blob: 972e1a1056623da94ea42632744a5750b40c3ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
var _templates_pg =
[ "Template Files", "_templates_pg.html#template_files_sec", null ],
[ "Adaption of Template Files to Devices", "_templates_pg.html#adapt_template_files_sec", null ],
[ "Startup File startup_<device>.s", "startup_s_pg.html", [
[ "startup_Device.s Template File", "startup_s_pg.html#startup_s_sec", null ]
] ],
[ "System Configuration Files system_<device>.c and system_<device>.h", "system_c_pg.html", [
[ "system_Device.c Template File", "system_c_pg.html#system_Device_sec", null ],
[ "system_Device.h Template File", "system_c_pg.html#system_Device_h_sec", null ]
] ],
[ "Device Header File <device.h>", "device_h_pg.html", [
[ "Interrupt Number Definition", "device_h_pg.html#interrupt_number_sec", null ],
[ "Configuration of the Processor and Core Peripherals", "device_h_pg.html#core_config_sect", null ],
[ "CMSIS Version and Processor Information", "device_h_pg.html#core_version_sect", null ],
[ "Device Peripheral Access Layer", "device_h_pg.html#device_access", null ],
[ "Device.h Template File", "device_h_pg.html#device_h_sec", null ]
] ]