
Precompiling is compiling Python source files (.py files) into byte code (.pyc files) at build time instead of runtime. Doing it at build time can improve performance by skipping that work at runtime.

Precompiling is disabled by default, so you must enable it using flags or attributes to use it.

Overhead of precompiling

While precompiling helps runtime performance, it has two main costs:

  1. Increasing the size (count and disk usage) of runfiles. It approximately double the count of the runfiles because for every .py file, there is also a .pyc file. Compiled files are generally around the same size as the source files, so it approximately doubles the disk usage.
  2. Precompiling requires running an extra action at build time. While compiling itself isn't that expensive, the overhead can become noticable as more files need to be compiled.

Binary-level opt-in

Binary-level opt-in allows enabling precompiling on a per-target basic. This is useful for situations such as:

  • Globally enabling precompiling in your .bazelrc isn‘t feasible. This may be because some targets don’t work with precompiling, e.g. because they're too big.
  • Enabling precompiling for build tools (exec config targets) separately from target-config programs.

To use this approach, set the {bzl:attr}pyc_collection attribute on the binaries/tests that should or should not use precompiling. Then change the {bzl:flag}--precompile default.

The default for the {bzl:attr}pyc_collection attribute is controlled by the flag {bzl:obj}--@rules_python//python/config_settings:precompile, so you can use an opt-in or opt-out approach by setting its value:

  • targets must opt-out: --@rules_python//python/config_settings:precompile=enabled
  • targets must opt-in: --@rules_python//python/config_settings:precompile=disabled

Advanced precompiler customization

The default implementation of the precompiler is a persistent, multiplexed, sandbox-aware, cancellation-enabled, json-protocol worker that uses the same interpreter as the target toolchain. This works well for local builds, but may not work as well for remote execution builds. To customize the precompiler, two mechanisms are available:

  • The exec tools toolchain allows customizing the precompiler binary used with the {bzl:attr}precompiler attribute. Arbitrary binaries are supported.
  • The execution requirements can be customized using --@rules_python//tools/precompiler:execution_requirements. This is a list flag that can be repeated. Each entry is a key=value that is added to the execution requirements of the PyCompile action. Note that this flag is specific to the rules_python precompiler. If a custom binary is used, this flag will have to be propagated from the custom binary using the testing.ExecutionInfo provider; refer to the py_interpreter_program an

The default precompiler implementation is an asynchronous/concurrent implementation. If you find it has bugs or hangs, please report them. In the meantime, the flag --worker_extra_flag=PyCompile=--worker_impl=serial can be used to switch to a synchronous/serial implementation that may not perform as well, but is less likely to have issues.

The execution_requirements keys of most relevance are:

  • supports-workers: 1 or 0, to indicate if a regular persistent worker is desired.
  • supports-multiplex-workers: 1 o 0, to indicate if a multiplexed persistent worker is desired.
  • requires-worker-protocol: json or proto; the rules_python precompiler currently only supports json.
  • supports-multiplex-sandboxing: 1 or 0, to indicate if sanboxing is of the worker is supported.
  • supports-worker-cancellation: 1 or 1, to indicate if requests to the worker can be cancelled.

Note that any execution requirements values can be specified in the flag.

Known issues, caveats, and idiosyncracies

  • Precompiling requires Bazel 7+ with the Pystar rule implementation enabled.
  • Mixing rules_python PyInfo with Bazel builtin PyInfo will result in pyc files being dropped.
  • Precompiled files may not be used in certain cases prior to Python 3.11. This occurs due to Python adding the directory of the binary‘s main .py file, which causes the module to be found in the workspace source directory instead of within the binary’s runfiles directory (where the pyc files are). This can usually be worked around by removing sys.path[0] (or otherwise ensuring the runfiles directory comes before the repos source directory in sys.path).
  • The pyc filename does not include the optimization level (e.g. foo.cpython-39.opt-2.pyc). This works fine (it‘s all byte code), but also means the interpreter -O argument can’t be used -- doing so will cause the interpreter to look for the non-existent opt-N named files.
  • Targets with the same source files and different exec properites will result in action conflicts. This most commonly occurs when a py_binary and py_library have the same source files. To fix, modify both targets so they have the same exec properties. If this is difficult because unsupported exec groups end up being passed to the Python rules, please file an issue to have those exec groups added to the Python rules.