| /** |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s_ex.c |
| * @author MCD Application Team |
| * @brief I2S HAL module driver. |
| * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following |
| * functionalities of I2S extension peripheral: |
| * + Extension features Functions |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| ============================================================================== |
| ##### I2S Extension features ##### |
| ============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| (#) In I2S full duplex mode, each SPI peripheral is able to manage sending and receiving |
| data simultaneously using two data lines. Each SPI peripheral has an extended block |
| called I2Sxext (i.e I2S2ext for SPI2 and I2S3ext for SPI3). |
| (#) The extension block is not a full SPI IP, it is used only as I2S slave to |
| implement full duplex mode. The extension block uses the same clock sources |
| as its master. |
| |
| (#) Both I2Sx and I2Sx_ext can be configured as transmitters or receivers. |
| |
| [..] |
| (@) Only I2Sx can deliver SCK and WS to I2Sx_ext in full duplex mode, where |
| I2Sx can be I2S2 or I2S3. |
| |
| ##### How to use this driver ##### |
| =============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| Three operation modes are available within this driver : |
| |
| *** Polling mode IO operation *** |
| ================================= |
| [..] |
| (+) Send and receive in the same time an amount of data in blocking mode using HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive() |
| |
| *** Interrupt mode IO operation *** |
| =================================== |
| [..] |
| (+) Send and receive in the same time an amount of data in non blocking mode using HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_IT() |
| (+) At transmission/reception end of transfer HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback is executed and user can |
| add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback |
| (+) In case of transfer Error, HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback() function is executed and user can |
| add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback |
| |
| *** DMA mode IO operation *** |
| ============================== |
| [..] |
| (+) Send and receive an amount of data in non blocking mode (DMA) using HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA() |
| (+) At transmission/reception end of transfer HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback is executed and user can |
| add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_I2S_TxRxCpltCallback |
| (+) In case of transfer Error, HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback() function is executed and user can |
| add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback |
| (+) __HAL_I2SEXT_FLUSH_RX_DR: In Full-Duplex Slave mode, if HAL_I2S_DMAStop is used to stop the |
| communication, an error HAL_I2S_ERROR_BUSY_LINE_RX is raised as the master continue to transmit data. |
| In this case __HAL_I2SEXT_FLUSH_RX_DR macro must be used to flush the remaining data |
| inside I2Sx and I2Sx_ext DR registers and avoid using DeInit/Init process for the next transfer. |
| @endverbatim |
| |
| Additional Figure: The Extended block uses the same clock sources as its master. |
| |
| +-----------------------+ |
| I2Sx_SCK | | |
| ----------+-->| I2Sx |------------------->I2Sx_SD(in/out) |
| +--|-->| | |
| | | +-----------------------+ |
| | | |
| I2S_WS | | |
| ------>| | |
| | | +-----------------------+ |
| | +-->| | |
| | | I2Sx_ext |------------------->I2Sx_extSD(in/out) |
| +----->| | |
| +-----------------------+ |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * @attention |
| * |
| * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. |
| * All rights reserved.</center></h2> |
| * |
| * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, |
| * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the |
| * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: |
| * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause |
| * |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| */ |
| |
| /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| #include "stm32f4xx_hal.h" |
| |
| /** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| |
| /** @defgroup I2SEx I2SEx |
| * @brief I2S Extended HAL module driver |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| #if defined (SPI_I2S_FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT) |
| |
| /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @defgroup I2SEx_Private_Typedef I2S Extended Private Typedef |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| typedef enum |
| { |
| I2S_USE_I2S = 0x00U, /*!< I2Sx should be used */ |
| I2S_USE_I2SEXT = 0x01U, /*!< I2Sx_ext should be used */ |
| } I2S_UseTypeDef; |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ |
| /** @defgroup I2SEx_Private_Functions I2S Extended Private Functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_TxRxDMAHalfCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); |
| static void I2SEx_TxRxDMACplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); |
| static void I2SEx_TxRxDMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); |
| static void I2SEx_RxISR_I2S(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s); |
| static void I2SEx_RxISR_I2SExt(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s); |
| static void I2SEx_TxISR_I2S(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s); |
| static void I2SEx_TxISR_I2SExt(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s); |
| static HAL_StatusTypeDef I2SEx_FullDuplexWaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, |
| uint32_t Flag, |
| uint32_t State, |
| uint32_t Timeout, |
| I2S_UseTypeDef i2sUsed); |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /** @addtogroup I2SEx I2SEx |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @addtogroup I2SEx_Exported_Functions I2S Extended Exported Functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** @defgroup I2SEx_Exported_Functions_Group1 I2S Extended IO operation functions |
| * @brief I2SEx IO operation functions |
| * |
| @verbatim |
| =============================================================================== |
| ##### IO operation functions##### |
| =============================================================================== |
| [..] |
| This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the I2S data |
| transfers. |
| |
| (#) There are two modes of transfer: |
| (++) Blocking mode : The communication is performed in the polling mode. |
| The status of all data processing is returned by the same function |
| after finishing transfer. |
| (++) No-Blocking mode : The communication is performed using Interrupts |
| or DMA. These functions return the status of the transfer startup. |
| The end of the data processing will be indicated through the |
| dedicated I2S IRQ when using Interrupt mode or the DMA IRQ when |
| using DMA mode. |
| |
| (#) Blocking mode functions are : |
| (++) HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive() |
| |
| (#) No-Blocking mode functions with Interrupt are : |
| (++) HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_IT() |
| (++) HAL_I2SEx_FullDuplex_IRQHandler() |
| |
| (#) No-Blocking mode functions with DMA are : |
| (++) HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA() |
| |
| (#) A set of Transfer Complete Callback are provided in non Blocking mode: |
| (++) HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback() |
| @endverbatim |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| /** |
| * @brief Full-Duplex Transmit/Receive data in blocking mode. |
| * @param hi2s pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for I2S module |
| * @param pTxData a 16-bit pointer to the Transmit data buffer. |
| * @param pRxData a 16-bit pointer to the Receive data buffer. |
| * @param Size number of data sample to be sent: |
| * @note When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is selected during the I2S |
| * configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length |
| * in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected |
| * the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length. |
| * @param Timeout Timeout duration |
| * @note The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization |
| * between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming). |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, |
| uint16_t *pTxData, |
| uint16_t *pRxData, |
| uint16_t Size, |
| uint32_t Timeout) |
| { |
| uint32_t tmp1 = 0U; |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK; |
| |
| if (hi2s->State != HAL_I2S_STATE_READY) |
| { |
| errorcode = HAL_BUSY; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| |
| if ((pTxData == NULL) || (pRxData == NULL) || (Size == 0U)) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Process Locked */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hi2s); |
| |
| tmp1 = hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & (SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN | SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN); |
| /* Check the Data format: When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended |
| is selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number |
| of 16-bit data length in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data |
| frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length. */ |
| if ((tmp1 == I2S_DATAFORMAT_24B) || (tmp1 == I2S_DATAFORMAT_32B)) |
| { |
| hi2s->TxXferSize = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->RxXferSize = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = (Size << 1U); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| hi2s->TxXferSize = Size; |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = Size; |
| hi2s->RxXferSize = Size; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = Size; |
| } |
| |
| /* Set state and reset error code */ |
| hi2s->ErrorCode = HAL_I2S_ERROR_NONE; |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX; |
| |
| tmp1 = hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG; |
| /* Check if the I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX Mode is selected */ |
| if ((tmp1 == I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX) || (tmp1 == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX)) |
| { |
| /* Prepare the First Data before enabling the I2S */ |
| hi2s->Instance->DR = (*pTxData++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| /* Enable I2Sext(receiver) before enabling I2Sx peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2SEXT_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Enable I2Sx peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Check if Master Receiver mode is selected */ |
| if ((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG) == I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX) |
| { |
| /* Clear the Overrun Flag by a read operation on the SPI_DR register followed by a read |
| access to the SPI_SR register. */ |
| } |
| |
| while ((hi2s->RxXferCount > 0U) || (hi2s->TxXferCount > 0U)) |
| { |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount > 0U) |
| { |
| /* Wait until TXE flag is set */ |
| if (I2SEx_FullDuplexWaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_TXE, SET, Timeout, I2S_USE_I2S) != HAL_OK) |
| { |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_TIMEOUT); |
| errorcode = HAL_ERROR; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| /* Write Data on DR register */ |
| hi2s->Instance->DR = (*pTxData++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| /* Check if an underrun occurs */ |
| if ((__HAL_I2S_GET_FLAG(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_UDR) == SET) && (tmp1 == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX)) |
| { |
| /* Clear Underrun flag */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_UDRFLAG(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_UDR); |
| } |
| } |
| if (hi2s->RxXferCount > 0U) |
| { |
| /* Wait until RXNE flag is set */ |
| if (I2SEx_FullDuplexWaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_RXNE, SET, Timeout, I2S_USE_I2SEXT) != HAL_OK) |
| { |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_TIMEOUT); |
| errorcode = HAL_ERROR; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| /* Read Data from DR register */ |
| (*pRxData++) = I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount--; |
| |
| /* Check if an overrun occurs */ |
| if (__HAL_I2SEXT_GET_FLAG(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_OVR) == SET) |
| { |
| /* Clear Overrun flag */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_OVRFLAG(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_OVR); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| /* The I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_RX Mode is selected */ |
| else |
| { |
| /* Prepare the First Data before enabling the I2S */ |
| I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR = (*pTxData++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| /* Enable I2Sext(transmitter) after enabling I2Sx peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2SEXT_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Enable I2S peripheral before the I2Sext*/ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Check if Master Receiver mode is selected */ |
| if ((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG) == I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX) |
| { |
| /* Clear the Overrun Flag by a read operation on the SPI_DR register followed by a read |
| access to the SPI_SR register. */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_OVRFLAG(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| while ((hi2s->RxXferCount > 0U) || (hi2s->TxXferCount > 0U)) |
| { |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount > 0U) |
| { |
| /* Wait until TXE flag is set */ |
| if (I2SEx_FullDuplexWaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_TXE, SET, Timeout, I2S_USE_I2SEXT) != HAL_OK) |
| { |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_TIMEOUT); |
| errorcode = HAL_ERROR; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| /* Write Data on DR register */ |
| I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR = (*pTxData++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| /* Check if an underrun occurs */ |
| if ((__HAL_I2SEXT_GET_FLAG(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_UDR) == SET) && (tmp1 == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_RX)) |
| { |
| /* Clear Underrun flag */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_UDRFLAG(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_UDR); |
| } |
| } |
| if (hi2s->RxXferCount > 0U) |
| { |
| /* Wait until RXNE flag is set */ |
| if (I2SEx_FullDuplexWaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_RXNE, SET, Timeout, I2S_USE_I2S) != HAL_OK) |
| { |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_TIMEOUT); |
| errorcode = HAL_ERROR; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| /* Read Data from DR register */ |
| (*pRxData++) = hi2s->Instance->DR; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount--; |
| |
| /* Check if an overrun occurs */ |
| if (__HAL_I2S_GET_FLAG(hi2s, I2S_FLAG_OVR) == SET) |
| { |
| /* Clear Overrun flag */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_OVRFLAG(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Set the error code */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_OVR); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (hi2s->ErrorCode != HAL_I2S_ERROR_NONE) |
| { |
| errorcode = HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| error : |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hi2s); |
| return errorcode; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Full-Duplex Transmit/Receive data in non-blocking mode using Interrupt |
| * @param hi2s pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for I2S module |
| * @param pTxData a 16-bit pointer to the Transmit data buffer. |
| * @param pRxData a 16-bit pointer to the Receive data buffer. |
| * @param Size number of data sample to be sent: |
| * @note When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is selected during the I2S |
| * configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length |
| * in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected |
| * the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length. |
| * @note The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization |
| * between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming). |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_IT(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, |
| uint16_t *pTxData, |
| uint16_t *pRxData, |
| uint16_t Size) |
| { |
| uint32_t tmp1 = 0U; |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK; |
| |
| if (hi2s->State != HAL_I2S_STATE_READY) |
| { |
| errorcode = HAL_BUSY; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| |
| if ((pTxData == NULL) || (pRxData == NULL) || (Size == 0U)) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Process Locked */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hi2s); |
| |
| hi2s->pTxBuffPtr = pTxData; |
| hi2s->pRxBuffPtr = pRxData; |
| |
| tmp1 = hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & (SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN | SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN); |
| /* Check the Data format: When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended |
| is selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number |
| of 16-bit data length in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data |
| frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length. */ |
| if ((tmp1 == I2S_DATAFORMAT_24B) || (tmp1 == I2S_DATAFORMAT_32B)) |
| { |
| hi2s->TxXferSize = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->RxXferSize = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = (Size << 1U); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| hi2s->TxXferSize = Size; |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = Size; |
| hi2s->RxXferSize = Size; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = Size; |
| } |
| |
| hi2s->ErrorCode = HAL_I2S_ERROR_NONE; |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX; |
| |
| /* Set the function for IT treatment */ |
| if ((hi2s->Init.Mode == I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX) || (hi2s->Init.Mode == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX)) |
| { |
| /* Enable I2Sext RXNE and ERR interrupts */ |
| |
| /* Enable I2Sx TXE and ERR interrupts */ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_TXE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Transmit First data */ |
| hi2s->Instance->DR = (*hi2s->pTxBuffPtr++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| /* Disable TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_TXE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| } |
| } |
| else /* The I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_RX Mode is selected */ |
| { |
| /* Enable I2Sext TXE and ERR interrupts */ |
| __HAL_I2SEXT_ENABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_TXE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Enable I2Sext RXNE and ERR interrupts */ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_RXNE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Transmit First data */ |
| I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR = (*hi2s->pTxBuffPtr++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| /* Disable I2Sext TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* Enable I2Sext peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2SEXT_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Enable I2S peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| error : |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hi2s); |
| return errorcode; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Full-Duplex Transmit/Receive data in non-blocking mode using DMA |
| * @param hi2s pointer to a I2S_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for I2S module |
| * @param pTxData a 16-bit pointer to the Transmit data buffer. |
| * @param pRxData a 16-bit pointer to the Receive data buffer. |
| * @param Size number of data sample to be sent: |
| * @note When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended is selected during the I2S |
| * configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length |
| * in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data frame is selected |
| * the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length. |
| * @note The I2S is kept enabled at the end of transaction to avoid the clock de-synchronization |
| * between Master and Slave(example: audio streaming). |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, |
| uint16_t *pTxData, |
| uint16_t *pRxData, |
| uint16_t Size) |
| { |
| uint32_t *tmp = NULL; |
| uint32_t tmp1 = 0U; |
| HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK; |
| |
| if (hi2s->State != HAL_I2S_STATE_READY) |
| { |
| errorcode = HAL_BUSY; |
| goto error; |
| } |
| |
| if ((pTxData == NULL) || (pRxData == NULL) || (Size == 0U)) |
| { |
| return HAL_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| /* Process Locked */ |
| __HAL_LOCK(hi2s); |
| |
| hi2s->pTxBuffPtr = pTxData; |
| hi2s->pRxBuffPtr = pRxData; |
| |
| tmp1 = hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & (SPI_I2SCFGR_DATLEN | SPI_I2SCFGR_CHLEN); |
| /* Check the Data format: When a 16-bit data frame or a 16-bit data frame extended |
| is selected during the I2S configuration phase, the Size parameter means the number |
| of 16-bit data length in the transaction and when a 24-bit data frame or a 32-bit data |
| frame is selected the Size parameter means the number of 16-bit data length. */ |
| if ((tmp1 == I2S_DATAFORMAT_24B) || (tmp1 == I2S_DATAFORMAT_32B)) |
| { |
| hi2s->TxXferSize = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->RxXferSize = (Size << 1U); |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = (Size << 1U); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| hi2s->TxXferSize = Size; |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = Size; |
| hi2s->RxXferSize = Size; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = Size; |
| } |
| |
| hi2s->ErrorCode = HAL_I2S_ERROR_NONE; |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_BUSY_TX_RX; |
| |
| /* Set the I2S Rx DMA Half transfer complete callback */ |
| hi2s->hdmarx->XferHalfCpltCallback = I2SEx_TxRxDMAHalfCplt; |
| |
| /* Set the I2S Rx DMA transfer complete callback */ |
| hi2s->hdmarx->XferCpltCallback = I2SEx_TxRxDMACplt; |
| |
| /* Set the I2S Rx DMA error callback */ |
| hi2s->hdmarx->XferErrorCallback = I2SEx_TxRxDMAError; |
| |
| /* Set the I2S Tx DMA Half transfer complete callback as NULL */ |
| hi2s->hdmatx->XferHalfCpltCallback = NULL; |
| |
| /* Set the I2S Tx DMA transfer complete callback as NULL */ |
| hi2s->hdmatx->XferCpltCallback = NULL; |
| |
| /* Set the I2S Tx DMA error callback */ |
| hi2s->hdmatx->XferErrorCallback = I2SEx_TxRxDMAError; |
| |
| tmp1 = hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG; |
| /* Check if the I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX Mode is selected */ |
| if ((tmp1 == I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX) || (tmp1 == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX)) |
| { |
| /* Enable the Rx DMA Stream */ |
| tmp = (uint32_t *)&pRxData; |
| HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hi2s->hdmarx, (uint32_t)&I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR, *(uint32_t *)tmp, hi2s->RxXferSize); |
| |
| /* Enable Rx DMA Request */ |
| SET_BIT(I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->CR2, SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN); |
| |
| /* Enable the Tx DMA Stream */ |
| tmp = (uint32_t *)&pTxData; |
| HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hi2s->hdmatx, *(uint32_t *)tmp, (uint32_t)&hi2s->Instance->DR, hi2s->TxXferSize); |
| |
| /* Enable Tx DMA Request */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->Instance->CR2, SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN); |
| |
| /* Check if the I2S is already enabled */ |
| if ((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE) != SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE) |
| { |
| /* Enable I2Sext(receiver) before enabling I2Sx peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2SEXT_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Enable I2S peripheral after the I2Sext */ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| /* Check if Master Receiver mode is selected */ |
| if ((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG) == I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX) |
| { |
| /* Clear the Overrun Flag by a read operation on the SPI_DR register followed by a read |
| access to the SPI_SR register. */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_OVRFLAG(hi2s); |
| } |
| /* Enable the Tx DMA Stream */ |
| tmp = (uint32_t *)&pTxData; |
| HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hi2s->hdmatx, *(uint32_t *)tmp, (uint32_t)&I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR, hi2s->TxXferSize); |
| |
| /* Enable Tx DMA Request */ |
| SET_BIT(I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->CR2, SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN); |
| |
| /* Enable the Rx DMA Stream */ |
| tmp = (uint32_t *)&pRxData; |
| HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hi2s->hdmarx, (uint32_t)&hi2s->Instance->DR, *(uint32_t *)tmp, hi2s->RxXferSize); |
| |
| /* Enable Rx DMA Request */ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->Instance->CR2, SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN); |
| |
| /* Check if the I2S is already enabled */ |
| if ((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE) != SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE) |
| { |
| /* Enable I2Sext(transmitter) before enabling I2Sx peripheral */ |
| __HAL_I2SEXT_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| /* Enable I2S peripheral before the I2Sext */ |
| __HAL_I2S_ENABLE(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| error : |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hi2s); |
| return errorcode; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief This function handles I2S/I2Sext interrupt requests in full-duplex mode. |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| void HAL_I2SEx_FullDuplex_IRQHandler(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| __IO uint32_t i2ssr = hi2s->Instance->SR; |
| __IO uint32_t i2sextsr = I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->SR; |
| __IO uint32_t i2scr2 = hi2s->Instance->CR2; |
| __IO uint32_t i2sextcr2 = I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->CR2; |
| |
| /* Check if the I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX Mode is selected */ |
| if ((hi2s->Init.Mode == I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX) || (hi2s->Init.Mode == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX)) |
| { |
| /* I2S in mode Transmitter -------------------------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2ssr & I2S_FLAG_TXE) == I2S_FLAG_TXE) && ((i2scr2 & I2S_IT_TXE) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* When the I2S mode is configured as I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX, |
| the I2S TXE interrupt will be generated to manage the full-duplex transmit phase. */ |
| I2SEx_TxISR_I2S(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /* I2Sext in mode Receiver -----------------------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2sextsr & I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == I2S_FLAG_RXNE) && ((i2sextcr2 & I2S_IT_RXNE) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* When the I2S mode is configured as I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX, |
| the I2Sext RXNE interrupt will be generated to manage the full-duplex receive phase. */ |
| I2SEx_RxISR_I2SExt(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /* I2Sext Overrun error interrupt occurred --------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2sextsr & I2S_FLAG_OVR) == I2S_FLAG_OVR) && ((i2sextcr2 & I2S_IT_ERR) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* Disable RXNE and ERR interrupt */ |
| |
| /* Disable TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_TXE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Clear Overrun flag */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_OVRFLAG(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Set the I2S State ready */ |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Set the error code and execute error callback*/ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_OVR); |
| /* Call user error callback */ |
| hi2s->ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /* I2S Underrun error interrupt occurred ----------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2ssr & I2S_FLAG_UDR) == I2S_FLAG_UDR) && ((i2scr2 & I2S_IT_ERR) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* Disable TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_TXE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Disable RXNE and ERR interrupt */ |
| |
| /* Clear underrun flag */ |
| __HAL_I2S_CLEAR_UDRFLAG(hi2s); |
| |
| /* Set the I2S State ready */ |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Set the error code and execute error callback*/ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_UDR); |
| /* Call user error callback */ |
| hi2s->ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| /* The I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_RX Mode is selected */ |
| else |
| { |
| /* I2Sext in mode Transmitter ----------------------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2sextsr & I2S_FLAG_TXE) == I2S_FLAG_TXE) && ((i2sextcr2 & I2S_IT_TXE) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* When the I2S mode is configured as I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_RX, |
| the I2Sext TXE interrupt will be generated to manage the full-duplex transmit phase. */ |
| I2SEx_TxISR_I2SExt(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /* I2S in mode Receiver --------------------------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2ssr & I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == I2S_FLAG_RXNE) && ((i2scr2 & I2S_IT_RXNE) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* When the I2S mode is configured as I2S_MODE_MASTER_RX or I2S_MODE_SLAVE_RX, |
| the I2S RXNE interrupt will be generated to manage the full-duplex receive phase. */ |
| I2SEx_RxISR_I2S(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /* I2S Overrun error interrupt occurred -------------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2ssr & I2S_FLAG_OVR) == I2S_FLAG_OVR) && ((i2scr2 & I2S_IT_ERR) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* Disable RXNE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_RXNE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Disable TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| |
| /* Set the I2S State ready */ |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Set the error code and execute error callback*/ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_OVR); |
| /* Call user error callback */ |
| hi2s->ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /* I2Sext Underrun error interrupt occurred -------------------------------*/ |
| if (((i2sextsr & I2S_FLAG_UDR) == I2S_FLAG_UDR) && ((i2sextcr2 & I2S_IT_ERR) != RESET)) |
| { |
| /* Disable TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| |
| /* Disable RXNE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_RXNE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| /* Set the I2S State ready */ |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Set the error code and execute error callback*/ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_UDR); |
| /* Call user error callback */ |
| hi2s->ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Tx and Rx Transfer half completed callback |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __weak void HAL_I2SEx_TxRxHalfCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ |
| UNUSED(hi2s); |
| |
| /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, |
| the HAL_I2SEx_TxRxHalfCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief Tx and Rx Transfer completed callback |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| __weak void HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ |
| UNUSED(hi2s); |
| |
| /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, |
| the HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** @addtogroup I2SEx_Private_Functions I2S Extended Private Functions |
| * @{ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief DMA I2S transmit receive process half complete callback |
| * @param hdma pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for the specified DMA module. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_TxRxDMAHalfCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) |
| { |
| I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s = (I2S_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; |
| |
| /* Call user TxRx Half complete callback */ |
| hi2s->TxRxHalfCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2SEx_TxRxHalfCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief DMA I2S transmit receive process complete callback |
| * @param hdma pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains |
| * the configuration information for the specified DMA module. |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_TxRxDMACplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) |
| { |
| I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s = (I2S_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; |
| |
| /* If DMA is configured in DMA_NORMAL mode */ |
| if (hdma->Init.Mode == DMA_NORMAL) |
| { |
| if (((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG) == I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX) || \ |
| ((hi2s->Instance->I2SCFGR & SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SCFG) == I2S_MODE_SLAVE_TX)) |
| /* Disable Tx & Rx DMA Requests */ |
| { |
| CLEAR_BIT(I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->CR2, SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN); |
| CLEAR_BIT(hi2s->Instance->CR2, SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| CLEAR_BIT(hi2s->Instance->CR2, SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN); |
| CLEAR_BIT(I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->CR2, SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN); |
| } |
| |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = 0U; |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = 0U; |
| |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| } |
| |
| /* Call user TxRx complete callback */ |
| hi2s->TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief DMA I2S communication error callback |
| * @param hdma DMA handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_TxRxDMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) |
| { |
| I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s = (I2S_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; |
| |
| /* Disable Rx and Tx DMA Request */ |
| CLEAR_BIT(hi2s->Instance->CR2, (SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN | SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN)); |
| CLEAR_BIT(I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->CR2, (SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN | SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN)); |
| |
| hi2s->TxXferCount = 0U; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount = 0U; |
| |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Set the error code and execute error callback*/ |
| SET_BIT(hi2s->ErrorCode, HAL_I2S_ERROR_DMA); |
| /* Call user error callback */ |
| hi2s->ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2S_ErrorCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief I2S Full-Duplex IT handler transmit function |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_TxISR_I2S(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| /* Write Data on DR register */ |
| hi2s->Instance->DR = (*hi2s->pTxBuffPtr++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| /* Disable TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_TXE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| if (hi2s->RxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| /* Call user TxRx complete callback */ |
| hi2s->TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief I2SExt Full-Duplex IT handler transmit function |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_TxISR_I2SExt(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| /* Write Data on DR register */ |
| I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR = (*hi2s->pTxBuffPtr++); |
| hi2s->TxXferCount--; |
| |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| /* Disable I2Sext TXE and ERR interrupt */ |
| |
| if (hi2s->RxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| /* Call user TxRx complete callback */ |
| hi2s->TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief I2S Full-Duplex IT handler receive function |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_RxISR_I2S(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| /* Read Data from DR register */ |
| (*hi2s->pRxBuffPtr++) = hi2s->Instance->DR; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount--; |
| |
| if (hi2s->RxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| /* Disable RXNE and ERR interrupt */ |
| __HAL_I2S_DISABLE_IT(hi2s, (I2S_IT_RXNE | I2S_IT_ERR)); |
| |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| /* Call user TxRx complete callback */ |
| hi2s->TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief I2SExt Full-Duplex IT handler receive function |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @retval None |
| */ |
| static void I2SEx_RxISR_I2SExt(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s) |
| { |
| /* Read Data from DR register */ |
| (*hi2s->pRxBuffPtr++) = I2SxEXT(hi2s->Instance)->DR; |
| hi2s->RxXferCount--; |
| |
| if (hi2s->RxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| /* Disable I2Sext RXNE and ERR interrupt */ |
| |
| if (hi2s->TxXferCount == 0U) |
| { |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| /* Call user TxRx complete callback */ |
| hi2s->TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| #else |
| HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback(hi2s); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @brief This function handles I2S Communication Timeout. |
| * @param hi2s I2S handle |
| * @param Flag Flag checked |
| * @param State Value of the flag expected |
| * @param Timeout Duration of the timeout |
| * @param i2sUsed I2S instance reference |
| * @retval HAL status |
| */ |
| static HAL_StatusTypeDef I2SEx_FullDuplexWaitFlagStateUntilTimeout(I2S_HandleTypeDef *hi2s, |
| uint32_t Flag, |
| uint32_t State, |
| uint32_t Timeout, |
| I2S_UseTypeDef i2sUsed) |
| { |
| uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick(); |
| |
| if (i2sUsed == I2S_USE_I2S) |
| { |
| /* Wait until flag is reset */ |
| while (((__HAL_I2S_GET_FLAG(hi2s, Flag)) ? SET : RESET) != State) |
| { |
| if (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY) |
| { |
| if ((Timeout == 0U) || ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout)) |
| { |
| /* Set the I2S State ready */ |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Process Unlocked */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hi2s); |
| |
| return HAL_TIMEOUT; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else /* i2sUsed == I2S_USE_I2SEXT */ |
| { |
| /* Wait until flag is reset */ |
| while (((__HAL_I2SEXT_GET_FLAG(hi2s, Flag)) ? SET : RESET) != State) |
| { |
| if (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY) |
| { |
| if ((Timeout == 0U) || ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout)) |
| { |
| /* Set the I2S State ready */ |
| hi2s->State = HAL_I2S_STATE_READY; |
| |
| /* Process Unlocked */ |
| __HAL_UNLOCK(hi2s); |
| |
| return HAL_TIMEOUT; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return HAL_OK; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| #endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ |
| |
| /** |
| * @} |
| */ |
| |
| /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ |