This is a list of rules/macros that should be exported as documentation.


A toolchain configuration rule that maps toolchain actions to tools.

A cc_tool_map aggregates all the tools that may be used for a given toolchain and maps them to their corresponding actions. Conceptually, this is similar to the CXX=/path/to/clang++ environment variables that most build systems use to determine which tools to use for a given action. To simplify usage, some actions have been grouped together (for example, //third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:cpp_compile_actions) to logically express “all the C++ compile actions”.

In Bazel, there is a little more granularity to the mapping, so the mapping doesn't follow the traditional CXX, AR, etc. naming scheme. For a comprehensive list of all the well-known actions, see //third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:BUILD.

Example usage:

load("//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains:tool_map.bzl", "cc_tool_map")

    name = "all_tools",
    tools = {
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:assembly_actions": ":asm",
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:c_compile": ":clang",
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:cpp_compile_actions": ":clang++",
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:link_actions": ":lld",
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:objcopy_embed_data": ":llvm-objcopy",
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:strip": ":llvm-strip",
        "//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_cc/cc/toolchains/actions:ar_actions": ":llvm-ar",

Note: Due to an implementation limitation, if you need to map the same tool to multiple actions, you will need to create an intermediate alias for the tool for each set of actions. See for more details.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
name(str) The name of the target.none
tools(Dict[target providing ActionTypeSetInfo, Executable target]) A mapping between cc_action_type targets and the cc_tool or executable target that implements that action.none
kwargscommon attributes that should be applied to this rule.none