Enable pairing for multiple devices (#3630)
diff --git a/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.h b/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.h
index a115288..1e7ec69 100644
--- a/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.h
+++ b/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.h
@@ -28,28 +28,23 @@
#pragma once
+#include <controller/CHIPDevice.h>
#include <controller/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <core/CHIPTLV.h>
#include <support/DLLUtil.h>
+#include <support/SerializableIntegerSet.h>
#include <transport/RendezvousSession.h>
#include <transport/RendezvousSessionDelegate.h>
#include <transport/SecureSessionMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
namespace chip {
-namespace DeviceController {
-constexpr uint16_t kPacketCacheMaxSize = 16;
+namespace Controller {
-class ChipDeviceController;
-typedef void (*NewConnectionHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, Transport::PeerConnectionState * state,
- void * appReqState);
-typedef void (*CompleteHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, void * appReqState);
-typedef void (*ErrorHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, void * appReqState, CHIP_ERROR err,
- const Inet::IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
-typedef void (*MessageReceiveHandler)(ChipDeviceController * deviceController, void * appReqState, System::PacketBuffer * payload);
+constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxActiveDevices = 64;
+constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxPairedDevices = 128;
class DLL_EXPORT DevicePairingDelegate
@@ -100,117 +95,57 @@
virtual void OnPairingDeleted(CHIP_ERROR error) {}
-class DLL_EXPORT ChipDeviceController : public SecureSessionMgrDelegate,
- public RendezvousSessionDelegate,
- public PersistentStorageResultDelegate
+ * @brief
+ * Controller applications can use this class to communicate with already paired CHIP devices. The
+ * application is required to provide access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
+ * is stored. This object of this class can be initialized with the data from the storage (List of devices,
+ * and device pairing information for individual devices). Alternatively, this class can retrieve the
+ * relevant information when the application tries to communicate with the device
+ */
+class DLL_EXPORT DeviceController : public SecureSessionMgrDelegate, public PersistentStorageResultDelegate
- friend class ChipDeviceControllerCallback;
- ChipDeviceController();
- ~ChipDeviceController();
- void * AppState;
+ DeviceController();
+ virtual ~DeviceController() {}
* Init function to be used when there exists a device layer that takes care of initializing
* System::Layer and InetLayer.
- CHIP_ERROR Init(NodeId localDeviceId, DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr,
- PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr);
- /**
- * Init function to be used when already-initialized System::Layer and InetLayer are available.
- */
- CHIP_ERROR Init(NodeId localDeviceId, System::Layer * systemLayer, Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer,
- DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr, PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr);
- CHIP_ERROR Shutdown();
+ CHIP_ERROR Init(NodeId localDeviceId, PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr,
+ System::Layer * systemLayer = nullptr, Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer = nullptr);
- CHIP_ERROR SetUdpListenPort(uint16_t listenPort);
- // ----- Connection Management -----
- /**
- * @brief
- * Connect to a CHIP device with the provided Rendezvous connection parameters
- *
- * @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
- * @param[in] params The Rendezvous connection parameters
- * @param[in] appReqState Application specific context to be passed back when a message is received or on error
- * @param[in] onConnected Callback for when the connection is established
- * @param[in] onMessageReceived Callback for when a message is received
- * @param[in] onError Callback for when an error occurs
- * @param[in] devicePort [Optional] The CHIP Device's port, defaults to CHIP_PORT
- * @param[in] interfaceId [Optional] The interface indicator to use
- *
- * @return CHIP_ERROR The connection status
- */
- CHIP_ERROR ConnectDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & params, void * appReqState,
- NewConnectionHandler onConnected, MessageReceiveHandler onMessageReceived, ErrorHandler onError,
- uint16_t devicePort = CHIP_PORT, Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId = INET_NULL_INTERFACEID);
+ virtual CHIP_ERROR Shutdown();
* @brief
- * Connect to a CHIP device at a given address and an optional port. This is a test only API
- * that bypasses Rendezvous and Secure Pairing process.
+ * This function deserializes the provided deviceInfo object, and initializes and outputs the
+ * corresponding Device object. The lifetime of the output object is tied to that of the DeviceController
+ * object. The caller must not use the Device object If they free the DeviceController object, or
+ * after they call ReleaseDevice() on the returned device object.
- * @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
- * @param[in] deviceAddr The IPAddress of the requested Device
- * @param[in] appReqState Application specific context to be passed back when a message is received or on error
- * @param[in] onConnected Callback for when the connection is established
- * @param[in] onMessageReceived Callback for when a message is received
- * @param[in] onError Callback for when an error occurs
- * @param[in] devicePort [Optional] The CHIP Device's port, defaults to CHIP_PORT
- * @param[in] interfaceId [Optional] The interface indicator to use
- * @return CHIP_ERROR The connection status
+ * @param[in] deviceId Node ID for the CHIP device
+ * @param[in] deviceInfo Serialized device info for the device
+ * @param[out] device The output device object
+ *
+ * @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error code.
- [[deprecated("Available until Rendezvous is implemented")]] CHIP_ERROR
- ConnectDeviceWithoutSecurePairing(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const Inet::IPAddress & deviceAddr, void * appReqState,
- NewConnectionHandler onConnected, MessageReceiveHandler onMessageReceived,
- ErrorHandler onError, uint16_t devicePort = CHIP_PORT,
- Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId = INET_NULL_INTERFACEID);
+ CHIP_ERROR GetDevice(NodeId deviceId, const SerializedDevice & deviceInfo, Device ** device);
* @brief
- * Disconnect from a connected device
+ * This function is similar to the other GetDevice object, except it reads the serialized object from
+ * the persistent storage.
- * @return CHIP_ERROR If the device was disconnected successfully
+ * @param[in] deviceId Node ID for the CHIP device
+ * @param[out] device The output device object
+ *
+ * @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error code.
- CHIP_ERROR DisconnectDevice();
+ CHIP_ERROR GetDevice(NodeId deviceId, Device ** device);
- /**
- * @brief
- * Check if there's an active connection
- *
- * @return bool If there is an active connection
- */
- bool IsConnected() const;
- /**
- * @brief
- * Check if the connection is active and security context is established
- *
- * @return bool If the connection is active and security context is established
- */
- bool IsSecurelyConnected() const;
- /**
- * @brief
- * Get IP Address of the peer if the connection is active
- *
- * @return bool If IP Address was returned
- */
- bool GetIpAddress(Inet::IPAddress & addr) const;
- // ----- Messaging -----
- /**
- * @brief
- * Send a message to a connected CHIP device
- *
- * @param[in] appReqState Application specific context to be passed back when a message is received or on error
- * @param[in] buffer The Data Buffer to trasmit to the device
- * @param[in] peerDevice Device ID of the peer device
- * @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
- */
- CHIP_ERROR SendMessage(void * appReqState, System::PacketBuffer * buffer, NodeId peerDevice = kUndefinedNodeId);
+ virtual void ReleaseDevice(Device * device);
// ----- IO -----
@@ -220,14 +155,6 @@
CHIP_ERROR ServiceEvents();
- // ----- Pairing -----
- /**
- * @brief
- * Set device pairing delegate after init, pass nullptr remove device delegate.
- * @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
- */
- CHIP_ERROR SetDevicePairingDelegate(DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate);
* @brief
* Allow the CHIP Stack to process any pending events
@@ -236,86 +163,142 @@
CHIP_ERROR ServiceEventSignal();
+ enum class State
+ {
+ NotInitialized,
+ Initialized
+ };
+ State mState;
+ /* A list of device objects that can be used for communicating with corresponding
+ CHIP devices. The list does not contain all the paired devices, but only the ones
+ which the controller application is currently accessing.
+ */
+ Device mActiveDevices[kNumMaxActiveDevices];
+ SerializableU64Set<kNumMaxPairedDevices> mPairedDevices;
+ bool mPairedDevicesInitialized;
+ NodeId mLocalDeviceId;
+ SecureSessionMgr<Transport::UDP> * mSessionManager;
+ PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorageDelegate;
+ Inet::InetLayer * mInetLayer;
+ uint16_t GetInactiveDeviceIndex();
+ uint16_t FindDeviceIndex(NodeId id);
+ void ReleaseDevice(uint16_t index);
+ CHIP_ERROR SetPairedDeviceList(const char * pairedDeviceSerializedSet);
+ //////////// SecureSessionMgrDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnMessageReceived(const PacketHeader & header, const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader, Transport::PeerConnectionState * state,
System::PacketBuffer * msgBuf, SecureSessionMgrBase * mgr) override;
void OnNewConnection(Transport::PeerConnectionState * state, SecureSessionMgrBase * mgr) override;
- void OnAddressResolved(CHIP_ERROR error, NodeId nodeId, SecureSessionMgrBase * mgr) override;
+ //////////// PersistentStorageResultDelegate Implementation ///////////////
+ void OnValue(const char * key, const char * value) override;
+ void OnStatus(const char * key, Operation op, CHIP_ERROR err) override;
+ System::Layer * mSystemLayer;
+ * @brief
+ * The commissioner applications can use this class to pair new/unpaired CHIP devices. The application is
+ * required to provide write access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
+ * will be stored.
+ */
+class DLL_EXPORT DeviceCommissioner : public DeviceController, public RendezvousSessionDelegate
+ DeviceCommissioner();
+ ~DeviceCommissioner() {}
+ /**
+ * Init function to be used when there exists a device layer that takes care of initializing
+ * System::Layer and InetLayer.
+ */
+ CHIP_ERROR Init(NodeId localDeviceId, PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr,
+ DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr, System::Layer * systemLayer = nullptr,
+ Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer = nullptr);
+ void SetDevicePairingDelegate(DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate) { mPairingDelegate = pairingDelegate; }
+ CHIP_ERROR Shutdown() override;
+ // ----- Connection Management -----
+ /**
+ * @brief
+ * Pair a CHIP device with the provided Rendezvous connection parameters.
+ * Use registered DevicePairingDelegate object to receive notifications on
+ * pairing status updates.
+ *
+ * Note: Pairing process requires that the caller has registered PersistentStorageDelegate
+ * in the Init() call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
+ * @param[in] params The Rendezvous connection parameters
+ * @param[in] devicePort [Optional] The CHIP Device's port, defaults to CHIP_PORT
+ * @param[in] interfaceId [Optional] The local inet interface to use to communicate with the device.
+ *
+ * @return CHIP_ERROR The connection status
+ */
+ CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & params, uint16_t devicePort = CHIP_PORT,
+ Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId = INET_NULL_INTERFACEID);
+ [[deprecated("Available until Rendezvous is implemented")]] CHIP_ERROR
+ PairTestDeviceWithoutSecurity(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const Inet::IPAddress & deviceAddr, SerializedDevice & serialized,
+ uint16_t devicePort = CHIP_PORT, Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId = INET_NULL_INTERFACEID);
+ /**
+ * @brief
+ * This function stops a pairing process that's in progress. It does not delete the pairing of a previously
+ * paired device.
+ *
+ * @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
+ *
+ * @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
+ */
+ CHIP_ERROR StopPairing(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
+ /**
+ * @brief
+ * Remove pairing for a paired device. If the device is currently being paired, it'll stop the pairing process.
+ *
+ * @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
+ *
+ * @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
+ */
+ CHIP_ERROR UnpairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
//////////// RendezvousSessionDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnRendezvousError(CHIP_ERROR err) override;
void OnRendezvousComplete() override;
void OnRendezvousStatusUpdate(RendezvousSessionDelegate::Status status, CHIP_ERROR err) override;
- //////////// PersistentStorageResultDelegate Implementation ///////////////
- void OnValue(const char * key, const char * value) override;
- void OnStatus(const char * key, Operation op, CHIP_ERROR err) override;
+ void RendezvousCleanup(CHIP_ERROR status);
+ void ReleaseDevice(Device * device) override;
- enum
- {
- kState_NotInitialized = 0,
- kState_Initialized = 1
- } mState;
- enum ConnectionState
- {
- kConnectionState_NotConnected = 0,
- kConnectionState_Connected = 1,
- kConnectionState_SecureConnecting = 2,
- kConnectionState_SecureConnected = 3,
- };
- System::Layer * mSystemLayer;
- Inet::InetLayer * mInetLayer;
- SecureSessionMgr<Transport::UDP> * mSessionManager;
+ DevicePairingDelegate * mPairingDelegate;
RendezvousSession * mRendezvousSession;
- ConnectionState mConState;
- void * mAppReqState;
+ /* This field is an index in mActiveDevices list. The object at this index in the list
+ contains the device object that's tracking the state of the device that's being paired.
+ If no device is currently being paired, this value will be kNumMaxPairedDevices. */
+ uint16_t mDeviceBeingPaired;
- union
- {
- CompleteHandler General;
- MessageReceiveHandler Response;
- } mOnComplete;
+ /* This field is true when device pairing information changes, e.g. a new device is paired, or
+ the pairing for a device is removed. The DeviceCommissioner uses this to decide when to
+ persist the device list */
+ bool mPairedDevicesUpdated;
- ErrorHandler mOnError;
- NewConnectionHandler mOnNewConnection;
- System::PacketBuffer * mCurReqMsg;
- NodeId mLocalDeviceId;
- uint16_t mListenPort;
- Inet::IPAddress mDeviceAddr;
- uint16_t mDevicePort;
- Inet::InterfaceId mInterface;
- Optional<NodeId> mRemoteDeviceId;
- SecurePairingSession mPairingSession;
- SecurePairingUsingTestSecret * mTestSecurePairingSecret = nullptr;
- SecurePairingSession * mSecurePairingSession = nullptr;
- DevicePairingDelegate * mPairingDelegate = nullptr;
- PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorageDelegate;
- System::PacketBuffer * mCachedPackets[kPacketCacheMaxSize];
- uint16_t mNumCachedPackets;
- void ClearRequestState();
- void ClearOpState();
- CHIP_ERROR EstablishSecureSession();
- CHIP_ERROR TryEstablishingSecureSession(NodeId peer);
- CHIP_ERROR ResumeSecureSession(NodeId peer);
- CHIP_ERROR CachePacket(System::PacketBuffer * buffer);
- CHIP_ERROR SendCachedPackets();
- void DiscardCachedPackets();
+ void PersistDeviceList();
-} // namespace DeviceController
+} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip