| # Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not |
| # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of |
| # the License at |
| # |
| # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT |
| # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the |
| # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under |
| # the License. |
| |
| load("@com_google_protobuf//bazel:proto_library.bzl", "proto_library") |
| load("@rules_cc//cc:cc_library.bzl", "cc_library") |
| load("@rules_python//python:proto.bzl", "py_proto_library") |
| load("@rules_python//sphinxdocs:sphinx_docs_library.bzl", "sphinx_docs_library") |
| load("//pw_build:compatibility.bzl", "incompatible_with_mcu") |
| load("//pw_build:copy_to_bin.bzl", "copy_to_bin") |
| load("//pw_build:pw_cc_binary.bzl", "pw_cc_binary") |
| load("//pw_build:pw_cc_blob_library.bzl", "pw_cc_blob_info", "pw_cc_blob_library") |
| load("//pw_build:pw_linker_script.bzl", "pw_linker_script") |
| load("//pw_fuzzer:fuzzer.bzl", "pw_cc_fuzz_test") |
| load("//pw_unit_test:pw_cc_test.bzl", "pw_cc_test") |
| |
| package( |
| default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| ) |
| |
| licenses(["notice"]) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "pw_tokenizer", |
| srcs = [ |
| "encode_args.cc", |
| "hash.cc", |
| "tokenize.cc", |
| ], |
| hdrs = [ |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/config.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/encode_args.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/enum.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/hash.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/argument_types.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/argument_types_macro_4_byte.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/argument_types_macro_8_byte.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/enum.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/pw_tokenizer_65599_fixed_length_128_hash_macro.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/pw_tokenizer_65599_fixed_length_256_hash_macro.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/pw_tokenizer_65599_fixed_length_80_hash_macro.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/pw_tokenizer_65599_fixed_length_96_hash_macro.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/tokenize_string.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/nested_tokenization.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/tokenize.h", |
| ], |
| strip_include_prefix = "public", |
| tags = ["noclangtidy"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":config_override", |
| "//pw_bytes:bit", |
| "//pw_containers:to_array", |
| "//pw_polyfill", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_span", |
| "//pw_varint", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| label_flag( |
| name = "config_override", |
| build_setting_default = "//pw_build:default_module_config", |
| ) |
| |
| pw_linker_script( |
| name = "linker_script", |
| linker_script = "pw_tokenizer_linker_sections.ld", |
| ) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "test_backend", |
| visibility = ["//targets:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "base64", |
| srcs = [ |
| "base64.cc", |
| ], |
| hdrs = [ |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/base64.h", |
| ], |
| strip_include_prefix = "public", |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_base64", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_span", |
| "//pw_string:string", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "decoder", |
| srcs = [ |
| "decode.cc", |
| "detokenize.cc", |
| "token_database.cc", |
| ], |
| hdrs = [ |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/detokenize.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/decode.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/token_database.h", |
| ], |
| implementation_deps = [ |
| "//pw_elf:reader", |
| ], |
| strip_include_prefix = "public", |
| deps = [ |
| ":base64", |
| ":csv", |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_bytes", |
| "//pw_bytes:bit", |
| "//pw_log", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_result", |
| "//pw_span", |
| "//pw_status", |
| "//pw_stream", |
| "//pw_varint", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "csv", |
| srcs = ["csv.cc"], |
| hdrs = ["pw_tokenizer_private/csv.h"], |
| implementation_deps = ["//pw_log"], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:private"], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "csv_test", |
| srcs = ["csv_test.cc"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":csv", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| proto_library( |
| name = "tokenizer_proto", |
| srcs = [ |
| "pw_tokenizer_proto/options.proto", |
| ], |
| strip_import_prefix = "/pw_tokenizer", |
| deps = [ |
| "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| py_proto_library( |
| name = "tokenizer_proto_py_pb2", |
| deps = [":tokenizer_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| # Executable for generating test data for the C++ and Python detokenizers. This |
| # target should only be built for the host. |
| pw_cc_binary( |
| name = "generate_decoding_test_data", |
| srcs = [ |
| "generate_decoding_test_data.cc", |
| ], |
| target_compatible_with = select( |
| { |
| "@platforms//os:linux": [], |
| "@platforms//os:macos": [], |
| "@platforms//os:windows": [], |
| "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"], |
| }, |
| ), |
| deps = [ |
| ":decoder", |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_span", |
| "//pw_varint", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "argument_types_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "argument_types_test.cc", |
| "argument_types_test_c.c", |
| "pw_tokenizer_private/argument_types_test.h", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_polyfill", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "base64_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "base64_test.cc", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":base64", |
| "//pw_span", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "decode_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "decode_test.cc", |
| "pw_tokenizer_private/tokenized_string_decoding_test_data.h", |
| "pw_tokenizer_private/varint_decoding_test_data.h", |
| ], |
| # TODO: https://pwbug.dev/346628514 - Fix this for rp2040 |
| target_compatible_with = select({ |
| "//pw_build/constraints/chipset:rp2040": ["@platforms//:incompatible"], |
| "//conditions:default": [], |
| }), |
| deps = [ |
| ":decoder", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| "//pw_varint", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_blob_info( |
| name = "detokenizer_example_elf_blob", |
| file_path = "//pw_tokenizer/py:example_binary_with_tokenized_strings", |
| symbol_name = "kElfSection", |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_blob_library( |
| name = "detokenizer_elf_test_blob", |
| blobs = [ |
| ":detokenizer_example_elf_blob", |
| ], |
| namespace = "test::ns", |
| out_header = "pw_tokenizer/example_binary_with_tokenized_strings.h", |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "detokenize_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "detokenize_test.cc", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":decoder", |
| ":detokenizer_elf_test_blob", |
| "//pw_stream", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_fuzz_test( |
| name = "detokenize_fuzzer", |
| srcs = ["detokenize_fuzzer.cc"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":decoder", |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "encode_args_test", |
| srcs = ["encode_args_test.cc"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "hash_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "hash_test.cc", |
| "pw_tokenizer_private/generated_hash_test_cases.h", |
| ], |
| tags = ["noclangtidy"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "simple_tokenize_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "simple_tokenize_test.cc", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "token_database_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "token_database_test.cc", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":decoder", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "tokenize_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "pw_tokenizer_private/tokenize_test.h", |
| "tokenize_test.cc", |
| "tokenize_test_c.c", |
| ], |
| # TODO: b/344050496 - get working on rp2040 and stm32f429i |
| target_compatible_with = incompatible_with_mcu(), |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_preprocessor", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| "//pw_varint", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "tokenize_c99_test", |
| srcs = ["tokenize_c99_test_entry_point.cc"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":tokenize_c99_test_c", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| pw_cc_test( |
| name = "enum_test", |
| srcs = [ |
| "enum_test.cc", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| "//pw_compilation_testing:negative_compilation_testing", |
| "//pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_unit_test", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "tokenize_c99_test_c", |
| srcs = ["tokenize_c99_test.c"], |
| copts = [ |
| "-std=c99", |
| # pw_tokenizer uses static_assert, so this test uses a static_assert to |
| # verify that it works. Silence warnings about preadopting C11 features. |
| "-Wno-c11-extensions", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:private"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":pw_tokenizer", |
| "//pw_containers:inline_var_len_entry_queue", |
| "//pw_varint", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| # Create a shared library for the tokenizer JNI wrapper. The include paths for |
| # the JNI headers must be available in the system or provided with the |
| # pw_java_native_interface_include_dirs variable. |
| filegroup( |
| name = "detokenizer_jni", |
| srcs = [ |
| "java/dev/pigweed/tokenizer/detokenizer.cc", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| filegroup( |
| name = "doxygen", |
| srcs = [ |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/config.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/detokenize.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/encode_args.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/enum.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/nested_tokenization.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/token_database.h", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/tokenize.h", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sphinx_docs_library( |
| name = "docs", |
| srcs = [ |
| "Kconfig", |
| "api.rst", |
| "detokenization.rst", |
| "docs.rst", |
| "enum_test.cc", |
| "get_started.rst", |
| "public/pw_tokenizer/internal/tokenize_string.h", |
| "token_databases.rst", |
| "tokenization.rst", |
| ], |
| prefix = "pw_tokenizer/", |
| target_compatible_with = incompatible_with_mcu(), |
| ) |
| |
| copy_to_bin( |
| name = "js_protos", |
| srcs = ["pw_tokenizer_proto/options.proto"], |
| ) |