blob: 9b8354ed03268e118176de5d76ea1938945bea39 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A module for configuration information
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::iter::Sum;
use std::ops::Add;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{fmt, fs};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use cargo_lock::package::GitReference;
use cargo_metadata::Package;
use semver::VersionReq;
use serde::de::value::SeqAccessDeserializer;
use serde::de::{Deserializer, SeqAccess, Unexpected, Visitor};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Serializer};
use crate::select::{Select, Selectable};
use crate::utils::starlark::Label;
use crate::utils::target_triple::TargetTriple;
/// Representations of different kinds of crate vendoring into workspaces.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub(crate) enum VendorMode {
/// Crates having full source being vendored into a workspace
/// Crates having only BUILD files with repository rules vendored into a workspace
impl std::fmt::Display for VendorMode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
VendorMode::Local => "local",
VendorMode::Remote => "remote",
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct RenderConfig {
/// The name of the repository being rendered
pub(crate) repository_name: String,
/// The pattern to use for BUILD file names.
/// Eg. `//:BUILD.{name}-{version}.bazel`
#[serde(default = "default_build_file_template")]
pub(crate) build_file_template: String,
/// The pattern to use for a crate target.
/// Eg. `@{repository}__{name}-{version}//:{target}`
#[serde(default = "default_crate_label_template")]
pub(crate) crate_label_template: String,
/// The pattern to use for the `defs.bzl` and `BUILD.bazel`
/// file names used for the crates module.
/// Eg. `//:{file}`
#[serde(default = "default_crates_module_template")]
pub(crate) crates_module_template: String,
/// The pattern used for a crate's repository name.
/// Eg. `{repository}__{name}-{version}`
#[serde(default = "default_crate_repository_template")]
pub(crate) crate_repository_template: String,
/// Default alias rule to use for packages. Can be overridden by annotations.
pub(crate) default_alias_rule: AliasRule,
/// The default of the `package_name` parameter to use for the module macros like `all_crate_deps`.
/// In general, this should be be unset to allow the macros to do auto-detection in the analysis phase.
pub(crate) default_package_name: Option<String>,
/// Whether to generate `target_compatible_with` annotations on the generated BUILD files. This
/// catches a `target_triple`being targeted that isn't declared in `supported_platform_triples`.
#[serde(default = "default_generate_target_compatible_with")]
pub(crate) generate_target_compatible_with: bool,
/// The pattern to use for platform constraints.
/// Eg. `@rules_rust//rust/platform:{triple}`.
#[serde(default = "default_platforms_template")]
pub(crate) platforms_template: String,
/// The command to use for regenerating generated files.
pub(crate) regen_command: String,
/// An optional configuration for rendering content to be rendered into repositories.
pub(crate) vendor_mode: Option<VendorMode>,
/// Whether to generate package metadata
#[serde(default = "default_generate_rules_license_metadata")]
pub(crate) generate_rules_license_metadata: bool,
// Default is manually implemented so that the default values match the default
// values when deserializing, which involves calling the vairous `default_x()`
// functions specified in `#[serde(default = "default_x")]`.
impl Default for RenderConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
RenderConfig {
repository_name: String::default(),
build_file_template: default_build_file_template(),
crate_label_template: default_crate_label_template(),
crates_module_template: default_crates_module_template(),
crate_repository_template: default_crate_repository_template(),
default_alias_rule: AliasRule::default(),
default_package_name: Option::default(),
generate_target_compatible_with: default_generate_target_compatible_with(),
platforms_template: default_platforms_template(),
regen_command: String::default(),
vendor_mode: Option::default(),
generate_rules_license_metadata: default_generate_rules_license_metadata(),
fn default_build_file_template() -> String {
fn default_crates_module_template() -> String {
fn default_crate_label_template() -> String {
fn default_crate_repository_template() -> String {
fn default_platforms_template() -> String {
fn default_generate_target_compatible_with() -> bool {
fn default_generate_rules_license_metadata() -> bool {
/// A representation of some Git identifier used to represent the "revision" or "pin" of a checkout.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) enum Commitish {
/// From a tag.
/// From the HEAD of a branch.
/// From a specific revision.
impl From<GitReference> for Commitish {
fn from(git_ref: GitReference) -> Self {
match git_ref {
GitReference::Tag(v) => Self::Tag(v),
GitReference::Branch(v) => Self::Branch(v),
GitReference::Rev(v) => Self::Rev(v),
/// Information representing deterministic identifiers for some remote asset.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) enum Checksumish {
Http {
/// The sha256 digest of an http archive
sha256: Option<String>,
Git {
/// The revision of the git repository
commitsh: Commitish,
/// An optional date, not after the specified commit; the argument is
/// not allowed if a tag is specified (which allows cloning with depth
/// 1).
shallow_since: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub(crate) enum AliasRule {
#[serde(rename = "alias")]
#[serde(rename = "dbg")]
#[serde(rename = "fastbuild")]
#[serde(rename = "opt")]
Custom { bzl: String, rule: String },
impl AliasRule {
pub(crate) fn bzl(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self {
AliasRule::Alias => None,
AliasRule::Dbg | AliasRule::Fastbuild | AliasRule::Opt => {
AliasRule::Custom { bzl, .. } => Some(bzl.clone()),
pub(crate) fn rule(&self) -> String {
match self {
AliasRule::Alias => "alias".to_owned(),
AliasRule::Dbg => "transition_alias_dbg".to_owned(),
AliasRule::Fastbuild => "transition_alias_fastbuild".to_owned(),
AliasRule::Opt => "transition_alias_opt".to_owned(),
AliasRule::Custom { rule, .. } => rule.clone(),
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct CrateAnnotations {
/// Which subset of the crate's bins should get produced as `rust_binary` targets.
pub(crate) gen_binaries: Option<GenBinaries>,
/// Determins whether or not Cargo build scripts should be generated for the current package
pub(crate) gen_build_script: Option<bool>,
/// Additional data to pass to
/// [deps]( attribute.
pub(crate) deps: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to
/// [proc_macro_deps]( attribute.
pub(crate) proc_macro_deps: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to the target's
/// [crate_features]( attribute.
pub(crate) crate_features: Option<Select<BTreeSet<String>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to the target's
/// [data]( attribute.
pub(crate) data: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// An optional glob pattern to set on the
/// [data]( attribute.
pub(crate) data_glob: Option<BTreeSet<String>>,
/// Additional data to pass to
/// [compile_data]( attribute.
pub(crate) compile_data: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// An optional glob pattern to set on the
/// [compile_data]( attribute.
pub(crate) compile_data_glob: Option<BTreeSet<String>>,
/// If true, disables pipelining for library targets generated for this crate.
pub(crate) disable_pipelining: bool,
/// Additional data to pass to the target's
/// [rustc_env]( attribute.
pub(crate) rustc_env: Option<Select<BTreeMap<String, String>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to the target's
/// [rustc_env_files]( attribute.
pub(crate) rustc_env_files: Option<Select<BTreeSet<String>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to the target's
/// [rustc_flags]( attribute.
pub(crate) rustc_flags: Option<Select<Vec<String>>>,
/// Additional dependencies to pass to a build script's
/// [deps]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_deps: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to a build script's
/// [proc_macro_deps]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_proc_macro_deps: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to a build script's
/// [build_script_data]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_data: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// Additional data to pass to a build script's
/// [tools]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_tools: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
/// An optional glob pattern to set on the
/// [build_script_data]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_data_glob: Option<BTreeSet<String>>,
/// Additional environment variables to pass to a build script's
/// [build_script_env]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_env: Option<Select<BTreeMap<String, String>>>,
/// Additional rustc_env flags to pass to a build script's
/// [rustc_env]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_rustc_env: Option<Select<BTreeMap<String, String>>>,
/// Additional labels to pass to a build script's
/// [toolchains]( attribute.
pub(crate) build_script_toolchains: Option<BTreeSet<Label>>,
/// Directory to run the crate's build script in. If not set, will run in the manifest directory, otherwise a directory relative to the exec root.
pub(crate) build_script_rundir: Option<Select<String>>,
/// A scratch pad used to write arbitrary text to target BUILD files.
pub(crate) additive_build_file_content: Option<String>,
/// For git sourced crates, this is a the
/// [git_repository::shallow_since]( attribute.
pub(crate) shallow_since: Option<String>,
/// The `patch_args` attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See
/// [http_archive.patch_args](
pub(crate) patch_args: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// The `patch_tool` attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See
/// [http_archive.patch_tool](
pub(crate) patch_tool: Option<String>,
/// The `patches` attribute of a Bazel repository rule. See
/// [http_archive.patches](
pub(crate) patches: Option<BTreeSet<String>>,
/// Extra targets the should be aliased during rendering.
pub(crate) extra_aliased_targets: Option<BTreeMap<String, String>>,
/// Transition rule to use instead of `native.alias()`.
pub(crate) alias_rule: Option<AliasRule>,
macro_rules! joined_extra_member {
($lhs:expr, $rhs:expr, $fn_new:expr, $fn_extend:expr) => {
if let Some(lhs) = $lhs {
if let Some(rhs) = $rhs {
let mut new = $fn_new();
$fn_extend(&mut new, lhs);
$fn_extend(&mut new, rhs);
} else {
} else if $rhs.is_some() {
} else {
impl Add for CrateAnnotations {
type Output = CrateAnnotations;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
fn select_merge<T>(lhs: Option<Select<T>>, rhs: Option<Select<T>>) -> Option<Select<T>>
T: Selectable,
match (lhs, rhs) {
(Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) => Some(Select::merge(lhs, rhs)),
(Some(lhs), None) => Some(lhs),
(None, Some(rhs)) => Some(rhs),
(None, None) => None,
let concat_string = |lhs: &mut String, rhs: String| {
*lhs = format!("{lhs}{rhs}");
let output = CrateAnnotations {
gen_binaries: self.gen_binaries.or(rhs.gen_binaries),
gen_build_script: self.gen_build_script.or(rhs.gen_build_script),
deps: select_merge(self.deps, rhs.deps),
proc_macro_deps: select_merge(self.proc_macro_deps, rhs.proc_macro_deps),
crate_features: select_merge(self.crate_features, rhs.crate_features),
data: select_merge(,,
data_glob: joined_extra_member!(self.data_glob, rhs.data_glob, BTreeSet::new, BTreeSet::extend),
disable_pipelining: self.disable_pipelining || rhs.disable_pipelining,
compile_data: select_merge(self.compile_data, rhs.compile_data),
compile_data_glob: joined_extra_member!(self.compile_data_glob, rhs.compile_data_glob, BTreeSet::new, BTreeSet::extend),
rustc_env: select_merge(self.rustc_env, rhs.rustc_env),
rustc_env_files: select_merge(self.rustc_env_files, rhs.rustc_env_files),
rustc_flags: select_merge(self.rustc_flags, rhs.rustc_flags),
build_script_deps: select_merge(self.build_script_deps, rhs.build_script_deps),
build_script_proc_macro_deps: select_merge(self.build_script_proc_macro_deps, rhs.build_script_proc_macro_deps),
build_script_data: select_merge(self.build_script_data, rhs.build_script_data),
build_script_tools: select_merge(self.build_script_tools, rhs.build_script_tools),
build_script_data_glob: joined_extra_member!(self.build_script_data_glob, rhs.build_script_data_glob, BTreeSet::new, BTreeSet::extend),
build_script_env: select_merge(self.build_script_env, rhs.build_script_env),
build_script_rustc_env: select_merge(self.build_script_rustc_env, rhs.build_script_rustc_env),
build_script_toolchains: joined_extra_member!(self.build_script_toolchains, rhs.build_script_toolchains, BTreeSet::new, BTreeSet::extend),
build_script_rundir: self.build_script_rundir.or(rhs.build_script_rundir),
additive_build_file_content: joined_extra_member!(self.additive_build_file_content, rhs.additive_build_file_content, String::new, concat_string),
shallow_since: self.shallow_since.or(rhs.shallow_since),
patch_args: joined_extra_member!(self.patch_args, rhs.patch_args, Vec::new, Vec::extend),
patch_tool: self.patch_tool.or(rhs.patch_tool),
patches: joined_extra_member!(self.patches, rhs.patches, BTreeSet::new, BTreeSet::extend),
extra_aliased_targets: joined_extra_member!(self.extra_aliased_targets, rhs.extra_aliased_targets, BTreeMap::new, BTreeMap::extend),
alias_rule: self.alias_rule.or(rhs.alias_rule),
impl Sum for CrateAnnotations {
fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
iter.fold(CrateAnnotations::default(), |a, b| a + b)
/// A subset of `crate.annotation` that we allow packages to define in their
/// free-form Cargo.toml metadata.
/// ```toml
/// [package.metadata.bazel]
/// additive_build_file_contents = """
/// ...
/// """
/// data = ["font.woff2"]
/// extra_aliased_targets = { ... }
/// gen_build_script = false
/// ```
/// These are considered default values which apply if the Bazel workspace does
/// not specify a different value for the same annotation in their
/// crates_repository attributes.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct AnnotationsProvidedByPackage {
pub(crate) gen_build_script: Option<bool>,
pub(crate) data: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
pub(crate) data_glob: Option<BTreeSet<String>>,
pub(crate) deps: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
pub(crate) compile_data: Option<Select<BTreeSet<Label>>>,
pub(crate) compile_data_glob: Option<BTreeSet<String>>,
pub(crate) rustc_env: Option<Select<BTreeMap<String, String>>>,
pub(crate) rustc_env_files: Option<Select<BTreeSet<String>>>,
pub(crate) rustc_flags: Option<Select<Vec<String>>>,
pub(crate) build_script_env: Option<Select<BTreeMap<String, String>>>,
pub(crate) build_script_rustc_env: Option<Select<BTreeMap<String, String>>>,
pub(crate) build_script_rundir: Option<Select<String>>,
pub(crate) additive_build_file_content: Option<String>,
pub(crate) extra_aliased_targets: Option<BTreeMap<String, String>>,
impl CrateAnnotations {
pub(crate) fn apply_defaults_from_package_metadata(
&mut self,
pkg_metadata: &serde_json::Value,
) {
let AnnotationsProvidedByPackage {
} = match AnnotationsProvidedByPackage::deserialize(&pkg_metadata["bazel"]) {
Ok(annotations) => annotations,
// Ignore bad annotations. The set of supported annotations evolves
// over time across different versions of crate_universe, and we
// don't want a library to be impossible to import into Bazel for
// having old or broken annotations. The Bazel workspace can specify
// its own correct annotations.
Err(_) => return,
fn default<T>(workspace_value: &mut Option<T>, default_value: Option<T>) {
if workspace_value.is_none() {
*workspace_value = default_value;
default(&mut self.gen_build_script, gen_build_script);
default(&mut self.gen_build_script, gen_build_script);
default(&mut, data);
default(&mut self.data_glob, data_glob);
default(&mut self.deps, deps);
default(&mut self.compile_data, compile_data);
default(&mut self.compile_data_glob, compile_data_glob);
default(&mut self.rustc_env, rustc_env);
default(&mut self.rustc_env_files, rustc_env_files);
default(&mut self.rustc_flags, rustc_flags);
default(&mut self.build_script_env, build_script_env);
default(&mut self.build_script_rustc_env, build_script_rustc_env);
default(&mut self.build_script_rundir, build_script_rundir);
&mut self.additive_build_file_content,
default(&mut self.extra_aliased_targets, extra_aliased_targets);
/// A unique identifier for Crates
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct CrateId {
/// The name of the crate
pub name: String,
/// The crate's semantic version
pub version: semver::Version,
impl CrateId {
/// Construct a new [CrateId]
pub(crate) fn new(name: String, version: semver::Version) -> Self {
Self { name, version }
impl From<&Package> for CrateId {
fn from(package: &Package) -> Self {
Self {
version: package.version.clone(),
impl Serialize for CrateId {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
serializer.serialize_str(&format!("{} {}",, self.version))
struct CrateIdVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CrateIdVisitor {
type Value = CrateId;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("Expected string value of `{name} {version}`.")
fn visit_str<E>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: serde::de::Error,
let (name, version_str) = v.rsplit_once(' ').ok_or_else(|| {
"Expected string value of `{{name}} {{version}}`. Got '{v}'"
let version = semver::Version::parse(version_str).map_err(|err| {
"Couldn't parse {version_str} as a semver::Version: {err}"
Ok(CrateId {
name: name.to_string(),
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CrateId {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
impl std::fmt::Display for CrateId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&format!("{} {}",, self.version), f)
#[derive(Debug, Hash, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum GenBinaries {
impl Default for GenBinaries {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Serialize for GenBinaries {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
match self {
GenBinaries::All => serializer.serialize_bool(true),
GenBinaries::Some(set) if set.is_empty() => serializer.serialize_bool(false),
GenBinaries::Some(set) => serializer.collect_seq(set),
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for GenBinaries {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
struct GenBinariesVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for GenBinariesVisitor {
type Value = GenBinaries;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("boolean, or array of bin names")
fn visit_bool<E>(self, gen_binaries: bool) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
if gen_binaries {
} else {
fn visit_seq<A>(self, seq: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error>
A: SeqAccess<'de>,
/// Workspace specific settings to control how targets are generated
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Config {
/// Whether to generate `rust_binary` targets for all bins by default
pub(crate) generate_binaries: bool,
/// Whether or not to generate Cargo build scripts by default
pub(crate) generate_build_scripts: bool,
/// Additional settings to apply to generated crates
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "BTreeMap::is_empty")]
pub(crate) annotations: BTreeMap<CrateNameAndVersionReq, CrateAnnotations>,
/// Settings used to determine various render info
pub(crate) rendering: RenderConfig,
/// The contents of a Cargo configuration file
pub(crate) cargo_config: Option<toml::Value>,
/// A set of platform triples to use in generated select statements
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "BTreeSet::is_empty")]
pub(crate) supported_platform_triples: BTreeSet<TargetTriple>,
impl Config {
pub(crate) fn try_from_path<T: AsRef<Path>>(path: T) -> Result<Self> {
let data = fs::read_to_string(path)?;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct CrateNameAndVersionReq {
/// The name of the crate
pub name: String,
version_req_string: VersionReqString,
impl Serialize for CrateNameAndVersionReq {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
"{} {}",, self.version_req_string.original
struct CrateNameAndVersionReqVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CrateNameAndVersionReqVisitor {
type Value = CrateNameAndVersionReq;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("Expected string value of `{name} {version}`.")
fn visit_str<E>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: serde::de::Error,
let (name, version) = v.rsplit_once(' ').ok_or_else(|| {
"Expected string value of `{{name}} {{version}}`. Got '{v}'"
.map(|version| CrateNameAndVersionReq {
name: name.to_string(),
version_req_string: version,
.map_err(|err| E::custom(err.to_string()))
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CrateNameAndVersionReq {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
/// A version requirement (i.e. a semver::VersionReq) which preserves the original string it was parsed from.
/// This means that you can report back to the user whether they wrote `1` or `1.0.0` or `^1.0.0` or `>=1,<2`,
/// and support exact round-trip serialization and deserialization.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct VersionReqString {
original: String,
parsed: VersionReq,
impl FromStr for VersionReqString {
type Err = anyhow::Error;
fn from_str(original: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let parsed = VersionReq::parse(original)
.context("VersionReqString must be a valid semver requirement")?;
Ok(VersionReqString {
original: original.to_owned(),
impl PartialEq for VersionReqString {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.original == other.original
impl Eq for VersionReqString {}
impl PartialOrd for VersionReqString {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for VersionReqString {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
Ord::cmp(&self.original, &other.original)
impl Serialize for VersionReqString {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> std::result::Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for VersionReqString {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
struct StringVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for StringVisitor {
type Value = String;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("string of a semver requirement")
let original = deserializer.deserialize_str(StringVisitor)?;
let parsed = VersionReq::parse(&original).map_err(|_| {
&"a valid semver requirement",
Ok(VersionReqString { original, parsed })
impl CrateNameAndVersionReq {
pub fn new(name: String, version_req_string: VersionReqString) -> CrateNameAndVersionReq {
CrateNameAndVersionReq {
/// Compares a [CrateNameAndVersionReq] against a [cargo_metadata::Package].
pub fn matches(&self, package: &Package) -> bool {
// If the package name does not match, it's obviously
// not the right package
if != "*" && != {
return false;
// First see if the package version matches exactly
if package.version.to_string() == self.version_req_string.original {
return true;
// If the version provided is the wildcard "*", it matches. Do not
// delegate to the semver crate in this case because semver does not
// consider "*" to match prerelease packages. That's expected behavior
// in the context of declaring package dependencies, but not in the
// context of declaring which versions of preselected packages an
// annotation applies to.
if self.version_req_string.original == "*" {
return true;
// Next, check to see if the version provided is a semver req and
// check if the package matches the condition
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::test::*;
fn test_crate_id_serde() {
let id: CrateId = serde_json::from_str("\"crate 0.1.0\"").unwrap();
CrateId::new("crate".to_owned(), semver::Version::new(0, 1, 0))
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&id).unwrap(), "\"crate 0.1.0\"");
fn test_crate_id_matches() {
let mut package = mock_cargo_metadata_package();
let id = CrateNameAndVersionReq::new("mock-pkg".to_owned(), "0.1.0".parse().unwrap());
package.version = cargo_metadata::semver::Version::new(0, 1, 0);
package.version = cargo_metadata::semver::Version::new(1, 0, 0);
fn test_crate_name_and_version_req_serde() {
let id: CrateNameAndVersionReq = serde_json::from_str("\"crate 0.1.0\"").unwrap();
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&id).unwrap(), "\"crate 0.1.0\"");
fn test_crate_name_and_version_req_serde_semver() {
let id: CrateNameAndVersionReq = serde_json::from_str("\"crate *\"").unwrap();
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&id).unwrap(), "\"crate *\"");
fn test_crate_name_and_version_req_semver_matches() {
let mut package = mock_cargo_metadata_package();
package.version = cargo_metadata::semver::Version::new(1, 0, 0);
let id = CrateNameAndVersionReq::new("mock-pkg".to_owned(), "*".parse().unwrap());
let mut prerelease = mock_cargo_metadata_package();
prerelease.version = cargo_metadata::semver::Version::parse("1.0.0-pre.0").unwrap();
let id = CrateNameAndVersionReq::new("mock-pkg".to_owned(), "<1".parse().unwrap());
fn deserialize_config() {
let runfiles = runfiles::Runfiles::create().unwrap();
let path = runfiles::rlocation!(
let content = std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
let config: Config = serde_json::from_str(&content).unwrap();
// Annotations
let annotation = config
// Global settings
// Render Config