| [](https://travis-ci.org/cose-wg/COSE-C) |
| [](https://coveralls.io/github/cose-wg/COSE-C?branch=master) |
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| # COSE-C Implementation |
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| This project is a C implementation of the IETF CBOR Encoded Mesage Syntax (COSE). |
| There are currently two versions of the COSE document that can be read. |
| The most current work in progress draft can be found on github in the [cose-wg/cose-spec](https://cose-wg.github.io/cose-spec/) project. |
| The IETF also keeps a copy of the spec in the [COSE WG](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-cose-msg). |
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| The project is using the [CN-CBOR](https://github.com/cabo/cn-cbor) project to provide an implemenetation of the Concise Binary Object Representation or [CBOR](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7049/). |
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| The project is using OpenSSL for the cryptographic primatives. |
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| ## Contributing |
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| Go ahead, file issues, make pull requests. |
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| ## Building |
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| The project is setup to build using *CMake.* The way that the CMake files are setup, itrequires that version 3.0 or higher is used. |
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| The project requires the use of cn-cbor(https://github.com/cabo/cn-cbor) in order to build. The CMake configuration files will automatically pull down the correct version when run. |
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| ## Memory Model |
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| The memory model used in this library is a mess. This is in large part because the memory model of cn-cbor is still poorly understood. |
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| This needs to get figured out in the near future. |