blob: 34691ffba050df4ad102ff6a4a62f8c8df89bbdc [file] [log] [blame]
* IoT MQTT V2.1.0
* Copyright (C) 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @file iot_mqtt_serialize.h
* @brief User-facing functions for serializing MQTT 3.1.1 packets. This header should
* be included for building a single threaded light-weight MQTT client bypassing
* stateful CSDK MQTT library.
/* The config header is always included first. */
#include "iot_config.h"
/* MQTT types include. */
#include "types/iot_mqtt_types.h"
/*------------------------- MQTT library functions --------------------------*/
* @functionspage{mqtt,MQTT library}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_getconnectpacketsize}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializeconnect}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_getsubscriptionpacketsize}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializesubscribe}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializeunsubscribe}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_getpublishpacketsize}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializepublish}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializedisconnect}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_serializepingreq}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_deserializeresponse}
* - @functionname{mqtt_function_deserializepublish}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize,mqtt,getconnectpacketsize}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeConnect,mqtt,serializeconnect}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize,mqtt,getsubscriptionpacketsize}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe,mqtt,serializesubscribe}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe,mqtt,serializeunsubscribe}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize,mqtt,getpublishpacketsize}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializePublish,mqtt,serializepublish}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect,mqtt,serializedisconnect}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_SerializePingreq,mqtt,serializepingreq}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength,mqtt,getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse,mqtt,deserializeresponse}
* @functionpage{IotMqtt_DeserializePublish,mqtt,deserializepublish}
* @brief Calculate the size and "Remaining length" of a CONNECT packet generated
* from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pConnectInfo User-provided CONNECT information struct.
* @param[out] pRemainingLength Output for calculated "Remaining length" field.
* @param[out] pPacketSize Output for calculated total packet size.
* @return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS if the packet is within the length allowed by MQTT 3.1.1 spec;
* IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise. If this function returns `IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER`,
* the output parameters should be ignored.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize() should be used to calculate
* // the size of connect request.
* IotMqttConnectInfo_t xConnectInfo;
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* // start with everything set to zero
* memset( ( void * ) &xConnectInfo, 0x00, sizeof( xConnectInfo ) );
* // Initialize connection info, details are out of scope for this example.
* _initializeConnectInfo( &xConnectInfo );
* // Get size requirement for the connect packet
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize( &xConnectInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Application should allocate buffer with size == xPacketSize or use static buffer
* // with size >= xPacketSize to serialize connect request.
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_getconnectpacketsize] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize( const IotMqttConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo,
size_t * pRemainingLength,
size_t * pPacketSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_getconnectpacketsize] */
* @brief Generate a CONNECT packet from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pConnectInfo User-provided CONNECT information.
* @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.
* @param[in, out] pBuffer User provided buffer where the CONNECT packet is written.
* @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.
* @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller. Use @ref mqtt_function_getconnectpacketsize
* to determine the required size.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeConnect() should be used to serialize
* // MQTT connect packet and send it to MQTT broker.
* // Example uses static memory but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.
* // Get size requirement for the connect packet.
* #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100
* static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
* void sendConnectPacket( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* IotMqttConnectInfo_t xConnectInfo;
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* size_t xSentBytes = 0;
* // Get size requirement for MQTT connect packet.
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetConnectPacketSize( &xConnectInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size
* IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );
* // Serialize MQTT connect packet into provided buffer
* xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeConnect( &xConnectInfo, xRemainingLength, ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializeconnect] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeConnect( const IotMqttConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo,
size_t remainingLength,
uint8_t * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializeconnect] */
* @brief Calculate the size and "Remaining length" of a SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE
* packet generated from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList User-provided array of subscriptions.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount Size of `pSubscriptionList`.
* @param[out] pRemainingLength Output for calculated "Remaining length" field.
* @param[out] pPacketSize Output for calculated total packet size.
* @return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS if the packet is within the length allowed by MQTT 3.1.1 spec;
* IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise. If this function returns IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER,
* the output parameters should be ignored.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize() should be used to calculate
* // the size of subscribe or unsubscribe request.
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* IotMqttSubscription_t xMQTTSubscription[ 1 ];
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* // Initialize Subscribe parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.
* // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter and topic filter length.
* _initializeSubscribe( xMQTTSubscription );
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,
* xMQTTSubscription,
* sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),
* &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Application should allocate buffer with size == xPacketSize or use static buffer
* // with size >= xPacketSize to serialize connect request.
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_getsubscriptionpacketsize] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IotMqttOperationType_t type,
const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
size_t * pRemainingLength,
size_t * pPacketSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_getsubscriptionpacketsize] */
* @brief Generate a SUBSCRIBE packet from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList User-provided array of subscriptions.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount Size of `pSubscriptionList`.
* @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.
* @param[out] pPacketIdentifier The packet identifier generated for this SUBSCRIBE.
* @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the SUBSCRIBE packet is written.
* @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.
* @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe() should be used to serialize
* // MQTT Subscribe packet and send it to MQTT broker.
* // Example uses static memory, but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.
* // Get size requirement for the MQTT subscribe packet.
* #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100
* static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
* void sendSubscribePacket( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* IotMqttSubscription_t xMQTTSubscription[ 1 ];
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* size_t xSentBytes = 0;
* // Initialize Subscribe parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.
* // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter and topic filter length.
* _initializeSubscribe( xMQTTSubscription );
* // Get size requirement for MQTT Subscribe packet.
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE,
* xMQTTSubscription,
* sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),
* &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size.
* IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );
* // Serialize subscribe into statically allocated ucSharedBuffer.
* xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe( xMQTTSubscription,
* sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),
* xRemainingLength,
* &usPacketIdentifier,
* ucSharedBuffer,
* xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializesubscribe] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe( const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
size_t remainingLength,
uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,
uint8_t * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializesubscribe] */
* @brief Generate a UNSUBSCRIBE packet from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pSubscriptionList User-provided array of subscriptions to remove.
* @param[in] subscriptionCount Size of `pSubscriptionList`.
* @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.
* @param[out] pPacketIdentifier The packet identifier generated for this UNSUBSCRIBE.
* @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the UNSUBSCRIBE packet is written.
* @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.
* @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe() should be used to serialize
* // MQTT unsubscribe packet and send it to MQTT broker.
* // Example uses static memory, but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.
* // Get size requirement for the Unsubscribe packet.
* #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100
* static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
* void sendUnsubscribePacket( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* // Following example shows one topic example.
* IotMqttSubscription_t xMQTTSubscription[ 1 ];
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* size_t xSentBytes = 0;
* // Get size requirement for MQTT unsubscribe packet.
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetSubscriptionPacketSize( IOT_MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE,
* xMQTTSubscription,
* sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),
* &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size.
* IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );
* // Serialize subscribe into statically allocated ucSharedBuffer.
* xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe( xMQTTSubscription,
* sizeof( xMQTTSubscription ) / sizeof( IotMqttSubscription_t ),
* xRemainingLength,
* &usPacketIdentifier,
* ucSharedBuffer,
* xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializeunsubscribe] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe( const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
size_t remainingLength,
uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,
uint8_t * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializeunsubscribe] */
* @brief Calculate the size and "Remaining length" of a PUBLISH packet generated
* from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pPublishInfo User-provided PUBLISH information struct.
* @param[out] pRemainingLength Output for calculated "Remaining length" field.
* @param[out] pPacketSize Output for calculated total packet size.
* @return IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS if the packet is within the length allowed by MQTT 3.1.1 spec;
* IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise. If this function returns IOT_MQTT_BAD_PARAMETER,
* the output parameters should be ignored.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize() should be used to calculate
* // the size of MQTT publish request.
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* IotMqttPublishInfo_t xMQTTPublishInfo;
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* // Initialize Publish parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.
* // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter, topic filter length, payload
* // payload length
* _initializePublish( &xMQTTPublishInfo );
* // Find out length of Publish packet size.
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize( &xMQTTPublishInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Application should allocate buffer with size == xPacketSize or use static buffer
* // with size >= xPacketSize to serialize connect request.
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_getpublishpacketsize] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize( IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,
size_t * pRemainingLength,
size_t * pPacketSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_getpublishpacketsize] */
* @brief Generate a PUBLISH packet from the given parameters.
* @param[in] pPublishInfo User-provided PUBLISH information.
* @param[in] remainingLength remaining length of the packet to be serialized.
* @param[out] pPacketIdentifier The packet identifier generated for this PUBLISH.
* @param[out] pPacketIdentifierHigh Where the high byte of the packet identifier
* is written.
* @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the PUBLISH packet is written.
* @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.
* @note pBuffer must be allocated by caller.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how IotMqtt_SerializePublish() should be used to serialize
* // MQTT Publish packet and send it to broker.
* // Example uses static memory, but dynamically allocated memory can be used as well.
* #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100
* static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
* void sendUnsubscribePacket( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* IotMqttPublishInfo_t xMQTTPublishInfo;
* size_t xRemainingLength = 0;
* size_t xPacketSize = 0;
* size_t xSentBytes = 0;
* uint16_t usPacketIdentifier;
* uint8_t * pusPacketIdentifierHigh;
* // Initialize Publish parameters. Details are out of scope for this example.
* // It will involve setting QOS, topic filter, topic filter length, payload
* // payload length.
* _initializePublish( &xMQTTPublishInfo );
* // Find out length of Publish packet size.
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetPublishPacketSize( &xMQTTPublishInfo, &xRemainingLength, &xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // Make sure the packet size is less than static buffer size
* IotMqtt_Assert( xPacketSize < mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );
* xResult = IotMqtt_SerializePublish( &xMQTTPublishInfo,
* xRemainingLength,
* &usPacketIdentifier,
* &pusPacketIdentifierHigh,
* ucSharedBuffer,
* xPacketSize );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* xSentBytes = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xPacketSize, 0 );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xSentBytes == xPacketSize );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializepublish] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializePublish( IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,
size_t remainingLength,
uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,
uint8_t ** pPacketIdentifierHigh,
uint8_t * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializepublish] */
* @brief Generate a DISCONNECT packet
* @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the DISCONNECT packet is written.
* @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example below shows how IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect() should be used.
* #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100
* static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
* void sendDisconnectRequest( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* size_t xSentBytes = 0;
* // Disconnect is fixed length packet, therefore there is no need to calculate the size,
* // just makes sure static buffer can accommodate disconnect request.
* // Serialize Disconnect packet into static buffer (dynamically allocated buffer can be used as well)
* xResult = IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect( ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* xSentByte = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE, 0 );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xSentByte == MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializedisconnect] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect( uint8_t * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializedisconnect] */
* @brief Generate a PINGREQ packet.
* @param[in, out] pBuffer User provide buffer where the PINGREQ packet is written.
* @param[in] bufferSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example below shows how IotMqtt_SerializePingReq() should be used.
* #define mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE 100
* static ucSharedBuffer[mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE];
* void sendPingRequest( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* size_t xSentBytes = 0;
* // PingReq is fixed length packet, therefore there is no need to calculate the size,
* // just makes sure static buffer can accommodate Ping request.
* xResult = IotMqtt_SerializePingreq( ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_PINGREQ_SIZE );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* xSentByte = send( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, MQTT_PACKET_DISCONNECT_SIZE, 0 );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xSentByte == MQTT_PACKET_PINGREQ_SIZE);
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializepingreq] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_SerializePingreq( uint8_t * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize );
/* @[declare_mqtt_serializepingreq] */
* @brief Extract MQTT packet type and length from incoming packet
* @param[in, out] pIncomingPacket Pointer to IotMqttPacketInfo_t structure
* where type, remaining length and packet identifier are stored.
* @param[in] getNextByte Pointer to platform specific function which is used
* to extract type and length from incoming received stream (see example ).
* @param[in] pNetworkConnection Pointer to platform specific network connection
* which is used by getNextByte to receive network data
* @return #IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS on successful extraction of type and length,
* #IOT_MQTT_BAD_RESPONSE on failure.
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example code below shows how to implement getNetxByte function with posix sockets.
* // Note: IotMqttGetNextByte_t typedef IotMqttError_t (* IotMqttGetNextByte_t)( void * pNetworkContext,
* // uint8_t * pNextByte );
* // Note: It is assumed that socket is already created and connected,
* IotMqttError_t getNextByte( void * pContext,
* uint8_t * pNextByte )
* {
* int socket = ( int ) ( *pvContext );
* int receivedBytes;
* IotMqttError_t result;
* receivedBytes = recv( socket, ( void * ) pNextByte, sizeof( uint8_t ), 0 );
* if( receivedBytes == sizeof( uint8_t ) )
* {
* result = IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS;
* }
* else
* {
* result = IOT_MQTT_TIMEOUT;
* }
* return result;
* }
* // Example below shows how IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength() is used to extract type
* // and length from incoming ping response.
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* void getTypeAndLengthFromIncomingMQTTPingResponse( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* IotMqttPacketInfo_t xIncomingPacket;
* IotMqttError_t xResult = IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( &xIncomingPacket, getNextByte, ( void * ) xMQTTSocket );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.type == MQTT_PACKET_TYPE_PINGRESP );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( IotMqttPacketInfo_t * pIncomingPacket,
IotMqttGetNextByte_t getNextByte,
void * pNetworkConnection );
/* @[declare_mqtt_getincomingmqttpackettypeandlength] */
* @brief Deserialize incoming publish packet.
* @param[in, out] pMqttPacket The caller of this API sets type, remainingLength and pRemainingData.
* On success, packetIdentifier and pubInfo will be set by the function.
* @return One of the following:
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example below shows how IotMqtt_DeserializePublish() used to extract contents of incoming
* // Publish. xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* void processIncomingPublish( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* IotMqttPacketInfo_t xIncomingPacket;
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( &xIncomingPacket, getNextByte, ( void * ) xMQTTSocket );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* IotMqtt_Assert( ( xIncomingPacket.type & 0xf0 ) == MQTT_PACKET_TYPE_PUBLISH );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.remainingLength <= mqttexampleSHARED_BUFFER_SIZE );
* // Receive the remaining bytes.
* if( recv( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xIncomingPacket.remainingLength, 0 ) == xIncomingPacket.remainingLength )
* {
* xIncomingPacket.pRemainingData = ucSharedBuffer;
* if( IotMqtt_DeserializePublish( &xIncomingPacket ) != IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS )
* {
* }
* else
* {
* // Process incoming Publish.
* IotLogInfo( "Incoming QOS : %d\n", xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.qos );
* IotLogInfo( "Incoming Publish Topic Name: %.*s\n", xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.topicNameLength, xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.pTopicName );
* IotLogInfo( "Incoming Publish Message : %.*s\n", xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.payloadLength, xIncomingPacket.pubInfo.pPayload );
* }
* }
* else
* {
* }
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_deserializepublish] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_DeserializePublish( IotMqttPacketInfo_t * pMqttPacket );
/* @[declare_mqtt_deserializepublish] */
* @brief Deserialize incoming ack packets.
* @param[in, out] pMqttPacket The caller of this API sets type, remainingLength and pRemainingData.
* On success, packetIdentifier will be set.
* @return One of the following:
* @note This call is part of serializer API used for implementing light-weight MQTT client.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* // Example below shows how IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse() is used to process unsubscribe ack.
* // xMQTTSocket here is posix socket created and connected to MQTT broker outside of this function.
* void processUnsubscribeAck( int xMQTTSocket )
* {
* IotMqttError_t xResult;
* IotMqttPacketInfo_t xIncomingPacket;
* xResult = IotMqtt_GetIncomingMQTTPacketTypeAndLength( &xIncomingPacket, getNextByte, ( void * ) xMQTTSocket );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.type == MQTT_PACKET_TYPE_UNSUBACK );
* IotMqtt_Assert( xIncomingPacket.remainingLength <= sizeof( ucSharedBuffer ) );
* // Receive the remaining bytes.
* if( recv( xMQTTSocket, ( void * ) ucSharedBuffer, xIncomingPacket.remainingLength, 0 ) == xIncomingPacket.remainingLength )
* {
* xIncomingPacket.pRemainingData = ucSharedBuffer;
* if( IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse( &xIncomingPacket ) != IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS )
* {
* }
* }
* else
* {
* }
* IotMqtt_Assert( xResult == IOT_MQTT_SUCCESS );
* }
* @endcode
/* @[declare_mqtt_deserializeresponse] */
IotMqttError_t IotMqtt_DeserializeResponse( IotMqttPacketInfo_t * pMqttPacket );
/* @[declare_mqtt_deserializeresponse] */
#endif /* ifndef IOT_MQTT_SERIALIZE_H_ */