blob: 2cf854be52f78bfd54a528480b37fba919d5de08 [file] [log] [blame]
* IoT MQTT V2.1.0
* Copyright (C) 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @file iot_mqtt_types.h
* @brief MQTT library types.
/* The config header is always included first. */
#include "iot_config.h"
/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/* Type includes. */
#include "types/iot_platform_types.h"
#include "types/iot_taskpool_types_freertos.h"
/* Platform network include. */
#include "platform/iot_network.h"
/*---------------------------- MQTT handle types ----------------------------*/
* @handles{mqtt,MQTT library}
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_handles
* @brief Opaque handle of an MQTT connection.
* MQTT connection handle type. MQTT connection handles are created by
* successful calls to @ref mqtt_function_connect and are used to refer to
* the connection when calling MQTT library functions.
* A call to @ref mqtt_function_disconnect makes a connection handle invalid. Once
* @ref mqtt_function_disconnect returns, the connection handle should no longer
* be used.
* @initializer{IotMqttConnection_t,IOT_MQTT_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER}
typedef struct _mqttConnection * IotMqttConnection_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_handles
* @brief Opaque handle that references an in-progress MQTT operation.
* Set as an output parameter of @ref mqtt_function_publishasync, @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync,
* and @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync. These functions queue an MQTT operation; the result
* of the operation is unknown until a response from the MQTT server is received. Therefore,
* this handle serves as a reference to MQTT operations awaiting MQTT server response.
* This reference will be valid from the successful return of @ref mqtt_function_publishasync,
* @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync, or @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync. The reference becomes
* invalid once the [completion callback](@ref IotMqttCallbackInfo_t) is invoked, or
* @ref mqtt_function_wait returns.
* @initializer{IotMqttOperation_t,IOT_MQTT_OPERATION_INITIALIZER}
* @see @ref mqtt_function_wait and #IOT_MQTT_FLAG_WAITABLE for waiting on a reference.
* #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t and #IotMqttCallbackParam_t for an asynchronous notification
* of completion.
typedef struct _mqttOperation * IotMqttOperation_t;
/*-------------------------- MQTT enumerated types --------------------------*/
* @enums{mqtt,MQTT library}
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_enums
* @brief Return codes of [MQTT functions](@ref mqtt_functions).
* The function @ref mqtt_function_strerror can be used to get a return code's
* description.
typedef enum IotMqttError
* @brief MQTT operation completed successfully.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishasync with QoS 0 parameter
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* Will also be the value of an operation completion callback's
* #IotMqttCallbackParam_t.result when successful.
* @brief MQTT operation queued, awaiting result.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishasync with QoS 1 parameter
* @brief Initialization failed.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_init
* @brief At least one parameter is invalid.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync and @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync and @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishasync and @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait
* @brief MQTT operation failed because of memory allocation failure.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync and @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync and @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishasync and @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* @brief MQTT operation failed because the network was unusable.
* This return value may indicate that the network is disconnected.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* May also be the value of an operation completion callback's
* #IotMqttCallbackParam_t.result.
* @brief MQTT operation could not be scheduled, i.e. enqueued for sending.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync and @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync and @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishasync and @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* @brief MQTT response packet received from the network is malformed.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* May also be the value of an operation completion callback's
* #IotMqttCallbackParam_t.result.
* @note If this value is received, the network connection has been closed.
* @brief A blocking MQTT operation timed out.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* @brief A CONNECT or at least one subscription was refused by the server.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait, but only when its #IotMqttOperation_t parameter
* is associated with a SUBSCRIBE operation.
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* May also be the value of an operation completion callback's
* #IotMqttCallbackParam_t.result for a SUBSCRIBE.
* @note If this value is returned and multiple subscriptions were passed to
* @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync (or @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync), it's
* still possible that some of the subscriptions succeeded. This value only
* signifies that AT LEAST ONE subscription was rejected. The function @ref
* mqtt_function_issubscribed can be used to determine which subscriptions
* were accepted or rejected.
* @brief A QoS 1 PUBLISH received no response and [the retry limit]
* (#IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit) was reached.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait, but only when its #IotMqttOperation_t parameter
* is associated with a QoS 1 PUBLISH operation
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* May also be the value of an operation completion callback's
* #IotMqttCallbackParam_t.result for a QoS 1 PUBLISH.
* @brief An API function was called before @ref mqtt_function_init.
* Functions that may return this value:
* - @ref mqtt_function_connect
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync
* - @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync
* - @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishasync
* - @ref mqtt_function_publishsync
* - @ref mqtt_function_wait
} IotMqttError_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_enums
* @brief Types of MQTT operations.
* The function @ref mqtt_function_operationtype can be used to get an operation
* type's description.
typedef enum IotMqttOperationType
IOT_MQTT_CONNECT, /**< Client-to-server CONNECT. */
IOT_MQTT_PUBLISH_TO_SERVER, /**< Client-to-server PUBLISH. */
IOT_MQTT_PUBACK, /**< Client-to-server PUBACK. */
IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE, /**< Client-to-server SUBSCRIBE. */
IOT_MQTT_PINGREQ, /**< Client-to-server PINGREQ. */
IOT_MQTT_DISCONNECT /**< Client-to-server DISCONNECT. */
} IotMqttOperationType_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_enums
* @brief Quality of service levels for MQTT PUBLISH messages.
* All MQTT PUBLISH messages, including Last Will and Testament and messages
* received on subscription filters, have an associated <i>Quality of Service</i>,
* which defines any delivery guarantees for that message.
* - QoS 0 messages will be delivered at most once. This is a "best effort"
* transmission with no retransmissions.
* - QoS 1 messages will be delivered at least once. See #IotMqttPublishInfo_t
* for the retransmission strategy this library uses to redeliver messages
* assumed to be lost.
* @attention QoS 2 is not supported by this library and should not be used.
typedef enum IotMqttQos
IOT_MQTT_QOS_0 = 0, /**< Delivery at most once. */
IOT_MQTT_QOS_1 = 1, /**< Delivery at least once. See #IotMqttPublishInfo_t for client-side retry strategy. */
IOT_MQTT_QOS_2 = 2 /**< Delivery exactly once. Unsupported, but enumerated for completeness. */
} IotMqttQos_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_enums
* @brief The reason that an MQTT connection (and its associated network connection)
* was disconnected.
* When an MQTT connection is closed, its associated [disconnect callback]
* (@ref IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::disconnectCallback) will be invoked. This type
* is passed inside of an #IotMqttCallbackParam_t to provide a reason for the
* disconnect.
typedef enum IotMqttDisconnectReason
IOT_MQTT_DISCONNECT_CALLED, /**< @ref mqtt_function_disconnect was invoked. */
IOT_MQTT_BAD_PACKET_RECEIVED, /**< An invalid packet was received from the network. */
IOT_MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT /**< Keep-alive response was not received within @ref IOT_MQTT_RESPONSE_WAIT_MS. */
} IotMqttDisconnectReason_t;
/*------------------------- MQTT parameter structs --------------------------*/
* @paramstructs{mqtt,MQTT}
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief Information on a PUBLISH message.
* @paramfor @ref mqtt_function_connect, @ref mqtt_function_publishasync
* Passed to @ref mqtt_function_publishasync as the message to publish and @ref
* mqtt_function_connect as the Last Will and Testament (LWT) message.
* @initializer{IotMqttPublishInfo_t,IOT_MQTT_PUBLISH_INFO_INITIALIZER}
* #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs and #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit are only
* relevant to QoS 1 PUBLISH messages. They are ignored for QoS 0 PUBLISH
* messages and LWT messages. These members control retransmissions of QoS 1
* messages under the following rules:
* - Retransmission is disabled when #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit is 0.
* After sending the PUBLISH, the library will wait indefinitely for a PUBACK.
* - If #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit is greater than 0, then QoS 1 publishes
* that do not receive a PUBACK within #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs will be
* retransmitted, up to #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit times.
* Retransmission follows a truncated exponential backoff strategy. The constant
* @ref IOT_MQTT_RETRY_MS_CEILING controls the maximum time between retransmissions.
* After #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit retransmissions are sent, the MQTT
* library will wait @ref IOT_MQTT_RESPONSE_WAIT_MS before a final check
* for a PUBACK. If no PUBACK was received within this time, the QoS 1 PUBLISH
* fails with the code #IOT_MQTT_RETRY_NO_RESPONSE.
* @note The lengths of the strings in this struct should not include the NULL
* terminator. Strings in this struct do not need to be NULL-terminated.
* @note The AWS IoT MQTT broker does not support the DUP bit. More
* information about connecting to AWS IoT via MQTT is available
* [here](
* <b>Example</b>
* Consider a situation where
* - @ref IOT_MQTT_RETRY_MS_CEILING is 60000
* - #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs is 2000
* - #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit is 20
* A PUBLISH message will be retransmitted at the following times after the initial
* transmission if no PUBACK is received:
* - 2000 ms (2000 ms after previous transmission)
* - 6000 ms (4000 ms after previous transmission)
* - 14000 ms (8000 ms after previous transmission)
* - 30000 ms (16000 ms after previous transmission)
* - 62000 ms (32000 ms after previous transmission)
* - 122000 ms, 182000 ms, 242000 ms... (every 60000 ms until 20 transmissions have been sent)
* After the 20th retransmission, the MQTT library will wait
* @ref IOT_MQTT_RESPONSE_WAIT_MS before checking a final time for a PUBACK.
typedef struct IotMqttPublishInfo
IotMqttQos_t qos; /**< @brief QoS of message. Must be 0 or 1. */
bool retain; /**< @brief MQTT message retain flag. */
const char * pTopicName; /**< @brief Topic name of PUBLISH. */
uint16_t topicNameLength; /**< @brief Length of #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.pTopicName. */
const void * pPayload; /**< @brief Payload of PUBLISH. */
size_t payloadLength; /**< @brief Length of #IotMqttPublishInfo_t.pPayload. For LWT messages, this is limited to 65535. */
uint32_t retryMs; /**< @brief If no response is received within this time, the message is retransmitted. */
uint32_t retryLimit; /**< @brief How many times to attempt retransmission. */
} IotMqttPublishInfo_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief Parameter to an MQTT callback function.
* @paramfor MQTT callback functions
* The MQTT library passes this struct to a registered callback whenever an
* operation completes, a message is received on a topic filter, or an MQTT
* connection is disconnected.
* The members of this struct are different based on the callback trigger. If the
* callback function was triggered for completed operation, the `operation`
* member is valid. Otherwise, if the callback was triggered because of a
* server-to-client PUBLISH, the `message` member is valid. Finally, if the callback
* was triggered because of a disconnect, the `disconnectReason` member is valid.
* For an incoming PUBLISH, the `message.pTopicFilter` parameter provides the
* subscription topic filter that matched the topic name in the PUBLISH. Because
* topic filters may use MQTT wildcards, the topic filter may be different from the
* topic name. This pointer must be treated as read-only; the topic filter must not
* be modified. Additionally, the topic filter may go out of scope as soon as the
* callback function returns, so it must be copied if it is needed at a later time.
* @attention Any pointers in this callback parameter may be freed as soon as
* the [callback function](@ref IotMqttCallbackInfo_t.function) returns.
* Therefore, data must be copied if it is needed after the callback function
* returns.
* @attention The MQTT library may set strings that are not NULL-terminated.
* @see #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t for the signature of a callback function.
typedef struct IotMqttCallbackParam
* @brief The MQTT connection associated with this completed operation,
* incoming PUBLISH, or disconnect.
* [MQTT API functions](@ref mqtt_functions) are safe to call from a callback
* for completed operations or incoming PUBLISH messages. However, blocking
* function calls (including @ref mqtt_function_wait) are not recommended
* (though still safe). Do not call any API functions from a disconnect
* callback.
IotMqttConnection_t mqttConnection;
/* Valid for completed operations. */
IotMqttOperationType_t type; /**< @brief Type of operation that completed. */
IotMqttOperation_t reference; /**< @brief Reference to the operation that completed. */
IotMqttError_t result; /**< @brief Result of operation, e.g. succeeded or failed. */
} operation;
/* Valid for incoming PUBLISH messages. */
const char * pTopicFilter; /**< @brief Topic filter that matched the message. */
uint16_t topicFilterLength; /**< @brief Length of `pTopicFilter`. */
IotMqttPublishInfo_t info; /**< @brief PUBLISH message received from the server. */
} message;
/* Valid when a connection is disconnected. */
IotMqttDisconnectReason_t disconnectReason; /**< @brief Why the MQTT connection was disconnected. */
} u; /**< @brief Valid member depends on callback type. */
} IotMqttCallbackParam_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief MQTT callback function and context.
* @paramfor @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync, @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync,
* and @ref mqtt_function_publishasync. Cannot be used with #IOT_MQTT_FLAG_WAITABLE.
* Specifies a function to be invoked with optional context when an operation
* completes or when a server-to-client PUBLISH is received.
* @initializer{IotMqttCallbackInfo_t,IOT_MQTT_CALLBACK_INFO_INITIALIZER}
* Below is an example for receiving an asynchronous notification on operation
* completion. See @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync for an example of using this struct
* with for incoming PUBLISH messages.
* @code{c}
* // Operation completion callback.
* void operationComplete( void * pArgument, IotMqttCallbackParam_t * pOperation );
* // Callback information.
* IotMqttCallbackInfo_t callbackInfo = IOT_MQTT_CALLBACK_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* callbackInfo.function = operationComplete;
* // Operation to wait for.
* IotMqttError_t result = IotMqtt_PublishAsync( &mqttConnection,
* &publishInfo,
* 0,
* &callbackInfo,
* &reference );
* // Publish should have returned IOT_MQTT_STATUS_PENDING. Once a response
* // is received, operationComplete is executed with the actual status passed
* // in pOperation.
* @endcode
typedef struct IotMqttCallbackInfo
void * pCallbackContext; /**< @brief The first parameter to pass to the callback function to provide context. */
* @brief User-provided callback function signature.
* @param[in] void * #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t.pCallbackContext
* @param[in] IotMqttCallbackParam_t * Details on the outcome of the MQTT operation
* or an incoming MQTT PUBLISH.
* @see #IotMqttCallbackParam_t for more information on the second parameter.
void ( * function )( void *,
IotMqttCallbackParam_t * );
} IotMqttCallbackInfo_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief MQTT subscription.
* @paramfor @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync, @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync,
* @ref mqtt_function_subscribesync, @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribesync
* An array of these is passed to @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync and @ref
* mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync. However, #IotMqttSubscription_t.callback and
* and #IotMqttSubscription_t.qos are ignored by @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync.
* @initializer{IotMqttSubscription_t,IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIPTION_INITIALIZER}
* @note The lengths of the strings in this struct should not include the NULL
* terminator. Strings in this struct do not need to be NULL-terminated.
* @see #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t for details on setting a callback function.
typedef struct IotMqttSubscription
* @brief QoS of messages delivered on subscription.
* Must be `0` or `1`. Ignored by @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync.
IotMqttQos_t qos;
const char * pTopicFilter; /**< @brief Topic filter of subscription. */
uint16_t topicFilterLength; /**< @brief Length of #IotMqttSubscription_t.pTopicFilter. */
* @brief Callback to invoke when a message is received.
* See #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t. Ignored by @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync.
IotMqttCallbackInfo_t callback;
} IotMqttSubscription_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief MQTT connection details.
* @paramfor @ref mqtt_function_connect
* Passed as an argument to @ref mqtt_function_connect. Most members of this struct
* correspond to the content of an [MQTT CONNECT packet.]
* (
* @initializer{IotMqttConnectInfo_t,IOT_MQTT_CONNECT_INFO_INITIALIZER}
* @note The lengths of the strings in this struct should not include the NULL
* terminator. Strings in this struct do not need to be NULL-terminated.
typedef struct IotMqttConnectInfo
* @brief Specifies if this MQTT connection is to an AWS IoT MQTT server.
* Set this member to `true` when connecting to the AWS IoT MQTT broker or
* `false` otherwise. Additional details about connecting to AWS IoT
* via MQTT are available [here]
* (
* @attention This setting <b>MUST</b> be `true` when using the AWS IoT MQTT
* server; it <b>MUST</b> be `false` otherwise.
* @note Currently, @ref IOT_MQTT_CONNECT_INFO_INITIALIZER sets this
* this member to `true`.
bool awsIotMqttMode;
* @brief Whether this connection is a clean session.
* MQTT servers can maintain and topic filter subscriptions and unacknowledged
* PUBLISH messages. These form part of an <i>MQTT session</i>, which is identified by
* the [client identifier](@ref IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pClientIdentifier).
* Setting this value to `true` establishes a <i>clean session</i>, which causes
* the MQTT server to discard any previous session data for a client identifier.
* When the client disconnects, the server discards all session data. If this
* value is `true`, #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions and
* #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.previousSubscriptionCount are ignored.
* Setting this value to `false` does one of the following:
* - If no previous session exists, the MQTT server will create a new
* <i>persistent session</i>. The server may maintain subscriptions and
* unacknowledged PUBLISH messages after a client disconnects, to be restored
* once the same client identifier reconnects.
* - If a previous session exists, the MQTT server restores all of the session's
* subscriptions for the client identifier and may immediately transmit any
* unacknowledged PUBLISH packets to the client.
* When a client with a persistent session disconnects, the MQTT server
* continues to maintain all subscriptions and unacknowledged PUBLISH messages.
* The client must also remember the session subscriptions to restore them
* upon reconnecting. #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions and
* #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.previousSubscriptionCount are used to restore a
* previous session's subscriptions client-side.
bool cleanSession;
* @brief An array of MQTT subscriptions present in a previous session, if any.
* Pointer to the start of an array of subscriptions present a previous session,
* if any. These subscriptions will be immediately restored upon reconnecting.
* [Optional] The field can also be used to pass a list of subscriptions to be
* stored locally without a SUBSCRIBE packet being sent to the broker. These subscriptions
* are useful to invoke application level callbacks for messages received on unsolicited
* topics from the broker.
* This member is ignored if it is `NULL`. If this member is not `NULL`,
* #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.previousSubscriptionCount must be nonzero.
const IotMqttSubscription_t * pPreviousSubscriptions;
* @brief The number of MQTT subscriptions present in a previous session, if any.
* Number of subscriptions contained in the array
* #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions.
* This value is ignored if #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions
* is `NULL`. If #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPreviousSubscriptions is not `NULL`,
* this value must be nonzero.
size_t previousSubscriptionCount;
* @brief A message to publish if the new MQTT connection is unexpectedly closed.
* A Last Will and Testament (LWT) message may be published if this connection is
* closed without sending an MQTT DISCONNECT packet. This pointer should be set to
* an #IotMqttPublishInfo_t representing any LWT message to publish. If an LWT
* is not needed, this member must be set to `NULL`.
* Unlike other PUBLISH messages, an LWT message is limited to 65535 bytes in
* length. Additionally, [pWillInfo->retryMs](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs)
* and [pWillInfo->retryLimit](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit) will
* be ignored.
const IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pWillInfo;
uint16_t keepAliveSeconds; /**< @brief Period of keep-alive messages. Set to 0 to disable keep-alive. */
const char * pClientIdentifier; /**< @brief MQTT client identifier. */
uint16_t clientIdentifierLength; /**< @brief Length of #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pClientIdentifier. */
/* These credentials are not used by AWS IoT and may be ignored if
* awsIotMqttMode is true. */
const char * pUserName; /**< @brief Username for MQTT connection. */
uint16_t userNameLength; /**< @brief Length of #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pUserName. */
const char * pPassword; /**< @brief Password for MQTT connection. */
uint16_t passwordLength; /**< @brief Length of #IotMqttConnectInfo_t.pPassword. */
} IotMqttConnectInfo_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief MQTT packet details.
* @paramfor @ref mqtt_function_deserializeresponse @ref mqtt_function_deserializepublish
* Passed as an argument to public low level mqtt deserialize functions.
* @initializer{IotMqttPacketInfo_t,IOT_MQTT_PACKET_INFO_INITIALIZER}
* @note This structure should be only used while accessing low level MQTT deserialization API.
* The low level serialization/ deserialization API should be only used for implementing
* light weight single threaded mqtt client.
typedef struct IotMqttPacketInfo
uint8_t * pRemainingData; /**< @brief (Input) The remaining data in MQTT packet. */
size_t remainingLength; /**< @brief (Input) Length of the remaining data in the MQTT packet. */
uint16_t packetIdentifier; /**< @brief (Output) MQTT packet identifier. */
uint8_t type; /**< @brief (Input) A value identifying the packet type. */
IotMqttPublishInfo_t pubInfo; /**< @brief (Output) Publish info in case of deserializing PUBLISH. */
} IotMqttPacketInfo_t;
* Doxygen should ignore this section.
* Forward declaration of the internal MQTT packet structure.
struct _mqttPacket;
/** @endcond */
* @brief Get the MQTT packet type from a stream of bytes off the network.
* @param[in] pNetworkConnection Reference to the network connection.
* @param[in] pNetworkInterface Function pointers used to interact with the
* network.
typedef uint8_t ( * IotMqttGetPacketType_t )( void * pNetworkConnection,
const IotNetworkInterface_t * pNetworkInterface );
* @brief Get the remaining length from a stream of bytes off the network.
* @param[in] pNetworkConnection Reference to the network connection.
* @param[in] pNetworkInterface Function pointers used to interact with the
* network.
typedef size_t ( * IotMqttGetRemainingLength_t )( void * pNetworkConnection,
const IotNetworkInterface_t * pNetworkInterface );
* @brief Free a packet generated by the serializer.
* This function pointer must be set if any other serializer override is set.
* @param[in] uint8_t* The packet to free.
typedef void ( * IotMqttFreePacket_t )( uint8_t * pPacket );
* @brief CONNECT packet serializer function.
* @param[in] IotMqttConnectInfo_t* User-provided CONNECT information.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the CONNECT packet is written.
* @param[out] size_t* Size of the CONNECT packet.
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqttSerializeConnect_t )( const IotMqttConnectInfo_t * pConnectInfo,
uint8_t ** pConnectPacket,
size_t * pPacketSize );
* @brief PINGREQ packet serializer function.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the PINGREQ packet is written.
* @param[out] size_t* Size of the PINGREQ packet.
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqttSerializePingreq_t )( uint8_t ** pDisconnectPacket,
size_t * pPacketSize );
* @brief PUBLISH packet serializer function.
* @param[in] IotMqttPublishInfo_t* User-provided PUBLISH information.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the PUBLISH packet is written.
* @param[out] size_t* Size of the PUBLISH packet.
* @param[out] uint16_t* The packet identifier generated for this PUBLISH.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the high byte of the packet identifier
* is written.
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqtt_SerializePublish_t )( const IotMqttPublishInfo_t * pPublishInfo,
uint8_t ** pPublishPacket,
size_t * pPacketSize,
uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier,
uint8_t ** pPacketIdentifierHigh );
* @brief SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE packet serializer function.
* @param[in] IotMqttSubscription_t* User-provided array of subscriptions.
* @param[in] size_t Number of elements in the subscription array.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the SUBSCRIBE packet is written.
* @param[out] size_t* Size of the SUBSCRIBE packet.
* @param[out] uint16_t* The packet identifier generated for this SUBSCRIBE.
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqttSerializeSubscribe_t )( const IotMqttSubscription_t * pSubscriptionList,
size_t subscriptionCount,
uint8_t ** pSubscribePacket,
size_t * pPacketSize,
uint16_t * pPacketIdentifier );
* @brief DISCONNECT packet serializer function.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the DISCONNECT packet is written.
* @param[out] size_t* Size of the DISCONNECT packet.
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqttSerializeDisconnect_t )( uint8_t ** ppDisconnectPacket,
size_t * pPacketSize );
* @brief MQTT packet deserializer function.
* @param[in,out] _mqttPacket* Pointer to an MQTT packet structure
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqttDeserialize_t )( struct _mqttPacket * pMqttPacket );
* @brief PUBACK packet serializer function.
* @param[in] uint16_t The packet identifier to place in PUBACK.
* @param[out] uint8_t** Where the PUBACK packet is written.
* @param[out] size_t* Size of the PUBACK packet.
typedef IotMqttError_t ( * IotMqttSerializePuback_t )( uint16_t packetIdentifier,
uint8_t ** pPubackPacket,
size_t * pPacketSize );
* @brief Set the `DUP` bit in a QoS `1` PUBLISH packet.
* @param[in] uint8_t* Pointer to the PUBLISH packet to modify.
* @param[in] uint8_t* The high byte of any packet identifier to modify.
* @param[out] uint16_t* New packet identifier (AWS IoT MQTT mode only).
typedef void ( * IotMqttPublishSetDup_t )( uint8_t * pPublishPacket,
uint8_t * pPacketIdentifierHigh,
uint16_t * pNewPacketIdentifier );
* @brief Function pointer to read the next available byte on a network connection.
* @param[in] pNetworkContext reference to network connection like socket.
* @param[out] pNextByte Pointer to the byte read from the network.
typedef IotMqttError_t (* IotMqttGetNextByte_t)( void * pNetworkContext,
uint8_t * pNextByte );
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief Function pointers for MQTT packet serializer overrides.
* These function pointers allow the MQTT serialization and deserialization functions
* to be overridden for an MQTT connection. The compile-time setting
* @ref IOT_MQTT_ENABLE_SERIALIZER_OVERRIDES must be `1` to enable this functionality.
* See the #IotMqttSerializer_t::serialize and #IotMqttSerializer_t::deserialize
* members for a list of functions that can be overridden. In addition, the functions
* for freeing packets and determining the packet type can also be overridden. If
* @ref IOT_MQTT_ENABLE_SERIALIZER_OVERRIDES is `1`, the serializer initialization and
* cleanup functions may be extended. See documentation of
* @ref IOT_MQTT_ENABLE_SERIALIZER_OVERRIDES for more information.
* If any function pointers that are `NULL`, then the default implementation of that
* function will be used.
typedef struct IotMqttSerializer
* @brief Get the MQTT packet type from a stream of bytes off the network.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_GetPacketType
IotMqttGetPacketType_t getPacketType;
* @brief Get the remaining length from a stream of bytes off the network.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_GetRemainingLength
IotMqttGetRemainingLength_t getRemainingLength;
* @brief Free a packet generated by the serializer.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_FreePacket
IotMqttFreePacket_t freePacket;
* @brief CONNECT packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializeConnect
IotMqttSerializeConnect_t connect;
* @brief PUBLISH packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializePublish
IotMqtt_SerializePublish_t publish;
* @brief Set the `DUP` bit in a QoS `1` PUBLISH packet.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_PublishSetDup
IotMqttPublishSetDup_t publishSetDup;
* @brief PUBACK packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializePuback
IotMqttSerializePuback_t puback;
* @brief SUBSCRIBE packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe
IotMqttSerializeSubscribe_t subscribe;
* @brief UNSUBSCRIBE packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe
IotMqttSerializeSubscribe_t unsubscribe;
* @brief PINGREQ packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializePingreq
IotMqttSerializePingreq_t pingreq;
* @brief DISCONNECT packet serializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect
IotMqttSerializeDisconnect_t disconnect;
} serialize; /**< @brief Overrides the packet serialization functions for a single connection. */
* @brief CONNACK packet deserializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_DeserializeConnack
IotMqttDeserialize_t connack;
* @brief PUBLISH packet deserializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_DeserializePublish
IotMqttDeserialize_t publish;
* @brief PUBACK packet deserializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_DeserializePuback
IotMqttDeserialize_t puback;
* @brief SUBACK packet deserializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_DeserializeSuback
IotMqttDeserialize_t suback;
* @brief UNSUBACK packet deserializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_DeserializeUnsuback
IotMqttDeserialize_t unsuback;
* @brief PINGRESP packet deserializer function.
* <b>Default implementation:</b> #_IotMqtt_DeserializePingresp
IotMqttDeserialize_t pingresp;
} deserialize; /**< @brief Overrides the packet deserialization functions for a single connection. */
} IotMqttSerializer_t;
/* When MQTT packet serializer overrides are disabled, this struct is an
* incomplete type. */
typedef struct IotMqttSerializer IotMqttSerializer_t;
* @ingroup mqtt_datatypes_paramstructs
* @brief MQTT network connection details.
* @paramfor @ref mqtt_function_connect
* The MQTT library needs to be able to send and receive data over a network.
* This struct provides an interface for interacting with the network.
* @initializer{IotMqttNetworkInfo_t,IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_INFO_INITIALIZER}
typedef struct IotMqttNetworkInfo
* @brief Whether a new network connection should be created.
* When this value is `true`, a new transport-layer network connection will
* be created along with the MQTT connection. #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::pNetworkServerInfo
* and #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::pNetworkCredentialInfo are valid when this value
* is `true`.
* When this value is `false`, the MQTT connection will use a transport-layer
* network connection that has already been established. The MQTT library will
* still set the appropriate receive callback even if the network connection
* has been established.
* #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::pNetworkConnection, which represents an established
* network connection, is valid when this value is `false`.
bool createNetworkConnection;
* @brief Information on the MQTT server, passed as `pServerInfo` to
* #IotNetworkInterface_t::create.
* This member is opaque to the MQTT library. It is passed to the network
* interface when creating a new network connection. It is only valid when
* #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::createNetworkConnection is `true`.
IotNetworkServerInfo_t pNetworkServerInfo;
* @brief Credentials for the MQTT server, passed as `pCredentialInfo` to
* #IotNetworkInterface_t::create.
* This member is opaque to the MQTT library. It is passed to the network
* interface when creating a new network connection. It is only valid when
* #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::createNetworkConnection is `true`.
IotNetworkCredentials_t pNetworkCredentialInfo;
} setup;
* @brief An established transport-layer network connection.
* This member is opaque to the MQTT library. It is passed to the network
* interface to reference an established network connection. It is only
* valid when #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t::createNetworkConnection is `false`.
IotNetworkConnection_t pNetworkConnection;
} u /**< @brief Valid member depends of IotMqttNetworkInfo_t.createNetworkConnection. */;
* @brief The network functions used by the new MQTT connection.
* @attention The function pointers of the network interface must remain valid
* for the lifetime of the MQTT connection.
const IotNetworkInterface_t * pNetworkInterface;
* @brief A callback function to invoke when this MQTT connection is disconnected.
IotMqttCallbackInfo_t disconnectCallback;
* @brief MQTT packet serializer overrides used by the new MQTT connection.
* @attention The function pointers of the MQTT serializer overrides must
* remain valid for the lifetime of the MQTT connection.
const IotMqttSerializer_t * pMqttSerializer;
} IotMqttNetworkInfo_t;
/*------------------------- MQTT defined constants --------------------------*/
* @constantspage{mqtt,MQTT library}
* @section mqtt_constants_initializers MQTT Initializers
* @brief Provides default values for the data types of the MQTT library.
* @snippet this define_mqtt_initializers
* All user-facing data types of the MQTT library should be initialized using
* one of the following.
* @warning Failing to initialize an MQTT data type with the appropriate initializer
* may result in undefined behavior!
* @note The initializers may change at any time in future versions, but their
* names will remain the same.
* <b>Example</b>
* @code{c}
* IotMqttNetworkInfo_t networkInfo = IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttSerializer_t serializer = IOT_MQTT_SERIALIZER_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttConnectInfo_t connectInfo = IOT_MQTT_CONNECT_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttPublishInfo_t publishInfo = IOT_MQTT_PUBLISH_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttSubscription_t subscription = IOT_MQTT_SUBSCRIPTION_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttCallbackInfo_t callbackInfo = IOT_MQTT_CALLBACK_INFO_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttConnection_t connection = IOT_MQTT_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER;
* IotMqttOperation_t operation = IOT_MQTT_OPERATION_INITIALIZER;
* @endcode
* @section mqtt_constants_flags MQTT Function Flags
* @brief Flags that modify the behavior of MQTT library functions.
* Flags should be bitwise-ORed with each other to change the behavior of
* @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync, @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync,
* @ref mqtt_function_publishasync, their blocking versions; or @ref mqtt_function_disconnect.
* @note The values of the flags may change at any time in future versions, but
* their names will remain the same. Additionally, flags that may be used together
* will be bitwise-exclusive of each other.
/* @[define_mqtt_initializers] */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttNetworkInfo_t. */
#define IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_INFO_INITIALIZER { .createNetworkConnection = true }
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttSerializer_t. */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttConnectInfo_t. */
#define IOT_MQTT_CONNECT_INFO_INITIALIZER { .cleanSession = true }
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttPublishInfo_t. */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttSubscription_t. */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t. */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttConnection_t. */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttOperation_t. */
/** @brief Initializer for #IotMqttPacketInfo_t. */
#define IOT_MQTT_PACKET_INFO_INITIALIZER { .pRemainingData = NULL, remainingLength = 0, packetIdentifier = 0, .type = 0 }
/* @[define_mqtt_initializers] */
* @brief Allows the use of @ref mqtt_function_wait for blocking until completion.
* This flag is always valid for @ref mqtt_function_subscribeasync and
* @ref mqtt_function_unsubscribeasync. If passed to @ref mqtt_function_publishasync,
* the parameter [pPublishInfo->qos](@ref IotMqttPublishInfo_t.qos) must not be `0`.
* An #IotMqttOperation_t <b>MUST</b> be provided if this flag is set. Additionally, an
* #IotMqttCallbackInfo_t <b>MUST NOT</b> be provided.
* @note If this flag is set, @ref mqtt_function_wait <b>MUST</b> be called to clean up
* resources.
#define IOT_MQTT_FLAG_WAITABLE ( 0x00000001 )
* @brief Causes @ref mqtt_function_disconnect to only free memory and not send
* an MQTT DISCONNECT packet.
* This flag is only valid for @ref mqtt_function_disconnect. It should be passed
* to @ref mqtt_function_disconnect if the network goes offline or is otherwise
* unusable.
#define IOT_MQTT_FLAG_CLEANUP_ONLY ( 0x00000001 )
#endif /* ifndef IOT_MQTT_TYPES_H_ */