This rule is to make it easier to generate console_script entry points as per Python specification.

Generate a py_binary target for a particular console_script entry_point from a PyPI package, e.g. for creating an executable pylint target use:

load("@rules_python//python/entry_points:py_console_script_binary.bzl", "py_console_script_binary")

    name = "pylint",
    pkg = "@pip//pylint",

Or for more advanced setups you can also specify extra dependencies and the exact script name you want to call. It is useful for tools like flake8, pylint, pytest, which have plugin discovery methods and discover dependencies from the PyPI packages available in the PYTHONPATH.

load("@rules_python//python/entry_points:py_console_script_binary.bzl", "py_console_script_binary")

    name = "pylint_with_deps",
    pkg = "@pip//pylint",
    # Because `pylint` has multiple console_scripts available, we have to
    # specify which we want if the name of the target name 'pylint_with_deps'
    # cannot be used to guess the entry_point script.
    script = "pylint",
    deps = [
        # One can add extra dependencies to the entry point.
        # This specifically allows us to add plugins to pylint.

A specific Python version can be forced by using the generated version-aware wrappers, e.g. to force Python 3.9:

load("@python_versions//3.9:defs.bzl", "py_console_script_binary")

    name = "yamllint",
    pkg = "@pip//yamllint",

Alternatively, the py_console_script_binary.binary_rule arg can be passed the version-bound py_binary symbol, or any other py_binary-compatible rule of your choosing:

load("@python_versions//3.9:defs.bzl", "py_binary")
load("@rules_python//python/entry_points:py_console_script_binary.bzl", "py_console_script_binary")

    name = "yamllint",
    pkg = "@pip//yamllint:pkg",
    binary_rule = py_binary,