blob: 70fcb361b6141cee4eb765fcad4cb6d7c2129907 [file] [log] [blame]
* IoT Common V1.1.0
* Copyright (C) 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @file iot_linear_containers.h
* @brief Declares and implements doubly-linked lists and queues.
/* The config header is always included first. */
#include "iot_config.h"
/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
* @defgroup linear_containers_datatypes_listqueue List and queue
* @brief Structures that represent a list or queue.
* @ingroup linear_containers_datatypes_listqueue
* @brief Link member placed in structs of a list or queue.
* All elements in a list or queue must contain one of these members. The macro
* #IotLink_Container can be used to calculate the starting address of the
* link's container.
typedef struct IotLink
struct IotLink * pPrevious; /**< @brief Pointer to the previous element. */
struct IotLink * pNext; /**< @brief Pointer to the next element. */
} IotLink_t;
* @ingroup linear_containers_datatypes_listqueue
* @brief Represents a doubly-linked list.
typedef IotLink_t IotListDouble_t;
* @ingroup linear_containers_datatypes_listqueue
* @brief Represents a queue.
typedef IotLink_t IotDeQueue_t;
* @constantspage{linear_containers,linear containers library}
* @section linear_containers_constants_initializers Linear Containers Initializers
* @brief Provides default values for initializing the linear containers data types.
* @snippet this define_linear_containers_initializers
* All user-facing data types of the linear containers library should be initialized
* using one of the following.
* @warning Failure to initialize a linear containers data type with the appropriate
* initializer may result in a runtime error!
* @note The initializers may change at any time in future versions, but their
* names will remain the same.
/* @[define_linear_containers_initializers] */
#define IOT_LINK_INITIALIZER { 0 } /**< @brief Initializer for an #IotLink_t. */
#define IOT_LIST_DOUBLE_INITIALIZER IOT_LINK_INITIALIZER /**< @brief Initializer for an #IotListDouble_t. */
#define IOT_DEQUEUE_INITIALIZER IOT_LINK_INITIALIZER /**< @brief Initializer for an #IotDeQueue_t. */
/* @[define_linear_containers_initializers] */
* @def IotContainers_Assert( expression )
* @brief Assertion macro for the linear containers library.
* Set @ref IOT_CONTAINERS_ENABLE_ASSERTS to `1` to enable assertions in the linear
* containers library.
* @param[in] expression Expression to be evaluated.
#ifndef IotContainers_Assert
#ifdef Iot_DefaultAssert
#define IotContainers_Assert( expression ) Iot_DefaultAssert( expression )
#error "Asserts are enabled for containers, but IotContainers_Assert is not defined"
#define IotContainers_Assert( expression )
* @brief Calculates the starting address of a containing struct.
* @param[in] type Type of the containing struct.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to a link member.
* @param[in] linkName Name of the #IotLink_t in the containing struct.
#define IotLink_Container( type, pLink, linkName ) \
( ( type * ) ( void * ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) ( pLink ) ) - offsetof( type, linkName ) ) )
* @brief Iterates through all elements of a linear container.
* Container elements must not be freed or removed while iterating.
* @param[in] pStart The first element to iterate from.
* @param[out] pLink Pointer to a container element.
#define IotContainers_ForEach( pStart, pLink ) \
for( ( pLink ) = ( pStart )->pNext; \
( pLink ) != ( pStart ); \
( pLink ) = ( pLink )->pNext )
* @functionspage{linear_containers,linear containers library}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_link_islinked}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_create}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_count}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_isempty}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_peekhead}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_peektail}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_inserthead}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_inserttail}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_insertbefore}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_insertafter}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_insertsorted}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_remove}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_removehead}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_removetail}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_removeall}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_findfirstmatch}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_removefirstmatch}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_list_double_removeallmatches}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_create}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_count}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_isempty}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_peekhead}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_peektail}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_enqueuehead}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_dequeuehead}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_enqueuetail}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_dequeuetail}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_remove}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_removeall}
* - @functionname{linear_containers_function_queue_removeallmatches}
* @functionpage{IotLink_IsLinked,linear_containers,link_islinked}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_Create,linear_containers,list_double_create}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_Count,linear_containers,list_double_count}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_IsEmpty,linear_containers,list_double_isempty}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_PeekHead,linear_containers,list_double_peekhead}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_PeekTail,linear_containers,list_double_peektail}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_InsertHead,linear_containers,list_double_inserthead}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_InsertTail,linear_containers,list_double_inserttail}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_InsertBefore,linear_containers,list_double_insertbefore}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_InsertAfter,linear_containers,list_double_insertafter}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_InsertSorted,linear_containers,list_double_insertsorted}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_Remove,linear_containers,list_double_remove}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_RemoveHead,linear_containers,list_double_removehead}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_RemoveTail,linear_containers,list_double_removetail}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_RemoveAll,linear_containers,list_double_removeall}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_FindFirstMatch,linear_containers,list_double_findfirstmatch}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_RemoveFirstMatch,linear_containers,list_double_removefirstmatch}
* @functionpage{IotListDouble_RemoveAllMatches,linear_containers,list_double_removeallmatches}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_Create,linear_containers,queue_create}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_Count,linear_containers,queue_count}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_IsEmpty,linear_containers,queue_isempty}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_PeekHead,linear_containers,queue_peekhead}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_PeekTail,linear_containers,queue_peektail}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_EnqueueHead,linear_containers,queue_enqueuehead}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_DequeueHead,linear_containers,queue_dequeuehead}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_EnqueueTail,linear_containers,queue_enqueuetail}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_DequeueTail,linear_containers,queue_dequeuetail}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_Remove,linear_containers,queue_remove}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_RemoveAll,linear_containers,queue_removeall}
* @functionpage{IotDeQueue_RemoveAllMatches,linear_containers,queue_removeallmatches}
* @brief Check if an #IotLink_t is linked in a list or queue.
* @param[in] pLink The link to check.
* @return `true` if `pCurrent` is linked in a list or queue; `false` otherwise.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_link_islinked] */
static inline bool IotLink_IsLinked( const IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_link_islinked] */
bool isLinked = false;
if( pLink != NULL )
isLinked = ( pLink->pNext != NULL ) && ( pLink->pPrevious != NULL );
return isLinked;
* @brief Create a new doubly-linked list.
* This function initializes a new doubly-linked list. It must be called on an
* uninitialized #IotListDouble_t before calling any other doubly-linked list
* function. This function must not be called on an already-initialized
* #IotListDouble_t.
* This function will not fail. The function @ref linear_containers_function_list_double_removeall
* may be called to destroy a list.
* @param[in] pList Pointer to the memory that will hold the new doubly-linked list.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_create] */
static inline void IotListDouble_Create( IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_create] */
/* This function must not be called with a NULL parameter. */
IotContainers_Assert( pList != NULL );
/* An empty list is a link pointing to itself. */
pList->pPrevious = pList;
pList->pNext = pList;
* @brief Return the number of elements contained in an #IotListDouble_t.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list with the elements to count.
* @return The number of elements in the doubly-linked list.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_count] */
static inline size_t IotListDouble_Count( const IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_count] */
size_t count = 0;
if( pList != NULL )
/* Get the list head. */
const IotLink_t * pCurrent = pList->pNext;
/* Iterate through the list to count the elements. */
while( pCurrent != pList )
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
return count;
* @brief Check if a doubly-linked list is empty.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list to check.
* @return `true` if the list is empty; `false` otherwise.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_isempty] */
static inline bool IotListDouble_IsEmpty( const IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_isempty] */
/* An empty list is NULL link, or a link pointing to itself. */
return( ( pList == NULL ) || ( pList->pNext == pList ) );
* @brief Return an #IotLink_t representing the first element in a doubly-linked list
* without removing it.
* @param[in] pList The list to peek.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the element at the head of the
* list; `NULL` if the list is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to
* determine the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_peekhead] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotListDouble_PeekHead( const IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_peekhead] */
IotLink_t * pHead = NULL;
if( pList != NULL )
if( IotListDouble_IsEmpty( pList ) == false )
pHead = pList->pNext;
return pHead;
* @brief Return an #IotLink_t representing the last element in a doubly-linked
* list without removing it.
* @param[in] pList The list to peek.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the element at the tail of the
* list; `NULL` if the list is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to
* determine the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_peektail] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotListDouble_PeekTail( const IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_peektail] */
IotLink_t * pTail = NULL;
if( pList != NULL )
if( IotListDouble_IsEmpty( pList ) == false )
pTail = pList->pPrevious;
return pTail;
* @brief Insert an element at the head of a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list that will hold the new element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_inserthead] */
static inline void IotListDouble_InsertHead( IotListDouble_t * const pList,
IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_inserthead] */
/* This function must not be called with NULL parameters. */
IotContainers_Assert( pList != NULL );
IotContainers_Assert( pLink != NULL );
/* Save current list head. */
IotLink_t * pHead = pList->pNext;
/* Place new element before list head. */
pLink->pNext = pHead;
pLink->pPrevious = pList;
/* Assign new list head. */
pHead->pPrevious = pLink;
pList->pNext = pLink;
* @brief Insert an element at the tail of a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The double-linked list that will hold the new element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_inserttail] */
static inline void IotListDouble_InsertTail( IotListDouble_t * const pList,
IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_inserttail] */
/* This function must not be called with NULL parameters. */
IotContainers_Assert( pList != NULL );
IotContainers_Assert( pLink != NULL );
/* Save current list tail. */
IotLink_t * pTail = pList->pPrevious;
pLink->pNext = pList;
pLink->pPrevious = pTail;
pList->pPrevious = pLink;
pTail->pNext = pLink;
* @brief Insert an element before another element in a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pElement The new element will be placed before this element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_insertbefore] */
static inline void IotListDouble_InsertBefore( IotLink_t * const pElement,
IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_insertbefore] */
IotListDouble_InsertTail( pElement, pLink );
* @brief Insert an element after another element in a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pElement The new element will be placed after this element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_insertafter] */
static inline void IotListDouble_InsertAfter( IotLink_t * const pElement,
IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_insertafter] */
IotListDouble_InsertHead( pElement, pLink );
* @brief Insert an element in a sorted doubly-linked list.
* Places an element into a list by sorting it into order. The function
* `compare` is used to determine where to place the new element.
* @param[in] pList The list that will hold the new element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
* @param[in] compare Determines the order of the list. Returns a negative
* value if its first argument is less than its second argument; returns
* zero if its first argument is equal to its second argument; returns a
* positive value if its first argument is greater than its second argument.
* The parameters to this function are #IotLink_t, so the macro #IotLink_Container
* may be used to determine the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_insertsorted] */
static inline void IotListDouble_InsertSorted( IotListDouble_t * const pList,
IotLink_t * const pLink,
int32_t ( *compare )( const IotLink_t * const, const IotLink_t * const ) )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_insertsorted] */
/* This function must not be called with NULL parameters. */
IotContainers_Assert( pList != NULL );
IotContainers_Assert( pLink != NULL );
IotContainers_Assert( compare != NULL );
/* Insert at head for empty list. */
if( IotListDouble_IsEmpty( pList ) == true )
IotListDouble_InsertHead( pList, pLink );
bool inserted = false;
IotLink_t * pCurrent = pList->pNext;
/* Iterate through the list to find the correct position. */
while( pCurrent != pList )
/* Comparing for '<' preserves the order of insertion. */
if( compare( pLink, pCurrent ) < 0 )
IotListDouble_InsertBefore( pCurrent, pLink );
inserted = true;
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
/* New element is greater than all elements in list. Insert at tail. */
if( inserted == false )
IotListDouble_InsertTail( pList, pLink );
* @brief Remove a single element from a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pLink The element to remove.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_remove] */
static inline void IotListDouble_Remove( IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_remove] */
/* This function must not be called with a NULL parameter. */
IotContainers_Assert( pLink != NULL );
/* This function must be called on a linked element. */
IotContainers_Assert( IotLink_IsLinked( pLink ) == true );
pLink->pPrevious->pNext = pLink->pNext;
pLink->pNext->pPrevious = pLink->pPrevious;
pLink->pPrevious = NULL;
pLink->pNext = NULL;
* @brief Remove the element at the head of a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list that holds the element to remove.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the removed list head; `NULL`
* if the list is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to determine
* the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removehead] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotListDouble_RemoveHead( IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removehead] */
IotLink_t * pHead = NULL;
if( IotListDouble_IsEmpty( pList ) == false )
pHead = pList->pNext;
IotListDouble_Remove( pHead );
return pHead;
* @brief Remove the element at the tail of a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list that holds the element to remove.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the removed list tail; `NULL`
* if the list is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to determine
* the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removetail] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotListDouble_RemoveTail( IotListDouble_t * const pList )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removetail] */
IotLink_t * pTail = NULL;
if( IotListDouble_IsEmpty( pList ) == false )
pTail = pList->pPrevious;
IotListDouble_Remove( pTail );
return pTail;
* @brief Remove all elements in a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The list to empty.
* @param[in] freeElement A function to free memory used by each removed list
* element. Optional; pass `NULL` to ignore.
* @param[in] linkOffset Offset in bytes of a link member in its container, used
* to calculate the pointer to pass to `freeElement`. This value should be calculated
* with the C `offsetof` macro. This parameter is ignored if `freeElement` is `NULL`
* or its value is `0`.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removeall] */
static inline void IotListDouble_RemoveAll( IotListDouble_t * const pList,
void ( *freeElement )( void * ),
size_t linkOffset )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removeall] */
/* This function must not be called with a NULL pList parameter. */
IotContainers_Assert( pList != NULL );
/* Get the list head. */
IotLink_t * pCurrent = pList->pNext;
/* Iterate through the list and remove all elements. */
while( pCurrent != pList )
/* Save a pointer to the next list element. */
IotLink_t * pNext = pCurrent->pNext;
/* Remove and free the current list element. */
IotListDouble_Remove( pCurrent );
if( freeElement != NULL )
freeElement( ( ( uint8_t * ) pCurrent ) - linkOffset );
/* Move the iterating pointer to the next list element. */
pCurrent = pNext;
* @brief Search a doubly-linked list for the first matching element.
* If a match is found, the matching element is <b>not</b> removed from the list.
* See @ref linear_containers_function_list_double_removefirstmatch for the function
* that searches and removes.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list to search.
* @param[in] pStartPoint An element in `pList`. Only elements between this one and
* the list tail are checked. Pass `NULL` to search from the beginning of the list.
* @param[in] isMatch Function to determine if an element matches. Pass `NULL` to
* search using the address `pMatch`, i.e. `element == pMatch`.
* @param[in] pMatch If `isMatch` is `NULL`, each element in the list is compared
* to this address to find a match. Otherwise, it is passed as the second argument
* to `isMatch`.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the first matched element; `NULL`
* if no match is found. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to determine the
* address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_findfirstmatch] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotListDouble_FindFirstMatch( const IotListDouble_t * const pList,
const IotLink_t * const pStartPoint,
bool ( *isMatch )( const IotLink_t * const, void * ),
void * pMatch )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_findfirstmatch] */
/* The const must be cast away to match this function's return value. Nevertheless,
* this function will respect the const-ness of pStartPoint. */
IotLink_t * pCurrent = ( IotLink_t * ) pStartPoint;
/* This function must not be called with a NULL pList parameter. */
IotContainers_Assert( pList != NULL );
/* Search starting from list head if no start point is given. */
if( pStartPoint == NULL )
pCurrent = pList->pNext;
/* Iterate through the list to search for matches. */
while( pCurrent != pList )
/* Call isMatch if provided. Otherwise, compare pointers. */
if( isMatch != NULL )
if( isMatch( pCurrent, pMatch ) == true )
return pCurrent;
if( pCurrent == pMatch )
return pCurrent;
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
/* No match found, return NULL. */
return NULL;
* @brief Search a doubly-linked list for the first matching element and remove
* it.
* An #IotLink_t may be passed as `pList` to start searching after the head of a
* doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list to search.
* @param[in] pStartPoint An element in `pList`. Only elements between this one and
* the list tail are checked. Pass `NULL` to search from the beginning of the list.
* @param[in] isMatch Function to determine if an element matches. Pass `NULL` to
* search using the address `pMatch`, i.e. `element == pMatch`.
* @param[in] pMatch If `isMatch` is `NULL`, each element in the list is compared
* to this address to find a match. Otherwise, it is passed as the second argument
* to `isMatch`.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the matched and removed element;
* `NULL` if no match is found. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to determine
* the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removefirstmatch] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotListDouble_RemoveFirstMatch( IotListDouble_t * const pList,
const IotLink_t * const pStartPoint,
bool ( *isMatch )( const IotLink_t *, void * ),
void * pMatch )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removefirstmatch] */
IotLink_t * pMatchedElement = IotListDouble_FindFirstMatch( pList,
pMatch );
if( pMatchedElement != NULL )
IotListDouble_Remove( pMatchedElement );
return pMatchedElement;
* @brief Remove all matching elements from a doubly-linked list.
* @param[in] pList The doubly-linked list to search.
* @param[in] isMatch Function to determine if an element matches. Pass `NULL` to
* search using the address `pMatch`, i.e. `element == pMatch`.
* @param[in] pMatch If `isMatch` is `NULL`, each element in the list is compared
* to this address to find a match. Otherwise, it is passed as the second argument
* to `isMatch`.
* @param[in] freeElement A function to free memory used by each removed list
* element. Optional; pass `NULL` to ignore.
* @param[in] linkOffset Offset in bytes of a link member in its container, used
* to calculate the pointer to pass to `freeElement`. This value should be calculated
* with the C `offsetof` macro. This parameter is ignored if `freeElement` is `NULL`
* or its value is `0`.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removeallmatches] */
static inline void IotListDouble_RemoveAllMatches( IotListDouble_t * const pList,
bool ( *isMatch )( const IotLink_t *, void * ),
void * pMatch,
void ( *freeElement )( void * ),
size_t linkOffset )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_list_double_removeallmatches] */
IotLink_t * pMatchedElement = NULL, * pNextElement = NULL;
/* Search the list for all matching elements. */
pMatchedElement = IotListDouble_FindFirstMatch( pList,
pMatch );
if( pMatchedElement != NULL )
/* Save pointer to next element. */
pNextElement = pMatchedElement->pNext;
/* Match found; remove and free. */
IotListDouble_Remove( pMatchedElement );
if( freeElement != NULL )
freeElement( ( ( uint8_t * ) pMatchedElement ) - linkOffset );
/* Continue search from next element. */
pMatchedElement = pNextElement;
} while( pMatchedElement != NULL );
* @brief Create a new queue.
* This function initializes a new double-ended queue. It must be called on an uninitialized
* #IotDeQueue_t before calling any other queue function. This function must not be
* called on an already-initialized #IotDeQueue_t.
* This function will not fail.
* @param[in] pQueue Pointer to the memory that will hold the new queue.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_create] */
static inline void IotDeQueue_Create( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_create] */
IotListDouble_Create( pQueue );
* @brief Return the number of elements contained in an #IotDeQueue_t.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue with the elements to count.
* @return The number of items elements in the queue.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_count] */
static inline size_t IotDeQueue_Count( const IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_count] */
return IotListDouble_Count( pQueue );
* @brief Check if a queue is empty.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue to check.
* @return `true` if the queue is empty; `false` otherwise.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_isempty] */
static inline bool IotDeQueue_IsEmpty( const IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_isempty] */
return IotListDouble_IsEmpty( pQueue );
* @brief Return an #IotLink_t representing the element at the front of the queue
* without removing it.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue to peek.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the element at the head of the
* queue; `NULL` if the queue is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used
* to determine the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_peekhead] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotDeQueue_PeekHead( const IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_peekhead] */
return IotListDouble_PeekHead( pQueue );
* @brief Return an #IotLink_t representing the element at the back of the queue
* without removing it.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue to peek.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the element at the head of the
* queue; `NULL` if the queue is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used
* to determine the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_peektail] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotDeQueue_PeekTail( const IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_peektail] */
return IotListDouble_PeekTail( pQueue );
* @brief Add an element at the head of the queue.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue that will hold the new element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_enqueuehead] */
static inline void IotDeQueue_EnqueueHead( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue,
IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_enqueuehead] */
IotListDouble_InsertHead( pQueue, pLink );
* @brief Remove an element at the head of the queue.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue that holds the element to remove.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the removed queue element; `NULL`
* if the queue is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to determine
* the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_dequeuehead] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotDeQueue_DequeueHead( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_dequeuehead] */
return IotListDouble_RemoveHead( pQueue );
* @brief Add an element at the tail of the queue.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue that will hold the new element.
* @param[in] pLink Pointer to the new element's link member.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_enqueuetail] */
static inline void IotDeQueue_EnqueueTail( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue,
IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_enqueuetail] */
IotListDouble_InsertTail( pQueue, pLink );
* @brief Remove an element at the tail of the queue.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue that holds the element to remove.
* @return Pointer to an #IotLink_t representing the removed queue element; `NULL`
* if the queue is empty. The macro #IotLink_Container may be used to determine
* the address of the link's container.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_dequeuetail] */
static inline IotLink_t * IotDeQueue_DequeueTail( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_dequeuetail] */
return IotListDouble_RemoveTail( pQueue );
* @brief Remove a single element from a queue.
* @param[in] pLink The element to remove.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_remove] */
static inline void IotDeQueue_Remove( IotLink_t * const pLink )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_remove] */
IotListDouble_Remove( pLink );
* @brief Remove all elements in a queue.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue to empty.
* @param[in] freeElement A function to free memory used by each removed queue
* element. Optional; pass `NULL` to ignore.
* @param[in] linkOffset Offset in bytes of a link member in its container, used
* to calculate the pointer to pass to `freeElement`. This value should be calculated
* with the C `offsetof` macro. This parameter is ignored if `freeElement` is `NULL`
* or its value is `0`.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_removeall] */
static inline void IotDeQueue_RemoveAll( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue,
void ( * freeElement )( void * ),
size_t linkOffset )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_removeall] */
IotListDouble_RemoveAll( pQueue, freeElement, linkOffset );
* @brief Remove all matching elements from a queue.
* @param[in] pQueue The queue to search.
* @param[in] isMatch Function to determine if an element matches. Pass `NULL` to
* search using the address `pMatch`, i.e. `element == pMatch`.
* @param[in] pMatch If `isMatch` is `NULL`, each element in the queue is compared
* to this address to find a match. Otherwise, it is passed as the second argument
* to `isMatch`.
* @param[in] freeElement A function to free memory used by each removed queue
* element. Optional; pass `NULL` to ignore.
* @param[in] linkOffset Offset in bytes of a link member in its container, used
* to calculate the pointer to pass to `freeElement`. This value should be calculated
* with the C `offsetof` macro. This parameter is ignored if `freeElement` is `NULL`
* or its value is `0`.
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_removeallmatches] */
static inline void IotDeQueue_RemoveAllMatches( IotDeQueue_t * const pQueue,
bool ( * isMatch )( const IotLink_t *, void * ),
void * pMatch,
void ( * freeElement )( void * ),
size_t linkOffset )
/* @[declare_linear_containers_queue_removeallmatches] */
IotListDouble_RemoveAllMatches( pQueue, isMatch, pMatch, freeElement, linkOffset );