tree: ee2da97e1dbf0d386b85794f2db6949206d203b2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. esp32_trace/
  2. json/
  3. multiplexed/
  4. none/
  5. perfetto/
  6. tests/
  7. backend.h
  9. log_declares.h
  10. macros.h
  12. registry.cpp
  13. registry.h
  14. tracing_args.gni

Matter tracing

This library provides a runtime-configurable tracing and logging infrastructure for matter.

Types of data


Tracing is mostly intended for following execution flow and measuring time spent for various operations. They are:

  • scoped where separate begin and end events are emitted or

  • instant where a single notable event is emitted, representing a point in time of a notable event

Tracing and instant values MUST be constant strings as some backends rely on that property for caching (e.g. pw_trace would do tokenization and perfetto marks them as perfetto::StaticString)

Data Logging

Data logging provides the tracing module the opportunity to report input/output data for matter data processing.

The data logging is generally limited in count and covers:

  • Messages, specifically sent matter requests and received matter responses

  • DNSSD operations as they are a core component of matter, specifically attempts to discover nodes as well as when a node is discovered or fails discovery.


Backends are defined by extending chip::Tracing::Backend in backend.h and registering it via functions in registry.h

Actual usage is controlled using macros.h (and for convenience scope.h provides scoped begin/end invocations).

tracing macros can be completely made a noop by setting ``matter_enable_tracing_support=false` when compiling.