blob: 4ca0e91cfec15abd05a1fcaf87631ba6baa49dcb [file] [log] [blame]
* cifra - embedded cryptography library
* Written in 2014 by Joseph Birr-Pixton <>
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
* copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
* public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
* warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
* along with this software. If not, see
* <>.
#ifndef SHA1_H
#define SHA1_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "chash.h"
* SHA1
* ====
* You shouldn't use this for anything new.
/* .. c:macro:: CF_SHA1_HASHSZ
* The output size of SHA1: 20 bytes. */
#define CF_SHA1_HASHSZ 20
/* .. c:macro:: CF_SHA1_BLOCKSZ
* The block size of SHA1: 64 bytes. */
#define CF_SHA1_BLOCKSZ 64
/* .. c:type:: cf_sha1_context
* Incremental SHA1 hashing context.
* .. c:member:: cf_sha1_context.H
* Intermediate values.
* .. c:member:: cf_sha1_context.partial
* Unprocessed input.
* .. c:member:: cf_sha1_context.npartial
* Number of bytes of unprocessed input.
* .. c:member:: cf_sha1_context.blocks
* Number of full blocks processed.
typedef struct
uint32_t H[5]; /* State. */
uint8_t partial[CF_SHA1_BLOCKSZ]; /* Partial block of input. */
uint32_t blocks; /* Number of full blocks processed into H. */
size_t npartial; /* Number of bytes in prefix of partial. */
} cf_sha1_context;
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Sets up `ctx` ready to hash a new message.
extern void cf_sha1_init(cf_sha1_context *ctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Hashes `nbytes` at `data`. Copies the data if there isn't enough to make
* a full block.
extern void cf_sha1_update(cf_sha1_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t nbytes);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Finishes the hash operation, writing `CF_SHA1_HASHSZ` bytes to `hash`.
* This leaves `ctx` unchanged.
extern void cf_sha1_digest(const cf_sha1_context *ctx, uint8_t hash[CF_SHA1_HASHSZ]);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Finishes the hash operation, writing `CF_SHA1_HASHSZ` bytes to `hash`.
* This destroys `ctx`, but uses less stack than :c:func:`cf_sha1_digest`.
extern void cf_sha1_digest_final(cf_sha1_context *ctx, uint8_t hash[CF_SHA1_HASHSZ]);
/* .. c:var:: cf_sha1
* Abstract interface to SHA1. See :c:type:`cf_chash` for more information.
extern const cf_chash cf_sha1;