blob: 59de80067436188d4e8fbde7497ba6ec23dccbf5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* picotlsvs: test program for the TLS 1.3 library. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include "../picotls/wincompat.h"
#include "../../include/picotls.h"
#include "../../include/picotls/openssl.h"
#include "../../include/picotls/minicrypto.h"
#include "../../include/picotls/asn1.h"
#include "../../include/picotls/pembase64.h"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define PICOTLS_CERT_STORE "..\\..\\t\\assets\\test-ca.crt"
#define PICOTLS_CERT_STORE "../../t/assets/test-ca.crt"
void log_printf(void * ctx, const char * format, ...)
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, format);
vfprintf(stderr, format, argptr);
ptls_minicrypto_log_ctx_t log_ctx = { NULL, log_printf };
int ptls_export_secret(ptls_t *tls, void *output, size_t outlen, const char *label, ptls_iovec_t context_value, int is_early);
* Testing the Base64 and ASN1 verifiers.
* Start by loading the private key object, then do a mini fuzz test.
* The goal is to verify that the decoding returns something correct,
* even in presence of errors.
size_t ptls_minicrypto_asn1_decode_private_key(
ptls_asn1_pkcs8_private_key_t * pkey,
int * decode_error, ptls_minicrypto_log_ctx_t * log_ctx);
int openPemTest(char const * filename)
ptls_iovec_t buf = { 0 };
size_t count = 1;
size_t fuzz_index = 0;
uint8_t original_byte = 0;
uint8_t fuzz_byte = 0xAA;
size_t byte_index = 0;
int decode_error;
int ret = ptls_load_pem_objects(filename, "PRIVATE KEY", &buf, 1, &count);
if (ret == 0)
for (fuzz_index = 0; ret == 0 && fuzz_index < buf.len; fuzz_index++)
ptls_asn1_pkcs8_private_key_t pkey = { {0} };
original_byte = buf.base[fuzz_index];
decode_error = 0;
buf.base[fuzz_index] ^= fuzz_byte;
pkey.vec.base = buf.base;
pkey.vec.len = buf.len;
byte_index = ptls_minicrypto_asn1_decode_private_key(
&pkey, &decode_error, NULL);
if (decode_error != 0)
if (decode_error == 1)
ret = -1;
buf.base[fuzz_index] = original_byte;
if (buf.base != NULL)
return ret;
* Using the open ssl library to load the test certificate
X509* openPemFile(char* filename)
X509* cert = X509_new();
BIO* bio_cert = BIO_new_file(filename, "rb");
PEM_read_bio_X509(bio_cert, &cert, NULL, NULL);
return cert;
int get_certificates(char * pem_fname, ptls_iovec_t ** list, int * nb_certs)
int ret = 0;
size_t count = 0;
X509 *cert;
static ptls_iovec_t certs[16];
*nb_certs = 0;
*list = NULL;
cert = openPemFile(pem_fname);
if (cert == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read cert in %s\n", pem_fname);
ret = -1;
ptls_iovec_t *dst = certs + count++;
dst->len = i2d_X509(cert, &dst->base);
*nb_certs = (int) count;
*list = certs;
return ret;
void SetSignCertificate(char const * keypem, ptls_context_t * ctx)
static ptls_openssl_sign_certificate_t signer;
EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
BIO* bio_key = BIO_new_file(keypem, "rb");
PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio_key, &pkey, NULL, NULL);
ptls_openssl_init_sign_certificate(&signer, pkey);
ctx->sign_certificate = &signer.super;
int handshake_init(ptls_t * tls, ptls_buffer_t * sendbuf, ptls_handshake_properties_t * ph_prop)
size_t inlen = 0, roff = 0;
ptls_buffer_init(sendbuf, "", 0);
int ret = ptls_handshake(tls, sendbuf, NULL, NULL, ph_prop);
return ret;
int handshake_progress(ptls_t * tls, ptls_buffer_t * sendbuf, ptls_buffer_t * recvbuf, ptls_handshake_properties_t * ph_prop)
size_t inlen = 0, roff = 0;
int ret = 0;
ptls_buffer_init(sendbuf, "", 0);
/* Provide the data */
while (roff < recvbuf->off && (ret == 0 || ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS))
inlen = recvbuf->off - roff;
ret = ptls_handshake(tls, sendbuf, recvbuf->base + roff, &inlen, ph_prop);
roff += inlen;
if (roff < recvbuf->off)
// Could not consume all the data. This is bad.
fprintf(stderr, "Could only process %d bytes out of %d\n", (int) roff, (int) recvbuf->off);
return ret;
Verify the secret extraction functionality
at the end of the handshake.
int extract_1rtt_secret(
ptls_t *tls, const char *label,
ptls_cipher_suite_t ** cipher,
uint8_t * secret, size_t secret_max)
int ret = 0;
*cipher = ptls_get_cipher(tls);
if (*cipher == NULL)
ret = -1;
else if ((*cipher)->hash->digest_size > secret_max)
ret = -1;
ret = ptls_export_secret(tls, secret, (*cipher)->hash->digest_size,
label, ptls_iovec_init(NULL, 0), 1);
return 0;
int verify_1rtt_secret_extraction(ptls_t *tls_client, ptls_t *tls_server)
int ret = 0;
ptls_cipher_suite_t * cipher_client;
ptls_cipher_suite_t * cipher_server;
uint8_t secret_client[64];
uint8_t secret_server[64];
char const * label = "This is just a test";
ret = extract_1rtt_secret(tls_client, label, &cipher_client,
secret_client, sizeof(secret_client));
if (ret != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot extract client 1RTT secret, ret=%d\n", ret);
ret = extract_1rtt_secret(tls_server, label, &cipher_server,
secret_server, sizeof(secret_server));
if (ret != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot extract client 1RTT secret, ret=%d\n", ret);
if (ret == 0)
if (strcmp(cipher_client->aead->name, cipher_server->aead->name) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "AEAD differ, client:%s, server:%s\n",
cipher_client->aead->name, cipher_server->aead->name);
ret = -1;
else if (cipher_client->hash->digest_size != cipher_server->hash->digest_size)
fprintf(stderr, "Key length differ, client:%d, server:%d\n",
(int) cipher_client->hash->digest_size, (int) cipher_server->hash->digest_size);
ret = -1;
else if (memcmp(secret_client, secret_server, cipher_client->hash->digest_size) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Key of client and server differ!\n");
ret = -1;
return ret;
X509_STORE * openssl_init_cert_store(char const * crt_file)
int ret = 0;
X509_STORE *store = X509_STORE_new();
if (store != NULL) {
X509_LOOKUP *lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_file());
ret = X509_LOOKUP_load_file(lookup, crt_file, X509_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (ret != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load store (%s), ret = %d\n",
crt_file, ret);
return store;
int openssl_init_test_client(ptls_context_t *ctx_client, char const * crt_file)
int ret = 0;
static ptls_openssl_verify_certificate_t verifier;
X509_STORE *store = NULL;
/* Initialize the client context */
memset(ctx_client, 0, sizeof(ptls_context_t));
ctx_client->random_bytes = ptls_openssl_random_bytes;
ctx_client->get_time = &ptls_get_time;
ctx_client->key_exchanges = ptls_openssl_key_exchanges;
ctx_client->cipher_suites = ptls_openssl_cipher_suites;
ptls_openssl_init_verify_certificate(&verifier, openssl_init_cert_store(crt_file));
ctx_client->verify_certificate = &verifier.super;
return ret;
int openssl_init_test_server(ptls_context_t *ctx_server,
char const * key_file, char const * cert_file)
int ret = 0;
/* Initialize the server context */
memset(ctx_server, 0, sizeof(ptls_context_t));
ctx_server->random_bytes = ptls_openssl_random_bytes;
ctx_server->get_time = &ptls_get_time;
ctx_server->key_exchanges = ptls_openssl_key_exchanges;
ctx_server->cipher_suites = ptls_openssl_cipher_suites;
ret = ptls_load_certificates(ctx_server, cert_file);
if (ret != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read the server certificates\n");
SetSignCertificate(key_file, ctx_server);
return ret;
int minicrypto_init_test_client(ptls_context_t *ctx_client)
int ret = 0;
/* Initialize the client context */
memset(ctx_client, 0, sizeof(ptls_context_t));
ctx_client->random_bytes = ptls_minicrypto_random_bytes;
ctx_client->get_time = &ptls_get_time;
ctx_client->key_exchanges = ptls_minicrypto_key_exchanges;
ctx_client->cipher_suites = ptls_minicrypto_cipher_suites;
ctx_client->verify_certificate = NULL; // &verifier.super;
return ret;
int minicrypto_init_test_server(ptls_context_t *ctx_server, char const * key_file, char const * cert_file)
int ret = 0;
/* Initialize the server context */
memset(ctx_server, 0, sizeof(ptls_context_t));
ctx_server->random_bytes = ptls_minicrypto_random_bytes;
ctx_server->get_time = &ptls_get_time;
ctx_server->key_exchanges = ptls_minicrypto_key_exchanges;
ctx_server->cipher_suites = ptls_minicrypto_cipher_suites;
ret = ptls_load_certificates(ctx_server, cert_file);
if (ret != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read the server certificates\n");
ret = ptls_minicrypto_load_private_key(ctx_server, key_file);
return ret;
static uint8_t testExtensionClient[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
static uint8_t testExtensionServer[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
char const test_sni[] = "";
char const test_alpn[] = "picotls";
static const ptls_iovec_t proposed_alpn[] = {
{ (uint8_t *) "grease", 6},
{ (uint8_t *)test_alpn, sizeof(test_alpn) -1 }
struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t
int client_mode;
size_t received_extension_length;
uint8_t received_extension[16];
ptls_raw_extension_t ext[2];
ptls_handshake_properties_t handshake_properties;
int collect_test_extension(ptls_t *tls, struct st_ptls_handshake_properties_t *properties, uint16_t type)
void set_test_extensions(ptls_raw_extension_t ext[2], uint8_t * data, size_t len)
ext[0].data.base = data;
ext[0].data.len = len;
ext[1].type = 0xFFFF;
ext[1].data.base = NULL;
ext[1].data.len = 0;
int collected_test_extensions(ptls_t *tls, ptls_handshake_properties_t *properties,
ptls_raw_extension_t *slots)
struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t * ctx = (struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t *)
((char *)properties - offsetof(struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t, handshake_properties));
if (slots[0].type == PICOTLS_VS_TEST_EXTENSION && slots[1].type == 0xFFFF)
ctx->received_extension_length = slots[0].data.len;
memcpy(ctx->received_extension, slots[0].data.base,
(slots[0].data.len < sizeof(ctx->received_extension)) ?
slots[0].data.len : sizeof(ctx->received_extension));
if (ctx->client_mode == 0)
properties->additional_extensions = ctx->ext;
set_test_extensions(ctx->ext, testExtensionServer, sizeof(testExtensionServer));
return 0;
int client_hello_call_back(ptls_on_client_hello_t *on_hello_cb_ctx, ptls_t *tls,
ptls_on_client_hello_parameters_t *params)
/* Save the server name */
ptls_set_server_name(tls, (const char *)params->server_name.base, params->server_name.len);
/* Check the ALPN */
for (size_t i = 0; i < params->negotiated_protocols.count; i++)
if (params->negotiated_protocols.list[i].len == sizeof(test_alpn) - 1 &&
memcmp(params->negotiated_protocols.list[i].base, test_alpn, sizeof(test_alpn) - 1) == 0)
ptls_set_negotiated_protocol(tls, test_alpn, sizeof(test_alpn) - 1);
return 0;
void set_handshake_context(struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t * ctx, int client_mode)
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t));
if ((ctx->client_mode = client_mode) != 0)
ctx->handshake_properties.client.negotiated_protocols.list = proposed_alpn;
ctx->handshake_properties.client.negotiated_protocols.count =
sizeof(proposed_alpn) / sizeof(ptls_iovec_t);
ctx->handshake_properties.additional_extensions = ctx->ext;
set_test_extensions(ctx->ext, testExtensionClient, sizeof(testExtensionClient));
ctx->handshake_properties.collect_extension = collect_test_extension;
ctx->handshake_properties.collected_extensions = collected_test_extensions;
int verify_handshake_extension(struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t * app_ctx_client,
struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t *app_ctx_server)
int ret = 0;
if (app_ctx_server->received_extension_length == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Server did not receive the client extension.\n");
ret = -1;
else if (app_ctx_server->received_extension_length != sizeof(testExtensionClient) ||
memcmp(app_ctx_server->received_extension, testExtensionClient, sizeof(testExtensionClient)))
fprintf(stderr, "Server did not correctly receive the client extension.\n");
ret = -1;
else if (app_ctx_client->received_extension_length == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Client did not receive the server extension.\n");
ret = -1;
else if (app_ctx_client->received_extension_length != sizeof(testExtensionServer) ||
memcmp(app_ctx_client->received_extension, testExtensionServer, sizeof(testExtensionServer)))
fprintf(stderr, "Client did not correctly receive the server extension.\n");
ret = -1;
return ret;
int ptls_memory_loopback_test(int openssl_client, int openssl_server, char const * key_file, char const * cert_file)
ptls_context_t ctx_client, ctx_server;
ptls_t *tls_client = NULL, *tls_server = NULL;
int ret = 0;
ptls_buffer_t client_buf, server_buf;
struct st_picotls_vs_test_context_t app_ctx_client, app_ctx_server;
ptls_on_client_hello_t client_hello_cb;
/* init the contexts */
if (ret == 0 && openssl_client)
ret = openssl_init_test_client(&ctx_client, PICOTLS_CERT_STORE);
ret = minicrypto_init_test_client(&ctx_client);
if (ret == 0 && openssl_server)
ret = openssl_init_test_server(&ctx_server, key_file, cert_file);
ret = minicrypto_init_test_server(&ctx_server, key_file, cert_file);
/* Create the connections */
if (ret == 0)
tls_client = ptls_new(&ctx_client, 0);
tls_server = ptls_new(&ctx_server, 1);
if (tls_server == NULL || tls_client == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create the TLS connection objects\n");
ret = -1;
/* Perform the handshake */
if (ret == 0)
int nb_rounds = 0;
set_handshake_context(&app_ctx_client, 1);
set_handshake_context(&app_ctx_server, 0);
client_hello_cb.cb = client_hello_call_back;
ctx_server.on_client_hello = &client_hello_cb;
ptls_set_server_name(tls_client, test_sni, sizeof(test_sni) - 1);
ret = handshake_init(tls_client, &client_buf,
printf("First message from client, ret = %d, %d bytes.\n", ret, (int);
while ((ret == 0 || ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) && > 0 && nb_rounds < 12)
ret = handshake_progress(tls_server, &server_buf, &client_buf,
app_ctx_server.handshake_properties.additional_extensions = NULL;
printf("Message from server, ret = %d, %d bytes.\n", ret, (int);
if ((ret == 0 || ret == PTLS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) && > 0)
app_ctx_client.handshake_properties.additional_extensions = NULL;
ret = handshake_progress(tls_client, &client_buf, &server_buf,
printf("Message from client, ret = %d, %d bytes.\n", ret, (int);
printf("Exit handshake after %d rounds, ret = %d.\n", nb_rounds, ret);
if (ret == 0)
ret = verify_1rtt_secret_extraction(tls_client, tls_server);
if (ret == 0)
printf("Key extracted and matches!\n");
if (ret == 0)
ret = verify_handshake_extension(&app_ctx_client, &app_ctx_server);
if (ret == 0)
printf("Extensions received and match!\n");
if (ret == 0)
const char * sni_received = ptls_get_server_name(tls_server);
if (sni_received == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Server did not receive the SNI set by the client\n");
ret = -1;
else if (strcmp(sni_received, test_sni) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Server receives SNI: <%s>, does not match <%s>\n",
sni_received, test_sni);
ret = -1;
if (ret == 0)
const char * alpn_received = ptls_get_negotiated_protocol(tls_server);
if (alpn_received == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Server did not negotiate ALPN\n");
ret = -1;
else if (strcmp(alpn_received, test_alpn) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Server receives ALPN: <%s>, does not match <%s>\n",
alpn_received, test_alpn);
ret = -1;
if (ret == 0)
printf("SNI and ALPN match.\n");
if (tls_client != NULL)
if (tls_server != NULL)
if (openssl_server == 0 && ctx_server.sign_certificate != NULL)
return ret;
static char const * test_keys[] = {
static const size_t nb_test_keys = sizeof(test_keys) / sizeof(char const *);
int main()
int ret = 0;
#if 1
/* TODO: move to ASN.1 unit test*/
for (size_t i = 0; ret == 0 && i < nb_test_keys; i++)
ret = openPemTest(test_keys[i]);
if (ret == 0)
printf("\nStarting the RSA test with OpenSSL\n");
ret = ptls_memory_loopback_test(1, 1, "key.pem", "cert.pem");
if (ret == 0)
printf("\nStarting the P256R1 test with OpenSSL\n");
ret = ptls_memory_loopback_test(1, 1, "ec_key.pem", "ec_cert.pem");
if (ret == 0)
printf("\nStarting the P256R1 test with OpenSSL server and Minicrypto client\n");
ret = ptls_memory_loopback_test(0, 1, "ec_key.pem", "ec_cert.pem");
if (ret == 0)
printf("\nStarting the P256R1 test with Minicrypto\n");
ret = ptls_memory_loopback_test(0, 0, "ec_key.pem", "ec_cert.pem");
if (ret == 0)
printf("\nStarting the P256R1 test with Minicrypto server and OpenSSL client\n");
ret = ptls_memory_loopback_test(1, 0, "ec_key.pem", "ec_cert.pem");
return ret;