blob: 17edc1d3a4357cd3d93608aa50feab3305d7fb08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
/* eslint-env browser */
import {BehaviorSubject, Observable, Subject, Subscription} from 'rxjs';
import DeviceTransport from './device_transport';
import type {SerialPort, Serial, SerialOptions, Navigator, SerialPortFilter} from "pigweedjs/types/serial"
const DEFAULT_SERIAL_OPTIONS: SerialOptions & {baudRate: number} = {
// Some versions of chrome use `baudrate` (linux)
baudrate: 115200,
// Some versions use `baudRate` (chromebook)
baudRate: 115200,
databits: 8,
parity: 'none',
stopbits: 1,
interface PortReadConnection {
chunks: Observable<Uint8Array>;
errors: Observable<Error>;
interface PortConnection extends PortReadConnection {
sendChunk: (chunk: Uint8Array) => Promise<void>;
export class DeviceLostError extends Error {
message = 'The device has been lost';
export class DeviceLockedError extends Error {
message =
"The device's port is locked. Try unplugging it" +
' and plugging it back in.';
* WebSerialTransport sends and receives UInt8Arrays to and
* from a serial device connected over USB.
export class WebSerialTransport implements DeviceTransport {
chunks = new Subject<Uint8Array>();
errors = new Subject<Error>();
connected = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
private portConnections: Map<SerialPort, PortConnection> = new Map();
private activePortConnectionConnection: PortConnection | undefined;
private rxSubscriptions: Subscription[] = [];
private serial: Serial = (navigator as unknown as Navigator).serial,
private filters: SerialPortFilter[] = [],
private serialOptions = DEFAULT_SERIAL_OPTIONS
) { }
* Send a UInt8Array chunk of data to the connected device.
* @param {Uint8Array} chunk The chunk to send
async sendChunk(chunk: Uint8Array): Promise<void> {
if (this.activePortConnectionConnection) {
return this.activePortConnectionConnection.sendChunk(chunk);
throw new Error('Device not connected');
* Attempt to open a connection to a device. This includes
* asking the user to select a serial port and should only
* be called in response to user interaction.
async connect(): Promise<void> {
const port = await this.serial.requestPort({filters: this.filters});
await this.connectPort(port);
private disconnect() {
for (const subscription of this.rxSubscriptions) {
this.rxSubscriptions = [];
this.activePortConnectionConnection = undefined;;
* Connect to a given SerialPort. This involves no user interaction.
* and can be called whenever a port is available.
async connectPort(port: SerialPort): Promise<void> {
this.activePortConnectionConnection =
this.portConnections.get(port) ?? (await this.conectNewPort(port));;
(chunk: any) => {;
(err: any) => {
throw new Error(`Chunks observable had an unexpected error ${err}`);
() => {;
// Don't complete the chunks observable because then it would not
// be able to forward any future chunks.
this.activePortConnectionConnection.errors.subscribe((error: any) => {;
if (error instanceof DeviceLostError) {
// The device has been lost;
private async conectNewPort(port: SerialPort): Promise<PortConnection> {
const writer = port.writable.getWriter();
async function sendChunk(chunk: Uint8Array) {
await writer.ready;
await writer.write(chunk);
const {chunks, errors} = this.getChunks(port);
const connection: PortConnection = {sendChunk, chunks, errors};
this.portConnections.set(port, connection);
return connection;
private getChunks(port: SerialPort): PortReadConnection {
const chunks = new Subject<Uint8Array>();
const errors = new Subject<Error>();
async function read() {
if (!port.readable) {
throw new DeviceLostError();
if (port.readable.locked) {
throw new DeviceLockedError();
await port.readable.pipeTo(
new WritableStream({
write: chunk => {;
close: () => {
abort: () => {
// Reconnect to the port.
function connect() {
read().catch(err => {
// Don't error the chunks observable since that stops it from
// reading any more packets, and we often want to continue
// despite an error. Instead, push errors to the 'errors'
// observable.;
return {chunks, errors};