blob: 14d7ef60cdcff34edf7147f18bab67c1947a4ffd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./fuzztest/domain.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/registry.h"
namespace fuzztest {
// The FUZZ_TEST macro registers a fuzz test.
// Fuzz tests are parameterized unit tests, also called property-based tests.
// The tested property is captured by a function with some parameters, and the
// input domains of the parameters can be specified with the FUZZ_TEST macro
// that registers and instantiates the test:
// void CallingMyApiNeverCrashes(int x, const std::string& s) {
// bool result = MyApi(x, s); // This function call should never crash.
// ASSERT_TRUE(result); // Can have explicit assertions too.
// }
// FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, CallingMyApiNeverCrashes)
// .WithDomains(/*x:*/fuzztest::InRange(0,10),
// /*s:*/fuzztest::AsciiString())
// .WithSeeds({{5, "Foo"}, {10, "Bar"}});
// where `MySuite` is an identifier for a group of related tests, and
// `CallingMyApiNeverCrashes` is the name of the test and also the name of the
// "property function". The property function can have any number of parameters.
// The input domain of each parameter can be assigned using `.WithDomains()`,
// and the initial seed values can be provided using `.WithSeeds()`.
// When each parameter's input domain is `Arbitrary<T>()`, which allows any
// value of a given type T, i.e.:
// FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, CallingMyApiNeverCrashes)
// .WithDomains(/*x:*/fuzztest::Arbitrary<int>(),
// /*s:*/fuzztest::Arbitrary<std::string>());
// then the input domain assignment with `.WithDomains()` can be omitted:
// FUZZ_TEST(MySuite, CallingMyApiNeverCrashes);
// Note: When specifying both the domains and seeds, the domain clause has to
// be specified first.
#define FUZZ_TEST(suite_name, func) INTERNAL_FUZZ_TEST(suite_name, func)
// The FUZZ_TEST_F macro registers a fuzz test that uses a test fixture.
// The first parameter is the name of the fixture class, which is also used as
// the name of the test suite. The second parameter is the name of the property
// function (also used as the test name), which must be defined as a public
// member of the fixture class.
// A test fixture can be any default-constructible class. The fixture's setup
// code should be in its constructor, and the teardown code should be in its
// destructor. While running the fuzz test, which involves calling the property
// function multiple times with various inputs, the fixture will be instantiated
// only once at the beginning and destroyed at the end of the fuzz test. In
// particular, the same instance will be used in all calls to the property
// function.
// If the fixture you are using is a GoogleTest fixture (i.e., it extends
// `::testing::Test`, either directly or indirectly), then you will additionally
// need to wrap the fixture in an adapter. For more details, see
// Just like the FUZZ_TEST macro, the FUZZ_TEST_F macro allows specifying the
// domains and seeds using the `.WithDomains()` and `.WithSeeds()` clauses.
// Example:
// class FooFuzzTest {
// public:
// FooFuzzTest() { foo_.SetUp(); }
// ~FooFuzzTest() { foo_.TearDown(); }
// void CallingFooBarNeverCrashes(int x, const std::string& s) {
// bool result = foo_.Bar(x, s);
// ASSERT_TRUE(result);
// }
// private:
// Foo foo_;
// };
// FUZZ_TEST_F(FooFuzzTest, CallingFooBarNeverCrashes)
// .WithDomains(/*x:*/fuzztest::Positive<int>(),
// /*s:*/fuzztest::AsciiString())
// .WithSeeds({{5, "Foo"}, {10, "Bar"}});
#define FUZZ_TEST_F(fixture, func) \
INTERNAL_FUZZ_TEST_F(fixture, func, fixture, func)
// Returns a list of all registered fuzz test names in the form of
// "<suite_name>.<property_function_name>", e.g., `MySuite.MyFuzzTest".
// REQUIRES: `main()` has started before calling this function.
std::vector<std::string> ListRegisteredTests();
// Returns the full name of the single registered fuzz test that matches `name`.
// If there are zero or multiple tests that match `name`, exits with an error
// message.
// A test matches `name` if its full name (e.g., "MySuite.MyFuzzTest") contains
// `name` (e.g., "MyFuzz") as a substring. If there is a test whose full name
// exactly matches `name`, then this will be the returned name.
// REQUIRES: `main()` has started before calling this function.
std::string GetMatchingFuzzTestOrExit(std::string_view name);
// Runs the FUZZ_TEST specified by `name` in fuzzing mode.
// The `name` can be a full name, e.g., "MySuite.MyFuzzTest". It can also be a
// part of the full name, e.g., "MyFuzz", if it matches only a single fuzz test
// in the binary. If there is only one fuzz test in binary, name can also be
// empty string. If `name` matches exactly one FUZZ_TEST, it runs the selected
// test in fuzzing mode, until a bug is found or until manually stopped.
// Otherwise, it exits.
// REQUIRES: `main()` has started before calling this function.
// REQUIRES: Binary must be built with SanCov instrumentation on.
void RunSpecifiedFuzzTest(std::string_view name);
// Reads files as strings from the directory `dir` and returns a vector usable
// by .WithSeeds().
// Example usage:
// FUZZ_TEST(SuiteName, TestName)
// .WithSeeds(ReadFilesFromDirectory(kCorpusPath));
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string>> ReadFilesFromDirectory(
std::string_view dir);
} // namespace fuzztest
// Temporarily disable fuzz tests under MSVC/iOS/MacOS.
// They might not support all the C++17 features we are using right now.
// Disables all registration and disables running the domain expressions by
// using a ternary expression. The tail code (eg .WithDomains(...)) will not be
// executed.
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
#undef FUZZ_TEST
#define FUZZ_TEST(suite_name, func) \
[[maybe_unused]] static ::fuzztest::internal::RegisterStub \
fuzztest_reg_##suite_name##func = \
true ? ::fuzztest::internal::RegisterStub() \
: ::fuzztest::internal::RegisterStub()
#endif // defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_MSC_VER)