Assemble change log

Signed-off-by: Ronald Cron <>
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ebf8a36..3d61dd5 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,184 @@
 mbed TLS ChangeLog (Sorted per branch, date)
+= mbed TLS x.x.x branch released xxxx-xx-xx
+API changes
+   * New error code for GCM: MBEDTLS_ERR_GCM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
+     Alternative GCM implementations are expected to verify
+     the length of the provided output buffers and to return the
+     MBEDTLS_ERR_GCM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL in case the buffer length is too small.
+   * You can configure groups for a TLS key exchange with the new function
+     mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups(). It extends mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves().
+   * Declare a number of structure fields as public: the fields of
+     mbedtls_ecp_curve_info, the fields describing the result of ASN.1 and
+     X.509 parsing, and finally the field fd of mbedtls_net_context on
+     POSIX/Unix-like platforms.
+Requirement changes
+   * Sign-magnitude and one's complement representations for signed integers are
+     not supported. Two's complement is the only supported representation.
+New deprecations
+   * Deprecate mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves() in favor of the more generic
+     mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups().
+   * Remove the partial support for running unit tests via Greentea on Mbed OS,
+     which had been unmaintained since 2018.
+   * Enable support for Curve448 via the PSA API. Contributed by
+     Archana Madhavan in #4626. Fixes #3399 and #4249.
+   * The identifier of the CID TLS extension can be configured by defining
+     MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_CID at compile time.
+   * Implement the PSA multipart AEAD interface, currently supporting
+     ChaChaPoly and GCM.
+   * Warn if errors from certain functions are ignored. This is currently
+     supported on GCC-like compilers and on MSVC and can be configured through
+     the macro MBEDTLS_CHECK_RETURN. The warnings are always enabled
+     (where supported) for critical functions where ignoring the return
+     value is almost always a bug. Enable the new configuration option
+     MBEDTLS_CHECK_RETURN_WARNING to get warnings for other functions. This
+     is currently implemented in the AES, DES and md modules, and will be
+     extended to other modules in the future.
+   * Add missing PSA macros declared by PSA Crypto API 1.0.0:
+   * Add support for CCM*-no-tag cipher to the PSA.
+     Currently only 13-byte long IV's are supported.
+     For decryption a minimum of 16-byte long input is expected.
+     These restrictions may be subject to change.
+    * Add new API mbedtls_ct_memcmp for constant time buffer comparison.
+   * Add functions to get the IV and block size from cipher_info structs.
+   * Add functions to check if a cipher supports variable IV or key size.
+   * Add the internal implementation of and support for CCM to the PSA multipart
+     AEAD interface.
+   * Mbed TLS provides a minimum viable implementation of the TLS 1.3
+     protocol. See docs/architecture/ for the definition of
+     the TLS 1.3 Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_TLS1_3
+     configuration option controls the enablement of the support. The APIs
+     mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version() and mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version() allow
+     to select the 1.3 version of the protocol to establish a TLS connection.
+   * Add PSA API definition for ARIA.
+   * Zeroize several intermediate variables used to calculate the expected
+     value when verifying a MAC or AEAD tag. This hardens the library in
+     case the value leaks through a memory disclosure vulnerability. For
+     example, a memory disclosure vulnerability could have allowed a
+     man-in-the-middle to inject fake ciphertext into a DTLS connection.
+   * In psa_aead_generate_nonce(), do not read back from the output buffer.
+     This fixes a potential policy bypass or decryption oracle vulnerability
+     if the output buffer is in memory that is shared with an untrusted
+     application.
+   * In psa_cipher_generate_iv() and psa_cipher_encrypt(), do not read back
+     from the output buffer. This fixes a potential policy bypass or decryption
+     oracle vulnerability if the output buffer is in memory that is shared with
+     an untrusted application.
+   * Fix a double-free that happened after mbedtls_ssl_set_session() or
+     mbedtls_ssl_get_session() failed with MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED
+     (out of memory). After that, calling mbedtls_ssl_session_free()
+     and mbedtls_ssl_free() would cause an internal session buffer to
+     be free()'d twice.
+   * Stop using reserved identifiers as local variables. Fixes #4630.
+   * The GNU makefiles invoke python3 in preference to python except on Windows.
+     The check was accidentally not performed when cross-compiling for Windows
+     on Linux. Fix this. Fixes #4774.
+   * Prevent divide by zero if either of PSA_CIPHER_ENCRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE() or
+     PSA_CIPHER_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE() were called using an asymmetric key type.
+   * Fix a parameter set but unused in psa_crypto_cipher.c. Fixes #4935.
+   * Don't use the obsolete header path sys/fcntl.h in unit tests.
+     These header files cause compilation errors in musl.
+     Fixes #4969.
+   * Fix missing constraints on x86_64 and aarch64 assembly code
+     for bignum multiplication that broke some bignum operations with
+     (at least) Clang 12.
+     Fixes #4116, #4786, #4917, #4962.
+   * Fix mbedtls_cipher_crypt: AES-ECB when MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO is enabled.
+   * Failures of alternative implementations of AES or DES single-block
+     This does not concern the implementation provided with Mbed TLS,
+     where this function cannot fail, or full-module replacements with
+     MBEDTLS_AES_ALT or MBEDTLS_DES_ALT. Reported by Armelle Duboc in #1092.
+   * Some failures of HMAC operations were ignored. These failures could only
+     happen with an alternative implementation of the underlying hash module.
+   * Fix the error returned by psa_generate_key() for a public key. Fixes #4551.
+   * Fix compile-time or run-time errors in PSA
+     AEAD functions when ChachaPoly is disabled. Fixes #5065.
+   * Remove PSA'a AEAD finish/verify output buffer limitation for GCM.
+     The requirement of minimum 15 bytes for output buffer in
+     psa_aead_finish() and psa_aead_verify() does not apply to the built-in
+     implementation of GCM.
+   * Move GCM's update output buffer length verification from PSA AEAD to
+     the built-in implementation of the GCM.
+     The requirement for output buffer size to be equal or greater then
+     input buffer size is valid only for the built-in implementation of GCM.
+     Alternative GCM implementations can process whole blocks only.
+   * Fix the build of sample programs when neither MBEDTLS_ERROR_C nor
+   * Fix PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS verification accepting an arbitrary salt length.
+     This algorithm now accepts only the same salt length for verification
+     that it produces when signing, as documented. Use the new algorithm
+     PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS_ANY_SALT to accept any salt length. Fixes #4946.
+   * The existing predicate macro name PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN is now reserved
+     for algorithm values that fully encode the hashing step, as per the PSA
+     Crypto API specification. This excludes PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN_RAW and
+     PSA_ALG_ECDSA_ANY. The new predicate macro PSA_ALG_IS_SIGN_HASH covers
+     all algorithms that can be used with psa_{sign,verify}_hash(), including
+     these two.
+   * Fix issue in Makefile on Linux with SHARED=1, that caused shared libraries
+     not to list other shared libraries they need.
+   * Fix a bug in mbedtls_gcm_starts() when bits of iv are longer than 2^32.
+     Fixes #4884.
+   * Fix an uninitialized variable warning in test_suite_ssl.function with GCC
+     version 11.
+   * Fix the build when no SHA2 module is included. Fixes #4930.
+   * Fix the build when only the bignum module is included. Fixes #4929.
+   * Fix a potential invalid pointer dereference and infinite loop bugs in
+     pkcs12 functions when the password is empty. Fix the documentation to
+     better describe the inputs to these functions and their possible values.
+     Fixes #5136.
+   * The key usage flags PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_MESSAGE now allows the MAC
+     operations psa_mac_compute() and psa_mac_sign_setup().
+   * The key usage flags PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_MESSAGE now allows the MAC
+     operations psa_mac_verify() and psa_mac_verify_setup().
+    * Explicitly mark the fields mbedtls_ssl_session.exported and
+      mbedtls_ssl_config.respect_cli_pref as private. This was an
+      oversight during the run-up to the release of Mbed TLS 3.0.
+      The fields were never intended to be public.
+   * Implement multi-part CCM API.
+     The multi-part functions: mbedtls_ccm_starts(), mbedtls_ccm_set_lengths(),
+     mbedtls_ccm_update_ad(), mbedtls_ccm_update(), mbedtls_ccm_finish()
+     were introduced in mbedTLS 3.0 release, however their implementation was
+     postponed until now.
+     Implemented functions support chunked data input for both CCM and CCM*
+     algorithms.
+   * Remove MBEDTLS_SSL_EXPORT_KEYS, making it always on and increasing the
+     code size by about 80B on an M0 build. This option only gated an ability
+     to set a callback, but was deemed unnecessary as it was yet another define
+     to remember when writing tests, or test configurations. Fixes #4653.
+   * Improve the performance of base64 constant-flow code. The result is still
+     slower than the original non-constant-flow implementation, but much faster
+     than the previous constant-flow implementation. Fixes #4814.
+   * Ignore plaintext/ciphertext lengths for CCM*-no-tag operations.
+     For CCM* encryption/decryption without authentication, input
+     length will be ignored.
+   * Indicate in the error returned if the nonce length used with
+     ChaCha20-Poly1305 is invalid, and not just unsupported.
+    * The mbedcrypto library includes a new source code module constant_time.c,
+      containing various functions meant to resist timing side channel attacks.
+      This module does not have a separate configuration option, and functions
+      from this module will be included in the build as required. Currently
+      most of the interface of this module is private and may change at any
+      time.
+    * The generated configuration-independent files are now automatically
+      generated by the CMake build system on Unix-like systems. This is not
+      yet supported when cross-compiling.
 = Mbed TLS 3.0.0 branch released 2021-07-07
 API changes
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/add_psa_m_aead.txt b/ChangeLog.d/add_psa_m_aead.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4e7ac..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/add_psa_m_aead.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Implement the PSA multipart AEAD interface, currently supporting
-     ChaChaPoly and GCM.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/add_psa_m_aead_ccm.txt b/ChangeLog.d/add_psa_m_aead_ccm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d7588ee..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/add_psa_m_aead_ccm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Add the internal implementation of and support for CCM to the PSA multipart
-     AEAD interface.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/additional_cipher_info_getters.txt b/ChangeLog.d/additional_cipher_info_getters.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cb1ad6..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/additional_cipher_info_getters.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Add functions to get the IV and block size from cipher_info structs.
-   * Add functions to check if a cipher supports variable IV or key size.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/aria.txt b/ChangeLog.d/aria.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 280a7c9..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/aria.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Add PSA API definition for ARIA.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/base64-ranges.txt b/ChangeLog.d/base64-ranges.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f3862..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/base64-ranges.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-   * Improve the performance of base64 constant-flow code. The result is still
-     slower than the original non-constant-flow implementation, but much faster
-     than the previous constant-flow implementation. Fixes #4814.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/bugfix-for-gcm-long-iv-size.txt b/ChangeLog.d/bugfix-for-gcm-long-iv-size.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4287ea7..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/bugfix-for-gcm-long-iv-size.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix a bug in mbedtls_gcm_starts() when bits of iv are longer than 2^32.
-     Fixes #4884.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/build-without-sha.txt b/ChangeLog.d/build-without-sha.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ba276..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/build-without-sha.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix the build when no SHA2 module is included. Fixes #4930.
-   * Fix the build when only the bignum module is included. Fixes #4929.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/ccm_star_no_tag.txt b/ChangeLog.d/ccm_star_no_tag.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd25d1..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/ccm_star_no_tag.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-   * Ignore plaintext/ciphertext lengths for CCM*-no-tag operations.
-     For CCM* encryption/decryption without authentication, input
-     length will be ignored.
-   * Add support for CCM*-no-tag cipher to the PSA.
-     Currently only 13-byte long IV's are supported.
-     For decryption a minimum of 16-byte long input is expected.
-     These restrictions may be subject to change.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/chacha20-poly1305-invalid-nonce.txt b/ChangeLog.d/chacha20-poly1305-invalid-nonce.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3f9ac..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/chacha20-poly1305-invalid-nonce.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Indicate in the error returned if the nonce length used with
-     ChaCha20-Poly1305 is invalid, and not just unsupported.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/check-return.txt b/ChangeLog.d/check-return.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d905da..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/check-return.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-   * Failures of alternative implementations of AES or DES single-block
-     This does not concern the implementation provided with Mbed TLS,
-     where this function cannot fail, or full-module replacements with
-     MBEDTLS_AES_ALT or MBEDTLS_DES_ALT. Reported by Armelle Duboc in #1092.
-   * Some failures of HMAC operations were ignored. These failures could only
-     happen with an alternative implementation of the underlying hash module.
-   * Warn if errors from certain functions are ignored. This is currently
-     supported on GCC-like compilers and on MSVC and can be configured through
-     the macro MBEDTLS_CHECK_RETURN. The warnings are always enabled
-     (where supported) for critical functions where ignoring the return
-     value is almost always a bug. Enable the new configuration option
-     MBEDTLS_CHECK_RETURN_WARNING to get warnings for other functions. This
-     is currently implemented in the AES, DES and md modules, and will be
-     extended to other modules in the future.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/chunked_ccm.txt b/ChangeLog.d/chunked_ccm.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 67faecc..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/chunked_ccm.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-   * Implement multi-part CCM API.
-     The multi-part functions: mbedtls_ccm_starts(), mbedtls_ccm_set_lengths(),
-     mbedtls_ccm_update_ad(), mbedtls_ccm_update(), mbedtls_ccm_finish()
-     were introduced in mbedTLS 3.0 release, however their implementation was
-     postponed until now.
-     Implemented functions support chunked data input for both CCM and CCM*
-     algorithms.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/constant_time_module.txt b/ChangeLog.d/constant_time_module.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb0b7f..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/constant_time_module.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-    * The mbedcrypto library includes a new source code module constant_time.c,
-      containing various functions meant to resist timing side channel attacks.
-      This module does not have a separate configuration option, and functions
-      from this module will be included in the build as required. Currently
-      most of the interface of this module is private and may change at any
-      time.
-    * Add new API mbedtls_ct_memcmp for constant time buffer comparison.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/do-not-use-obsolete-header.txt b/ChangeLog.d/do-not-use-obsolete-header.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a57ef1..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/do-not-use-obsolete-header.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * Don't use the obsolete header path sys/fcntl.h in unit tests.
-     These header files cause compilation errors in musl.
-     Fixes #4969.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-aead-nonce.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-aead-nonce.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 767cc1d..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-aead-nonce.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * In psa_aead_generate_nonce(), do not read back from the output buffer.
-     This fixes a potential policy bypass or decryption oracle vulnerability
-     if the output buffer is in memory that is shared with an untrusted
-     application.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-cipher-iv.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-cipher-iv.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e7af641..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-cipher-iv.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * In psa_cipher_generate_iv() and psa_cipher_encrypt(), do not read back
-     from the output buffer. This fixes a potential policy bypass or decryption
-     oracle vulnerability if the output buffer is in memory that is shared with
-     an untrusted application.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-cipher-output-size-macros.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-cipher-output-size-macros.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a4b971..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-cipher-output-size-macros.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-   * Prevent divide by zero if either of PSA_CIPHER_ENCRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE() or
-     PSA_CIPHER_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE() were called using an asymmetric key type.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-mbedtls_cipher_crypt-aes-ecb.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-mbedtls_cipher_crypt-aes-ecb.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc4724..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-mbedtls_cipher_crypt-aes-ecb.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix mbedtls_cipher_crypt: AES-ECB when MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO is enabled.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-needed-shared-libraries-linux.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-needed-shared-libraries-linux.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 74ad3bc..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-needed-shared-libraries-linux.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix issue in Makefile on Linux with SHARED=1, that caused shared libraries
-     not to list other shared libraries they need.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-pkcs12-null-password.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-pkcs12-null-password.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fae8195..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-pkcs12-null-password.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix a potential invalid pointer dereference and infinite loop bugs in
-     pkcs12 functions when the password is empty. Fix the documentation to
-     better describe the inputs to these functions and their possible values.
-     Fixes #5136.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-psa_gen_key-status.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-psa_gen_key-status.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7860988..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-psa_gen_key-status.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix the error returned by psa_generate_key() for a public key. Fixes #4551.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-session-copy-bug.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-session-copy-bug.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6286fa8..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-session-copy-bug.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix a double-free that happened after mbedtls_ssl_set_session() or
-     mbedtls_ssl_get_session() failed with MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED
-     (out of memory). After that, calling mbedtls_ssl_session_free()
-     and mbedtls_ssl_free() would cause an internal session buffer to
-     be free()'d twice.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix-sign_verify-message-usage.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix-sign_verify-message-usage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd326ee..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix-sign_verify-message-usage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * The key usage flags PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_MESSAGE now allows the MAC
-     operations psa_mac_compute() and psa_mac_sign_setup().
-   * The key usage flags PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_MESSAGE now allows the MAC
-     operations psa_mac_verify() and psa_mac_verify_setup().
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/fix_compilation_ssl_tests.txt b/ChangeLog.d/fix_compilation_ssl_tests.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 202e5c4..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/fix_compilation_ssl_tests.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix an uninitialized variable warning in test_suite_ssl.function with GCC
-     version 11.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/generated-files-cmake.txt b/ChangeLog.d/generated-files-cmake.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 16841a5..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/generated-files-cmake.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-    * The generated configuration-independent files are now automatically
-      generated by the CMake build system on Unix-like systems. This is not
-      yet supported when cross-compiling.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/issue4630.txt b/ChangeLog.d/issue4630.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc4b99..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/issue4630.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-   * Stop using reserved identifiers as local variables. Fixes #4630.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/issue5065.txt b/ChangeLog.d/issue5065.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 943ee47..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/issue5065.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix compile-time or run-time errors in PSA
-     AEAD functions when ChachaPoly is disabled. Fixes #5065.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/mac-zeroize.txt b/ChangeLog.d/mac-zeroize.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a43e34f..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/mac-zeroize.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-   * Zeroize several intermediate variables used to calculate the expected
-     value when verifying a MAC or AEAD tag. This hardens the library in
-     case the value leaks through a memory disclosure vulnerability. For
-     example, a memory disclosure vulnerability could have allowed a
-     man-in-the-middle to inject fake ciphertext into a DTLS connection.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/makefile-python-windows.txt b/ChangeLog.d/makefile-python-windows.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ccc1a..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/makefile-python-windows.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-   * The GNU makefiles invoke python3 in preference to python except on Windows.
-     The check was accidentally not performed when cross-compiling for Windows
-     on Linux. Fix this. Fixes #4774.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups.txt b/ChangeLog.d/mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index de5cbca..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-API changes
-   * You can configure groups for a TLS key exchange with the new function
-     mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups(). It extends mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves().
-New deprecations
-   * Deprecate mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves() in favor of the more generic
-     mbedtls_ssl_conf_groups().
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/muladdc-memory.txt b/ChangeLog.d/muladdc-memory.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 218be5a..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/muladdc-memory.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix missing constraints on x86_64 and aarch64 assembly code
-     for bignum multiplication that broke some bignum operations with
-     (at least) Clang 12.
-     Fixes #4116, #4786, #4917, #4962.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/no-strerror.txt b/ChangeLog.d/no-strerror.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 69743a8..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/no-strerror.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix the build of sample programs when neither MBEDTLS_ERROR_C nor
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/psa_alg_rsa_pss.txt b/ChangeLog.d/psa_alg_rsa_pss.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6048f..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/psa_alg_rsa_pss.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS verification accepting an arbitrary salt length.
-     This algorithm now accepts only the same salt length for verification
-     that it produces when signing, as documented. Use the new algorithm
-     PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS_ANY_SALT to accept any salt length. Fixes #4946.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/psa_cipher_update_ecp.txt b/ChangeLog.d/psa_cipher_update_ecp.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c3fbc6..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/psa_cipher_update_ecp.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-   * Fix a parameter set but unused in psa_crypto_cipher.c. Fixes #4935.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/psa_crypto_api_macros.txt b/ChangeLog.d/psa_crypto_api_macros.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ff53e33..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/psa_crypto_api_macros.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-   * Add missing PSA macros declared by PSA Crypto API 1.0.0:
-   * The existing predicate macro name PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN is now reserved
-     for algorithm values that fully encode the hashing step, as per the PSA
-     Crypto API specification. This excludes PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN_RAW and
-     PSA_ALG_ECDSA_ANY. The new predicate macro PSA_ALG_IS_SIGN_HASH covers
-     all algorithms that can be used with psa_{sign,verify}_hash(), including
-     these two.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/psa_curve448_key_support.txt b/ChangeLog.d/psa_curve448_key_support.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d1870ed..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/psa_curve448_key_support.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Enable support for Curve448 via the PSA API. Contributed by
-     Archana Madhavan in #4626. Fixes #3399 and #4249.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/psa_gcm_buffer_limitation.txt b/ChangeLog.d/psa_gcm_buffer_limitation.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c07e24..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/psa_gcm_buffer_limitation.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-   * Remove PSA'a AEAD finish/verify output buffer limitation for GCM.
-     The requirement of minimum 15 bytes for output buffer in
-     psa_aead_finish() and psa_aead_verify() does not apply to the built-in
-     implementation of GCM.
-   * Move GCM's update output buffer length verification from PSA AEAD to
-     the built-in implementation of the GCM.
-     The requirement for output buffer size to be equal or greater then
-     input buffer size is valid only for the built-in implementation of GCM.
-     Alternative GCM implementations can process whole blocks only.
-API changes
-   * New error code for GCM: MBEDTLS_ERR_GCM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
-     Alternative GCM implementations are expected to verify
-     the length of the provided output buffers and to return the
-     MBEDTLS_ERR_GCM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL in case the buffer length is too small.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/public_fields.txt b/ChangeLog.d/public_fields.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ca0706f..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/public_fields.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-API changes
-   * Declare a number of structure fields as public: the fields of
-     mbedtls_ecp_curve_info, the fields describing the result of ASN.1 and
-     X.509 parsing, and finally the field fd of mbedtls_net_context on
-     POSIX/Unix-like platforms.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/remove-greentea-support.txt b/ChangeLog.d/remove-greentea-support.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index af4df4b..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/remove-greentea-support.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * Remove the partial support for running unit tests via Greentea on Mbed OS,
-     which had been unmaintained since 2018.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/remove-ssl-export-keys.txt b/ChangeLog.d/remove-ssl-export-keys.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a4b31d..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/remove-ssl-export-keys.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   * Remove MBEDTLS_SSL_EXPORT_KEYS, making it always on and increasing the
-     code size by about 80B on an M0 build. This option only gated an ability
-     to set a callback, but was deemed unnecessary as it was yet another define
-     to remember when writing tests, or test configurations. Fixes #4653.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/session_export_private.txt b/ChangeLog.d/session_export_private.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5475824..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/session_export_private.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-    * Explicitly mark the fields mbedtls_ssl_session.exported and
-      mbedtls_ssl_config.respect_cli_pref as private. This was an
-      oversight during the run-up to the release of Mbed TLS 3.0.
-      The fields were never intended to be public.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/tls13-mvp.txt b/ChangeLog.d/tls13-mvp.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd48cc..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/tls13-mvp.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-   * Mbed TLS provides a minimum viable implementation of the TLS 1.3
-     protocol. See docs/architecture/ for the definition of
-     the TLS 1.3 Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_TLS1_3
-     configuration option controls the enablement of the support. The APIs
-     mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version() and mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version() allow
-     to select the 1.3 version of the protocol to establish a TLS connection.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/tls_ext_cid-config.txt b/ChangeLog.d/tls_ext_cid-config.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b1e72..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/tls_ext_cid-config.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-   * The identifier of the CID TLS extension can be configured by defining
-     MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_CID at compile time.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.d/twos_complement_representation.txt b/ChangeLog.d/twos_complement_representation.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa49859..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog.d/twos_complement_representation.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Requirement changes
-   * Sign-magnitude and one's complement representations for signed integers are
-     not supported. Two's complement is the only supported representation.