| Nanopb - Protocol Buffers for Embedded Systems |
| ============================================== |
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| Nanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is |
| especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory |
| restricted system. |
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| * **Homepage:** https://jpa.kapsi.fi/nanopb/ |
| * **Git repository:** https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb/ |
| * **Documentation:** https://jpa.kapsi.fi/nanopb/docs/ |
| * **Forum:** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nanopb |
| * **Stable version downloads:** https://jpa.kapsi.fi/nanopb/download/ |
| * **Pre-release binary packages:** https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb/actions/workflows/binary_packages.yml |
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| Using the nanopb library |
| ------------------------ |
| To use the nanopb library, you need to do two things: |
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| 1. Compile your .proto files for nanopb, using `protoc`. |
| 2. Include *pb_encode.c*, *pb_decode.c* and *pb_common.c* in your project. |
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| The easiest way to get started is to study the project in "examples/simple". |
| It contains a Makefile, which should work directly under most Linux systems. |
| However, for any other kind of build system, see the manual steps in |
| README.txt in that folder. |
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| Generating the headers |
| ---------------------- |
| Protocol Buffers messages are defined in a `.proto` file, which follows a standard |
| format that is compatible with all Protocol Buffers libraries. To use it with nanopb, |
| you need to generate `.pb.c` and `.pb.h` files from it: |
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| python generator/nanopb_generator.py myprotocol.proto # For source checkout |
| generator-bin/nanopb_generator myprotocol.proto # For binary package |
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| (Note: For instructions for nanopb-0.3.9.x and older, see the documentation |
| of that particular version [here](https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb/blob/maintenance_0.3/README.md)) |
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| The binary packages for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X should contain all necessary |
| dependencies, including Python, python-protobuf library and protoc. If you are |
| using a git checkout or a plain source distribution, you will need to install |
| Python separately. Once you have Python, you can install the other dependencies |
| with `pip install --upgrade protobuf grpcio-tools`. |
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| You can further customize the header generation by creating an `.options` file. |
| See [documentation](https://jpa.kapsi.fi/nanopb/docs/concepts.html#modifying-generator-behaviour) for details. |
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| Running the tests |
| ----------------- |
| If you want to perform further development of the nanopb core, or to verify |
| its functionality using your compiler and platform, you'll want to run the |
| test suite. The build rules for the test suite are implemented using Scons, |
| so you need to have that installed (ex: `sudo apt install scons` or `pip install scons`). |
| To run the tests: |
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| cd tests |
| scons |
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| This will show the progress of various test cases. If the output does not |
| end in an error, the test cases were successful. |
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| Note: Mac OS X by default aliases 'clang' as 'gcc', while not actually |
| supporting the same command line options as gcc does. To run tests on |
| Mac OS X, use: `scons CC=clang CXX=clang++`. Same way can be used to run |
| tests with different compilers on any platform. |
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| For embedded platforms, there is currently support for running the tests |
| on STM32 discovery board and [simavr](https://github.com/buserror/simavr) |
| AVR simulator. Use `scons PLATFORM=STM32` and `scons PLATFORM=AVR` to run |
| these tests. |
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| Build systems and integration |
| ----------------------------- |
| Nanopb C code itself is designed to be portable and easy to build |
| on any platform. Often the bigger hurdle is running the generator which |
| takes in the `.proto` files and outputs `.pb.c` definitions. |
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| There exist build rules for several systems: |
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| * **Makefiles**: `extra/nanopb.mk`, see `examples/simple` |
| * **CMake**: `extra/FindNanopb.cmake`, see `examples/cmake` |
| * **SCons**: `tests/site_scons` (generator only) |
| * **Bazel**: `BUILD.bazel` in source root |
| * **Conan**: `conanfile.py` in source root |
| * **PlatformIO**: https://platformio.org/lib/show/431/Nanopb |
| * **PyPI/pip**: https://pypi.org/project/nanopb/ |
| * **vcpkg**: https://vcpkg.info/port/nanopb |
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| And also integration to platform interfaces: |
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| * **Arduino**: http://platformio.org/lib/show/1385/nanopb-arduino |
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