This is a list of rules/macros that should be exported as documentation.


An ordered list of cc_args.

This is a convenience rule to allow you to group a set of multiple cc_args into a single list. This particularly useful for toolchain behaviors that require different flags for different actions.

Note: The order of the arguments in args is preserved to support order-sensitive flags.

Example usage:

load("@rules_cc//cc/toolchains:cc_args.bzl", "cc_args")
load("@rules_cc//cc/toolchains:args_list.bzl", "cc_args_list")

    name = "gc_sections",
    actions = [
    args = ["-Wl,--gc-sections"],

    name = "function_sections",
    actions = [
    args = ["-ffunction-sections"],

    name = "gc_functions",
    args = [


nameA unique name for this target.Namerequired
args(ordered) cc_args to include in this list.List of labelsoptional[]


Action-specific arguments for use with a cc_toolchain.

This rule is the fundamental building building block for every toolchain tool invocation. Each argument expressed in a toolchain tool invocation (e.g. gcc, llvm-ar) is declared in a cc_args rule that applies an ordered list of arguments to a set of toolchain actions. cc_args rules can be added unconditionally to a cc_toolchain, conditionally via select() statements, or dynamically via an intermediate cc_feature.

Conceptually, this is similar to the old CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, etc. environment variables that many build systems use to determine which flags to use for a given action. The significant difference is that cc_args rules are declared in a structured way that allows for significantly more powerful and sharable toolchain configurations. Also, due to Bazel‘s more granular action types, it’s possible to bind flags to very specific actions (e.g. LTO indexing for an executable vs a dynamic library) multiple different actions (e.g. C++ compile and link simultaneously).

Example usage:

load("@rules_cc//cc/toolchains:args.bzl", "cc_args")

# Basic usage: a trivial flag.
# An example of expressing `-Werror` as a `cc_args` rule.
    name = "warnings_as_errors",
    actions = [
        # Applies to all C/C++ compile actions.
    args = ["-Werror"],

# Basic usage: ordered flags.
# An example of linking against libc++, which uses two flags that must be applied in order.
    name = "link_libcxx",
    actions = [
        # Applies to all link actions.
    # On tool invocation, this appears as `-Xlinker -lc++`. Nothing will ever end up between
    # the two flags.
    args = [

# Advanced usage: built-in variable expansions.
# Expands to `-L/path/to/search_dir` for each directory in the built-in variable
# `library_search_directories`. This variable is managed internally by Bazel through inherent
# behaviors of Bazel and the interactions between various C/C++ build rules.
    name = "library_search_directories",
    actions = [
    args = ["-L{search_dir}"],
    iterate_over = "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/variables:library_search_directories",
    requires_not_none = "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/variables:library_search_directories",
    format = {
        "search_dir": "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/variables:library_search_directories",

For more extensive examples, see the usages here:


NameDescriptionDefault Value
name(str) The name of the target.none
actions(List[Label]) A list of labels of cc_action_type or cc_action_type_set rules that dictate which actions these arguments should be applied to.None
allowlist_include_directories(List[Label]) A list of include paths that are implied by using this rule. These must point to a skylib directory or subdirectory rule. Some flags (e.g. --sysroot) imply certain include paths are available despite not explicitly specifying a normal include path flag (-I, -isystem, etc.). Bazel checks that all included headers are properly provided by a dependency or allowlisted through this mechanism.None
args(List[str]) The command-line arguments that are applied by using this rule. This is mutually exclusive with nested.None
data(List[Label]) A list of runtime data dependencies that are required for these arguments to work as intended.None
env(Dict[str, str]) Environment variables that should be set when the tool is invoked.None
format(Dict[str, Label]) A mapping of format strings to the label of the corresponding cc_variable that the value should be pulled from. All instances of {variable_name} will be replaced with the expanded value of variable_name in this dictionary. The complete list of possible variables can be found in it is not possible to declare custom variables--these are inherent to Bazel itself.{}
iterate_over(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be iterated over. This is intended for use with built-in variables that are lists.None
nested(List[Label]) A list of cc_nested_args rules that should be expanded to command-line arguments when this rule is used. This is mutually exclusive with args.None
requires_not_none(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is None, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_none(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for non-existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is not None, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_true(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for truthiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is false, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_false(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for falsiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is true, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_equal(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for equality before expanding this rule. If the variable is not equal to (requires_equal_value)[#cc_args-requires_equal_value], this rule will be ignored.None
requires_equal_value(str) The value to compare (requires_equal)[#cc_args-requires_equal] against.None
requires_any_of(List[Label]) These arguments will be used in a tool invocation when at least one of the cc_feature_constraint entries in this list are satisfied. If omitted, this flag set will be enabled unconditionally.None
kwargscommon attributes that should be applied to this rule.none


Nested arguments for use in more complex cc_args expansions.

While this rule is very similar in shape to cc_args, it is intended to be used as a dependency of cc_args to provide additional arguments that should be applied to the same actions as defined by the parent cc_args rule. The key motivation for this rule is to allow for more complex variable-based argument expensions.

Prefer expressing collections of arguments as cc_args and cc_args_list rules when possible.

For living examples of how this rule is used, see the usages here:

Note: These examples are non-trivial, but they illustrate when it is absolutely necessary to use this rule.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
name(str) The name of the target.none
args(List[str]) The command-line arguments that are applied by using this rule. This is mutually exclusive with nested.None
data(List[Label]) A list of runtime data dependencies that are required for these arguments to work as intended.None
format(Dict[str, Label]) A mapping of format strings to the label of the corresponding cc_variable that the value should be pulled from. All instances of {variable_name} will be replaced with the expanded value of variable_name in this dictionary. The complete list of possible variables can be found in it is not possible to declare custom variables--these are inherent to Bazel itself.{}
iterate_over(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be iterated over. This is intended for use with built-in variables that are lists.None
nested(List[Label]) A list of cc_nested_args rules that should be expanded to command-line arguments when this rule is used. This is mutually exclusive with args.None
requires_not_none(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is None, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_none(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for non-existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is not None, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_true(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for truthiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is false, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_false(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for falsiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is true, this rule will be ignored.None
requires_equal(Label) The label of a cc_variable that should be checked for equality before expanding this rule. If the variable is not equal to (requires_equal_value)[#cc_nested_args-requires_equal_value], this rule will be ignored.None
requires_equal_value(str) The value to compare (requires_equal)[#cc_nested_args-requires_equal] against.None
kwargscommon attributes that should be applied to this rule.none


A toolchain configuration rule that maps toolchain actions to tools.

A cc_tool_map aggregates all the tools that may be used for a given toolchain and maps them to their corresponding actions. Conceptually, this is similar to the CXX=/path/to/clang++ environment variables that most build systems use to determine which tools to use for a given action. To simplify usage, some actions have been grouped together (for example, @rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:cpp_compile_actions) to logically express “all the C++ compile actions”.

In Bazel, there is a little more granularity to the mapping, so the mapping doesn't follow the traditional CXX, AR, etc. naming scheme. For a comprehensive list of all the well-known actions, see @rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:BUILD.

Example usage:

load("@rules_cc//cc/toolchains:tool_map.bzl", "cc_tool_map")

    name = "all_tools",
    tools = {
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:assembly_actions": ":asm",
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:c_compile": ":clang",
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:cpp_compile_actions": ":clang++",
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:link_actions": ":lld",
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:objcopy_embed_data": ":llvm-objcopy",
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:strip": ":llvm-strip",
        "@rules_cc//cc/toolchains/actions:ar_actions": ":llvm-ar",

Note: Due to an implementation limitation, if you need to map the same tool to multiple actions, you will need to create an intermediate alias for the tool for each set of actions. See for more details.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
name(str) The name of the target.none
tools(Dict[target providing ActionTypeSetInfo, Executable target]) A mapping between cc_action_type targets and the cc_tool or executable target that implements that action.none
kwargscommon attributes that should be applied to this rule.none