CHIP ASR Lighting Example

This example demonstrates the Matter Lighting application on ASR platform.

Supported Chips

The CHIP demo application is supported on:

  • ASR582X
  • ASR595X

Building the Example Application

  • Setup CHIP Environment

  • Setup toolchain for ASR582X,download gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major,then export ASR_TOOLCHAIN_PATH:

    export ASR_TOOLCHAIN_PATH={path-to-toolchain}/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin/

    for ASR595X,download asr_riscv_gnu_toolchain_10.2_ubuntu,then export ASR_TOOLCHAIN_PATH:

    export ASR_TOOLCHAIN_PATH={path-to-toolchain}/asr_riscv_gnu_toolchain_10.2_ubuntu-16.04/bin/
  • Setup Chip environment

    • for ASR582X:
      export ASR_BOARD=asr582x
    • for ASR595X:
      export ASR_BOARD=asr595x
  • Building the Application

    ./scripts/build/ --target asr-$ASR_BOARD-lighting build
  • The output image files are stored in the subdirectories under out, the subdirectory name is the same as the argument specified after the option --target when build the examples.

  • After building the application, DOGO tool is used to flash it to the board.


There are two commissioning modes supported by ASR platform:

BLE mode

  1. Build and Flash
  2. The example will run automatically after booting the ASR board.
  3. Restore factory settings using command recovery
  4. Commissioning with Chip-Tool

IP mode

  1. Build and Flash
  2. The example will run automatically after booting the ASR board.
  3. Restore factory settings using command recovery
  4. Connect to AP using command wifi_open sta [ssid] [password]
  5. Commissioning with Chip-Tool

Cluster Control

After successful commissioning, use chip-tool to control the board

  • OnOff Cluster

    ./chip-tool onoff on <NODE ID> 1
    ./chip-tool onoff off <NODE ID> 1
    ./chip-tool onoff toggle <NODE ID> 1
  • LevelControl Cluster

    ./chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 128 10 0 0 <NODE ID> 1
  • ColorControl Cluster

    ./chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-hue-and-saturation 240 100 0 0 0 <NODE ID> 1