blob: 677be08815b9a391b5402397ca2aa10631039715 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Contributing to Pigweed
Pigweed lets anyone contribute to the project, regardless of their employer.
The Pigweed project reviews and encourages well-tested, high-quality
contributions from anyone who wants to contribute to Pigweed.
## Contributor License Agreement
Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License
Agreement (CLA).
To see any Contributor License Agreements on file or to sign a CLA, go to
For more information about the Google CLA, see
[Contributor License Agreements](
## Contributing changes and submitting code reviews
All changes require review, including changes by project members.
For detailed instructions on how to contribute changes,
see [the Gerrit docs](
## Community guidelines
This project observes the following community guidelines:
* [Google's Open Source Community Guidelines](