blob: ae790678359198714b9693fe5a02af1be4ad8b96 [file] [log] [blame]
* cifra - embedded cryptography library
* Written in 2016 by Joseph Birr-Pixton <>
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
* copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
* public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
* warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
* along with this software. If not, see
* <>.
#include "drbg.h"
#include "handy.h"
#include "bitops.h"
#include "sha2.h"
#include "tassert.h"
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_DRBG_GENERATE 0x10000ul
static void hash_df(const cf_chash *H,
const void *in1, size_t nin1,
const void *in2, size_t nin2,
const void *in3, size_t nin3,
const void *in4, size_t nin4,
uint8_t *out, size_t nout)
uint8_t counter = 1;
uint32_t bits_to_return = nout * 8;
uint8_t cbuf[4];
uint8_t block[CF_MAXHASH];
write32_be(bits_to_return, cbuf);
while (nout)
/* Make a block. This is the hash of:
* counter || bits_to_return || in1 || in2 || in3 | in4
cf_chash_ctx ctx;
H->update(&ctx, &counter, sizeof counter);
H->update(&ctx, cbuf, sizeof cbuf);
H->update(&ctx, in1, nin1);
H->update(&ctx, in2, nin2);
H->update(&ctx, in3, nin3);
H->update(&ctx, in4, nin4);
H->digest(&ctx, block);
size_t take = MIN(H->hashsz, nout);
memcpy(out, block, take);
out += take;
nout -= take;
counter += 1;
void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_init(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx,
const void *entropy, size_t nentropy,
const void *nonce, size_t nnonce,
const void *persn, size_t npersn)
mem_clean(ctx, sizeof *ctx);
/* 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string
* 2. seed = Hash_df(seed_material, seedlen)
* 3. V = seed */
entropy, nentropy,
nonce, nnonce,
persn, npersn,
NULL, 0,
ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V);
/* 4. C = Hash_df(0x00 || V, seedlen) */
uint8_t zero = 0;
&zero, sizeof zero,
ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V,
NULL, 0,
NULL, 0,
ctx->C, sizeof ctx->C);
/* 5. reseed_counter = 1 */
ctx->reseed_counter = 1;
/* Add out += in, mod 2^nout.
* Runs in time dependent on nout and nin, but not the contents of out or in.
static void add(uint8_t *out, size_t nout, const uint8_t *in, size_t nin)
assert(nout >= nin);
uint16_t carry = 0;
int oi, ii;
for (oi = nout - 1, ii = nin - 1;
oi >= 0;
ii--, oi--)
carry += out[oi];
if (ii >= 0)
carry += in[ii];
out[oi] = carry & 0xff;
carry >>= 8;
static void hash_process_addnl(const cf_chash *H,
const void *input, size_t ninput,
uint8_t *V, size_t nV)
if (!ninput)
/* 2.1. w = Hash(0x02 || V || additional_input) */
uint8_t two = 2;
uint8_t w[CF_MAXHASH];
cf_chash_ctx ctx;
H->update(&ctx, &two, sizeof two);
H->update(&ctx, V, nV);
H->update(&ctx, input, ninput);
H->digest(&ctx, w);
/* 2.2. V = (V + w) mod 2 ^ seedlen */
add(V, nV, w, H->hashsz);
static void hash_generate(const cf_chash *H,
uint8_t *data, size_t ndata, /* initialised with V */
void *out, size_t nout)
cf_chash_ctx ctx;
uint8_t w[CF_MAXHASH];
uint8_t *bout = out;
uint8_t one = 1;
while (nout)
/* 4.1. w = Hash(data) */
H->update(&ctx, data, ndata);
H->digest(&ctx, w);
/* 4.2. W = W || w */
size_t take = MIN(H->hashsz, nout);
memcpy(bout, w, take);
bout += take;
nout -= take;
/* 4.3. data = (data + 1) mod 2 ^ seedlen */
add(data, ndata, &one, sizeof one);
static void hash_step(const cf_chash *H,
uint8_t *V, size_t nV,
const uint8_t *C, size_t nC,
uint32_t *reseed_counter)
/* 4. h = Hash(0x03 || V) */
uint8_t h[CF_MAXHASH];
uint8_t three = 3;
cf_chash_ctx ctx;
H->update(&ctx, &three, sizeof three);
H->update(&ctx, V, nV);
H->digest(&ctx, h);
/* 5. V = (V + h + C + reseed_counter) mod 2 ^ seedlen */
uint8_t reseed_counter_buf[4];
write32_be(*reseed_counter, reseed_counter_buf);
add(V, nV, h, H->hashsz);
add(V, nV, C, nC);
add(V, nV, reseed_counter_buf, sizeof reseed_counter_buf);
/* 6. reseed_counter = reseed_counter + 1 */
*reseed_counter = *reseed_counter + 1;
/* This is Hash_DRBG_Generate_algorithm.
* nout is a maximum of MAX_DRBG_GENERATE */
static void hash_gen_request(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx,
const void *addnl, size_t naddnl,
void *out, size_t nout)
uint8_t data[440/8]; /* a temporary copy of V, which gets incremented by generate */
hash_process_addnl(&cf_sha256, addnl, naddnl, ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V);
assert(sizeof data == sizeof ctx->V);
memcpy(data, ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V);
hash_generate(&cf_sha256, data, sizeof data, out, nout);
hash_step(&cf_sha256, ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V, ctx->C, sizeof ctx->C, &ctx->reseed_counter);
void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_gen_additional(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx,
const void *addnl, size_t naddnl,
void *out, size_t nout)
uint8_t *bout = out;
/* Generate output in requests of MAX_DRBG_GENERATE in size. */
while (nout != 0)
size_t take = MIN(MAX_DRBG_GENERATE, nout);
hash_gen_request(ctx, addnl, naddnl, bout, take);
bout += take;
nout -= take;
/* Add additional data only once. */
addnl = NULL;
naddnl = 0;
void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_gen(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx,
void *out, size_t nout)
NULL, 0,
out, nout);
void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_reseed(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx,
const void *entropy, size_t nentropy,
const void *addnl, size_t naddnl)
/* 1. seed_material = 0x01 || V || entropy_input || additional_input
* 2. seed = Hash_df(seed_material, seedlen)
* 3. V = seed */
uint8_t one = 1;
/* stash V in C, because it cannot alias output */
memcpy(ctx->C, ctx->V, sizeof ctx->C);
&one, sizeof one,
ctx->C, sizeof ctx->C,
entropy, nentropy,
addnl, naddnl,
ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V);
/* 4. C = Hash_df(0x00 || V, seedlen) */
uint8_t zero = 0;
&zero, sizeof zero,
ctx->V, sizeof ctx->V,
NULL, 0,
NULL, 0,
ctx->C, sizeof ctx->C);
/* 5. reseed_counter = 1 */
ctx->reseed_counter = 1;
uint32_t cf_hash_drbg_sha256_needs_reseed(const cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx)
/* we need reseeding after 2 ^ 32 - 1 requests. */
return ctx->reseed_counter == 0;
/* --- HMAC_DRBG --- */
/* provided_data is in1 || in2 || in3.
* K is already scheduled in ctx->hmac. */
static void hmac_drbg_update(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx,
const void *in1, size_t nin1,
const void *in2, size_t nin2,
const void *in3, size_t nin3)
cf_hmac_ctx local;
const cf_chash *H = ctx->hmac.hash;
uint8_t new_key[CF_MAXHASH];
uint8_t zero = 0;
/* 1. K = HMAC(K, V || 0x00 || provided_data) */
local = ctx->hmac;
cf_hmac_update(&local, ctx->V, H->hashsz);
cf_hmac_update(&local, &zero, sizeof zero);
cf_hmac_update(&local, in1, nin1);
cf_hmac_update(&local, in2, nin2);
cf_hmac_update(&local, in3, nin3);
cf_hmac_finish(&local, new_key);
cf_hmac_init(&ctx->hmac, H, new_key, H->hashsz);
mem_clean(new_key, sizeof new_key);
/* 2. V = HMAC(K, V) */
local = ctx->hmac;
cf_hmac_update(&local, ctx->V, H->hashsz);
cf_hmac_finish(&local, ctx->V);
/* 3. if (provided_data = null) then return K and V */
if (nin1 == 0 && nin2 == 0 && nin3 == 0)
/* 4. K = HMAC(K, V || 0x01 || provided_data) */
uint8_t one = 1;
local = ctx->hmac;
cf_hmac_update(&local, ctx->V, H->hashsz);
cf_hmac_update(&local, &one, sizeof one);
cf_hmac_update(&local, in1, nin1);
cf_hmac_update(&local, in2, nin2);
cf_hmac_update(&local, in3, nin3);
cf_hmac_finish(&local, new_key);
cf_hmac_init(&ctx->hmac, H, new_key, H->hashsz);
mem_clean(new_key, sizeof new_key);
/* 5. V = HMAC(K, V) */
local = ctx->hmac;
cf_hmac_update(&local, ctx->V, H->hashsz);
cf_hmac_finish(&local, ctx->V);
void cf_hmac_drbg_init(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx,
const cf_chash *hash,
const void *entropy, size_t nentropy,
const void *nonce, size_t nnonce,
const void *persn, size_t npersn)
mem_clean(ctx, sizeof *ctx);
assert(hash->hashsz <= CF_MAXHASH);
/* 2. Key = 0x00 00 ... 00
* 3. V = 0x01 01 ... 01 */
uint8_t initial_key[CF_MAXHASH];
memset(initial_key, 0x00, hash->hashsz);
memset(ctx->V, 0x01, hash->hashsz);
cf_hmac_init(&ctx->hmac, hash, initial_key, hash->hashsz);
/* 1. seed_material = entropy_input || nonce || personalization_string
* 4. (Key, V) = HMAC_DRBG_Update(seed_material, Key, V) */
hmac_drbg_update(ctx, entropy, nentropy, nonce, nnonce, persn, npersn);
/* 5. reseed_counter = 1 */
ctx->reseed_counter = 1;
uint32_t cf_hmac_drbg_needs_reseed(const cf_hmac_drbg *ctx)
return ctx->reseed_counter == 0;
static void hmac_drbg_generate(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx,
const void *addnl, size_t naddnl,
void *out, size_t nout)
/* 1. If reseed_counter > reseed_interval, then return an indication
* that a reseed is required */
/* 2. If additional_input != null, then
* (Key, V) = HMAC_DRBG_Update(additional_input, Key, V)
if (naddnl)
hmac_drbg_update(ctx, addnl, naddnl, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
/* 3. temp = Null
* 4. While (len(temp) < requested_number_of_bits) do:
* 4.1. V = HMAC(Key, V)
* 4.2. temp = temp || V
* 5. returned_bits = leftmost(temp, requested_number_of_bits)
* We write the contents of temp directly into the caller's
* out buffer.
uint8_t *bout = out;
cf_hmac_ctx local;
while (nout)
local = ctx->hmac;
cf_hmac_update(&local, ctx->V, ctx->hmac.hash->hashsz);
cf_hmac_finish(&local, ctx->V);
size_t take = MIN(ctx->hmac.hash->hashsz, nout);
memcpy(bout, ctx->V, take);
bout += take;
nout -= take;
/* 6. (Key, V) = HMAC_DRBG_Update(additional_input, Key, V) */
hmac_drbg_update(ctx, addnl, naddnl, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
/* 7. reseed_counter = reseed_counter + 1 */
void cf_hmac_drbg_gen_additional(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx,
const void *addnl, size_t naddnl,
void *out, size_t nout)
uint8_t *bout = out;
while (nout != 0)
size_t take = MIN(MAX_DRBG_GENERATE, nout);
hmac_drbg_generate(ctx, addnl, naddnl, bout, take);
bout += take;
nout -= take;
/* Add additional data only once. */
addnl = NULL;
naddnl = 0;
void cf_hmac_drbg_gen(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx, void *out, size_t nout)
NULL, 0,
out, nout);
void cf_hmac_drbg_reseed(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx,
const void *entropy, size_t nentropy,
const void *addnl, size_t naddnl)
/* 1. seed_material = entropy_input || additional_input
* 2. (Key, V) = HMAC_DRBG_Update(seed_material, Key, V) */
hmac_drbg_update(ctx, entropy, nentropy, addnl, naddnl, NULL, 0);
/* 3. reseed_counter = 1 */
ctx->reseed_counter = 1;