Provide a better implementation of DoNotOptimize(...).
This implementation is less likely to ICE compilers, and is more correct.
It also acts as a memory barrier which will help prevent writes to global memory
from being optimized away.
diff --git a/ b/
index e1ac17a..a0bcc61 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -279,7 +279,8 @@
### Preventing optimisation
To prevent a value or expression from being optimized away by the compiler
-the `benchmark::DoNotOptimize(...)` function can be used.
+the `benchmark::DoNotOptimize(...)` and `benchmark::ClobberMemory()`
+functions can be used.
static void BM_test(benchmark::State& state) {
@@ -292,6 +293,48 @@
+`DoNotOptimize(<expr>)` forces the *result* of `<expr>` to be stored in either
+memory or a register. For GNU based compilers it acts as read/write barrier
+for global memory. More specifically it forces the compiler to flush pending
+writes to memory and reload any other values as necessary.
+Note that `DoNotOptimize(<expr>)` does not prevent optimizations on `<expr>`
+in any way. `<expr>` may even be removed entirely when the result is already
+known. For example:
+ /* Example 1: `<expr>` is removed entirely. */
+ int foo(int x) { return x + 42; }
+ while (...) DoNotOptimize(foo(0)); // Optimized to DoNotOptimize(42);
+ /* Example 2: Result of '<expr>' is only reused */
+ int bar(int) __attribute__((const));
+ while (...) DoNotOptimize(bar(0)); // Optimized to:
+ // int __result__ = bar(0);
+ // while (...) DoNotOptimize(__result__);
+The second tool for preventing optimizations is `ClobberMemory()`. In essence
+`ClobberMemory()` forces the compiler to perform all pending writes to global
+memory. Memory managed by block scope objects must be "escaped" using
+`DoNotOptimize(...)` before it can be clobbered. In the below example
+`ClobberMemory()` prevents the call to `v.push_back(42)` from being optimized
+static void BM_vector_push_back(benchmark::State& state) {
+ while (state.KeepRunning()) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.reserve(1);
+ benchmark::DoNotOptimize(; // Allow to be clobbered.
+ v.push_back(42);
+ benchmark::ClobberMemory(); // Force 42 to be written to memory.
+ }
+Note that `ClobberMemory()` is only available for GNU based compilers.
### Set time unit manually
If a benchmark runs a few milliseconds it may be hard to visually compare the
measured times, since the output data is given in nanoseconds per default. In