blob: a3f6f14514168b72869992d0f2c61aad11d379d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string_view>
#include "modules/morse_code/morse_code.rpc.pb.h"
#include "modules/worker/worker.h"
#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_chrono/system_timer.h"
#include "pw_containers/flat_map.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
#include "pw_string/string.h"
#include "pw_sync/interrupt_spin_lock.h"
#include "pw_sync/lock_annotations.h"
namespace sense {
namespace internal {
struct Encoding {
uint32_t bits = 0;
// Letters are separated by 3 dits worth of blanks.
// The symbol will always end with 1 blank, so add 2 more.
uint8_t num_bits = 2;
constexpr explicit Encoding(const char* s) { Encode(s); }
/// Converts a string of "dits" and "dahs", i.e. '.' and '-' respectively,
/// into a bit sequence of ons and offs.
constexpr void Encode(const char* s) {
if (*s == '.') {
bits |= (0x1 << num_bits);
num_bits += 2;
Encode(s + 1);
} else if (*s == '-') {
bits |= (0x7 << num_bits);
num_bits += 4;
Encode(s + 1);
// clang-format off
constexpr pw::containers::FlatMap<char, Encoding, 38> kEncodings({{
{'A', Encoding(".-") }, {'T', Encoding("-") },
{'B', Encoding("-...") }, {'U', Encoding("..-") },
{'C', Encoding("-.-.") }, {'V', Encoding("...-") },
{'D', Encoding("-..") }, {'W', Encoding(".--") },
{'E', Encoding(".") }, {'X', Encoding("-..-") },
{'F', Encoding("..-.") }, {'Y', Encoding("-.--") },
{'G', Encoding("--.") }, {'Z', Encoding("--..") },
{'H', Encoding("....") }, {'0', Encoding("-----") },
{'I', Encoding("..") }, {'1', Encoding(".----") },
{'J', Encoding(".---") }, {'2', Encoding("..---") },
{'K', Encoding("-.-") }, {'3', Encoding("...--") },
{'L', Encoding(".-..") }, {'4', Encoding("....-") },
{'M', Encoding("--") }, {'5', Encoding(".....") },
{'N', Encoding("-.") }, {'6', Encoding("-....") },
{'O', Encoding("---") }, {'7', Encoding("--...") },
{'P', Encoding(".--.") }, {'8', Encoding("---..") },
{'Q', Encoding("--.-") }, {'9', Encoding("----.") },
{'R', Encoding(".-.") }, {'?', Encoding("..--..") },
{'S', Encoding("...") }, {'@', Encoding(".--.-.") },
// clang-format on
} // namespace internal
class Encoder final {
static constexpr size_t kMaxMsgLen = sizeof(morse_code_SendRequest::msg);
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultIntervalMs = 60;
static constexpr pw::chrono::SystemClock::duration kDefaultInterval =
/// State of the encoder. Passed to each `OutputFunction` call.
class State {
State(const State&) = delete;
State& operator=(const State&) = delete;
/// True if this is the last LED toggle of the encoded phrase. If the
/// encoder is repeating, this is true at the end of each repeated
/// message.
[[nodiscard]] bool message_finished() const {
return msg_offset_ == msg_.size() && num_bits_ == 1;
friend class Encoder;
constexpr State() = default;
pw::InlineString<kMaxMsgLen> msg_;
size_t msg_offset_ = 0;
size_t repeat_ = 1;
uint32_t bits_ = 0;
size_t num_bits_ = 0;
using OutputFunction = pw::Function<void(bool turn_on, const State& status)>;
/// Injects this object's dependencies.
/// This method MUST be called before using any other method.
void Init(Worker& worker, OutputFunction&& output);
/// Queues a sequence of callbacks to emit the given message in Morse code.
/// The message is emitted through alternating ON and OFF (true/false) calls
/// to the `OutputFunction` provided to `Init`. The shortest ON interval is a
/// "dit". The longest is a "dah", which is three times the interval for a
/// "dit". The output is kept off for one "dit" interval between each symbol,
/// three "dit" intervals between each letter, and 7 "dit" intervals between
/// each word.
/// @param request Message to emit in Morse code.
/// @param repeat Number of times to repeat the message; 0 is forever
/// @param interval_ms Duration of a "dit" in milliseconds.
pw::Status Encode(std::string_view request,
uint32_t repeat,
uint32_t interval_ms) PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(lock_);
/// Returns whether this instance is currently emitting a message or not.
bool IsIdle() const PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(lock_);
/// Adds a toggle callback to the work queue.
void ScheduleUpdate() PW_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(lock_);
/// Encodes the next character into a sequence of LED toggles.
/// Returns whether more toggles remain, or if the message is done.
bool EnqueueNextLocked() PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
/// Callback for toggling the LED.
void ToggleLed(pw::chrono::SystemClock::time_point);
/// Emits an "off" to all configured outputs.
void TurnOff();
Worker* worker_ = nullptr;
pw::chrono::SystemTimer timer_;
OutputFunction output_;
mutable pw::sync::InterruptSpinLock lock_;
State state_ PW_GUARDED_BY(lock_);
pw::chrono::SystemClock::duration interval_ PW_GUARDED_BY(lock_) =
bool is_on_ PW_GUARDED_BY(lock_) = false;
} // namespace sense