Remove unnecessary use of portLONG, portCHAR and portSHORT.
diff --git a/Source/include/StackMacros.h b/Source/include/StackMacros.h
index a139e61..01f0f22 100644
--- a/Source/include/StackMacros.h
+++ b/Source/include/StackMacros.h
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 	/* Only the current stack state is to be checked. */

 	#define taskFIRST_CHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()														\

 	{																									\

-	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed portCHAR *pcTaskName );		\

+	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed char *pcTaskName );		\


 		/* Is the currently saved stack pointer within the stack limit? */								\

 		if( pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack <= pxCurrentTCB->pxStack )										\

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 	/* Only the current stack state is to be checked. */

 	#define taskFIRST_CHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()														\

 	{																									\

-	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed portCHAR *pcTaskName );		\

+	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed char *pcTaskName );		\


 		/* Is the currently saved stack pointer within the stack limit? */								\

 		if( pxCurrentTCB->pxTopOfStack >= pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack )									\

@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@

 	#define taskSECOND_CHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()																									\

 	{																																				\

-	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed portCHAR *pcTaskName );													\

-	static const unsigned portCHAR ucExpectedStackBytes[] = {	tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,		\

+	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed char *pcTaskName );													\

+	static const unsigned char ucExpectedStackBytes[] = {	tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,		\




@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@

 	#define taskSECOND_CHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW()																									\

 	{																																				\

-	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed portCHAR *pcTaskName );													\

-	portCHAR *pcEndOfStack = ( portCHAR * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack;																				\

-	static const unsigned portCHAR ucExpectedStackBytes[] = {	tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,		\

+	extern void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed char *pcTaskName );													\

+	char *pcEndOfStack = ( char * ) pxCurrentTCB->pxEndOfStack;																				\

+	static const unsigned char ucExpectedStackBytes[] = {	tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE,		\




diff --git a/Source/include/croutine.h b/Source/include/croutine.h
index 07c9884..57cf05f 100644
--- a/Source/include/croutine.h
+++ b/Source/include/croutine.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 	xListItem				xEventListItem;		/*< List item used to place the CRCB in event lists. */

 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE 	uxPriority;			/*< The priority of the co-routine in relation to other co-routines. */

 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE 	uxIndex;			/*< Used to distinguish between co-routines when multiple co-routines use the same co-routine function. */

-	unsigned portSHORT 		uxState;			/*< Used internally by the co-routine implementation. */

+	unsigned short 		uxState;			/*< Used internally by the co-routine implementation. */

 } corCRCB; /* Co-routine control block.  Note must be identical in size down to uxPriority with tskTCB. */



@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
  void vACoRoutine( xCoRoutineHandle xHandle, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxIndex )


  // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.

- static portLONG ulAVariable;

+ static long ulAVariable;


      // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();

      crSTART( xHandle );

@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
  void vACoRoutine( xCoRoutineHandle xHandle, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxIndex )


  // Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.

- static portLONG ulAVariable;

+ static long ulAVariable;


      // Must start every co-routine with a call to crSTART();

      crSTART( xHandle );

@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
  // A co-routine that blocks on a queue waiting for characters to be received.

  static void vReceivingCoRoutine( xCoRoutineHandle xHandle, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxIndex )


- portCHAR cRxedChar;

+ char cRxedChar;

  portBASE_TYPE xResult;


      // All co-routines must start with a call to crSTART().

@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
  // a co-routine.

  void vUART_ISR( void )


- portCHAR cRxedChar;

+ char cRxedChar;

  portBASE_TYPE xCRWokenByPost = pdFALSE;


      // We loop around reading characters until there are none left in the UART.

@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@

  // cChar holds its value while this co-routine is blocked and must therefore

  // be declared static.

- static portCHAR cCharToTx = 'a';

+ static char cCharToTx = 'a';

  portBASE_TYPE xResult;


      // All co-routines must start with a call to crSTART().

@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
  // An ISR that uses a queue to receive characters to send on a UART.

  void vUART_ISR( void )


- portCHAR cCharToTx;

+ char cCharToTx;

  portBASE_TYPE xCRWokenByPost = pdFALSE;


      while( UART_TX_REG_EMPTY() )

diff --git a/Source/include/queue.h b/Source/include/queue.h
index 8c17654..e42f8a5 100644
--- a/Source/include/queue.h
+++ b/Source/include/queue.h
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];



  void vATask( void *pvParameters )

@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
  xQueueHandle xQueue1, xQueue2;


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 unsigned long values.

-	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) );

+	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned long ) );

 	if( xQueue1 == 0 )


 		// Queue was not created and must not be used.

@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


- unsigned portLONG ulVar = 10UL;

+ unsigned long ulVar = 10UL;


  void vATask( void *pvParameters )


@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
  struct AMessage *pxMessage;


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 unsigned long values.

-	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) );

+	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned long ) );


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 pointers to AMessage structures.

 	// These should be passed by pointer as they contain a lot of data.

@@ -247,11 +247,11 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


- unsigned portLONG ulVar = 10UL;

+ unsigned long ulVar = 10UL;


  void vATask( void *pvParameters )


@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
  struct AMessage *pxMessage;


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 unsigned long values.

-	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) );

+	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned long ) );


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 pointers to AMessage structures.

 	// These should be passed by pointer as they contain a lot of data.

@@ -331,11 +331,11 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


- unsigned portLONG ulVar = 10UL;

+ unsigned long ulVar = 10UL;


  void vATask( void *pvParameters )


@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
  struct AMessage *pxMessage;


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 unsigned long values.

-	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) );

+	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned long ) );


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 pointers to AMessage structures.

 	// These should be passed by pointer as they contain a lot of data.

@@ -419,11 +419,11 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


- unsigned portLONG ulVar = 10UL;

+ unsigned long ulVar = 10UL;


  void vATask( void *pvParameters )


@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
  struct AMessage *pxMessage;


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 unsigned long values.

-	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) );

+	xQueue1 = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( unsigned long ) );


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 pointers to AMessage structures.

 	// These should be passed by pointer as they contain a lot of data.

@@ -506,8 +506,8 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


  xQueueHandle xQueue;

@@ -599,8 +599,8 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


  xQueueHandle xQueue;

@@ -698,8 +698,8 @@

  struct AMessage


-	portCHAR ucMessageID;

-	portCHAR ucData[ 20 ];

+	char ucMessageID;

+	char ucData[ 20 ];

  } xMessage;


  xQueueHandle xQueue;

@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@

  void vBufferISR( void )


- portCHAR cIn;

+ char cIn;

  portBASE_TYPE xHigherPrioritTaskWoken;


 	// We have not woken a task at the start of the ISR.

@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@

  void vBufferISR( void )


- portCHAR cIn;

+ char cIn;

  portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;


 	// We have not woken a task at the start of the ISR.

@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@

  void vBufferISR( void )


- portCHAR cIn;

+ char cIn;

  portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;


 	// We have not woken a task at the start of the ISR.

@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@

  void vBufferISR( void )


- portCHAR cIn;

+ char cIn;

  portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWokenByPost;


 	// We have not woken a task at the start of the ISR.

@@ -1108,11 +1108,11 @@
  // Function to create a queue and post some values.

  void vAFunction( void *pvParameters )


- portCHAR cValueToPost;

+ char cValueToPost;

  const portTickType xBlockTime = ( portTickType )0xff;


 	// Create a queue capable of containing 10 characters.

-	xQueue = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( portCHAR ) );

+	xQueue = xQueueCreate( 10, sizeof( char ) );

 	if( xQueue == 0 )


 		// Failed to create the queue.

@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@
  void vISR_Routine( void )


  portBASE_TYPE xTaskWokenByReceive = pdFALSE;

- portCHAR cRxedChar;

+ char cRxedChar;


 	while( xQueueReceiveFromISR( xQueue, ( void * ) &cRxedChar, &xTaskWokenByReceive) )


@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
 		// task will be woken.



-	if( cTaskWokenByPost != ( portCHAR ) pdFALSE;

+	if( cTaskWokenByPost != ( char ) pdFALSE;


 		taskYIELD ();


@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@
  * name that the kernel aware debugger will display.


 #if configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE > 0

-	void vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed portCHAR *pcName );

+	void vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed char *pcName );




diff --git a/Source/include/semphr.h b/Source/include/semphr.h
index 22d3009..fa1d310 100644
--- a/Source/include/semphr.h
+++ b/Source/include/semphr.h
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@

 typedef xQueueHandle xSemaphoreHandle;


-#define semBINARY_SEMAPHORE_QUEUE_LENGTH	( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 1 )

-#define semSEMAPHORE_QUEUE_ITEM_LENGTH		( ( unsigned portCHAR ) 0 )

+#define semBINARY_SEMAPHORE_QUEUE_LENGTH	( ( unsigned char ) 1 )

+#define semSEMAPHORE_QUEUE_ITEM_LENGTH		( ( unsigned char ) 0 )

 #define semGIVE_BLOCK_TIME					( ( portTickType ) 0 )



@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
  // Timer ISR

  void vTimerISR( void * pvParameters )


- static unsigned portCHAR ucLocalTickCount = 0;

+ static unsigned char ucLocalTickCount = 0;

  static portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;


     // A timer tick has occurred.

diff --git a/Source/include/task.h b/Source/include/task.h
index 9eff36f..2b52585 100644
--- a/Source/include/task.h
+++ b/Source/include/task.h
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
 typedef struct xMEMORY_REGION


 	void *pvBaseAddress;

-	unsigned portLONG ulLengthInBytes;

-	unsigned portLONG ulParameters;

+	unsigned long ulLengthInBytes;

+	unsigned long ulParameters;

 } xMemoryRegion;



@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
 typedef struct xTASK_PARAMTERS


 	pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode;

-	const signed portCHAR * const pcName;

-	unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth;

+	const signed char * const pcName;

+	unsigned short usStackDepth;

 	void *pvParameters;

 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority;

 	portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer;

@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@

  portBASE_TYPE xTaskCreate(

 							  pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode,

-							  const portCHAR * const pcName,

-							  unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth,

+							  const char * const pcName,

+							  unsigned short usStackDepth,

 							  void *pvParameters,

 							  unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority,

 							  xTaskHandle *pvCreatedTask

@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@


  * task. h

- * <pre>portCHAR xTaskResumeAll( void );</pre>

+ * <pre>char xTaskResumeAll( void );</pre>


  * Resumes real time kernel activity following a call to vTaskSuspendAll ().

  * After a call to vTaskSuspendAll () the kernel will take control of which

@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@


  * task. h

- * <PRE>unsigned portSHORT uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void );</PRE>

+ * <PRE>unsigned short uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks( void );</PRE>


  * @return The number of tasks that the real time kernel is currently managing.

  * This includes all ready, blocked and suspended tasks.  A task that

@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@


  * task. h

- * <PRE>void vTaskList( portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer );</PRE>

+ * <PRE>void vTaskList( char *pcWriteBuffer );</PRE>


  * configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be

  * available.  See the configuration section for more information.

@@ -1008,11 +1008,11 @@
  * \page vTaskList vTaskList

  * \ingroup TaskUtils


-void vTaskList( signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+void vTaskList( signed char *pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * task. h

- * <PRE>void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer );</PRE>

+ * <PRE>void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char *pcWriteBuffer );</PRE>


  * configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS must be defined as 1 for this function

  * to be available.  The application must also then provide definitions

@@ -1040,11 +1040,11 @@
  * \page vTaskGetRunTimeStats vTaskGetRunTimeStats

  * \ingroup TaskUtils


-void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( signed char *pcWriteBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * task. h

- * <PRE>void vTaskStartTrace( portCHAR * pcBuffer, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxBufferSize );</PRE>

+ * <PRE>void vTaskStartTrace( char * pcBuffer, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxBufferSize );</PRE>


  * Starts a real time kernel activity trace.  The trace logs the identity of

  * which task is running when.

@@ -1061,11 +1061,11 @@
  * \page vTaskStartTrace vTaskStartTrace

  * \ingroup TaskUtils


-void vTaskStartTrace( signed portCHAR * pcBuffer, unsigned portLONG ulBufferSize ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+void vTaskStartTrace( signed char * pcBuffer, unsigned long ulBufferSize ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * task. h

- * <PRE>unsigned portLONG ulTaskEndTrace( void );</PRE>

+ * <PRE>unsigned long ulTaskEndTrace( void );</PRE>


  * Stops a kernel activity trace.  See vTaskStartTrace ().


@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@
  * \page usTaskEndTrace usTaskEndTrace

  * \ingroup TaskUtils


-unsigned portLONG ulTaskEndTrace( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+unsigned long ulTaskEndTrace( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * task.h

@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@
  * Generic version of the task creation function which is in turn called by the

  * xTaskCreate() and xTaskCreateProtected() macros.


-signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskGenericCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskGenericCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed char * const pcName, unsigned short usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;


 #ifdef __cplusplus


diff --git a/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c b/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
index 48fa7d8..f335e9c 100644
--- a/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
+++ b/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM3_MPU/port.c
@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@


 /* Constants required to access and manipulate the NVIC. */

-#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL					( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000e010 )

-#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD					( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000e014 )

-#define portNVIC_SYSPRI2						( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000ed20 )

-#define portNVIC_SYSPRI1						( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000ed1c )

-#define portNVIC_SYS_CTRL_STATE					( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000ed24 )

+#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL					( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000e010 )

+#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD					( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000e014 )

+#define portNVIC_SYSPRI2						( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed20 )

+#define portNVIC_SYSPRI1						( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed1c )

+#define portNVIC_SYS_CTRL_STATE					( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed24 )

 #define portNVIC_MEM_FAULT_ENABLE				( 1UL << 16UL )


 /* Constants required to access and manipulate the MPU. */

-#define portMPU_TYPE							( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000ed90 )

-#define portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS				( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000ed9C )

-#define portMPU_REGION_ATTRIBUTE				( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000edA0 )

-#define portMPU_CTRL							( ( volatile unsigned portLONG * ) 0xe000ed94 )

+#define portMPU_TYPE							( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed90 )

+#define portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS				( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed9C )

+#define portMPU_REGION_ATTRIBUTE				( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000edA0 )

+#define portMPU_CTRL							( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed94 )

 #define portEXPECTED_MPU_TYPE_VALUE				( 8UL << 8UL ) /* 8 regions, unified. */

 #define portMPU_ENABLE							( 0x01UL )

 #define portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE				( 1UL << 2UL )

@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK					( 0x00000004UL )

 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT					( 0x00000002UL )

 #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE					( 0x00000001UL )

-#define portNVIC_PENDSV_PRI						( ( ( unsigned portLONG ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 16UL )

-#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI					( ( ( unsigned portLONG ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24UL )

-#define portNVIC_SVC_PRI						( ( ( unsigned portLONG ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24UL )

+#define portNVIC_PENDSV_PRI						( ( ( unsigned long ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 16UL )

+#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI					( ( ( unsigned long ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24UL )

+#define portNVIC_SVC_PRI						( ( ( unsigned long ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24UL )

 #define portNVIC_TEMP_SVC_PRI					( 0x01UL << 24UL )


 /* Constants required to set up the initial stack. */

@@ -111,44 +111,44 @@

  * Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.


-static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void );

+static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * Configure a number of standard MPU regions that are used by all tasks.


-static void prvSetupMPU( void );

+static void prvSetupMPU( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * Return the smallest MPU region size that a given number of bytes will fit

  * into.  The region size is returned as the value that should be programmed

  * into the region attribute register for that region.


-static unsigned long prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( unsigned long ulActualSizeInBytes );

+static unsigned long prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( unsigned long ulActualSizeInBytes ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * Checks to see if being called from the context of an unprivileged task, and

  * if so raises the privilege level and returns false - otherwise does nothing

  * other than return true.


-portBASE_TYPE prvRaisePrivilege( void ) __attribute__(( naked ));

+static portBASE_TYPE prvRaisePrivilege( void ) __attribute__(( naked ));



  * Standard FreeRTOS exception handlers.


-void xPortPendSVHandler( void ) __attribute__ (( naked ));

-void xPortSysTickHandler( void )  __attribute__ ((optimize("3")));

-void vPortSVCHandler( void ) __attribute__ (( naked ));

+void xPortPendSVHandler( void ) __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+void xPortSysTickHandler( void )  __attribute__ ((optimize("3"))) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+void vPortSVCHandler( void ) __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * Starts the scheduler by restoring the context of the first task to run.


-static void prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void ) __attribute__(( naked ));

+static void prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void ) __attribute__(( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * C portion of the SVC handler.  The SVC handler is split between an asm entry

  * and a C wrapper for simplicity of coding and maintenance.


-static void prvSVCHandler(	unsigned long *pulRegisters ) __attribute__ ((optimize("3")));

+static void prvSVCHandler(	unsigned long *pulRegisters ) __attribute__ ((optimize("3"))) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;




@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@

 void xPortSysTickHandler( void )


-unsigned portLONG ulDummy;

+unsigned long ulDummy;


 	/* If using preemption, also force a context switch. */

 	#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1

@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@



-portBASE_TYPE prvRaisePrivilege( void )

+static portBASE_TYPE prvRaisePrivilege( void )


 	__asm volatile


@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@



-void vPortStoreTaskMPUSettings( xMPU_SETTINGS *xMPUSettings, const struct xMEMORY_REGION * const xRegions, portSTACK_TYPE *pxBottomOfStack, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth )

+void vPortStoreTaskMPUSettings( xMPU_SETTINGS *xMPUSettings, const struct xMEMORY_REGION * const xRegions, portSTACK_TYPE *pxBottomOfStack, unsigned short usStackDepth )


 extern unsigned long __SRAM_segment_start__[];

 extern unsigned long __SRAM_segment_end__[];

@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@



-signed portBASE_TYPE MPU_xTaskGenericCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions )

+signed portBASE_TYPE MPU_xTaskGenericCreate( pdTASK_CODE pvTaskCode, const signed char * const pcName, unsigned short usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions )


 signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn;

 portBASE_TYPE xRunningPrivileged = prvRaisePrivilege();

@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@



-void MPU_vTaskList( signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer )

+void MPU_vTaskList( signed char *pcWriteBuffer )


 portBASE_TYPE xRunningPrivileged = prvRaisePrivilege();


@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@


 #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )

-	void MPU_vTaskGetRunTimeStats( signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer )

+	void MPU_vTaskGetRunTimeStats( signed char *pcWriteBuffer )


     portBASE_TYPE xRunningPrivileged = prvRaisePrivilege();


@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@


 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )

-	void MPU_vTaskStartTrace( signed portCHAR * pcBuffer, unsigned portLONG ulBufferSize )

+	void MPU_vTaskStartTrace( signed char * pcBuffer, unsigned long ulBufferSize )


     portBASE_TYPE xRunningPrivileged = prvRaisePrivilege();


@@ -781,9 +781,9 @@


 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )

-	unsigned portLONG MPU_ulTaskEndTrace( void )

+	unsigned long MPU_ulTaskEndTrace( void )


-	unsigned portLONG ulReturn;

+	unsigned long ulReturn;

     portBASE_TYPE xRunningPrivileged = prvRaisePrivilege();


 		ulReturn = ulTaskEndTrace();

@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@


 #if configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE > 0

-	void MPU_vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed portCHAR *pcName )

+	void MPU_vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed char *pcName )


 	portBASE_TYPE xRunningPrivileged = prvRaisePrivilege();


diff --git a/Source/queue.c b/Source/queue.c
index f2fe317..3bc2ade 100644
--- a/Source/queue.c
+++ b/Source/queue.c
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@

 typedef struct QueueDefinition


-	signed portCHAR *pcHead;				/*< Points to the beginning of the queue storage area. */

-	signed portCHAR *pcTail;				/*< Points to the byte at the end of the queue storage area.  Once more byte is allocated than necessary to store the queue items, this is used as a marker. */

+	signed char *pcHead;				/*< Points to the beginning of the queue storage area. */

+	signed char *pcTail;				/*< Points to the byte at the end of the queue storage area.  Once more byte is allocated than necessary to store the queue items, this is used as a marker. */


-	signed portCHAR *pcWriteTo;				/*< Points to the free next place in the storage area. */

-	signed portCHAR *pcReadFrom;			/*< Points to the last place that a queued item was read from. */

+	signed char *pcWriteTo;				/*< Points to the free next place in the storage area. */

+	signed char *pcReadFrom;			/*< Points to the last place that a queued item was read from. */


 	xList xTasksWaitingToSend;				/*< List of tasks that are blocked waiting to post onto this queue.  Stored in priority order. */

 	xList xTasksWaitingToReceive;			/*< List of tasks that are blocked waiting to read from this queue.  Stored in priority order. */

@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 	more user friendly. */

 	typedef struct QUEUE_REGISTRY_ITEM


-		signed portCHAR *pcQueueName;

+		signed char *pcQueueName;

 		xQueueHandle xHandle;

 	} xQueueRegistryItem;


@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 	/* Removes a queue from the registry by simply setting the pcQueueName

 	member to NULL. */

 	static void vQueueUnregisterQueue( xQueueHandle xQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

-	void vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed portCHAR *pcQueueName ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+	void vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed char *pcQueueName ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;




@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 			longer than asked for to make wrap checking easier/faster. */

 			xQueueSizeInBytes = ( size_t ) ( uxQueueLength * uxItemSize ) + ( size_t ) 1;


-			pxNewQueue->pcHead = ( signed portCHAR * ) pvPortMalloc( xQueueSizeInBytes );

+			pxNewQueue->pcHead = ( signed char * ) pvPortMalloc( xQueueSizeInBytes );

 			if( pxNewQueue->pcHead != NULL )


 				/* Initialise the queue members as described above where the

@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@

 	signed portBASE_TYPE xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

 	xTimeOutType xTimeOut;

-	signed portCHAR *pcOriginalReadPosition;

+	signed char *pcOriginalReadPosition;


 		for( ;; )


@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@

 signed portBASE_TYPE xEntryTimeSet = pdFALSE;

 xTimeOutType xTimeOut;

-signed portCHAR *pcOriginalReadPosition;

+signed char *pcOriginalReadPosition;


 	/* This function relaxes the coding standard somewhat to allow return

 	statements within the function itself.  This is done in the interest

@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@

 #if configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE > 0


-	void vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed portCHAR *pcQueueName )

+	void vQueueAddToRegistry( xQueueHandle xQueue, signed char *pcQueueName )


 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE ux;


diff --git a/Source/tasks.c b/Source/tasks.c
index 306e60f..1005895 100644
--- a/Source/tasks.c
+++ b/Source/tasks.c
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 	xListItem				xEventListItem;		/*< List item used to place the TCB in event lists. */

 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE	uxPriority;			/*< The priority of the task where 0 is the lowest priority. */

 	portSTACK_TYPE			*pxStack;			/*< Points to the start of the stack. */

-	signed portCHAR			pcTaskName[ configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN ];/*< Descriptive name given to the task when created.  Facilitates debugging only. */

+	signed char				pcTaskName[ configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN ];/*< Descriptive name given to the task when created.  Facilitates debugging only. */


 	#if ( portSTACK_GROWTH > 0 )

 		portSTACK_TYPE *pxEndOfStack;			/*< Used for stack overflow checking on architectures where the stack grows up from low memory. */

@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@


 	#if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )

-		unsigned portLONG ulRunTimeCounter;		/*< Used for calculating how much CPU time each task is utilising. */

+		unsigned long ulRunTimeCounter;		/*< Used for calculating how much CPU time each task is utilising. */



 } tskTCB;

@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@

 #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )


-	PRIVILEGED_DATA static portCHAR pcStatsString[ 50 ] ;

-	PRIVILEGED_DATA static unsigned portLONG ulTaskSwitchedInTime = 0UL;	/*< Holds the value of a timer/counter the last time a task was switched in. */

-	static void prvGenerateRunTimeStatsForTasksInList( const signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, unsigned portLONG ulTotalRunTime ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+	PRIVILEGED_DATA static char pcStatsString[ 50 ] ;

+	PRIVILEGED_DATA static unsigned long ulTaskSwitchedInTime = 0UL;	/*< Holds the value of a timer/counter the last time a task was switched in. */

+	static void prvGenerateRunTimeStatsForTasksInList( const signed char *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, unsigned long ulTotalRunTime ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;




@@ -177,23 +177,23 @@

  * Macros used by vListTask to indicate which state a task is in.


-#define tskBLOCKED_CHAR		( ( signed portCHAR ) 'B' )

-#define tskREADY_CHAR		( ( signed portCHAR ) 'R' )

-#define tskDELETED_CHAR		( ( signed portCHAR ) 'D' )

-#define tskSUSPENDED_CHAR	( ( signed portCHAR ) 'S' )

+#define tskBLOCKED_CHAR		( ( signed char ) 'B' )

+#define tskREADY_CHAR		( ( signed char ) 'R' )

+#define tskDELETED_CHAR		( ( signed char ) 'D' )

+#define tskSUSPENDED_CHAR	( ( signed char ) 'S' )



  * Macros and private variables used by the trace facility.


 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )


-	#define tskSIZE_OF_EACH_TRACE_LINE			( ( unsigned portLONG ) ( sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) + sizeof( unsigned portLONG ) ) )

-	PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile signed portCHAR * volatile pcTraceBuffer;

-	PRIVILEGED_DATA static signed portCHAR *pcTraceBufferStart;

-	PRIVILEGED_DATA static signed portCHAR *pcTraceBufferEnd;

+	#define tskSIZE_OF_EACH_TRACE_LINE			( ( unsigned long ) ( sizeof( unsigned long ) + sizeof( unsigned long ) ) )

+	PRIVILEGED_DATA static volatile signed char * volatile pcTraceBuffer;

+	PRIVILEGED_DATA static signed char *pcTraceBufferStart;

+	PRIVILEGED_DATA static signed char *pcTraceBufferEnd;

 	PRIVILEGED_DATA static signed portBASE_TYPE xTracing = pdFALSE;

 	static unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPreviousTask = 255;

-	PRIVILEGED_DATA static portCHAR pcStatusString[ 50 ];

+	PRIVILEGED_DATA static char pcStatusString[ 50 ];




@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@
 				if( ( pcTraceBuffer + tskSIZE_OF_EACH_TRACE_LINE ) < pcTraceBufferEnd )				\

 				{																					\

 					uxPreviousTask = pxCurrentTCB->uxTCBNumber;										\

-					*( unsigned portLONG * ) pcTraceBuffer = ( unsigned portLONG ) xTickCount;		\

-					pcTraceBuffer += sizeof( unsigned portLONG );									\

-					*( unsigned portLONG * ) pcTraceBuffer = ( unsigned portLONG ) uxPreviousTask;	\

-					pcTraceBuffer += sizeof( unsigned portLONG );									\

+					*( unsigned long * ) pcTraceBuffer = ( unsigned long ) xTickCount;		\

+					pcTraceBuffer += sizeof( unsigned long );									\

+					*( unsigned long * ) pcTraceBuffer = ( unsigned long ) uxPreviousTask;	\

+					pcTraceBuffer += sizeof( unsigned long );									\

 				}																					\

 				else																				\

 				{																					\

@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
  * Utility to ready a TCB for a given task.  Mainly just copies the parameters

  * into the TCB structure.


-static void prvInitialiseTCBVariables( tskTCB *pxTCB, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+static void prvInitialiseTCBVariables( tskTCB *pxTCB, const signed char * const pcName, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions, unsigned short usStackDepth ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * Utility to ready all the lists used by the scheduler.  This is called

@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
  * Allocates memory from the heap for a TCB and associated stack.  Checks the

  * allocation was successful.


-static tskTCB *prvAllocateTCBAndStack( unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+static tskTCB *prvAllocateTCBAndStack( unsigned short usStackDepth, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;



  * Called from vTaskList.  vListTasks details all the tasks currently under

@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@

 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )


-	static void prvListTaskWithinSingleList( const signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, signed portCHAR cStatus ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+	static void prvListTaskWithinSingleList( const signed char *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, signed char cStatus ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;




@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@

 #if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) || ( INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark == 1 ) )


-	static unsigned portSHORT usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( const unsigned portCHAR * pucStackByte ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;

+	static unsigned short usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( const unsigned char * pucStackByte ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;




@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
  * TASK CREATION API documented in task.h



-signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskGenericCreate( pdTASK_CODE pxTaskCode, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions )

+signed portBASE_TYPE xTaskGenericCreate( pdTASK_CODE pxTaskCode, const signed char * const pcName, unsigned short usStackDepth, void *pvParameters, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, xTaskHandle *pxCreatedTask, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions )


 signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn;

 tskTCB * pxNewTCB;

@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
 		#if( portSTACK_GROWTH < 0 )


 			pxTopOfStack = pxNewTCB->pxStack + ( usStackDepth - 1 );

-			pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE * ) ( ( ( unsigned portLONG ) pxTopOfStack ) & ( ( unsigned portLONG ) ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK  ) );

+			pxTopOfStack = ( portSTACK_TYPE * ) ( ( ( unsigned long ) pxTopOfStack ) & ( ( unsigned long ) ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK  ) );




@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@
 portBASE_TYPE xReturn;


 	/* Add the idle task at the lowest priority. */

-	xReturn = xTaskCreate( prvIdleTask, ( signed portCHAR * ) "IDLE", tskIDLE_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) NULL, ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY | portPRIVILEGE_BIT ), ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL );

+	xReturn = xTaskCreate( prvIdleTask, ( signed char * ) "IDLE", tskIDLE_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) NULL, ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY | portPRIVILEGE_BIT ), ( xTaskHandle * ) NULL );


 	if( xReturn == pdPASS )


@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@

 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )


-	void vTaskList( signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer )

+	void vTaskList( signed char *pcWriteBuffer )


 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueue;


@@ -1192,8 +1192,8 @@
 			/* Run through all the lists that could potentially contain a TCB and

 			report the task name, state and stack high water mark. */


-			pcWriteBuffer[ 0 ] = ( signed portCHAR ) 0x00;

-			strcat( ( portCHAR * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( const portCHAR * ) "\r\n" );

+			pcWriteBuffer[ 0 ] = ( signed char ) 0x00;

+			strcat( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( const char * ) "\r\n" );


 			uxQueue = uxTopUsedPriority + 1;


@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@

 					prvListTaskWithinSingleList( pcWriteBuffer, ( xList * ) &( pxReadyTasksLists[ uxQueue ] ), tskREADY_CHAR );


-			}while( uxQueue > ( unsigned portSHORT ) tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

+			}while( uxQueue > ( unsigned short ) tskIDLE_PRIORITY );


 			if( !listLIST_IS_EMPTY( pxDelayedTaskList ) )


@@ -1243,10 +1243,10 @@

 #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )


-	void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer )

+	void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( signed char *pcWriteBuffer )


 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueue;

-	unsigned portLONG ulTotalRunTime = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE();

+	unsigned long ulTotalRunTime = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE();


 		/* This is a VERY costly function that should be used for debug only.

 		It leaves interrupts disabled for a LONG time. */

@@ -1257,8 +1257,8 @@
 			generating a table of run timer percentages in the provided

 			buffer. */


-			pcWriteBuffer[ 0 ] = ( signed portCHAR ) 0x00;

-			strcat( ( portCHAR * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( const portCHAR * ) "\r\n" );

+			pcWriteBuffer[ 0 ] = ( signed char ) 0x00;

+			strcat( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( const char * ) "\r\n" );


 			uxQueue = uxTopUsedPriority + 1;


@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@

 					prvGenerateRunTimeStatsForTasksInList( pcWriteBuffer, ( xList * ) &( pxReadyTasksLists[ uxQueue ] ), ulTotalRunTime );


-			}while( uxQueue > ( unsigned portSHORT ) tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

+			}while( uxQueue > ( unsigned short ) tskIDLE_PRIORITY );


 			if( !listLIST_IS_EMPTY( pxDelayedTaskList ) )


@@ -1308,11 +1308,11 @@

 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )


-	void vTaskStartTrace( signed portCHAR * pcBuffer, unsigned portLONG ulBufferSize )

+	void vTaskStartTrace( signed char * pcBuffer, unsigned long ulBufferSize )




-			pcTraceBuffer = ( signed portCHAR * )pcBuffer;

+			pcTraceBuffer = ( signed char * )pcBuffer;

 			pcTraceBufferStart = pcBuffer;

 			pcTraceBufferEnd = pcBuffer + ( ulBufferSize - tskSIZE_OF_EACH_TRACE_LINE );

 			xTracing = pdTRUE;

@@ -1325,15 +1325,15 @@

 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )


-	unsigned portLONG ulTaskEndTrace( void )

+	unsigned long ulTaskEndTrace( void )


-	unsigned portLONG ulBufferLength;

+	unsigned long ulBufferLength;



 			xTracing = pdFALSE;



-		ulBufferLength = ( unsigned portLONG ) ( pcTraceBuffer - pcTraceBufferStart );

+		ulBufferLength = ( unsigned long ) ( pcTraceBuffer - pcTraceBufferStart );


 		return ulBufferLength;


@@ -1408,10 +1408,10 @@

 	void vTaskCleanUpResources( void )


-	unsigned portSHORT usQueue;

+	unsigned short usQueue;

 	volatile tskTCB *pxTCB;


-		usQueue = ( unsigned portSHORT ) uxTopUsedPriority + ( unsigned portSHORT ) 1;

+		usQueue = ( unsigned short ) uxTopUsedPriority + ( unsigned short ) 1;


 		/* Remove any TCB's from the ready queues. */


@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@

 				prvDeleteTCB( ( tskTCB * ) pxTCB );


-		}while( usQueue > ( unsigned portSHORT ) tskIDLE_PRIORITY );

+		}while( usQueue > ( unsigned short ) tskIDLE_PRIORITY );


 		/* Remove any TCB's from the delayed queue. */

 		while( !listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &xDelayedTaskList1 ) )

@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@

 	#if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )


-		unsigned portLONG ulTempCounter = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE();

+		unsigned long ulTempCounter = portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE();


 			/* Add the amount of time the task has been running to the accumulated

 			time so far.  The time the task started running was stored in

@@ -1836,16 +1836,16 @@



-static void prvInitialiseTCBVariables( tskTCB *pxTCB, const signed portCHAR * const pcName, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions, unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth )

+static void prvInitialiseTCBVariables( tskTCB *pxTCB, const signed char * const pcName, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority, const xMemoryRegion * const xRegions, unsigned short usStackDepth )


 	/* Store the function name in the TCB. */

 	#if configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN > 1


 		/* Don't bring strncpy into the build unnecessarily. */

-		strncpy( ( char * ) pxTCB->pcTaskName, ( const char * ) pcName, ( unsigned portSHORT ) configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN );

+		strncpy( ( char * ) pxTCB->pcTaskName, ( const char * ) pcName, ( unsigned short ) configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN );



-	pxTCB->pcTaskName[ ( unsigned portSHORT ) configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN - ( unsigned portSHORT ) 1 ] = '\0';

+	pxTCB->pcTaskName[ ( unsigned short ) configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN - ( unsigned short ) 1 ] = '\0';


 	/* This is used as an array index so must ensure it's not too large.  First

 	remove the privilege bit if one is present. */

@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@



-static tskTCB *prvAllocateTCBAndStack( unsigned portSHORT usStackDepth, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer )

+static tskTCB *prvAllocateTCBAndStack( unsigned short usStackDepth, portSTACK_TYPE *puxStackBuffer )


 tskTCB *pxNewTCB;


@@ -2023,19 +2023,19 @@

 #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )


-	static void prvListTaskWithinSingleList( const signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, signed portCHAR cStatus )

+	static void prvListTaskWithinSingleList( const signed char *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, signed char cStatus )


 	volatile tskTCB *pxNextTCB, *pxFirstTCB;

-	unsigned portSHORT usStackRemaining;

+	unsigned short usStackRemaining;


 		/* Write the details of all the TCB's in pxList into the buffer. */

 		listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList );



 			listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxNextTCB, pxList );

-			usStackRemaining = usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( ( unsigned portCHAR * ) pxNextTCB->pxStack );

-			sprintf( pcStatusString, ( portCHAR * ) "%s\t\t%c\t%u\t%u\t%u\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName, cStatus, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->uxPriority, usStackRemaining, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->uxTCBNumber );

-			strcat( ( portCHAR * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( portCHAR * ) pcStatusString );

+			usStackRemaining = usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( ( unsigned char * ) pxNextTCB->pxStack );

+			sprintf( pcStatusString, ( char * ) "%s\t\t%c\t%u\t%u\t%u\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName, cStatus, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->uxPriority, usStackRemaining, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->uxTCBNumber );

+			strcat( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( char * ) pcStatusString );


 		} while( pxNextTCB != pxFirstTCB );


@@ -2045,10 +2045,10 @@

 #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )


-	static void prvGenerateRunTimeStatsForTasksInList( const signed portCHAR *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, unsigned portLONG ulTotalRunTime )

+	static void prvGenerateRunTimeStatsForTasksInList( const signed char *pcWriteBuffer, xList *pxList, unsigned long ulTotalRunTime )


 	volatile tskTCB *pxNextTCB, *pxFirstTCB;

-	unsigned portLONG ulStatsAsPercentage;

+	unsigned long ulStatsAsPercentage;


 		/* Write the run time stats of all the TCB's in pxList into the buffer. */

 		listGET_OWNER_OF_NEXT_ENTRY( pxFirstTCB, pxList );

@@ -2064,7 +2064,7 @@
 				if( pxNextTCB->ulRunTimeCounter == 0 )


 					/* The task has used no CPU time at all. */

-					sprintf( pcStatsString, ( portCHAR * ) "%s\t\t0\t\t0%%\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName );

+					sprintf( pcStatsString, ( char * ) "%s\t\t0\t\t0%%\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName );




@@ -2074,17 +2074,17 @@

 					if( ulStatsAsPercentage > 0UL )


-						sprintf( pcStatsString, ( portCHAR * ) "%s\t\t%u\t\t%u%%\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->ulRunTimeCounter, ( unsigned int ) ulStatsAsPercentage );

+						sprintf( pcStatsString, ( char * ) "%s\t\t%u\t\t%u%%\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->ulRunTimeCounter, ( unsigned int ) ulStatsAsPercentage );




 						/* If the percentage is zero here then the task has

 						consumed less than 1% of the total run time. */

-						sprintf( pcStatsString, ( portCHAR * ) "%s\t\t%u\t\t<1%%\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->ulRunTimeCounter );

+						sprintf( pcStatsString, ( char * ) "%s\t\t%u\t\t<1%%\r\n", pxNextTCB->pcTaskName, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->ulRunTimeCounter );




-				strcat( ( portCHAR * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( portCHAR * ) pcStatsString );

+				strcat( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( char * ) pcStatsString );



 		} while( pxNextTCB != pxFirstTCB );

@@ -2095,9 +2095,9 @@

 #if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) || ( INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark == 1 ) )


-	static unsigned portSHORT usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( const unsigned portCHAR * pucStackByte )

+	static unsigned short usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace( const unsigned char * pucStackByte )


-	register unsigned portSHORT usCount = 0;

+	register unsigned short usCount = 0;


 		while( *pucStackByte == tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE )


@@ -2118,18 +2118,18 @@
 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( xTaskHandle xTask )


 	tskTCB *pxTCB;

-	unsigned portCHAR *pcEndOfStack;

+	unsigned char *pcEndOfStack;

 	unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxReturn;


 		pxTCB = prvGetTCBFromHandle( xTask );


 		#if portSTACK_GROWTH < 0


-			pcEndOfStack = ( unsigned portCHAR * ) pxTCB->pxStack;

+			pcEndOfStack = ( unsigned char * ) pxTCB->pxStack;




-			pcEndOfStack = ( unsigned portCHAR * ) pxTCB->pxEndOfStack;

+			pcEndOfStack = ( unsigned char * ) pxTCB->pxEndOfStack;

