blob: 64144403a4dc4fe68d2ed108386041972405e3d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Ver Who Date Changes
* ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------
* 3.02a sdm 05/30/11 Added Xuint64 typedef and XUINT64_MSW/XUINT64_LSW macros
* 3.02a sdm 06/27/11 Added INST_SYNC and DATA_SYNC macros for all the CPUs
* 3.02a sdm 07/07/11 Updated ppc440 boot.S to set guarded bit for all but
* cacheable regions
* Update ppc440/xil_cache.c to use CACHEABLE_REGION_MASK
* generated by the cpu driver, for enabling caches
* 3.02a sdm 07/08/11 Updated microblaze cache flush APIs based on write-back/
* write-thru caches
* 3.03a sdm 08/20/11 Updated the tag/data RAM latency values for L2CC
* Updated the MMU table to mark OCM in high address space
* as inner cacheable and reserved space as Invalid
* 3.03a sdm 08/20/11 Changes to support FreeRTOS
* Updated the MMU table to mark upper half of the DDR as
* non-cacheable
* Setup supervisor and abort mode stacks
* Do not initialize/enable L2CC in case of AMP
* Initialize UART1 for 9600bps in case of AMP
* 3.03a sdm 08/27/11 Setup abort and supervisor mode stacks and don't init SMC
* in case of AMP
* 3.03a sdm 09/14/11 Added code for performance monitor and L2CC event
* counters
* 3.03a sdm 11/08/11 Updated microblaze xil_cache.h file to include
* xparameters.h file for CR630532 - Xil_DCacheFlush()/
* Xil_DCacheFlushRange() functions in standalone BSP v3_02a
* for MicroBlaze will invalidate data in the cache instead
* of flushing it for writeback caches
* 3.04a sdm 11/21/11 Updated to initialize stdio device for 115200bps, for PS7
* 3.04a sdm 01/02/12 Updated to clear cp15 regs with unknown reset values
* Remove redundant dsb/dmb instructions in cache maintenance
* APIs
* Remove redundant dsb in mcr instruction
* 3.04a sdm 01/13/12 Updated MMU table to mark DDR memory as Shareable
* 3.05a sdm 02/02/12 Removed some of the defines as they are being generated through
* driver tcl in xparameters.h. Update the gcc/translationtable.s
* for the QSPI complete address range - DT644567
* Removed profile directory for armcc compiler and changed
* profiling setting to false in standalone_v2_1_0.tcl file
* Deleting boot.S file after preprocessing for armcc compiler
* 3.05a asa 03/11/12 Updated the function Xil_EnableMMU in file xil_mmu.c to
* invalidate the caches before enabling back the MMU and
* D cache.
* 3.05a asa 04/15/12 Updated the function Xil_SetTlbAttributes in file
* xil_mmu.c. Now we invalidate UTLB, Branch predictor
* array, flush the D-cache before changing the attributes
* in translation table. The user need not call Xil_DisableMMU
* before calling Xil_SetTlbAttributes.
* 3.06a asa/ 06/17/12 Removed the UART initialization for Zynq. For PEEP, the UART
* sgd initialization is present. Changes for this were done in
* uart.c and xil-crt0.s.
* Made changes in xil_io.c to use volatile pointers.
* Made changes in xil_mmu.c to correct the function
* Xil_SetTlbAttributes.
* Changes are made xil-crt0.s to initialize the static
* C++ constructors.
* Changes are made in boot.s, to fix the TTBR settings,
* correct the L2 Cache Auxiliary register settings, L2 cache
* latency settings.
* 3.07a asa/ 07/16/12 Made changes in cortexa9/xtime_l.c, xtime_l.h, sleep.c
* sgd usleep.c to use global timer intstead of CP15.
* Made changes in cortexa9/gcc/translation_table.s to map
* the peripheral devices as shareable device memory.
* Made changes in cortexa9/gcc/xil-crt0.s to initialize
* the global timer.
* Made changes in cortexa9/armcc/boot.S to initialize
* the global timer.
* Made changes in cortexa9/armcc/translation_table.s to
* map the peripheral devices as shareable device memory.
* Made changes in cortexa9/gcc/boot.S to optimize the
* L2 cache settings. Changes the section properties for
* ".mmu_tbl" and ".boot" sections in cortexa9/gcc/boot.S
* and cortexa9/gcc/translation_table.S.
* Made changes in cortexa9/xil_cache.c to change the
* cache invalidation order.
* 3.07a asa 08/17/12 Made changes across files for Cortexa9 to remove
* compilation/linking issues for C++ compiler.
* Made changes in mb_interface.h to remove compilation/
* linking issues for C++ compiler.
* Added macros for swapb and swaph microblaze instructions
* mb_interface.h
* Remove barrier usage (SYNCHRONIZE_IO) from xil_io.c
* for CortexA9.
* 3.07a asa 08/30/12 Updated for CR 675636 to provide the L2 Base Address
* 3.07a asa 08/31/12 Added xil_printf.h include
* 3.07a sgd 09/18/12 Corrected the L2 cache enable settings
* Corrected L2 cache sequence disable sequence
* 3.07a sgd 10/19/12 SMC NOR and SRAM initialization with compiler option
* 3.09a asa 01/25/13 Updated to push and pop neon registers into stack for
* irq/fiq handling.
* Relocated COUNTS_PER_SECOND from sleep.c to xtime_l.h. This
* fixes the CR #692094.
* 3.09a sgd 02/14/13 Fix for CRs 697094 (SI#687034) and 675552.
* 3.10a srt 04/18/13 Implemented ARM Erratas.
* Cortex A9 Errata - 742230, 743622, 775420, 794073
* L2Cache PL310 Errata - 588369, 727915, 759370
* Please refer to file 'xil_errata.h' for errata
* description.
* 3.10a asa 05/04/13 Added support for L2 cache in MicroBlaze BSP. The older
* cache APIs were corresponding to only Layer 1 cache
* memories. New APIs were now added and the existing cache
* related APIs were changed to provide a uniform interface
* to flush/invalidate/enable/disable the complete cache
* system which includes both L1 and L2 caches. The changes
* for these were done in:
* src/microblaze/xil_cache.c and src/microblaze/xil_cache.h
* files.
* Four new files were added for supporting L2 cache. They are:
* microblaze_flush_cache_ext.S-> Flushes L2 cache
* microblaze_flush_cache_ext_range.S -> Flushes a range of
* memory in L2 cache.
* microblaze_invalidate_cache_ext.S-> Invalidates L2 cache
* microblaze_invalidate_cache_ext_range -> Invalidates a
* range of memory in L2 cache.
* These changes are done to implement PR #697214.
* 3.10a asa 05/13/13 Modified cache disable APIs at src/cortexa9/xil_cache.c to
* fix the CR #706464. L2 cache disabling happens independent
* of L1 data cache disable operation. Changes are done in the
* same file in cache handling APIs to do a L2 cache sync
* (poll reg7_?cache_?sync). This fixes CR #700542.
* 3.10a asa 05/20/13 Added API/Macros for enabling and disabling nested
* interrupts for ARM. These are done to fix the CR#699680.
* 3.10a srt 05/20/13 Made changes in cache maintenance APIs to do a proper cach
* sync operation. This fixes the CR# 716781.
* 3.11a asa 09/07/13 Updated armcc specific BSP files to have proper support
* for armcc toolchain.
* Modified asm_vectors.S (gcc) and asm_vectors.s (armcc) to
* fix issues related to NEON context saving. The assembly
* routines for IRQ and FIQ handling are modified.
* Deprecated the older BSP (3.10a).
* 3.11a asa 09/22/13 Fix for CR#732704. Cache APIs are modified to avoid
* various potential issues. Made changes in the function
* Xil_SetAttributes in file xil_mmu.c.
* 3.11a asa 09/23/13 Added files xil_misc_psreset_api.c and xil_misc_psreset_api.h
* in src\cortexa9 and src\microblaze folders.
* 3.11a asa 09/28/13 Modified the cache APIs (src\cortexa9) to fix handling of
* L2 cache sync operation and to fix issues around complete
* L2 cache flush/invalidation by ways.
* 3.12a asa 10/22/13 Modified the files xpseudo_asm_rvct.c and xpseudo_asm_rvct.h
* to fix linking issues with armcc/DS-5. Modified the armcc
* makefile to fix issues.
* 3.12a asa 11/15/13 Fix for CR#754800. It fixes issues around profiling for MB.
* 4.0 hk 12/13/13 Added check for STDOUT_BASEADDRESS where outbyte is used.
* 4.0 pkp 22/01/14 Modified return addresses for interrupt handlers (DataAbortHandler
* and SWIHandler) in asm_vector.S (src\cortexa9\gcc\ and
* src\cortexa9\armcc\) to fix CR#767251
* 4.0 pkp 24/01/14 Modified cache APIs (Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange and
* Xil_L1DCacheInvalidate) in xil_cache.c (src\cortexa9) to fix the bugs.
* Few cache lines were missed to invalidate when unaligned address
* invalidation was accommodated in Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange.
* In Xil_L1DCacheInvalidate, while invalidating all L1D cache
* stack memory (which contains return address) was invalidated. So
* stack memory is flushed first and then L1D cache is invalidated.
* This is done to fix CR #763829
* 4.0 adk 22/02/2014 Fixed the CR:775379 removed unnecessay _t(unit32_t etc) from
* mblaze_nt_types.h file and replace uint32_t with u32 in the
* profile_hist.c to fix the above CR.
* 4.1 bss 04/14/14 Updated driver tcl to remove _interrupt_handler.o from libgloss.a
* instead of libxil.a and added prototypes for
* microblaze_invalidate_cache_ext and microblaze_flush_cache_ext in
* mb_interface.h
* 4.1 hk 04/18/14 Add sleep function.
* 4.1 asa 04/21/14 Fix for CR#764881. Added support for msrset and msrclr. Renamed
* some of the *.s files inMB BSP source to *.S.
* 4.1 asa 04/28/14 Fix for CR#772280. Made changes in file cortexa9/gcc/read.c.
* 4.1 bss 04/29/14 Modified driver tcl to use libxil.a if libgloss.a does not exist
* CR#794205
* 4.1 asa 05/09/14 Fix for CR#798230. Made changes in cortexa9/xil_cache.c and
* common/xil_testcache.c
* Fix for CR#764881.
* 4.1 srt 06/27/14 Remove '#undef DEBUG' from src/common/xdebug.h, which allows to
* output the DEBUG logs when -DDEBUG flag is enabled in BSP.
* 4.2 pkp 06/27/14 Added support for IAR compiler in src/cortexa9/iccarm.
* Also added explanatory notes in cortexa9/xil_cache.c for CR#785243.
* 4.2 pkp 06/19/14 Asynchronous abort has been enabled into cortexa9/gcc/boot.s and
* cortexa9/armcc/boot.s. Added default exception handlers for data
* abort and prefetch abort using handlers called
* DataAbortHandler and PrefetchAbortHandler respectively in
* cortexa9/xil_exception.c to fix CR#802862.
* 4.2 pkp 06/30/14 MakeFile for cortexa9/armcc has been changed to fixes the
* issue of improper linking of translation_table.s
* 4.2 pkp 07/04/14 added weak attribute for the function in BSP which are also present
* in tool chain to avoid conflicts into some special cases
* 4.2 pkp 07/21/14 Corrected reset value of event counter in function
* Xpm_ResetEventCounters in src/cortexa9/xpm_counter.c to fix CR#796275
* 4.2 pkp 07/21/14 Included xil_types.h file in xil_mmu.h which had contained a function
* containing type def u32 defined in xil_types.g to resolve issue of
* CR#805869
* 4.2 pkp 08/04/14 Removed unimplemented nanosleep routine from cortexa9/usleep.c as
* it is not possible to generate timer in nanosecond due to limited
* cpu frequency
* 4.2 pkp 08/04/14 Removed PEEP board related code which contained initialization of
* uart, smc nor and sram from cortexa9/gcc/xil-crt0.s and armcc/boot.s
* and iccarm/boot.s. Also uart.c and smc.c have been removed. Also
* removed function definition of XSmc_NorInit and XSmc_NorInit from
* cortexa9/smc.h
* 4.2 bss 08/11/14 Added microblaze_flush_cache_ext_range and microblaze_invalidate_
* cache_ext_range declarations in mb_interface.h CR#783821.
* Modified profile_mcount_mb.S to fix CR#808412.
* 4.2 pkp 08/21/14 modified makefile of iccarm for proper linking of objectfiles in
* cortexa9/iccarm to fix CR#816701
* 4.2 pkp 09/02/14 modified translation table entries in cortexa9/gcc/translation_table.s,
* armcc/translation_table.s and iccarm/translation_table.s
* to properly defined reserved entries according to address map for
* fixing CR#820146
* 4.2 pkp 09/11/14 modified translation table entries in cortexa9/iccarm/translation_table.s
* and cortexa9/armcc/translation_table.s to resolve compilation
* error for solving CR#822897
* 5.0 kvn 12/9/14 Support for Zync Ultrascale Mp.Also modified code for
* MISRA-C:2012 compliance.
* 5.0 pkp 12/15/14 Added APIs to get information about the platforms running the code by
* adding src/common/xplatform_info.*s
* 5.0 pkp 16/12/14 Modified boot code to enable scu after MMU is enabled and
* removed incorrect initialization of TLB lockdown register to fix
* CR#830580 in cortexa9/gcc/boot.S & cpu_init.S, armcc/boot.S
* and iccarm/boot.s
* 5.0 pkp 25/02/15 Modified floating point flag to vfpv3 from vfpv3_d16 in BSP MakeFile
* for iccarm and armcc compiler of cortexA9
* 5.1 pkp 05/13/15 Changed the initialization order in cortexa9/gcc/boot.S, iccarm/boot.s
* and armcc/boot.s so to first invalidate caches and TLB, enable MMU and
* caches, then enable SMP bit in ACTLR. L2Cache invalidation and enabling
* of L2Cache is done later.
* 5.1 pkp 12/05/15 Modified cortexa9/xil_cache.c to modify Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange and
* Xil_DCacheFlushRange to remove unnecessary dsb which is unnecessarily
* taking long time to fix CR#853097. L2CacheSync is added into
* Xil_L2CacheInvalidateRange API. Xil_L1DCacheInvalidate and
* Xil_L2CacheInvalidate APIs are modified to flush the complete stack
* instead of just System Stack
* 5.1 pkp 14/05/15 Modified cortexa9/gcc/Makefile to keep a correct check of a compiler
* to update ECC_FLAGS and also take the compiler and archiver as specified
* in settings instead of hardcoding it.
* 5.2 pkp 06/08/15 Modified cortexa9/gcc/translation_table.S to put a check for
* XPAR_PS7_DDR_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR to confirm if DDR is present or not and
* accordingly generate the translation table
* 5.2 pkp 23/07/15 Modified cortexa9/gcc/Makefile to keep a correct check of a compiler
* to update ECC_FLAGS to fix a bug introduced during new version creation
* of BSP.
* 5.3 pkp 10/07/15 Modified cortexa9/xil_cache.c file to change cache API so that L2 Cache
* functionalities are avoided for the OpenAMP slave application(when
* USE_AMP flag is defined for BSP) as master CPU would be utilizing L2
* cache for its operation. Also file operations such as read, write,
* close, open are also avoided for OpenAMP support(when USE_AMP flag is
* defined for BSP) because XilOpenAMP library contains own file operation.
* The xil-crt0.S file is modified for not initializing global timer for
* OpenAMP application as it might be already in use by master CPU
* 5.3 pkp 10/09/15 Modified cortexa9/iccarm/xpseudo_asm_iccarm.h file to change function
* definition for dsb, isb and dmb to fix the compilation error when used
* kvn 16/10/15 Encapsulated assembly code into macros for R5 xil_cache file.
* 5.4 pkp 09/11/15 Modified cortexr5/gcc/boot.S to disable ACTLR.DBWR bit to avoid potential
* R5 deadlock for errata 780125
* 5.4 pkp 09/11/15 Modified cortexa53/32bit/gcc/boot.S to enable I-Cache and D-Cache for a53
* 32 bit BSP in the initialization
* 5.4 pkp 09/11/15 Modified cortexa9/xil_misc_psreset_api.c file to change the description
* for XOcm_Remap function
* 5.4 pkp 16/11/15 Modified microblaze/xil_misc_psreset_api.c file to change the description
* for XOcm_Remap function
* kvn 21/11/15 Added volatile keyword for ADDR varibles in Xil_Out API
* kvn 21/11/15 Changed ADDR variable type from u32 to UINTPTR. This is
* required for MISRA-C:2012 Compliance.
* 5.4 pkp 23/11/15 Added attribute definitions for Xil_SetTlbAttributes API of Cortex-A9
* in cortexa9/xil_mmu.h
* 5.4 pkp 23/11/15 Added default undefined exception handler for Cortex-A9
* 5.4 pkp 11/12/15 Modified common/xplatform_info.h to add #defines for silicon for
* checking the current executing platform
* 5.4 pkp 18/12/15 Modified cortexa53/32bit/gcc/xil-crt0.S and 64bit/gcc/xil-crt0.S
* to initialize global constructor for C++ applications
* 5.4 pkp 18/12/15 Modified cortexr5/gcc/xil-crt0.S to initialize global constructor for
* C++ applications
* 5.4 pkp 18/12/15 Modified cortexa53/32bit/gcc/translation_table.S and 64bit/gcc/
* translation_table.S to update the translation table according to proper
* address map
* 5.4 pkp 18/12/15 Modified cortexar5/mpu.c to initialize the MPU according to proper
* address map
* 5.4 pkp 05/01/16 Modified cortexa53/64bit/boot.S to set the reset vector register RVBAR
* equivalent to vector table base address
* 5.4 pkp 08/01/16 Modified cortexa9/gcc/Makefile to update the extra compiler flag
* as per the toolchain update
* 5.4 pkp 12/01/16 Changed common/xplatform_info.* to add platform information support
* for Cortex-A53 32bit mode
* 5.4 pkp 28/01/16 Modified cortexa53/32bit/sleep.c and usleep.c & cortexa53/64bit/sleep.c
* and usleep.c to correct routines to avoid hardcoding the timer frequency,
* instead take it from xparameters.h to properly configure the timestamp
* clock frequency
* 5.4 asa 29/01/16 Modified microblaze/mb_interface.h to add macros that support the
* new instructions for MB address extension feature
* 5.4 kvn 30/01/16 Modified xparameters_ps.h file to add interrupt ID number for
* system monitor.
* 5.4 pkp 04/02/16 Modified cortexr5/gcc/boot.S to enable fault log for lock-step mode
* 5.4 pkp 19/02/16 Modified cortexr5/xtime_l.c to add an API XTime_StartTimer and updated
* cortexr5/xil-crt0.S to configure the TTC3 timer when present. Modified
* cortexr5/sleep.c, cortexr5/usleep.c to use TTC3 when present otherwise
* use set of assembly instructions to provide required delay to fix
* CR#913249.
* 5.4 asa 25/02/16 Made changes in xil-crt0.S for R5, A53 64 and 32 bit BSPs, to replace
* _exit with exit. We should not be directly calling _exit and should
* always use the library exit. This fixes the CR#937036.
* 5.4 pkp 25/02/16 Made change to cortexr5/gcc/boot.S to initialize the floating point
* registers, banked registers for various modes and enabled
* the cache ECC check before enabling the fault log for lock step mode
* Also modified the cortexr5/gcc/Makefile to support floating point
* registers initialization in boot code.
* 5.4 pkp 03/01/16 Updated the exit function in cortexr5/gcc/_exit.c to enable the debug
* logic in case of lock-step mode when fault log is enabled to fix
* CR#938281
* 5.4 pkp 03/02/16 Modified cortexa9/iccarm/xpseudo_asm_iccarm.h file to include
* header file instrinsics.h which contains assembly instructions
* definitions which can be used by C
* 5.4 asa 03/02/16 Added print.c in MB BSP. Made other cosmetic changes to have uniform
* proto for all print.c across the BSPs. This patch fixes CR#938738.
* 5.4 pkp 03/09/16 Modified cortexr5/sleep.c and usleep.c to avoid disabling the
* interrupts when sleep/usleep is being executed using assembly
* instructions to fix CR#913249.
* 5.4 pkp 03/11/16 Modified cortexr5/xtime_l.c to avoid enabling overflow interrupt,
* instead modified cortexr5/sleep.c and usleep.c to poll the counter
* value and compare it with previous value to detect the overflow
* to fix CR#940209.
* 5.4 pkp 03/24/16 Modified cortexr5/boot.S to reset the dbg_lpd_reset before enabling
* the fault log to avoid intervention for lock-step mode and cortexr5/
* _exit.c to enable the dbg_lpd_reset once the fault log is disabled
* to fix CR#947335
* 5.5 pkp 04/11/16 Modified cortexr5/boot.S to enable comparators for non-JTAG bootmode
* in lock-step to avoid resetting the debug logic which restricts the
* access for debugger and removed enabling back of debug modules in
* cortexr5/_exit.c
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexa9/gcc/read.c to return correct number of bytes when
* read buffer is filled and removed the redundant NULL checking for
* buffer to simplify the code
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexa53/64bit/gcc/read.c and cortexa53/32bit/gcc/read.c
* to return correct number of bytes when read buffer is filled and
* removed the redundant NULL checking for buffer to simplify the code
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexr5/gcc/read.c to return correct number of bytes when
* read buffer is filled and removed the redundant NULL checking for
* buffer to simplify the code
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexa53/64bit/xpseudo_asm_gcc.h to add volatile to asm
* instruction macros to disable certain optimizations which may move
* code out of loops if optimizers believe that the code will always
* return the same result or discard asm statements if optimizers
* determine there is no need for the output variables
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexa53/64bit/xtime_l.c to add XTime_StartTimer which
* starts the timer if it is disabled and modified XTime_GetTime to
* enable the timer if it is not enabled. Also modified cortexa53/64bit/
* sleep.c and cortexa53/64bit/usleep.c to enable the timer if it is
* disabled and read the counter value directly from register instead
* of using XTime_GetTime for optimization
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexa53/32bit/xtime_l.c to add XTime_StartTimer which
* starts the timer if it is disabled and modified XTime_GetTime to
* enable the timer if it is not enabled. Also modified cortexa53/32bit/
* sleep.c and cortexa53/32bit/usleep.c to enable the timer if it is
* disabled and read the counter value directly from register instead
* of using XTime_GetTime for optimization
* 5.5 pkp 04/13/16 Modified cortexa53/32bit/xil_cache.c and cortexa53/64bit/xil_cache.c
* to update the Xil_DCacheInvalidate, Xil_DCacheInvalidateLine and
* Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange functions description for proper
* explaination to fix CR#949801
* 5.5 asa 04/20/16 Added missing macros for hibernate and suspend in Microblaze BSP
* file mb_interface.h. This fixes the CR#949503.
* 5.5 asa 04/29/16 Fix for CR#951080. Updated cache APIs for HW designs where cache
* memory is not included for MicroBlaze.
* 5.5 pkp 05/06/16 Modified the cortexa9/xil_exception.h to update the macros
* Xil_EnableNestedInterrupts and Xil_DisableNestedInterrupts for fixing
* the issue of lr being corrupted to resolve CR#950468
* 5.5 pkp 05/06/16 Modified the cortexr5/xil_exception.h to update the macros
* Xil_EnableNestedInterrupts and Xil_DisableNestedInterrupts for fixing
* the issue of lr being corrupted to resolve CR#950468
* 6.0 kvn 05/31/16 Make Xil_AsserWait a global variable
* 6.0 pkp 06/27/16 Updated cortexr5/mpu.c to move the code related to Init_MPU to .boot
* section since it is part of boot process to fix CR#949555
* hk 07/12/16 Correct masks for IOU SLCR GEM registers
* 6.0 pkp 07/25/16 Program the counter frequency in boot code for CortexA53
* 6.0 asa 08/03/16 Updated sleep_common function in microblaze_sleep.c to improve the
* the accuracy of MB sleep functionality. This fixes the CR#954191.
* 6.0 mus 08/03/16 Restructured the BSP to avoid code duplication across all BSPs.
* Source code directories specific to ARM processor's are moved to src/arm
* directory(i.e. src/cortexa53,src/cortexa9 and src/cortexr5 moved to src/arm/cortexa53,
* src/arm/cortexa9 and src/arm/cortexr5 respectively).Files xil_printf.c,xil_printf.h,
* print.c,xil_io.c and xil_io.h are consolidated across all BSPs into common file each and
* consolidated files are kept at src/common directory.Files putnum.c,vectors.c,vectors.h,
* xil_exception.c and xil_exception.h are consolidated across all ARM BSPs
* into common file each and consolidated files are kept at src/arm/common directory.
* GCC source files related to file operations are consolidated and kept
* at src/arm/common/gcc directory.
* All io interfacing functions (i.e. All variants of xil_out, xil_in )
* are made as static inline and implementation is kept in consolidated common/xil_io.h,
* xil_io.h must be included as a header file to access io interfacing functions.
* Added undefined exception handler for A53 32 bit and R5 processor
* 6.0 mus 08/11/16 Updated xtime_l.c in R5 BSP to remove implementation of XTime_SetTime API, since
* TTC counter value register is read only.
* 6.0 asa 08/15/16 Modified the signatures for functions sleep and usleep. This fixes
* the CR#956899.
* 6.0 mus 08/18/16 Defined ARMA53_32 flag in cortexa53/32bit/xparameters_ps.h and ARMR5 flag
* in cortexr5/xparameters_ps.h
* 6.0 mus 08/18/16 Added support for the the Zynq 7000s devices
* 6.0 mus 08/18/16 Removed unused variables from xil_printf.c and xplatform_info.c
* 6.0 mus 08/19/16 Modified xil_io.h to remove __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ flag check for all ARM processors
* 6.1 mus 11/03/16 Added APIs handle_stdin_parameter and handle_stdout_parameter in standalone tcl.
* ::hsi::utils::handle_stdin and ::hsi::utils::handle_stdout are taken as a base for
* these APIs and modifications are done on top of it to handle stdout/stdin
* parameters for design which doesnt have UART.It fixes CR#953681
* 6.1 nsk 11/07/16 Added two new files xil_mem.c and xil_mem.h for xil_memcpy
* 6.2 pkp 12/14/16 Updated cortexa53/64bit/translation_table.S for upper ps DDR. The 0x800000000 -
* 0xFFFFFFFFF range is marked normal memory for the DDR size defined in hdf
* and rest of the memory in that 32GB region is marked as reserved to avoid
* any speculative access
* 6.2 pkp 12/23/16 Added support for floating point operation to Cortex-A53 64bit mode. It modified
* asm_vectors.S to implement lazy floating point context saving i.e. floating point
* access is enabled if there is any floating point operation, it is disabled by
* default. Also FPU is initally disabled for IRQ and none of the floating point
* registers are saved during normal context saving. If IRQ handler does not require
* floating point operation, the floating point registers are untouched and no need
* for saving/restoring. If IRQ handler uses any floating point operation, then floating
* point registers are saved and FPU is enabled for IRQ handler. Then floating point
* registers are restored back after servicing IRQ during normal context restoring.
* 6.2 mus 01/01/17 Updated makefiles of R5 and a53 64 bit/32 bit processors to fix error in clean
* target.It fixes the CR#966900
* 6.2 pkp 01/22/17 Added support for EL1 non-secure execution and Hypervisor Baremetal for Cortex-A53
* 64bit Mode. If Hypervisor_guest is selected as true in BSP settings, BSP will be built
* for EL1 Non-secure, else BSP will be built for EL3. By default hypervisor_guest is
* as false i.e. default bsp is EL3.
* 6.2 pkp 01/24/17 Updated cortexa53/64bit/boot.S to clear FPUStatus variable to make sure that it
* contains initial status of FPU i.e. disabled. In case of a warm restart execution
* when bss sections are not cleared, it may contain previously updated value which
* does not hold true once processor resumes. This fixes CR#966826.
* 6.2 asa 01/31/17 The existing Xil_DCacheDisable API first flushes the
* D caches and then disables it. The problem with that is,
* potentially there will be a small window after the cache
* flush operation and before the we disable D caches where
* we might have valid data in cache lines. In such a
* scenario disabling the D cache can lead to unknown behavior.
* The ideal solution to this is to use assembly code for
* the complete API and avoid any memory accesses. But with
* that we will end up having a huge amount on assembly code
* which is not maintainable. Changes are done to use a mix
* of assembly and C code. All local variables are put in
* registers. Also function calls are avoided in the API to
* avoid using stack memory.
* 6.2 mus 02/13/17 A53 CPU cache system can pre-fetch catch lines.So there are
* scenarios when an invalidated cache line can get pre fetched to cache.
* If that happens, the coherency between cache and memory is lost
* resulting in lost data. To avoid this kind of issue either
* user has to use dsb() or disable pre-fetching for L1 cache
* or else reduce maximum number of outstanding data prefetches allowed.
* Using dsb() while comparing data costing more performance compared to
* disabling pre-fetching/reducing maximum number of outstanding data
* prefetches for L1 Cache.The new api Xil_ConfigureL1Prefetch is added
* to disable pre-fetching/configure maximum number of outstanding data
* prefetches allowed in L1 cache system.This fixes CR#967864.
* 6.2 pkp 02/16/17 Added xil_smc.c file to provide a C wrapper for smc calling which can be
* used by cortex-A53 64bit EL1 Non-secure application.
* 6.2 kvn 03/03/17 Added support thumb mode
* 6.2 mus 03/13/17 Fixed MISRA C mandatory standard violations in ARM cortexr5 and cortexa53 BSP.
* It fixes CR#970543
* 6.2 asa 03/16/17 Fix for CR#970859. For Mcroblaze BSP, when we enable intrusive
* profiling we see a crash. That is because the the tcl uses invalid
* HSI command. This change fixes it.
* 6.2 mus 03/22/17 Updated standalone tcl to generate xparameter XPAR_FPD_IS_CACHE_COHERENT, if
* any FPD peripheral is configured to use CCI.It fixes CR#972638
* 6.3 mus 03/20/17 Updated cortex-r5 BSP, to add hard floating point support.
* 6.3 mus 04/17/17 Updated Cortex-a53 32 bit BSP boot code to fix bug in
* the HW coherency enablement. It fixes the CR#973287
* 6.3 mus 04/20/17 Updated Cortex-A53 64 bit BSP boot code, to remove redundant write to the
* L2CTLR_EL1 register. It fixes the CR#974698
* 6.4 mus 06/08/17 Updated arm/common/xil_exception.c to fix warnings in C level exception handlers
* of ARM 32 bit processor's.
* 6.4 mus 06/14/17 Updated cortexa53/64bit/gcc/asm_vectors.S to fix bug in IRQInterruptHandler code
* snippet, which checks for the FPEN bit of CPACR_EL1 register.
* 6.4 ms 05/23/17 Added PSU_PMU macro in xplatform_info.c, xparameters.h to support
* XGetPSVersion_Info function for PMUFW.
* ms 06/13/17 Added PSU_PMU macro in xplatform_info.c to support XGetPlatform_Info
* function for PMUFW.
* 6.4 mus 07/05/17 Updated Xil_In32BE function in xil_io.h to fix bug.It fixes CR#979740.
* 6.4 mus 07/25/17 Updated a53 32 bit boot code and vectors to support hard floating point
* operations.Now,VFP is being enabled in FPEXC register, through boot code
* and FPU registers are being saved/restored when irq/fiq vector is invoked.
* 6.4 adk 08/01/17 Updated standalone tcl to generate xparameter XPAR_PL_IS_CACHE_COHERENT,
* if h/w design configured with HPC port.
* 6.4 mus 08/10/17 Updated a53 64 bit translation table to mark memory as a outer shareable for
* EL1 NS execution. This change has been done to support CCI enabled IP's.
* 6.4 mus 08/11/17 Updated a53 64 bit boot code to implement ARM erratum 855873.This fixes
* CR#982209.
* 6.4 asa 08/16/17 Made several changes in the R5 MPU handling logic. Added new APIs to
* make RPU MPU handling user-friendly. This also fixes the CR-981028.
* 6.4 mus 08/17/17 Updated XGet_Zynq_UltraMp_Platform_info and XGetPSVersion_Info APIs to read
* version register through SMC call, over EL1 NS mode. This change has been done to
* support these APIs over EL1 NS mode.
* 6.5 mus 10/20/17 Updated standalone.tcl to fix bug in mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots proc,
* it fixes CR#987464.
* 6.6 mus 12/07/17 Updated cortexa9/xil_errata.h and cortexa9/xil_cache.c to remove Errata 753970.
* It fixes CR#989132.
* srm 10/18/17 Updated all the sleep routines in a9,a53,R5,microblaze. Now the sleep routines
* will use the timer specified by the user to provide delay. A9 and A53 can use
* Global timer or TTC. R5 can use TTC or the machine cycles. Microblaze can use
* machine cycles or Axi timer. Updated standalone.tcl and standalone.mld files
* to support the sleep configuration Added new API's for the Axi timer in
* microblaze and TTC in ARM. Added two new files, xil_sleeptimer.c and
* xil_sleeptimer.h in ARM for the common sleep routines and 1 new file,
* xil_sleepcommon.c in Standalone-common for sleep/usleep API's.
* 6.6 hk 12/15/17 Export platform macros to bspconfig.h based on the processor.
* 6.6 asa 1/16/18 Ensure C stack information for A9 are flushed out from L1 D cache
* or L2 cache only when the respective caches are enabled. This fixes CR-922023.
* 6.6 mus 01/19/18 Updated asm_vectors.S and boot.S in Cortexa53 64 bit BSP, to add isb
* after writing to cpacr_el1/cptr_el3 registers. It would ensure
* disabling/enabling of floating-point unit, before any subsequent
* instruction.
* 6.6 mus 01/30/18 Updated hypervisor enabled Cortexa53 64 bit BSP, to add xen PV console
* support. Now, xil_printf would use PV console instead of UART in case of
* hypervisor enabled BSP.
* 6.6 mus 02/02/18 Updated get_connected_if proc in standalone tcl to detect the HPC port
* configured with smart interconnect.It fixes CR#990318.
* 6.6 srm 02/10/18 Updated csu_wdt interrupt to the correct value. Fixes CR#992229
* 6.6 asa 02/12/18 Fix for heap handling for ARM platforms. CR#993932.
* 6.6 mus 02/19/18 Updated standalone.tcl to fix bug in handle_profile_opbtimer proc,
* CR#995014.
* 6.6 mus 02/23/18 Presently Cortex R5 BSP boot code is disabling the debug logic in
* non-JTAG boot mode, when processor is in lockstep configuration.
* This behavior is restricting application debugging in non-JTAG boot
* mode. To get rid of this restriction, added new mld parameter
* "lockstep_mode_debug", to enable/disable debug logic from BSP
* settings. Now, debug logic can be enabled through BSP settings,
* by modifying value of parameter "lockstep_mode_debug" as "true".
* It fixes CR#993896.
* 6.6.mus 02/27/18 Updated Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange and
* Xil_ICacheInvalidateRange APIs in Cortexa53 64 bit BSP, to fix bug
* in handling upper DDR addresses.It fixes CR#995581.
* 6.6 mus 03/12/18 Updated makefile of Cortexa53 32bit BSP to add includes_ps directory
* in the list of include paths. This change allows applications/BSP
* files to include .h files in include_ps directory.
* 6.6 mus 03/16/18 By default CPUACTLR_EL1 is accessible only from EL3, it
* results into abort if accessed from EL1 non secure privilege
* level. Updated Xil_ConfigureL1Prefetch function in Cortexa53 64 bit BSP
* to avoid CPUACTLR_EL1 access from privile levels other than EL3.
* 6.6 mus 03/16/18 Updated hypervisor enabled BSP to use PV console, based on the
* XEN_USE_PV_CONSOLE flag. By deafault hypervisor enabled BSP would
* use UART console, PV console can be enabled by appending
"-DXEN_USE_PV_CONSOLE" to the BSP extra compiler flags.