Update RISC-V IAR port to support vector mode. (#458)

* Update RISC-V IAR port to support vector mode.

* uncrustify

Co-authored-by: David Chalco <david@chalco.io>
Co-authored-by: Gaurav-Aggarwal-AWS <33462878+aggarg@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: alfred gedeon <28123637+alfred2g@users.noreply.github.com>
diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c
index f8a49ac..1e8819d 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/port.c
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@



- * Implementation of functions defined in portable.h for the RISC-V RV32 port.

- *----------------------------------------------------------*/

+* Implementation of functions defined in portable.h for the RISC-V port.



 /* Scheduler includes. */

 #include "FreeRTOS.h"

@@ -39,175 +39,203 @@
 #include "string.h"


 #ifdef configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS

-	#warning The configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS constant has been deprecated.  configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS are currently being derived from the (possibly 0) configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS setting.  Please update to define configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS dirctly in place of configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #warning The configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS constant has been deprecated.  configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS are currently being derived from the (possibly 0) configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS setting.  Please update to define configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS dirctly in place of configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS.  See https: /*www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html */



 #ifndef configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS

-	#warning configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  If the target chip includes a memory-mapped mtime register then set configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS to the mapped address.  Otherwise set configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS to 0.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #warning configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  If the target chip includes a memory-mapped mtime register then set configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS to the mapped address.  Otherwise set configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS to 0.  See https: /*www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html */




-	#warning configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  If the target chip includes a memory-mapped mtimecmp register then set configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS to the mapped address.  Otherwise set configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS to 0.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #warning configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  If the target chip includes a memory-mapped mtimecmp register then set configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS to the mapped address.  Otherwise set configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS to 0.  See https: /*www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html */



 /* Let the user override the pre-loading of the initial LR with the address of

-prvTaskExitError() in case it messes up unwinding of the stack in the

-debugger. */

+ * prvTaskExitError() in case it messes up unwinding of the stack in the

+ * debugger. */





-	#define portTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS	prvTaskExitError

+    #define portTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS    prvTaskExitError



 /* The stack used by interrupt service routines.  Set configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS

-to use a statically allocated array as the interrupt stack.  Alternative leave

-configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS undefined and update the linker script so that a

-linker variable names __freertos_irq_stack_top has the same value as the top

-of the stack used by main.  Using the linker script method will repurpose the

-stack that was used by main before the scheduler was started for use as the

-interrupt stack after the scheduler has started. */

+ * to use a statically allocated array as the interrupt stack.  Alternative leave

+ * configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS undefined and update the linker script so that a

+ * linker variable names __freertos_irq_stack_top has the same value as the top

+ * of the stack used by main.  Using the linker script method will repurpose the

+ * stack that was used by main before the scheduler was started for use as the

+ * interrupt stack after the scheduler has started. */

 #ifdef configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS

-	static __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ] = { 0 };

-	const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ] );

+static __attribute__( ( aligned( 16 ) ) ) StackType_t xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ] = { 0 };

+const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) &( xISRStack[ configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS & ~portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ] );


-	/* Don't use 0xa5 as the stack fill bytes as that is used by the kernerl for

-	the task stacks, and so will legitimately appear in many positions within

-	the ISR stack. */

-	#define portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE	0xee

+/* Don't use 0xa5 as the stack fill bytes as that is used by the kernerl for

+ * the task stacks, and so will legitimately appear in many positions within

+ * the ISR stack. */

+    #define portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE    0xee


-	extern const uint32_t __freertos_irq_stack_top[];

-	const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) __freertos_irq_stack_top;

+    extern const uint32_t __freertos_irq_stack_top[];

+    const StackType_t xISRStackTop = ( StackType_t ) __freertos_irq_stack_top;




+ * @brief Used to catch tasks that attempt to return from their implementing

+ * function.

+ */

+static void prvTaskExitError( void );



  * Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.  The implementation in this

  * file is weak to allow application writers to change the timer used to

  * generate the tick interrupt.


-void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void ) __attribute__(( weak ));

+void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void ) __attribute__( ( weak ) );




 /* Used to program the machine timer compare register. */

 uint64_t ullNextTime = 0ULL;

-const uint64_t *pullNextTime = &ullNextTime;

+const uint64_t * pullNextTime = &ullNextTime;

 const size_t uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick = ( size_t ) ( ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ) / ( configTICK_RATE_HZ ) ); /* Assumes increment won't go over 32-bits. */

 uint32_t const ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase = configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS;

 volatile uint64_t * pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = NULL;


+/* Holds the critical nesting value - deliberately non-zero at start up to

+ * ensure interrupts are not accidentally enabled before the scheduler starts. */

+size_t xCriticalNesting = ( size_t ) 0xaaaaaaaa;

+size_t * pxCriticalNesting = &xCriticalNesting;


+/* Used to catch tasks that attempt to return from their implementing function. */

+size_t xTaskReturnAddress = ( size_t ) portTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS;


 /* Set configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW to 3 to add ISR stack checking to task

-stack checking.  A problem in the ISR stack will trigger an assert, not call the

-stack overflow hook function (because the stack overflow hook is specific to a

-task stack, not the ISR stack). */

+ * stack checking.  A problem in the ISR stack will trigger an assert, not call

+ * the stack overflow hook function (because the stack overflow hook is specific

+ * to a task stack, not the ISR stack). */

 #if defined( configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ) && ( configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 )

-	#warning This path not tested, or even compiled yet.

+    #warning This path not tested, or even compiled yet.


-	static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] = {






+    static const uint8_t ucExpectedStackBytes[] =

+    {






+    }; \


-	#define portCHECK_ISR_STACK() configASSERT( ( memcmp( ( void * ) xISRStack, ( void * ) ucExpectedStackBytes, sizeof( ucExpectedStackBytes ) ) == 0 ) )


-	/* Define the function away. */

-	#define portCHECK_ISR_STACK()

+    #define portCHECK_ISR_STACK()    configASSERT( ( memcmp( ( void * ) xISRStack, ( void * ) ucExpectedStackBytes, sizeof( ucExpectedStackBytes ) ) == 0 ) )

+#else  /* if defined( configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ) && ( configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 ) */

+    /* Define the function away. */

+    #define portCHECK_ISR_STACK()

 #endif /* configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW > 2 */




-#if( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 )

+static void prvTaskExitError( void )


+    volatile uint32_t ulDummy = 0UL;


-	void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )

-	{

-	uint32_t ulCurrentTimeHigh, ulCurrentTimeLow;

-	volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeHigh = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 4UL ); /* 8-byte typer so high 32-bit word is 4 bytes up. */

-	volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeLow = ( uint32_t * ) ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS );

-	volatile uint32_t ulHartId;

+    /* A function that implements a task must not exit or attempt to return to

+     * its caller as there is nothing to return to. If a task wants to exit it

+     * should instead call vTaskDelete( NULL ). Artificially force an assert()

+     * to be triggered if configASSERT() is defined, then stop here so

+     * application writers can catch the error. */

+    configASSERT( xCriticalNesting == ~0UL );



-		__asm volatile( "csrr %0, 0xf14" : "=r"( ulHartId ) ); /* 0xf14 is hartid. */

-		pullMachineTimerCompareRegister  = ( volatile uint64_t * ) ( ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase + ( ulHartId * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );

+    while( ulDummy == 0 )

+    {

+        /* This file calls prvTaskExitError() after the scheduler has been

+         * started to remove a compiler warning about the function being

+         * defined but never called.  ulDummy is used purely to quieten other

+         * warnings about code appearing after this function is called - making

+         * ulDummy volatile makes the compiler think the function could return

+         * and therefore not output an 'unreachable code' warning for code that

+         * appears after it. */

+    }




-		do

-		{

-			ulCurrentTimeHigh = *pulTimeHigh;

-			ulCurrentTimeLow = *pulTimeLow;

-		} while( ulCurrentTimeHigh != *pulTimeHigh );

+#if ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 )


-		ullNextTime = ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeHigh;

-		ullNextTime <<= 32ULL; /* High 4-byte word is 32-bits up. */

-		ullNextTime |= ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeLow;

-		ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

-		*pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ullNextTime;

+    void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )

+    {

+        uint32_t ulCurrentTimeHigh, ulCurrentTimeLow;

+        volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeHigh = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 4UL ); /* 8-byte type so high 32-bit word is 4 bytes up. */

+        volatile uint32_t * const pulTimeLow = ( uint32_t * ) ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS );

+        volatile uint32_t ulHartId;


-		/* Prepare the time to use after the next tick interrupt. */

-		ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

-	}

+        __asm volatile ( "csrr %0, 0xf14" : "=r" ( ulHartId ) ); /* 0xf14 is hartid. */


+        pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ( volatile uint64_t * ) ( ullMachineTimerCompareRegisterBase + ( ulHartId * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );


+        do

+        {

+            ulCurrentTimeHigh = *pulTimeHigh;

+            ulCurrentTimeLow = *pulTimeLow;

+        } while( ulCurrentTimeHigh != *pulTimeHigh );


+        ullNextTime = ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeHigh;

+        ullNextTime <<= 32ULL; /* High 4-byte word is 32-bits up. */

+        ullNextTime |= ( uint64_t ) ulCurrentTimeLow;

+        ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

+        *pullMachineTimerCompareRegister = ullNextTime;


+        /* Prepare the time to use after the next tick interrupt. */

+        ullNextTime += ( uint64_t ) uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick;

+    }


 #endif /* ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) */



 BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )


-extern void xPortStartFirstTask( void );

+    extern void xPortStartFirstTask( void );


-	#if( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

-	{

-		volatile uint32_t mtvec = 0;

+    #if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )

+    {

+        /* Check alignment of the interrupt stack - which is the same as the

+         * stack that was being used by main() prior to the scheduler being

+         * started. */

+        configASSERT( ( xISRStackTop & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );


-		/* Check the least significant two bits of mtvec are 00 - indicating

-		single vector mode. */

-		__asm volatile( "csrr %0, 0x305" : "=r"( mtvec ) ); /* 0x305 is mtvec. */

-		configASSERT( ( mtvec & 0x03UL ) == 0 );

+        #ifdef configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS

+        {

+            memset( ( void * ) xISRStack, portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE, sizeof( xISRStack ) );

+        }

+        #endif /* configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS */

+    }

+    #endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */


-		/* Check alignment of the interrupt stack - which is the same as the

-		stack that was being used by main() prior to the scheduler being

-		started. */

-		configASSERT( ( xISRStackTop & portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) == 0 );

+    /* If there is a CLINT then it is ok to use the default implementation

+     * in this file, otherwise vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() must be implemented to

+     * configure whichever clock is to be used to generate the tick interrupt. */

+    vPortSetupTimerInterrupt();


-		#ifdef configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS

-		{

-			memset( ( void * ) xISRStack, portISR_STACK_FILL_BYTE, sizeof( xISRStack ) );

-		}

-		#endif	 /* configISR_STACK_SIZE_WORDS */

-	}

-	#endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */

+    #if ( ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) )

+    {

+        /* Enable mtime and external interrupts.  1<<7 for timer interrupt,

+         * 1<<11 for external interrupt.  _RB_ What happens here when mtime is

+         * not present as with pulpino? */

+        __asm volatile ( "csrs 0x304, %0" ::"r" ( 0x880 ) ); /* 0x304 is mie. */

+    }

+    #endif /* ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) */


-	/* If there is a CLINT then it is ok to use the default implementation

-	in this file, otherwise vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() must be implemented to

-	configure whichever clock is to be used to generate the tick interrupt. */

-	vPortSetupTimerInterrupt();

+    xPortStartFirstTask();


-	#if( ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) )

-	{

-		/* Enable mtime and external interrupts.  1<<7 for timer interrupt, 1<<11

-		for external interrupt.  _RB_ What happens here when mtime is not present as

-		with pulpino? */

-		__asm volatile( "csrs 0x304, %0" :: "r"(0x880) ); /* 0x304 is mie. */

-	}

-	#else

-	{

-		/* Enable external interrupts. */

-		__asm volatile( "csrs 0x304, %0" :: "r"(0x800) ); /* 304 is mie. */

-	}

-	#endif /* ( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) && ( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS != 0 ) */


-	xPortStartFirstTask();


-	/* Should not get here as after calling xPortStartFirstTask() only tasks

-	should be executing. */

-	return pdFAIL;

+    /* Should not get here as after calling xPortStartFirstTask() only tasks

+     * should be executing. */

+    return pdFAIL;




 void vPortEndScheduler( void )


-	/* Not implemented. */

-	for( ;; );

+    /* Not implemented. */

+    for( ; ; )

+    {

+    }








diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portASM.s b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portASM.s
index b529e98..1364644 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portASM.s
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portASM.s
@@ -56,43 +56,27 @@
  * registers.



-#if __riscv_xlen == 64

-	#define portWORD_SIZE 8

-	#define store_x sd

-	#define load_x ld

-#elif __riscv_xlen == 32

-	#define store_x sw

-	#define load_x lw

-	#define portWORD_SIZE 4


-	#error Assembler did not define __riscv_xlen



-#include "freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h"

+#include "portContext.h"


 /* Check the freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h and/or command line

 definitions. */

 #if defined( portasmHAS_CLINT ) && defined( portasmHAS_MTIME )

-	#error The portasmHAS_CLINT constant has been deprecated.  Please replace it with portasmHAS_MTIME.  portasmHAS_CLINT and portasmHAS_MTIME cannot both be defined at once.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #error The portasmHAS_CLINT constant has been deprecated.  Please replace it with portasmHAS_MTIME.  portasmHAS_CLINT and portasmHAS_MTIME cannot both be defined at once.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html



 #ifdef portasmHAS_CLINT

-	#warning The portasmHAS_CLINT constant has been deprecated.  Please replace it with portasmHAS_MTIME and portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT.  For now portasmHAS_MTIME and portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT are derived from portasmHAS_CLINT.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

-	#define portasmHAS_MTIME portasmHAS_CLINT

-	#define portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT portasmHAS_CLINT

+    #warning The portasmHAS_CLINT constant has been deprecated.  Please replace it with portasmHAS_MTIME and portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT.  For now portasmHAS_MTIME and portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT are derived from portasmHAS_CLINT.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #define portasmHAS_MTIME portasmHAS_CLINT

+    #define portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT portasmHAS_CLINT



 #ifndef portasmHAS_MTIME

-	#error freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h must define portasmHAS_MTIME to either 1 (MTIME clock present) or 0 (MTIME clock not present).  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #error freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h must define portasmHAS_MTIME to either 1 (MTIME clock present) or 0 (MTIME clock not present).  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html



-#ifndef portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT

-	#error portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT must be defined to the function to be called to handle external/peripheral interrupts.  portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT can be defined on the assembler command line or in the appropriate freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h header file.  https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html




 #ifndef portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT

-	#define portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT 0

+    #define portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT 0



 /* CSR definitions. */

@@ -101,260 +85,60 @@
 #define CSR_MEPC            0x341

 #define CSR_MCAUSE          0x342



-/* Only the standard core registers are stored by default.  Any additional

-registers must be saved by the portasmSAVE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS and

-portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS macros - which can be defined in a chip

-specific version of freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h.  See the notes

-at the top of this file. */

-#define portCONTEXT_SIZE ( 30 * portWORD_SIZE )


 	PUBLIC xPortStartFirstTask

-	PUBLIC freertos_risc_v_trap_handler

 	PUBLIC pxPortInitialiseStack

-	EXTERN pxCurrentTCB

-	EXTERN ulPortTrapHandler

+	PUBLIC freertos_risc_v_trap_handler

+	PUBLIC freertos_risc_v_exception_handler

+	PUBLIC freertos_risc_v_interrupt_handler

+	PUBLIC freertos_risc_v_mtimer_interrupt_handler


 	EXTERN vTaskSwitchContext

 	EXTERN xTaskIncrementTick

-	EXTERN Timer_IRQHandler

 	EXTERN pullMachineTimerCompareRegister

 	EXTERN pullNextTime

 	EXTERN uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick /* size_t type so 32-bit on 32-bit core and 64-bits on 64-bit core. */



+	EXTERN xTaskReturnAddress


+	PUBWEAK freertos_risc_v_application_exception_handler

+	PUBWEAK freertos_risc_v_application_interrupt_handler







-	addi sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE

-	store_x x1, 1 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	store_x x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )


+    load_x t0, pullMachineTimerCompareRegister  /* Load address of compare register into t0. */

+    load_x t1, pullNextTime                     /* Load the address of ullNextTime into t1. */


-	csrr t0, CSR_MSTATUS					/* Required for MPIE bit. */

-	store_x t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

+    #if( __riscv_xlen == 32 )


-	portasmSAVE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS	/* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to save any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */

+        /* Update the 64-bit mtimer compare match value in two 32-bit writes. */

+        li t4, -1

+        lw t2, 0(t1)                /* Load the low word of ullNextTime into t2. */

+        lw t3, 4(t1)                /* Load the high word of ullNextTime into t3. */

+        sw t4, 0(t0)                /* Low word no smaller than old value to start with - will be overwritten below. */

+        sw t3, 4(t0)                /* Store high word of ullNextTime into compare register.  No smaller than new value. */

+        sw t2, 0(t0)                /* Store low word of ullNextTime into compare register. */

+        lw t0, uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick  /* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */

+        add t4, t0, t2              /* Add the low word of ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick (assumes timer increment for one tick fits in 32-bits). */

+        sltu t5, t4, t2             /* See if the sum of low words overflowed (what about the zero case?). */

+        add t6, t3, t5              /* Add overflow to high word of ullNextTime. */

+        sw t4, 0(t1)                /* Store new low word of ullNextTime. */

+        sw t6, 4(t1)                /* Store new high word of ullNextTime. */


-	load_x  t0, pxCurrentTCB			/* Load pxCurrentTCB. */

-	store_x  sp, 0( t0 )				/* Write sp to first TCB member. */

+    #endif /* __riscv_xlen == 32 */


-	csrr a0, CSR_MCAUSE

-	csrr a1, CSR_MEPC

+    #if( __riscv_xlen == 64 )



-	srli a2, a0, __riscv_xlen - 1		/* MSB of mcause is 1 if handing an asynchronous interrupt - shift to LSB to clear other bits. */

-	beq a2, x0, handle_synchronous		/* Branch past interrupt handing if not asynchronous. */

-	store_x a1, 0( sp )					/* Asynch so save unmodified exception return address. */

+        /* Update the 64-bit mtimer compare match value. */

+        ld t2, 0(t1)                /* Load ullNextTime into t2. */

+        sd t2, 0(t0)                /* Store ullNextTime into compare register. */

+        ld t0, uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick  /* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */

+        add t4, t0, t2              /* Add ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick. */

+        sd t4, 0(t1)                /* Store ullNextTime. */




-#if( portasmHAS_MTIME != 0 )


-	test_if_mtimer:						/* If there is a CLINT then the mtimer is used to generate the tick interrupt. */


-		addi t0, x0, 1


-		slli t0, t0, __riscv_xlen - 1   /* LSB is already set, shift into MSB.  Shift 31 on 32-bit or 63 on 64-bit cores. */

-		addi t1, t0, 7					/* 0x8000[]0007 == machine timer interrupt. */

-		bne a0, t1, test_if_external_interrupt


-		load_x t0, pullMachineTimerCompareRegister  /* Load address of compare register into t0. */

-		load_x t1, pullNextTime  		/* Load the address of ullNextTime into t1. */


-		#if( __riscv_xlen == 32 )


-			/* Update the 64-bit mtimer compare match value in two 32-bit writes. */

-			li t4, -1

-			lw t2, 0(t1)				/* Load the low word of ullNextTime into t2. */

-			lw t3, 4(t1)				/* Load the high word of ullNextTime into t3. */

-			sw t4, 0(t0)				/* Low word no smaller than old value to start with - will be overwritten below. */

-			sw t3, 4(t0)				/* Store high word of ullNextTime into compare register.  No smaller than new value. */

-			sw t2, 0(t0)				/* Store low word of ullNextTime into compare register. */

-			lw t0, uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick	/* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */

-			add t4, t0, t2				/* Add the low word of ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick (assumes timer increment for one tick fits in 32-bits). */

-			sltu t5, t4, t2				/* See if the sum of low words overflowed (what about the zero case?). */

-			add t6, t3, t5				/* Add overflow to high word of ullNextTime. */

-			sw t4, 0(t1)				/* Store new low word of ullNextTime. */

-			sw t6, 4(t1)				/* Store new high word of ullNextTime. */


-		#endif /* __riscv_xlen == 32 */


-		#if( __riscv_xlen == 64 )


-			/* Update the 64-bit mtimer compare match value. */

-			ld t2, 0(t1)			 	/* Load ullNextTime into t2. */

-			sd t2, 0(t0)				/* Store ullNextTime into compare register. */

-			ld t0, uxTimerIncrementsForOneTick  /* Load the value of ullTimerIncrementForOneTick into t0 (could this be optimized by storing in an array next to pullNextTime?). */

-			add t4, t0, t2				/* Add ullNextTime to the timer increments for one tick. */

-			sd t4, 0(t1)				/* Store ullNextTime. */


-		#endif /* __riscv_xlen == 64 */


-		load_x sp, xISRStackTop			/* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */

-		jal xTaskIncrementTick

-		beqz a0, processed_source		/* Don't switch context if incrementing tick didn't unblock a task. */

-		jal vTaskSwitchContext

-		j processed_source


-	test_if_external_interrupt:			/* If there is a CLINT and the mtimer interrupt is not pending then check to see if an external interrupt is pending. */

-		addi t1, t1, 4					/* 0x80000007 + 4 = 0x8000000b == Machine external interrupt. */

-		bne a0, t1, as_yet_unhandled	/* Something as yet unhandled. */


-#endif /* portasmHAS_MTIME */


-	load_x sp, xISRStackTop				/* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */

-	jal portasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT			/* Jump to the interrupt handler if there is no CLINT or if there is a CLINT and it has been determined that an external interrupt is pending. */

-	j processed_source



-	addi a1, a1, 4						/* Synchronous so updated exception return address to the instruction after the instruction that generated the exeption. */

-	store_x a1, 0( sp )					/* Save updated exception return address. */



-	li t0, 11 							/* 11 == environment call. */

-	bne a0, t0, is_exception			/* Not an M environment call, so some other exception. */

-	load_x sp, xISRStackTop				/* Switch to ISR stack before function call. */

-	jal vTaskSwitchContext

-	j processed_source



-	csrr t0, CSR_MCAUSE					/* For viewing in the debugger only. */

-	csrr t1, CSR_MEPC					/* For viewing in the debugger only */

-	csrr t2, CSR_MSTATUS

-	j is_exception						/* No other exceptions handled yet. */



-	csrr t0, mcause						/* For viewing in the debugger only. */

-	j as_yet_unhandled



-	load_x  t1, pxCurrentTCB			/* Load pxCurrentTCB. */

-	load_x  sp, 0( t1 )				 	/* Read sp from first TCB member. */


-	/* Load mret with the address of the next instruction in the task to run next. */

-	load_x t0, 0( sp )

-	csrw CSR_MEPC, t0


-	portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS	/* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to restore any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */


-	/* Load mstatus with the interrupt enable bits used by the task. */

-	load_x  t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	csrw CSR_MSTATUS, t0						/* Required for MPIE bit. */


-	load_x  x1, 1 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )

-	load_x  x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* t0 */

-	load_x  x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* t1 */

-	load_x  x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* t2 */

-	load_x  x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* s0/fp */

-	load_x  x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* s1 */

-	load_x  x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a0 */

-	load_x  x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a1 */

-	load_x  x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a2 */

-	load_x  x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a3 */

-	load_x  x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a4 */

-	load_x  x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a5 */

-	load_x  x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a6 */

-	load_x  x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a7 */

-	load_x  x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s2 */

-	load_x  x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s3 */

-	load_x  x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s4 */

-	load_x  x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s5 */

-	load_x  x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s6 */

-	load_x  x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s7 */

-	load_x  x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s8 */

-	load_x  x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s9 */

-	load_x  x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s10 */

-	load_x  x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s11 */

-	load_x  x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t3 */

-	load_x  x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t4 */

-	load_x  x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t5 */

-	load_x  x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t6 */

-	addi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE


-	mret






-#if( portasmHAS_SIFIVE_CLINT != 0 )

-	/* If there is a clint then interrupts can branch directly to the FreeRTOS

-	trap handler.  Otherwise the interrupt controller will need to be configured

-	outside of this file. */

-	la t0, freertos_risc_v_trap_handler

-	csrw CSR_MTVEC, t0

-#endif /* portasmHAS_CLILNT */


-	load_x  sp, pxCurrentTCB			/* Load pxCurrentTCB. */

-	load_x  sp, 0( sp )				 	/* Read sp from first TCB member. */


-	load_x  x1, 0( sp ) /* Note for starting the scheduler the exception return address is used as the function return address. */


-	portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS	/* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to restore any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */


-	load_x  x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* t1 */

-	load_x  x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* t2 */

-	load_x  x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* s0/fp */

-	load_x  x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* s1 */

-	load_x  x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a0 */

-	load_x  x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a1 */

-	load_x  x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a2 */

-	load_x  x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a3 */

-	load_x  x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a4 */

-	load_x  x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a5 */

-	load_x  x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a6 */

-	load_x  x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* a7 */

-	load_x  x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s2 */

-	load_x  x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s3 */

-	load_x  x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s4 */

-	load_x  x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s5 */

-	load_x  x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s6 */

-	load_x  x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s7 */

-	load_x  x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s8 */

-	load_x  x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s9 */

-	load_x  x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s10 */

-	load_x  x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* s11 */

-	load_x  x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t3 */

-	load_x  x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t4 */

-	load_x  x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t5 */

-	load_x  x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* t6 */


-	load_x  x5, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )	/* Initial mstatus into x5 (t0) */

-	addi x5, x5, 0x08						/* Set MIE bit so the first task starts with interrupts enabled - required as returns with ret not eret. */

-	csrrw  x0, CSR_MSTATUS, x5					/* Interrupts enabled from here! */

-	load_x  x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )		/* Initial x5 (t0) value. */

-	addi	sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE

-	ret


+    #endif /* __riscv_xlen == 64 */





@@ -369,25 +153,26 @@
  * RISC-V maps registers to ABI names as follows (X1 to X31 integer registers

  * for the 'I' profile, X1 to X15 for the 'E' profile, currently I assumed).


- * Register		ABI Name	Description						Saver

- * x0			zero		Hard-wired zero					-

- * x1			ra			Return address					Caller

- * x2			sp			Stack pointer					Callee

- * x3			gp			Global pointer					-

- * x4			tp			Thread pointer					-

- * x5-7			t0-2		Temporaries						Caller

- * x8			s0/fp		Saved register/Frame pointer	Callee

- * x9			s1			Saved register					Callee

- * x10-11		a0-1		Function Arguments/return values Caller

- * x12-17		a2-7		Function arguments				Caller

- * x18-27		s2-11		Saved registers					Callee

- * x28-31		t3-6		Temporaries						Caller

+ * Register      ABI Name    Description                       Saver

+ * x0            zero        Hard-wired zero                   -

+ * x1            ra          Return address                    Caller

+ * x2            sp          Stack pointer                     Callee

+ * x3            gp          Global pointer                    -

+ * x4            tp          Thread pointer                    -

+ * x5-7          t0-2        Temporaries                       Caller

+ * x8            s0/fp       Saved register/Frame pointer      Callee

+ * x9            s1          Saved register                    Callee

+ * x10-11        a0-1        Function Arguments/return values  Caller

+ * x12-17        a2-7        Function arguments                Caller

+ * x18-27        s2-11       Saved registers                   Callee

+ * x28-31        t3-6        Temporaries                       Caller


  * The RISC-V context is saved t FreeRTOS tasks in the following stack frame,

  * where the global and thread pointers are currently assumed to be constant so

  * are not saved:


  * mstatus

+ * xCriticalNesting

  * x31

  * x30

  * x29

@@ -420,29 +205,189 @@
  * pxCode



+    csrr t0, CSR_MSTATUS					/* Obtain current mstatus value. */

+    andi t0, t0, ~0x8                   /* Ensure interrupts are disabled when the stack is restored within an ISR.  Required when a task is created after the schedulre has been started, otherwise interrupts would be disabled anyway. */

+    addi t1, x0, 0x188                  /* Generate the value 0x1880, which are the MPIE and MPP bits to set in mstatus. */

+    slli t1, t1, 4

+    or t0, t0, t1                       /* Set MPIE and MPP bits in mstatus value. */


-	csrr t0, CSR_MSTATUS					/* Obtain current mstatus value. */

-	andi t0, t0, ~0x8					/* Ensure interrupts are disabled when the stack is restored within an ISR.  Required when a task is created after the schedulre has been started, otherwise interrupts would be disabled anyway. */

-	addi t1, x0, 0x188					/* Generate the value 0x1880, which are the MPIE and MPP bits to set in mstatus. */

-	slli t1, t1, 4

-	or t0, t0, t1						/* Set MPIE and MPP bits in mstatus value. */


-	addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE

-	store_x t0, 0(a0)					/* mstatus onto the stack. */

-	addi a0, a0, -(22 * portWORD_SIZE)	/* Space for registers x11-x31. */

-	store_x a2, 0(a0)					/* Task parameters (pvParameters parameter) goes into register X10/a0 on the stack. */

-	addi a0, a0, -(6 * portWORD_SIZE)	/* Space for registers x5-x9. */

-	store_x x0, 0(a0)					/* Return address onto the stack, could be portTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS */

-	addi t0, x0, portasmADDITIONAL_CONTEXT_SIZE /* The number of chip specific additional registers. */

-chip_specific_stack_frame:				/* First add any chip specific registers to the stack frame being created. */

-	beq t0, x0, no_more_regs			/* No more chip specific registers to save. */

-	addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE			/* Make space for chip specific register. */

-	store_x x0, 0(a0)					/* Give the chip specific register an initial value of zero. */

-	addi t0, t0, -1						/* Decrement the count of chip specific registers remaining. */

-	j chip_specific_stack_frame			/* Until no more chip specific registers. */

+    addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE

+    store_x t0, 0(a0)                   /* mstatus onto the stack. */

+    addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE         /* Space for critical nesting count. */

+    store_x x0, 0(a0)                   /* Critical nesting count starts at 0 for every task. */

+    addi a0, a0, -(22 * portWORD_SIZE)  /* Space for registers x11-x31. */

+    store_x a2, 0(a0)                   /* Task parameters (pvParameters parameter) goes into register X10/a0 on the stack. */

+    addi a0, a0, -(6 * portWORD_SIZE)   /* Space for registers x5-x9. */

+    load_x t0, xTaskReturnAddress

+    store_x t0, 0(a0)                   /* Return address onto the stack. */

+    addi t0, x0, portasmADDITIONAL_CONTEXT_SIZE /* The number of chip specific additional registers. */

+chip_specific_stack_frame:              /* First add any chip specific registers to the stack frame being created. */

+    beq t0, x0, no_more_regs			/* No more chip specific registers to save. */

+    addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE         /* Make space for chip specific register. */

+    store_x x0, 0(a0)                   /* Give the chip specific register an initial value of zero. */

+    addi t0, t0, -1                     /* Decrement the count of chip specific registers remaining. */

+    j chip_specific_stack_frame         /* Until no more chip specific registers. */


-	addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE

-	store_x a1, 0(a0)					/* mret value (pxCode parameter) onto the stack. */

-	ret

+    addi a0, a0, -portWORD_SIZE

+    store_x a1, 0(a0)                   /* mret value (pxCode parameter) onto the stack. */

+    ret




+    load_x  sp, pxCurrentTCB            /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */

+    load_x  sp, 0( sp )                 /* Read sp from first TCB member. */


+    load_x  x1, 0( sp ) /* Note for starting the scheduler the exception return address is used as the function return address. */


+    portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS /* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to restore any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */


+    load_x  x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )     /* t2 */

+    load_x  x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )     /* s0/fp */

+    load_x  x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )     /* s1 */

+    load_x  x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )    /* a0 */

+    load_x  x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )    /* a1 */

+    load_x  x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )    /* a2 */

+    load_x  x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* a3 */

+    load_x  x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* a4 */

+    load_x  x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* a5 */

+    load_x  x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* a6 */

+    load_x  x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* a7 */

+    load_x  x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s2 */

+    load_x  x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s3 */

+    load_x  x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s4 */

+    load_x  x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s5 */

+    load_x  x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s6 */

+    load_x  x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s7 */

+    load_x  x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s8 */

+    load_x  x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s9 */

+    load_x  x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s10 */

+    load_x  x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* s11 */

+    load_x  x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* t3 */

+    load_x  x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* t4 */

+    load_x  x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* t5 */

+    load_x  x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )   /* t6 */


+    load_x  x5, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )    /* Obtain xCriticalNesting value for this task from task's stack. */

+    load_x  x6, pxCriticalNesting           /* Load the address of xCriticalNesting into x6. */

+    store_x x5, 0( x6 )                     /* Restore the critical nesting value for this task. */


+    load_x  x5, 30 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )    /* Initial mstatus into x5 (t0). */

+    addi    x5, x5, 0x08                    /* Set MIE bit so the first task starts with interrupts enabled - required as returns with ret not eret. */

+    csrrw   x0, CSR_MSTATUS, x5             /* Interrupts enabled from here! */


+    load_x  x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )     /* Initial x5 (t0) value. */

+    load_x  x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )     /* Initial x6 (t1) value. */


+    addi    sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE

+    ret




+    csrr t0, CSR_MCAUSE     /* For viewing in the debugger only. */

+    csrr t1, CSR_MEPC        /* For viewing in the debugger only */

+    csrr t2, CSR_MSTATUS     /* For viewing in the debugger only */

+    j $




+    csrr t0, CSR_MCAUSE     /* For viewing in the debugger only. */

+    csrr t1, CSR_MEPC        /* For viewing in the debugger only */

+    csrr t2, CSR_MSTATUS     /* For viewing in the debugger only */

+    j $



+    SECTION `.text.freertos_risc_v_exception_handler`:CODE:NOROOT(2)

+    CODE




+    /* a0 now contains mcause. */

+    li t0, 11                           /* 11 == environment call. */

+    bne a0, t0, other_exception         /* Not an M environment call, so some other exception. */

+    call vTaskSwitchContext

+    portcontextRESTORE_CONTEXT



+    call freertos_risc_v_application_exception_handler

+    portcontextRESTORE_CONTEXT



+    SECTION `.text.freertos_risc_v_interrupt_handler`:CODE:NOROOT(2)

+    CODE




+    call freertos_risc_v_application_interrupt_handler

+    portcontextRESTORE_CONTEXT



+    SECTION `.text.freertos_risc_v_mtimer_interrupt_handler`:CODE:NOROOT(2)

+    CODE





+    call xTaskIncrementTick

+    beqz a0, exit_without_context_switch    /* Don't switch context if incrementing tick didn't unblock a task. */

+    call vTaskSwitchContext


+    portcontextRESTORE_CONTEXT



+    SECTION `.text.freertos_risc_v_trap_handler`:CODE:NOROOT(8)

+    CODE





+    csrr a0, CSR_MCAUSE

+    csrr a1, CSR_MEPC


+    bge a0, x0, synchronous_exception



+    store_x a1, 0( sp )                 /* Asynchronous interrupt so save unmodified exception return address. */

+    load_x sp, xISRStackTop             /* Switch to ISR stack. */

+    j handle_interrupt



+    addi a1, a1, 4                      /* Synchronous so update exception return address to the instruction after the instruction that generated the exeption. */

+    store_x a1, 0( sp )                 /* Save updated exception return address. */

+    load_x sp, xISRStackTop             /* Switch to ISR stack. */

+    j handle_exception



+#if( portasmHAS_MTIME != 0 )


+    test_if_mtimer:                     /* If there is a CLINT then the mtimer is used to generate the tick interrupt. */

+        addi t0, x0, 1

+        slli t0, t0, __riscv_xlen - 1   /* LSB is already set, shift into MSB.  Shift 31 on 32-bit or 63 on 64-bit cores. */

+        addi t1, t0, 7                  /* 0x8000[]0007 == machine timer interrupt. */

+        bne a0, t1, application_interrupt_handler



+        call xTaskIncrementTick

+        beqz a0, processed_source       /* Don't switch context if incrementing tick didn't unblock a task. */

+        call vTaskSwitchContext

+        j processed_source


+#endif /* portasmHAS_MTIME */



+    call freertos_risc_v_application_interrupt_handler

+    j processed_source



+    /* a0 contains mcause. */

+    li t0, 11                                   /* 11 == environment call. */

+    bne a0, t0, application_exception_handler   /* Not an M environment call, so some other exception. */

+    call vTaskSwitchContext

+    j processed_source



+    call freertos_risc_v_application_exception_handler

+    j processed_source                  /* No other exceptions handled yet. */



+    portcontextRESTORE_CONTEXT


diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portContext.h b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portContext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b883c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portContext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+ * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+ * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+ * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+ * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * https://www.FreeRTOS.org
+ * https://github.com/FreeRTOS
+ *
+ */
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+    #define portWORD_SIZE 8
+    #define store_x sd
+    #define load_x ld
+#elif __riscv_xlen == 32
+    #define store_x sw
+    #define load_x lw
+    #define portWORD_SIZE 4
+    #error Assembler did not define __riscv_xlen
+#include "freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h"
+/* Only the standard core registers are stored by default.  Any additional
+ * registers must be saved by the portasmSAVE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS and
+ * portasmRESTORE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS macros - which can be defined in a chip
+ * specific version of freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h.  See the
+ * notes at the top of portASM.S file. */
+#define portCONTEXT_SIZE ( 31 * portWORD_SIZE )
+  EXTERN pxCurrentTCB
+  EXTERN xISRStackTop
+  EXTERN xCriticalNesting
+  EXTERN pxCriticalNesting
+    addi sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE
+    store_x x1, 1 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    store_x x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  t0, xCriticalNesting         /* Load the value of xCriticalNesting into t0. */
+    store_x t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp ) /* Store the critical nesting value to the stack. */
+    csrr t0, mstatus                     /* Required for MPIE bit. */
+    store_x t0, 30 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    portasmSAVE_ADDITIONAL_REGISTERS     /* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to save any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */
+    load_x  t0, pxCurrentTCB             /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
+    store_x  sp, 0( t0 )                 /* Write sp to first TCB member. */
+    ENDM
+    csrr a0, mcause
+    csrr a1, mepc
+    addi a1, a1, 4                      /* Synchronous so update exception return address to the instruction after the instruction that generated the exception. */
+    store_x a1, 0( sp )                 /* Save updated exception return address. */
+    load_x sp, xISRStackTop             /* Switch to ISR stack. */
+    ENDM
+    csrr a0, mcause
+    csrr a1, mepc
+    store_x a1, 0( sp )                 /* Asynchronous interrupt so save unmodified exception return address. */
+    load_x sp, xISRStackTop             /* Switch to ISR stack. */
+    ENDM
+    load_x  t1, pxCurrentTCB                /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */
+        load_x  sp, 0( t1 )                 /* Read sp from first TCB member. */
+    /* Load mepc with the address of the instruction in the task to run next. */
+    load_x t0, 0( sp )
+    csrw mepc, t0
+    /* Defined in freertos_risc_v_chip_specific_extensions.h to restore any registers unique to the RISC-V implementation. */
+    /* Load mstatus with the interrupt enable bits used by the task. */
+    load_x  t0, 30 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    csrw mstatus, t0                        /* Required for MPIE bit. */
+    load_x  t0, 29 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )    /* Obtain xCriticalNesting value for this task from task's stack. */
+    load_x  t1, pxCriticalNesting           /* Load the address of xCriticalNesting into t1. */
+    store_x t0, 0( t1 )                     /* Restore the critical nesting value for this task. */
+    load_x  x1, 1 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x5, 2 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x6, 3 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x7, 4 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x8, 5 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x9, 6 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x10, 7 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x11, 8 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x12, 9 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x13, 10 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x14, 11 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x15, 12 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x16, 13 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x17, 14 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x18, 15 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x19, 16 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x20, 17 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x21, 18 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x22, 19 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x23, 20 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x24, 21 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x25, 22 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x26, 23 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x27, 24 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x28, 25 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x29, 26 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x30, 27 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    load_x  x31, 28 * portWORD_SIZE( sp )
+    addi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE
+    mret
+    ENDM
+#endif /* PORTCONTEXT_H */
diff --git a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h
index aac3090..50e03e2 100644
--- a/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h
+++ b/portable/IAR/RISC-V/portmacro.h
@@ -48,50 +48,43 @@

 /* Type definitions. */

 #if __riscv_xlen == 64

-	#define portSTACK_TYPE			uint64_t

-	#define portBASE_TYPE			int64_t

-	#define portUBASE_TYPE			uint64_t

-	#define portMAX_DELAY 			( TickType_t ) 0xffffffffffffffffUL

-	#define portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE 	uint64_t

+    #define portSTACK_TYPE          uint64_t

+    #define portBASE_TYPE           int64_t

+    #define portUBASE_TYPE          uint64_t

+    #define portMAX_DELAY           ( TickType_t ) 0xffffffffffffffffUL

+    #define portPOINTER_SIZE_TYPE   uint64_t

 #elif __riscv_xlen == 32

-	#define portSTACK_TYPE	uint32_t

-	#define portBASE_TYPE	int32_t

-	#define portUBASE_TYPE	uint32_t

-	#define portMAX_DELAY ( TickType_t ) 0xffffffffUL

+    #define portSTACK_TYPE          uint32_t

+    #define portBASE_TYPE           int32_t

+    #define portUBASE_TYPE          uint32_t

+    #define portMAX_DELAY           ( TickType_t ) 0xffffffffUL


-	#error Assembler did not define __riscv_xlen

+    #error Assembler did not define __riscv_xlen




 typedef portSTACK_TYPE StackType_t;

 typedef portBASE_TYPE BaseType_t;

 typedef portUBASE_TYPE UBaseType_t;

 typedef portUBASE_TYPE TickType_t;


 /* Legacy type definitions. */

-#define portCHAR		char

-#define portFLOAT		float

-#define portDOUBLE		double

-#define portLONG		long

-#define portSHORT		short

+#define portCHAR            char

+#define portFLOAT           float

+#define portDOUBLE          double

+#define portLONG            long

+#define portSHORT           short


 /* 32-bit tick type on a 32-bit architecture, so reads of the tick count do

-not need to be guarded with a critical section. */

+ * not need to be guarded with a critical section. */

 #define portTICK_TYPE_IS_ATOMIC 1



 /* Architecture specifics. */

-#define portSTACK_GROWTH			( -1 )

-#define portTICK_PERIOD_MS			( ( TickType_t ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )

-#ifdef __riscv64

-	#error This is the RV32 port that has not yet been adapted for 64.

-	#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT			16


-	#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT 			16


+#define portSTACK_GROWTH            ( -1 )

+#define portTICK_PERIOD_MS          ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )

+#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT          16




 /* Scheduler utilities. */

 extern void vTaskSwitchContext( void );

 #define portYIELD() __asm volatile( "ecall" );

@@ -99,18 +92,30 @@
 #define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( x ) portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( x )




 /* Critical section management. */

-#define portCRITICAL_NESTING_IN_TCB					1

-extern void vTaskEnterCritical( void );

-extern void vTaskExitCritical( void );

+#define portCRITICAL_NESTING_IN_TCB                             0



+#define portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR()                       0

 #define portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR( uxSavedStatusValue ) ( void ) uxSavedStatusValue


 #define portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS()	__disable_interrupt()

 #define portENABLE_INTERRUPTS()		__enable_interrupt()

-#define portENTER_CRITICAL()	vTaskEnterCritical()

-#define portEXIT_CRITICAL()		vTaskExitCritical()


+extern size_t xCriticalNesting;

+#define portENTER_CRITICAL()            \

+{                                       \

+    portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();           \

+    xCriticalNesting++;                 \



+#define portEXIT_CRITICAL()             \

+{                                       \

+    xCriticalNesting--;                 \

+    if( xCriticalNesting == 0 )         \

+    {                                   \

+        portENABLE_INTERRUPTS();        \

+    }                                   \





@@ -124,55 +129,51 @@



-/* Task function macros as described on the FreeRTOS.org WEB site.  These are

-not necessary for to use this port.  They are defined so the common demo files

-(which build with all the ports) will build. */

+/* Task function macros as described on the FreeRTOS.org WEB site. These are

+ * not necessary for to use this port.  They are defined so the common demo

+ * files (which build with all the ports) will build. */

 #define portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )

 #define portTASK_FUNCTION( vFunction, pvParameters ) void vFunction( void *pvParameters )




-#define portNOP() __asm volatile 	( " nop " )


-#define portINLINE	__inline

+#define portNOP()    __asm volatile( " nop " )

+#define portINLINE   __inline


 #ifndef portFORCE_INLINE

-	#define portFORCE_INLINE inline __attribute__(( always_inline))

+    #define portFORCE_INLINE inline __attribute__(( always_inline))



 #define portMEMORY_BARRIER() __asm volatile( "" ::: "memory" )




 /* Suppress warnings that are generated by the IAR tools, but cannot be fixed in

-the source code because to do so would cause other compilers to generate

-warnings. */

+ * the source code because to do so would cause other compilers to generate

+ * warnings. */

 #pragma diag_suppress=Pa082


 /* configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS is a legacy definition that was replaced by the

-configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS definitions.  For

-backward compatibility derive the newer definitions from the old if the old

-definition is found. */

+ * configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS definitions.  For

+ * backward compatibility derive the newer definitions from the old if the old

+ * definition is found. */

 #if defined( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS ) && !defined( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS ) && ( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS == 0 )

-	/* Legacy case where configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS was defined as 0 to indicate

-	there was no CLINT.  Equivalent now is to set the MTIME and MTIMECMP

-	addresses to 0. */

-	#define configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS 	( 0 )

-	#define configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS ( 0 )

+    /* Legacy case where configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS was defined as 0 to indicate

+     * there was no CLINT.  Equivalent now is to set the MTIME and MTIMECMP

+     * addresses to 0. */

+    #define configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS     ( 0 )

+    #define configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS ( 0 )

 #elif defined( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS ) && !defined( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS )

-	/* Legacy case where configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS was set to the base address of

-	the CLINT.  Equivalent now is to derive the MTIME and MTIMECMP addresses

-	from the CLINT address. */

-	#define configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS 	( ( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 0xBFF8UL )

-	#define configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS ( ( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 0x4000UL )

+    /* Legacy case where configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS was set to the base address of

+     * the CLINT.  Equivalent now is to derive the MTIME and MTIMECMP addresses

+     * from the CLINT address. */

+    #define configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS     ( ( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 0xBFF8UL )

+    #define configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS ( ( configCLINT_BASE_ADDRESS ) + 0x4000UL )

 #elif !defined( configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS ) || !defined( configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS )

-	#error configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  Set them to zero if there is no MTIME (machine time) clock.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html

+    #error configMTIME_BASE_ADDRESS and configMTIMECMP_BASE_ADDRESS must be defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  Set them to zero if there is no MTIME (machine time) clock.  See https://www.FreeRTOS.org/Using-FreeRTOS-on-RISC-V.html





 #ifdef __cplusplus




 #endif /* PORTMACRO_H */
