AsString(kMapKeyFieldNumber); }
ValueParser Value() { return entry_.As<ValueParser>(kMapValueFieldNumber); }
static constexpr uint32_t kMapKeyFieldNumber = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kMapValueFieldNumber = 2;
Message entry_;
// A helper class for parsing a string-keyed map field. i.e. map<string,
// <value>>. The template argument `ValueParser` indicates the type the value
// will be parsed as, i.e. String, Bytes, Uint32, Message etc.
// For normal uses, the class should be created from `class Message`. See
// comment for `class Message` for usage.
template <typename ValueParser>
class StringMapParser
: public RepeatedFieldParser<StringMapEntryParser<ValueParser>> {
using RepeatedFieldParser<
// Operator overload for value access of a given key.
ValueParser operator[](std::string_view target) {
// Iterate over all entries and find the one whose key matches `target`
for (StringMapEntryParser<ValueParser> entry : *this) {
String key = entry.Key();
// Compare key value with the given string
Result<bool> cmp_res = key.Equal(target);
if (cmp_res.value()) {
return entry.Value();
return ValueParser(Status::NotFound());
} // namespace pw::protobuf