My args macro is OK.
Name | Description | Default Value |
name | The name of the test rule. | none |
args | Other arguments to include | none |
An empty list.
Oh wow this macro has both.
Not much else to say.
Name | Description | Default Value |
name | The name of the test rule. | none |
number | Some number used for important things | 3 |
args | Other arguments to include | none |
kwargs | Other attributes to include | none |
An empty list.
My kwargs macro is the best.
This is a long multi-line doc string. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer elementum, diam vitae tincidunt pulvinar, nunc tortor volutpat dui, vitae facilisis odio ligula a tortor. Donec ullamcorper odio eget ipsum tincidunt, vel mollis eros pellentesque.
Name | Description | Default Value |
name | The name of the test rule. | none |
config | Config to use for my macro | none |
deps | List of my macro's dependencies | [] |
kwargs | Other attributes to include | none |
An empty list.