blob: c20b093eb4344d5eba61a626b8d02d5e08add4eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_protobuf/encoder.h"
namespace pw::protobuf {
Status Encoder::WriteUint64(uint32_t field_number, uint64_t value) {
std::byte* original_cursor = cursor_;
WriteFieldKey(field_number, WireType::kVarint);
Status status = WriteVarint(value);
IncreaseParentSize(cursor_ - original_cursor);
return status;
// Encodes a base-128 varint to the buffer.
Status Encoder::WriteVarint(uint64_t value) {
if (!encode_status_.ok()) {
return encode_status_;
span varint_buf = buffer_.last(RemainingSize());
if (varint_buf.empty()) {
encode_status_ = Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
return encode_status_;
size_t written = pw::varint::EncodeLittleEndianBase128(value, varint_buf);
if (written == 0) {
encode_status_ = Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
return encode_status_;
cursor_ += written;
return Status::OK;
Status Encoder::WriteRawBytes(const std::byte* ptr, size_t size) {
if (!encode_status_.ok()) {
return encode_status_;
if (size > RemainingSize()) {
encode_status_ = Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
return encode_status_;
// Memmove the value into place as it's possible that it shares the encode
// buffer on a memory-constrained system.
std::memmove(cursor_, ptr, size);
cursor_ += size;
return Status::OK;
Status Encoder::Push(uint32_t field_number) {
if (!encode_status_.ok()) {
return encode_status_;
if (blob_count_ == blob_locations_.size() || depth_ == blob_stack_.size()) {
encode_status_ = Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
return encode_status_;
// Write the key for the nested field.
std::byte* original_cursor = cursor_;
if (Status status = WriteFieldKey(field_number, WireType::kDelimited);
!status.ok()) {
encode_status_ = status;
return status;
if (sizeof(SizeType) > RemainingSize()) {
// Rollback if there isn't enough space.
cursor_ = original_cursor;
encode_status_ = Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
return encode_status_;
// Update parent size with the written key.
IncreaseParentSize(cursor_ - original_cursor);
union {
std::byte* cursor;
SizeType* size_cursor;
// Create a size entry for the new blob and append it to both the nesting
// stack and location list.
cursor = cursor_;
*size_cursor = 0;
blob_locations_[blob_count_++] = size_cursor;
blob_stack_[depth_++] = size_cursor;
cursor_ += sizeof(*size_cursor);
return Status::OK;
Status Encoder::Pop() {
if (!encode_status_.ok()) {
return encode_status_;
if (depth_ == 0) {
encode_status_ = Status::FAILED_PRECONDITION;
return encode_status_;
// Update the parent's size with how much total space the child will take
// after its size field is varint encoded.
SizeType child_size = *blob_stack_[--depth_];
IncreaseParentSize(child_size + VarintSizeBytes(child_size));
return Status::OK;
Status Encoder::Encode(span<const std::byte>* out) {
if (!encode_status_.ok()) {
*out = span<const std::byte>();
return encode_status_;
if (blob_count_ == 0) {
// If there are no nested blobs, the buffer already contains a valid proto.
*out = buffer_.first(EncodedSize());
return Status::OK;
union {
std::byte* read_cursor;
SizeType* size_cursor;
// Starting from the first blob, encode each size field as a varint and
// shift all subsequent data downwards.
unsigned int blob = 0;
size_cursor = blob_locations_[blob];
std::byte* write_cursor = read_cursor;
while (read_cursor < cursor_) {
SizeType nested_size = *size_cursor;
span<std::byte> varint_buf(write_cursor, sizeof(*size_cursor));
size_t varint_size =
pw::varint::EncodeLittleEndianBase128(nested_size, varint_buf);
// Place the write cursor after the encoded varint and the read cursor at
// the location of the next proto field.
write_cursor += varint_size;
read_cursor += varint_buf.size();
size_t to_copy;
if (blob == blob_count_ - 1) {
to_copy = cursor_ - read_cursor;
} else {
std::byte* end = reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(blob_locations_[blob + 1]);
to_copy = end - read_cursor;
std::memmove(write_cursor, read_cursor, to_copy);
write_cursor += to_copy;
read_cursor += to_copy;
// Point the cursor to the end of the encoded proto.
cursor_ = write_cursor;
*out = buffer_.first(EncodedSize());
return Status::OK;
} // namespace pw::protobuf