The Bazel build system, is designed to be fast and correct. Nanopb provides a set of plugins for the Bazel build system allowing Nanopb to be integrated into the build.
Add the following to your MODULE.bazel file.
# MODULE.bazel bazel_dep(name = "nanopb", version = "0.4.9") git_override( module_name = "nanopb", remote = "", commit = "<commit>", )
To use the Nanopb rules with in your build you can use the cc_nanopb_proto_library
which works in a similar way to the native cc_proto_library
# BUILD.bazel load("@nanopb//extra/bazel:nanopb_cc_proto_library.bzl", "cc_nanopb_proto_library") # Your native proto_library. proto_library( name = "descriptor", srcs = [ "generator/proto/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto", ], ) # Generated library. cc_nanopb_proto_library( name = "descriptor_nanopb", protos = [":descriptor"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) # Depend directly on the generated code using a cc_library. cc_library( name = "uses_generated_descriptors", deps = [":descriptor_nanopb"], hdrs = ["my_header.h"], )
If you have a custom nanopb options file, use the nanopb_options_files
argument shown below.
# Generated library with options. cc_nanopb_proto_library( name = "descriptor_nanopb", protos = [":descriptor"], nanopb_options_files = ["descriptor.options"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], )