/* | |
* FreeRTOS Kernel V10.3.0 | |
* Copyright (C) 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. | |
* | |
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of | |
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in | |
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to | |
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of | |
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, | |
* subject to the following conditions: | |
* | |
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all | |
* copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
* | |
* | |
* http://www.FreeRTOS.org | |
* http://aws.amazon.com/freertos | |
* | |
* 1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
*/ | |
/* | |
* The FreeRTOS kernel's RISC-V port is split between the the code that is | |
* common across all currently supported RISC-V chips (implementations of the | |
* RISC-V ISA), and code which tailors the port to a specific RISC-V chip: | |
* | |
* + The code that is common to all RISC-V chips is implemented in | |
* FreeRTOS\Source\portable\GCC\RISC-V-RV32\portASM.S. There is only one | |
* portASM.S file because the same file is used no matter which RISC-V chip is | |
* in use. | |
* | |
* + The code that tailors the kernel's RISC-V port to a specific RISC-V | |
* chip is implemented in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h. There | |
* is one freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h that can be used with any | |
* RISC-V chip that both includes a standard CLINT and does not add to the | |
* base set of RISC-V registers. There are additional | |
* freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h files for RISC-V implementations | |
* that do not include a standard CLINT or do add to the base set of RISC-V | |
* registers. | |
* | |
* freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h HEADER FILE FOR THE CHIP | |
* IN USE. To include the correct freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h | |
* header file ensure the path to the correct header file is in the assembler's | |
* include path. | |
* | |
* This freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h is for use on RISC-V chips | |
* that include a standard CLINT and do not add to the base set of RISC-V | |
* registers. | |
* | |
*/ | |
#if __riscv_xlen == 64 | |
#define portWORD_SIZE 8 | |
#define store_x sd | |
#define load_x ld | |
#elif __riscv_xlen == 32 | |
#define store_x sw | |
#define load_x lw | |
#define portWORD_SIZE 4 | |
#else | |
#error Assembler did not define __riscv_xlen | |
#endif | |
#include "freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h" | |
/* Check the freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h and/or command line | |
definitions. */ | |
#if defined( portasmHAS_CLINT ) && defined( portasmHAS_MTIME ) | |
#error The portasmHAS_CLINT constant has been deprecated. Please replace it with portasmHAS_MTIME. portasmHAS_CLINT and portasmHAS_MTIME cannot both be defined at once. See https://www.freertos.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html | |
#endif | |
#ifdef portasmHAS_CLINT | |
#warning The portasmHAS_CLINT constant has been deprecated. Please replace it with portasmHAS_MTIME and portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT. For now portasmHAS_MTIME and portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT are derived from portasmHAS_CLINT. See https://www.freertos.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html | |
#define portasmHAS_MTIME portasmHAS_CLINT | |
#define portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT portasmHAS_CLINT | |
#endif | |
#ifndef portasmHAS_MTIME | |
#error freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h must define portasmHAS_MTIME to either 1 (MTIME clock present) or 0 (MTIME clock not present). See https://www.freertos.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html | |
#endif | |
#ifndef portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT | |
#error portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT must be defined to the function to be called to handle external/peripheral interrupts. portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT can be defined on the assembler command line or in the appropriate freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h header file. https://www.freertos.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html | |
#endif | |
#ifndef portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT | |
#define portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT 0 | |
#endif | |
/* Only the standard core registers are stored by default. Any additional | |
registers must be saved by the portasmSAVE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS and | |
portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS macros - which can be defined in a chip | |
specific version of freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h. See the notes | |
at the top of this file. */ | |
#define portCONTEXT_SIZE ( 30 * portWORD_SIZE ) | |
.global xPortStartFirstTask | |
.global freertos_risc_v_trap_handler | |
.global pxPortInitialiseStack | |
.extern pxCurrentTCB | |
.extern ulPortTrapHandler | |
.extern vTaskSwitchContext | |
.extern xTaskIncrementTick | |
.extern Timer_IRQHandler | |
.extern pullMachineTimerCompareRegister | |
.extern pullNextTime | |
.extern uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick /* size_t type so 32-bit on 32-bit core and 64-bits on 64-bit core. */ | |
.extern xISRStackTop | |
.extern portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
.align 8 | |
.func | |
freertos_risc_v_trap_handler: | |
addi sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE | |
store_x x1, 1 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
store_x x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
csrr t0, mstatus /* Required for MPIE bit. */ | |
store_x t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
portasmSAVE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS /* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to save any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */ | |
load_x t0, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */ | |
store_x sp, 0( t0 ) /* Write sp to first TCB member. */ | |
csrr a0, mcause | |
csrr a1, mepc | |
test_if_asynchronous: | |
srli a2, a0, __riscv_xlen - 1 /* MSB of mcause is 1 if handing an asynchronous interrupt - shift to LSB to clear other bits. */ | |
beq a2, x0, handle_synchronous /* Branch past interrupt handing if not asynchronous. */ | |
store_x a1, 0( sp ) /* Asynch so save unmodified exception return address. */ | |
handle_asynchronous: | |
#if( portasmHAS_MTIME != 0 ) | |
test_if_mtimer: /* If there is a CLINT then the mtimer is used to generate the tick interrupt. */ | |
addi t0, x0, 1 | |
slli t0, t0, __riscv_xlen - 1 /* LSB is already set, shift into MSB. Shift 31 on 32-bit or 63 on 64-bit cores. */ | |
addi t1, t0, 7 /* 0x8000[]0007 == machine timer interrupt. */ | |
bne a0, t1, test_if_external_interrupt | |
load_x t0, pullMachineTimerCompareRegister /* Load address of compare register into t0. */ | |
load_x t1, pullNextTime /* Load the address of ullNextTime into t1. */ | |
#if( __riscv_xlen == 32 ) | |
/* Update the 64-bit mtimer compare match value in two 32-bit writes. */ | |
li t4, -1 | |
lw t2, 0(t1) /* Load the low word of ullNextTime into t2. */ | |
lw t3, 4(t1) /* Load the high word of ullNextTime into t3. */ | |
sw t4, 0(t0) /* Low word no smaller than old value to start with - will be overwritten below. */ | |
sw t3, 4(t0) /* Store high word of ullNextTime into compare register. No smaller than new value. */ | |
sw t2, 0(t0) /* Store low word of ullNextTime into compare register. */ | |
lw t0, uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick /* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */ | |
add t4, t0, t2 /* Add the low word of ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick (assumes timer increment for one tick fits in 32-bits). */ | |
sltu t5, t4, t2 /* See if the sum of low words overflowed (what about the zero case?). */ | |
add t6, t3, t5 /* Add overflow to high word of ullNextTime. */ | |
sw t4, 0(t1) /* Store new low word of ullNextTime. */ | |
sw t6, 4(t1) /* Store new high word of ullNextTime. */ | |
#endif /* __riscv_xlen == 32 */ | |
#if( __riscv_xlen == 64 ) | |
/* Update the 64-bit mtimer compare match value. */ | |
ld t2, 0(t1) /* Load ullNextTime into t2. */ | |
sd t2, 0(t0) /* Store ullNextTime into compare register. */ | |
ld t0, uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick /* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */ | |
add t4, t0, t2 /* Add ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick. */ | |
sd t4, 0(t1) /* Store ullNextTime. */ | |
#endif /* __riscv_xlen == 64 */ | |
load_x sp, xISRStackTop /* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */ | |
jal xTaskIncrementTick | |
beqz a0, processed_source /* Don't switch context if incrementing tick didn't unblock a task. */ | |
jal vTaskSwitchContext | |
j processed_source | |
test_if_external_interrupt: /* If there is a CLINT and the mtimer interrupt is not pending then check to see if an external interrupt is pending. */ | |
addi t1, t1, 4 /* 0x80000007 + 4 = 0x8000000b == Machine external interrupt. */ | |
bne a0, t1, as_yet_unhandled /* Something as yet unhandled. */ | |
#endif /* portasmHAS_MTIME */ | |
load_x sp, xISRStackTop /* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */ | |
jal portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT /* Jump to the interrupt handler if there is no CLINT or if there is a CLINT and it has been determined that an external interrupt is pending. */ | |
j processed_source | |
handle_synchronous: | |
addi a1, a1, 4 /* Synchronous so updated exception return address to the instruction after the instruction that generated the exeption. */ | |
store_x a1, 0( sp ) /* Save updated exception return address. */ | |
test_if_environment_call: | |
li t0, 11 /* 11 == environment call. */ | |
bne a0, t0, is_exception /* Not an M environment call, so some other exception. */ | |
load_x sp, xISRStackTop /* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */ | |
jal vTaskSwitchContext | |
j processed_source | |
is_exception: | |
csrr t0, mcause /* For viewing in the debugger only. */ | |
csrr t1, mepc /* For viewing in the debugger only */ | |
csrr t2, mstatus | |
j is_exception /* No other exceptions handled yet. */ | |
as_yet_unhandled: | |
csrr t0, mcause /* For viewing in the debugger only. */ | |
j as_yet_unhandled | |
processed_source: | |
load_x t1, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */ | |
load_x sp, 0( t1 ) /* Read sp from first TCB member. */ | |
/* Load mret with the address of the next instruction in the task to run next. */ | |
load_x t0, 0( sp ) | |
csrw mepc, t0 | |
portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS /* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to restore any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */ | |
/* Load mstatus with the interrupt enable bits used by the task. */ | |
load_x t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
csrw mstatus, t0 /* Required for MPIE bit. */ | |
load_x x1, 1 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) | |
load_x x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t0 */ | |
load_x x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t1 */ | |
load_x x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t2 */ | |
load_x x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s0/fp */ | |
load_x x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s1 */ | |
load_x x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a0 */ | |
load_x x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a1 */ | |
load_x x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a2 */ | |
load_x x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a3 */ | |
load_x x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a4 */ | |
load_x x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a5 */ | |
load_x x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a6 */ | |
load_x x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a7 */ | |
load_x x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s2 */ | |
load_x x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s3 */ | |
load_x x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s4 */ | |
load_x x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s5 */ | |
load_x x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s6 */ | |
load_x x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s7 */ | |
load_x x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s8 */ | |
load_x x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s9 */ | |
load_x x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s10 */ | |
load_x x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s11 */ | |
load_x x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t3 */ | |
load_x x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t4 */ | |
load_x x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t5 */ | |
load_x x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t6 */ | |
addi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE | |
mret | |
.endfunc | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
.align 8 | |
.func | |
xPortStartFirstTask: | |
#if( portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT != 0 ) | |
/* If there is a clint then interrupts can branch directly to the FreeRTOS | |
trap handler. Otherwise the interrupt controller will need to be configured | |
outside of this file. */ | |
la t0, freertos_risc_v_trap_handler | |
csrw mtvec, t0 | |
#endif /* portasmHAS_CLILNT */ | |
load_x sp, pxCurrentTCB /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */ | |
load_x sp, 0( sp ) /* Read sp from first TCB member. */ | |
load_x x1, 0( sp ) /* Note for starting the scheduler the exception return address is used as the function return address. */ | |
portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS /* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to restore any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */ | |
load_x t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* mstatus */ | |
addi t0, t0, 0x08 /* Set MIE bit so the first task starts with interrupts enabled - required as returns with ret not eret. */ | |
csrrw x0, mstatus, t0 /* Interrupts enabled from here! */ | |
load_x x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t0 */ | |
load_x x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t1 */ | |
load_x x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t2 */ | |
load_x x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s0/fp */ | |
load_x x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s1 */ | |
load_x x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a0 */ | |
load_x x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a1 */ | |
load_x x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a2 */ | |
load_x x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a3 */ | |
load_x x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a4 */ | |
load_x x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a5 */ | |
load_x x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a6 */ | |
load_x x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* a7 */ | |
load_x x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s2 */ | |
load_x x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s3 */ | |
load_x x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s4 */ | |
load_x x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s5 */ | |
load_x x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s6 */ | |
load_x x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s7 */ | |
load_x x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s8 */ | |
load_x x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s9 */ | |
load_x x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s10 */ | |
load_x x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* s11 */ | |
load_x x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t3 */ | |
load_x x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t4 */ | |
load_x x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t5 */ | |
load_x x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* t6 */ | |
addi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE | |
ret | |
.endfunc | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* | |
* Unlike other ports pxPortInitialiseStack() is written in assembly code as it | |
* needs access to the portasmADDITIONAL_CONTEXT_SIZE constant. The prototype | |
* for the function is as per the other ports: | |
* StackType_t *pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t *pxTopOfStack, TaskFunction_t pxCode, void *pvParameters ); | |
* | |
* As per the standard RISC-V ABI pxTopcOfStack is passed in in a0, pxCode in | |
* a1, and pvParameters in a2. The new top of stack is passed out in a0. | |
* | |
* RISC-V maps registers to ABI names as follows (X1 to X31 integer registers | |
* for the 'I' profile, X1 to X15 for the 'E' profile, currently I assumed). | |
* | |
* Register ABI Name Description Saver | |
* x0 zero Hard-wired zero - | |
* x1 ra Return address Caller | |
* x2 sp Stack pointer Callee | |
* x3 gp Global pointer - | |
* x4 tp Thread pointer - | |
* x5-7 t0-2 Temporaries Caller | |
* x8 s0/fp Saved register/Frame pointer Callee | |
* x9 s1 Saved register Callee | |
* x10-11 a0-1 Function Arguments/return values Caller | |
* x12-17 a2-7 Function arguments Caller | |
* x18-27 s2-11 Saved registers Callee | |
* x28-31 t3-6 Temporaries Caller | |
* | |
* The RISC-V context is saved t FreeRTOS tasks in the following stack frame, | |
* where the global and thread pointers are currently assumed to be constant so | |
* are not saved: | |
* | |
* mstatus | |
* x31 | |
* x30 | |
* x29 | |
* x28 | |
* x27 | |
* x26 | |
* x25 | |
* x24 | |
* x23 | |
* x22 | |
* x21 | |
* x20 | |
* x19 | |
* x18 | |
* x17 | |
* x16 | |
* x15 | |
* x14 | |
* x13 | |
* x12 | |
* x11 | |
* pvParameters | |
* x9 | |
* x8 | |
* x7 | |
* x6 | |
* x5 | |
* [chip specific registers go here] | |
* pxCode | |
*/ | |
.align 8 | |
.func | |
pxPortInitialiseStack: | |
csrr t0, mstatus /* Obtain current mstatus value. */ | |
addi t1, x0, 0x188 /* Generate the value 0x1880, which are the MPIE and MPP bits to set in mstatus. */ | |
slli t1, t1, 4 | |
or t0, t0, t1 /* Set MPIE and MPP bits in mstatus value. */ | |
addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE | |
store_x t0, 0(a0) /* mstatus onto the stack. */ | |
addi a0, a0, -(22 * portWORD_SIZE) /* Space for registers x11-x31. */ | |
store_x a2, 0(a0) /* Task parameters (pvParameters parameter) goes into register X10/a0 on the stack. */ | |
addi a0, a0, -(6 * portWORD_SIZE) /* Space for registers x5-x9. */ | |
store_x x0, 0(a0) /* Return address onto the stack, could be portTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS */ | |
addi t0, x0, portasmADDITIONAL_CONTEXT_SIZE /* The number of chip specific additional registers. */ | |
chip_specific_stack_frame: /* First add any chip specific registers to the stack frame being created. */ | |
beq t0, x0, 1f /* No more chip specific registers to save. */ | |
addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE /* Make space for chip specific register. */ | |
store_x x0, 0(a0) /* Give the chip specific register an initial value of zero. */ | |
addi t0, t0, -1 /* Decrement the count of chip specific registers remaining. */ | |
j chip_specific_stack_frame /* Until no more chip specific registers. */ | |
1: | |
addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE | |
store_x a1, 0(a0) /* mret value (pxCode parameter) onto the stack. */ | |
ret | |
.endfunc | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ |