blob: 20940a34a5c52dadb9a042dbe46e60b28cebc93f [file] [log] [blame]
* cifra - embedded cryptography library
* Written in 2014 by Joseph Birr-Pixton <>
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
* copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
* public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
* warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
* along with this software. If not, see
* <>.
#ifndef MODES_H
#define MODES_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "gf128.h"
#include "prp.h"
* Block cipher modes
* ==================
* CBC mode
* --------
* This implementation allows encryption or decryption of whole
* blocks in CBC mode. It does not offer a byte-wise incremental
* interface, or do any padding.
* This mode provides no useful integrity and should not be used
* directly.
/* .. c:type:: cf_cbc
* This structure binds together the things needed to encrypt/decrypt whole
* blocks in CBC mode.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbc.prp
* How to encrypt or decrypt blocks. This could be, for example, :c:data:`cf_aes`.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbc.prpctx
* Private data for prp functions. For a `prp` of `cf_aes`, this would be a
* pointer to a :c:type:`cf_aes_context` instance.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbc.block
* The IV or last ciphertext block.
typedef struct
const cf_prp *prp;
void *prpctx;
uint8_t block[CF_MAXBLOCK];
} cf_cbc;
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Initialise CBC encryption/decryption context using selected prp, prp context and IV. */
void cf_cbc_init(cf_cbc *ctx, const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx, const uint8_t iv[CF_MAXBLOCK]);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Encrypt blocks in CBC mode. input and output
* must point to blocks * ctx->prp->blocksz bytes of storage (and may alias). */
void cf_cbc_encrypt(cf_cbc *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, size_t blocks);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Decrypt blocks in CBC mode. input and output
* must point to blocks * ctx->prp->blocksz bytes of storage (and may alias). */
void cf_cbc_decrypt(cf_cbc *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, size_t blocks);
* Counter mode
* ------------
* This implementation allows incremental encryption/decryption of
* messages. Encryption and decryption are the same operation.
* The counter is always big-endian, but has configurable location
* and size within the nonce block. The counter wraps, so you
* should make sure the length of a message with a given nonce
* doesn't cause nonce reuse.
* This mode provides no integrity and should not be used directly.
/* .. c:type:: cf_ctr
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.prp
* How to encrypt or decrypt blocks. This could be, for example, :c:data:`cf_aes`.
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.prpctx
* Private data for prp functions. For a `prp` of `cf_aes`, this would be a
* pointer to a :c:type:`cf_aes_context` instance.
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.nonce
* The next block to encrypt to get another block of key stream.
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.keymat
* The current block of key stream.
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.nkeymat
* The number of bytes at the end of :c:member:`keymat` that are so-far unused.
* If this is zero, all the bytes are used up and/or of undefined value.
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.counter_offset
* The offset (in bytes) of the counter block within the nonce.
* .. c:member:: cf_ctr.counter_width
* The width (in bytes) of the counter block in the nonce.
typedef struct
const cf_prp *prp;
void *prpctx;
uint8_t nonce[CF_MAXBLOCK];
uint8_t keymat[CF_MAXBLOCK];
size_t nkeymat;
size_t counter_offset;
size_t counter_width;
} cf_ctr;
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Initialise CTR encryption/decryption context using selected prp and nonce.
* (nb, this only increments the whole nonce as a big endian block) */
void cf_ctr_init(cf_ctr *ctx, const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx, const uint8_t nonce[CF_MAXBLOCK]);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Set the location and width of the nonce counter.
* eg. offset = 12, width = 4 means the counter is mod 2^32 and placed
* at the end of the nonce. */
void cf_ctr_custom_counter(cf_ctr *ctx, size_t offset, size_t width);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Encrypt or decrypt bytes in CTR mode.
* input and output may alias and must point to specified number of bytes. */
void cf_ctr_cipher(cf_ctr *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, size_t bytes);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Discards the rest of this block of key stream. */
void cf_ctr_discard_block(cf_ctr *ctx);
* -------
* This is a incremental interface to computing a CBC-MAC tag over a message.
* It optionally pads the message with PKCS#5/PKCS#7 padding -- if you don't
* do this, messages must be an exact number of blocks long.
* You shouldn't use this directly because it isn't secure for variable-length
* messages. Use CMAC instead.
/* .. c:type:: cf_cbcmac_stream
* Stream interface to CBC-MAC signing.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbcmac.prp
* How to encrypt or decrypt blocks. This could be, for example, :c:data:`cf_aes`.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbcmac.prpctx
* Private data for prp functions. For a `prp` of `cf_aes`, this would be a
* pointer to a :c:type:`cf_aes_context` instance.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbcmac.cbc
* CBC data.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbcmac.buffer
* Buffer for data which can't be processed until we have a full block.
* .. c:member:: cf_cbcmac.used
* How many bytes at the front of :c:member:`buffer` are valid.
typedef struct
const cf_prp *prp;
void *prpctx;
cf_cbc cbc;
uint8_t buffer[CF_MAXBLOCK];
size_t used;
} cf_cbcmac_stream;
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Initialise CBC-MAC signing context using selected prp. */
void cf_cbcmac_stream_init(cf_cbcmac_stream *ctx, const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Reset the streaming signing context, to sign a new message. */
void cf_cbcmac_stream_reset(cf_cbcmac_stream *ctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Process ndata bytes at data. */
void cf_cbcmac_stream_update(cf_cbcmac_stream *ctx, const uint8_t *data, size_t ndata);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Finish the current block of data by adding zeroes. Does nothing if there
* are no bytes awaiting processing. */
void cf_cbcmac_stream_finish_block_zero(cf_cbcmac_stream *ctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Output the MAC to ctx->prp->blocksz bytes at out.
* ctx->used must be zero: the inputed message must be an exact number of
* blocks. */
void cf_cbcmac_stream_nopad_final(cf_cbcmac_stream *ctx, uint8_t out[CF_MAXBLOCK]);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Output the MAC to ctx->prp->blocksz bytes at out.
* The message is padded with PKCS#5 padding. */
void cf_cbcmac_stream_pad_final(cf_cbcmac_stream *ctx, uint8_t out[CF_MAXBLOCK]);
* ----
* This is both a one-shot and incremental interface to
* computing a CMAC tag over a message.
* The one-shot interface separates out the per-key computation,
* so if you need to compute lots of MACs with one key you don't
* pay that cost more than once.
* CMAC is a good choice for a symmetric MAC.
/* .. c:type:: cf_cmac
* One-shot interface to CMAC signing.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac.prp
* How to encrypt or decrypt blocks. This could be, for example, :c:data:`cf_aes`.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac.prpctx
* Private data for prp functions. For a `prp` of `cf_aes`, this would be a
* pointer to a :c:type:`cf_aes_context` instance.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac.B
* The XOR offset for the last message block if it is a complete block
* (also known as K\ :sub:`1`).
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac.P
* The XOR offset for the last message block if it is a partial block
* (also known as K\ :sub:`2`).
typedef struct
const cf_prp *prp;
void *prpctx;
uint8_t B[CF_MAXBLOCK];
uint8_t P[CF_MAXBLOCK];
} cf_cmac;
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Initialise CMAC signing context using selected prp. */
void cf_cmac_init(cf_cmac *ctx, const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* CMAC sign the given data. The MAC is written to ctx->prp->blocksz
* bytes at out. This is a one-shot function. */
void cf_cmac_sign(cf_cmac *ctx, const uint8_t *data, size_t bytes,
uint8_t out[CF_MAXBLOCK]);
/* .. c:type:: cf_cmac_stream
* Stream interface to CMAC signing.
* Input data in arbitrary chunks using :c:func:`cf_cmac_stream_update`.
* The last bit of data must be signalled with the `isfinal` flag to
* that function, and the data cannot be zero length unless the whole
* message is empty.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac_stream.cmac
* CMAC one-shot data.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac_stream.cbc
* CBC block encryption data.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac_stream.buffer
* Buffer for data which can't be processed until we have a full block.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac_stream.used
* How many bytes at the front of :c:member:`buffer` are valid.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac_stream.processed
* How many bytes in total we've processed. This is used to correctly
* process empty messages.
* .. c:member:: cf_cmac_stream.finalised
* A flag set when the final chunk of the message has been processed.
* Only when this flag is set can you get the MAC out.
typedef struct
cf_cmac cmac;
cf_cbc cbc;
uint8_t buffer[CF_MAXBLOCK];
size_t used;
size_t processed;
int finalised;
} cf_cmac_stream;
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Initialise CMAC streaming signing context using selected prp. */
void cf_cmac_stream_init(cf_cmac_stream *ctx, const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Reset the streaming signing context, to sign a new message. */
void cf_cmac_stream_reset(cf_cmac_stream *ctx);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Process ndata bytes at data. isfinal is non-zero if this is the last piece
* of data. */
void cf_cmac_stream_update(cf_cmac_stream *ctx, const uint8_t *data, size_t ndata,
int isfinal);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* Output the MAC to ctx->cmac->prp->blocksz bytes at out.
* cf_cmac_stream_update with isfinal non-zero must have been called
* since the last _init/_reset. */
void cf_cmac_stream_final(cf_cmac_stream *ctx, uint8_t out[CF_MAXBLOCK]);
* ---
* The EAX authenticated encryption mode. This is a one-shot
* interface.
* EAX is a pretty respectable and fast AEAD mode.
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* EAX authenticated encryption.
* This function does not fail.
* :param prp/prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param plain: message plaintext.
* :param nplain: length of message. May be zero.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD. May be zero.
* :param nonce: nonce. This must not repeat for a given key.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce. The nonce can be any length.
* :param cipher: ciphertext output. `nplain` bytes are written here.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are written here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length. This must be non-zero and no greater than `prp->blocksz`.
void cf_eax_encrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *plain, size_t nplain,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
uint8_t *cipher,
uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* EAX authenticated decryption.
* :return: 0 on success, non-zero on error. Nothing is written to plain on error.
* :param prp/prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param cipher: message ciphertext.
* :param ncipher: message length.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD.
* :param nonce: nonce.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are read from here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length.
* :param plain: plaintext output. `ncipher` bytes are written here.
int cf_eax_decrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *cipher, size_t ncipher,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
const uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag,
uint8_t *plain);
* ---
* The GCM ('Galois counter mode') authenticated encryption mode.
* This is a one-shot interface.
* GCM is a reasonably respectable AEAD mode. It's somewhat more
* complex than EAX, and side channel-free implementations can
* be quite slow.
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* GCM authenticated encryption.
* This function does not fail.
* :param prp/prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param plain: message plaintext.
* :param nplain: length of message. May be zero.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD. May be zero.
* :param nonce: nonce. This must not repeat for a given key.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce. The nonce can be any length, but 12 bytes is strongly recommended.
* :param cipher: ciphertext output. `nplain` bytes are written here.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are written here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length. This must be non-zero and no greater than `prp->blocksz`.
* This function does not fail.
void cf_gcm_encrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *plain, size_t nplain,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
uint8_t *cipher,
uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag);
/* Incremental GHASH computation. */
typedef struct
cf_gf128 H;
cf_gf128 Y;
uint8_t buffer[16];
size_t buffer_used;
uint64_t len_aad;
uint64_t len_cipher;
unsigned state;
} ghash_ctx;
typedef struct
cf_ctr ctr;
ghash_ctx gh;
uint8_t Y0[16];
uint8_t e_Y0[16];
} cf_gcm_ctx;
void cf_gcm_encrypt_init(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx, cf_gcm_ctx *gcmctx,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce);
void cf_gcm_encrypt_update(cf_gcm_ctx *gcmctx, const uint8_t *plain, size_t nplain, uint8_t *cipher);
void cf_gcm_encrypt_final(cf_gcm_ctx *gcmctx, uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* GCM authenticated decryption.
* :return: 0 on success, non-zero on error. Nothing is written to plain on error.
* :param prp: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param cipher: message ciphertext.
* :param ncipher: message length.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD.
* :param nonce: nonce.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are read from here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length.
* :param plain: plaintext output. `ncipher` bytes are written here.
int cf_gcm_decrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *cipher, size_t ncipher,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
const uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag,
uint8_t *plain);
* ---
* The CCM ('Counter with CBC-MAC') authenticated encryption mode.
* CCM is a widely used AEAD mode (in IPSec, WPA2, Bluetooth, etc.)
* It works (at a high level) by just gluing together CTR and CBC-MAC
* modes (in MAC-then-encrypt mode) and then fixing the problems inherent
* with CBC-MAC in over-complicated ways.
* This is a one-shot interface, which is good because the underlying
* mechanism isn't actually online: you need to know the message length
* before you start, or do everything in two passes.
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* CCM authenticated encryption.
* This function does not fail.
* :param prp/prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param plain: message plaintext.
* :param nplain: length of message. May be zero. Must meet the constraints placed on it by `L`.
* :param L: length of the message length encoding. This must be in the interval `[2,8]` and gives a maximum message size of 2\ :sup:`8L` bytes.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD. May be zero.
* :param nonce: nonce. This must not repeat for a given key.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce. Must be exactly `15 - L` bytes for a 128-bit block cipher.
* :param cipher: ciphertext output. `nplain` bytes are written here.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are written here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length. This must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16.
void cf_ccm_encrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *plain, size_t nplain, size_t L,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
uint8_t *cipher,
uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* CCM authenticated decryption.
* :return: 0 on success, non-zero on error. Plain is cleared on error.
* :param prp: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param cipher: message ciphertext.
* :param ncipher: length of message.
* :param L: length of the message length encoding. See :c:func:`cf_ccm_encrypt`.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD.
* :param nonce: nonce.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are read from here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length. This must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16.
* :param plain: plaintext output. `ncipher` bytes are written here.
int cf_ccm_decrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *cipher, size_t ncipher, size_t L,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
const uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag,
uint8_t *plain);
* ---
* OCB is an authenticated encryption mode by Phil Rogaway.
* This is version 3, as standardised in RFC7253. It's defined
* only for block ciphers with a 128-bit block size.
* This is a one-shot interface.
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* OCB authenticated encryption.
* This function does not fail.
* :param prp/prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param plain: message plaintext.
* :param nplain: length of message. May be zero.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD. May be zero.
* :param nonce: nonce. This must not repeat for a given key.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce. Must be 15 or fewer bytes.
* :param cipher: ciphertext output. `nplain` bytes are written here.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are written here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length. Must be 16 or fewer bytes.
void cf_ocb_encrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *plain, size_t nplain,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
uint8_t *cipher,
uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag);
/* .. c:function:: $DECL
* OCB authenticated decryption.
* :return: 0 on success, non-zero on error. `plain` is cleared on error.
* :param prp: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param prpctx: describe the block cipher to use.
* :param cipher: message ciphertext.
* :param ncipher: length of message.
* :param header: additionally authenticated data (AAD).
* :param nheader: length of AAD.
* :param nonce: nonce.
* :param nnonce: length of nonce.
* :param tag: authentication tag. `ntag` bytes are read from here.
* :param ntag: authentication tag length.
* :param plain: plaintext output. `ncipher` bytes are written here.
int cf_ocb_decrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
const uint8_t *cipher, size_t ncipher,
const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
const uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag,
uint8_t *plain);